19 Jul 2024 12:35:54
Didn’t Hughes himself, in his only interview, say it was going to be more of an August transfer window for us do to the circumstances of this summer (tournaments, etc)? People are over reacting the spine of the team hasn’t even met the manager yet.
19 Jul 2024 13:15:44
Totally agree, Slot will have his own thoughts, we have some great youngsters who proved themselves last year. There’s no point in signing players for the sake of it. Sit back they know what they’re doing.
19 Jul 2024 14:48:43
Yes, but that will never sit well with most on here. They look around and see the other teams buying "new shiny toys" every week of the pre-season, and throw fits and accusations of incompetence in management at LFC. Most other teams have a coach/ manager already in place with an established structure. Ours has been stripped away from top to bottom (of the management), it needs to breath and acclimatise to the new environment. And new staff has to see the players. Fine, decisions may have been made, but every new regime wants to put its own stamp on a new place almost immediately. How long will Slot continue singing Klopp's praises and do things as Klopp would have wanted?
19 Jul 2024 16:52:56
If you went back 12 months, according to this very board, Inácio was the next “generational talent”. We didn’t sign him so we hear murmurs about the lad across Stanley Park. He, too, is the next “generational talent” but we go cold on him cos the bitters will never sell to us (or at least those of us born after 2002) who won’t remember Abel Xavier and who we signed him from. So on we go to Leroy Yoro, who, surprisingly, is the next generational talent. Now he’s gone and signed for our mortal enemy so it seems we are back to sassing out Inacio. ??? it’s no wonder some people tend to fret ….
By the way, how many generational talents can there be in on generation and how long does a generation last for now and can I search when the next one starts?
19 Jul 2024 18:03:53
WDW, to make your research easier, I suggest you look for both "generational talent" and "wonderkid". You'll have rounded up all possibilities. ?.
19 Jul 2024 18:42:35
22 years and counting since the last transfer between the two teams, the longest in history, so. You could say a transfer either way is due.
19 Jul 2024 18:52:48
De Light and Gvardiol were also the next best thing, until they weren't.
19 Jul 2024 19:48:15
A generation is the time gap between a parent and their child. So about 15-20 years tracks. I think there can surely only be 1 or 2 generational talents per generation though. That’s subjective of course but how are they generational if someone of similar ability crops up every year?
I’d argue there has only been less than 10 generational talents in the post war era. Puskas was the first I reckon. Then probably you had Pele and Best. Followed undeniably by Maradonna who was light years ahead of anyone in that generation if you speak to those who grew up in it. Then Zidane and Ronaldinho would be the first ones I got to see the back end of, and they also had a lot of crossover but most of the blokes between 25-40 will tell you they were the kings of that era. Lastly, of course, is Messi and Ronaldo who went head to head for about 20 years and everybody under the age of 25 will call them the GOAT’s.
If you’re not at that level where you’re head and shoulders above your peers to such an extent that you transcend debates on your ability, then you’re not generational in my opinion. And I don’t think you can decide who was the generational star (s) until after that generation has passed. That’s why I can’t help but laugh when I see players like Yoro given praise that I believe should be reserved for less than 10 people in living memory. Has there ever even been a generational talent at CB? Beckanbauer, Maldini and Hansen were the best of their eras. But were they generational? Not for me.
19 Jul 2024 19:53:55
True red AK
Heard the ev are putting a bid in for Virgil but not sure what thunderbird he actually was ?.
19 Jul 2024 21:09:02
Let’s be honest generational talents these days don’t hold a torch to the ones of the past.
Current players are pure athletes who abide by formations and tactics.
True talents of the past were just pure ballers and probably didn’t commit a single tactical press in their career ?.
19 Jul 2024 22:29:10
Every word MK has just said and JK too. Why would you want to harness such flair like Ronaldinho or Bestie anyway? World class and Generational talent is certainly an overused word for me.
19 Jul 2024 23:10:52
Not sure what it’s like in Milton Keynes Adam, but I’m pretty sure the rest of the country doesn’t have a new generation every 15 years or so. Don’t they have the electricity on at night or something? ?.
20 Jul 2024 07:00:14
I always thought a generation was 20 to 25 years. Generational in a sporting sense is just meaningless jargon that is meant to sound meaningful.
20 Jul 2024 08:22:15
Duncan Edward’s would have to be worth a shout as a generational talent. Shame he died so young.
20 Jul 2024 15:19:39
Gaza was the best of most generations.