24 May 2015 21:43:21
Not really banter and not sure if you're aware of it but there's an advert for the Irish sun newspaper on the site.

I appreciate every site needs it income, was just wondering if you were aware of it!

{Ed001's Note - no the ads are different depending on the user. We are trying to get more control over which show up, it is either that or we will be changing ad servers. So, if you could help us out when you see an ad like that by rightclicking on it and copying the url and sending it to us either through here or the contact form. I will either get them removed from our sites or we will change ad servers to someone who will allow us to block ads like that. I do need the URL to tell them which ones we don't wish to have though.}

1.) 24 May 2015
24 May 2015 21:51:38
It's not there at the moment which means it might have been a once off or them drinks I had earlier were a lot stronger than I thought they were!
Either way I'll keep an eye out and pass it on if I can!

{Ed002's Note - The trick is to stop Googling "Purple nippled exhaust queen seeks similar".}

2.) 24 May 2015
24 May 2015 22:01:55
When I first joined this site I thought it was coincidence that things I'd googled appeared in the ads because I thought we all got the same adds :-)
Its amazing just hoe stupid I can be at times :-)

3.) 24 May 2015
24 May 2015 22:13:25
The thing is I never go onto their site so not sure why that would show up?!
The fact I have an interest in purple nippled exhaust queens is irreverent!!