23 Aug 2017 10:37:12
Did I just read this right on Sky? Apparently Barcelona are struggling to sign Dembele because they think Klopp is interfering!

Does that mean;
1) we are trying to line up Dembele to replace couts perhaps? Or
2) Barcelona are willing to try anything to make Liverpool/ Klopp look bad to get Couts?

Either that or it's terrible journalism!

{Ed002's Note - I am not aware of any intereference in the potential transfer of Dembele, and if there were it would be show stiopping for Klopp on a personal basis. (1) Liverpool has no interest in Ousmane Dembele. (2) Barcelona don't need to do anything to get Liverpool and Klopp to look bad.

I would suggest it would be more likely that a recent note from Dortmund that they would ensure that Klopp's home which is let to Dembele is in the condition it should be would be issue here.}

1.) 23 Aug 2017
23 Aug 2017 12:05:01
I heard Klopp had let himself in with his spare key and was leaving post it notes all over the house saying "i'd love to have you at LFC"

2.) 23 Aug 2017
23 Aug 2017 12:47:23
🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's why I love this site. Thanks Ed002 and for the splendid work you do. I know some of us cheese you off at times but we love you 😘.