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24 Aug 2024 11:25:47
Comments i've seen on this site about possibly signing Rabiot (paraphrasing):

1. I'd rather play Nyoni than sign Rabiot (that's a 17 year old with no senior starts)
2. Rabiot is a lazy lump
3. Rabiot is lucky he's had his career
4. Rabiot is slow and runs in circles
5. PSG and Juventus won all their trophies in spite of Rabiot
6. All 7 of Rabiot's managers that continuously picked him were over rated failures
7. If Rabiot signs it's a panic buy (even though our interest goes back 12 months)
8. If Rabiot signs we won't finish top 4
9. If Rabiot signs, Hughes should be sacked immediately
10. Rabiot is a bang average footballer who contributes nothing to his teams success
11. My Grandmother is better than Rabiot
12. Anybody could be successful next to Kante so Rabiot's international achievements mean nothing
13. Rabiot is the reason Juventus collapsed
14. We shouldn't sign Rabiot because of his mum
15. If we sign Rabiot I will kill myself

Do I even need to say anything after that last one? I'm seriously disturbed by the level of anger and hatred being directed at Rabiot on a daily basis. I've changed my mind. I don't want us to sign Rabiot anymore. I'd actually be concerned for his safety because this is not normal.

I'm out of this debate. Fire away.

Agree20 Disagree2

24 Aug 2024 11:39:39
That stuff pushes me in the opposite way MK. It makes me want us to sign Rabiot and for him to be really good, just to see anyone who complained about him pretend they didn't.

That aside, I have no strong feelings on signing Rabiot (cos I haven't seen him play enough) other than the fact we need a center half more.

24 Aug 2024 11:44:56
Seriously, number 15, someone said that?!

24 Aug 2024 11:46:54
I think most on this site and others have merely stated that Rabiot would not be their personal choice as centre mid. No one has said they will kill themself if he signs, lad. The views of a vocal minority do not represent the views of everyone, even though having a contrasting viewpoint will often cause friction and tension.

I also understand going to an extreme to prove a point, I have done it myself many times when I am frustrated, but it often derails any argument.

24 Aug 2024 11:50:01
I think he's a very solid and reliable player, don't understand where the vitriol is coming from to be honest. The only thing I will say about him negatively is that his wages are astronomically disproportionate to his ability. He's not the Ronaldo or Messi equivalent of the midfield world and he needs to realise that and bring his expectations down some, probably why he keeps being let go for free rather than any lack of ability, and also probably why many have a negative opinion of him. Personally I think he's a good player and wouldn't mind seeing him in a red shirt, if the price was right and if the squad was balanced enough with younger players going on loan so as to not impede their development.
All that said he's been pretty successful at getting teams to pay his wages so I doubt he will be coming to LFC.

24 Aug 2024 12:03:39
MK you start the debate by post all that nonsense from other posters then finish by saying am out of this debate. Put your wooden spoon away mate.

24 Aug 2024 12:06:00
I think you just about covered it all ??

Come on lads (and ladies) , it’s only football, banter is good ?.

24 Aug 2024 12:16:50
The lads been pure drama his whole career. Not quite Ballotelli level but not far off. Not a professional at all.
If he signs, let’s hope he’s finally grown up because he is undoubtedly a decent player.
Too many red flags for me, I wouldn’t go anywhere near him.

24 Aug 2024 12:21:16
Ive seen his youtube highlights. He is world class ;)

24 Aug 2024 12:22:51
“22 Aug 2024 12:30:02
I'd kill myself if we signed rabiot.


It’s still on the rumours page Kew and Mango. Might be page two or 3 by now, but easily located using the search function ??

Longthing, I posted it here because there was 2 or 3 threads and I didn’t want to post it twice. Others can continue the debate if they want, but I’m not adding anything else to it, until people calm down and stop acting like we’re interested in signing someone from Forest Green Rovers.

24 Aug 2024 12:23:00
Rabiot or his Ma? Big difference mate.

24 Aug 2024 12:45:07
That would be hilarious SR. I have no real views on Rabiot as I never paid much attention to the lad. It does seem a bit strange though if he is so bad how does he continually play for France.

24 Aug 2024 12:48:00
The vitriol doesn't exist. Half the stuff the OP has written is completely made up.
Read the original thread and you'll discern who is actually the 'angry' one.

24 Aug 2024 13:03:30
None of this 'seriously disturbs me' but I think Rabiot would demand huge wages if he were to join and would limit playing time for Nyoni, who I hope will be our break-through player this season.

24 Aug 2024 13:14:16
It’s certainly not made up mate. You’re sounding like Donald Trump “fake news”.

24 Aug 2024 13:15:05
All of this is pathetic! Grown men acting like complete idiots. You all need to grow up! It's only a game! Jesus, id hate to see what happens if it was something serious! This site has been toxic recently and I'm out until transfer season is over. Grow up.

24 Aug 2024 13:20:26
People comparing him to balotelli is just absurd, he’s been nothing but professional at every club he’s been at, it’s his mom that has been causing problems. I mean seriously do people even watch him play or follow his career? The hearsay just reaches incredible levels of incredulity.

24 Aug 2024 13:22:38
He's class.

24 Aug 2024 13:23:22
It’s unlikely we can sign top quality additions this late in the window so Rabiot makes perfect sense to me, we are low on numbers with the young fringe players moving on.

24 Aug 2024 14:16:53
Add this to the list. MK is Rabiots Nan.

24 Aug 2024 14:49:11
I think one of the more sensible criticisms against signing him is his wages. If he's seeking more than Salah, you can see why that would make him less desirable to fans as he's not going to be our best player. It needs to be remembered, however, that he's a free agent, he's going to have that big ol' signing on fee spread over his contract, which is going to artificially inflate his "weekly wage" that fans tend to concern themselves with.

At the end of the day, he's a very good player, he's had a very good career, the only issues he seems to have had are around his contract, and at the end of the day, that's his choice, I'm very surprised more high end players don't play the free agent market more often. If the club deems him worth it, he'll get all my support until there's a reason not to give him it.

24 Aug 2024 15:36:53
He’s 29 coming up 30 and is looking for a long contract and big pay day, rumours are £250/ 275k minimum a week for four years, a £15m up front payment to him and similar to that harridan of a mother of his, there is no way signing a player that old on that long a contract at that higher wage is sensible.

As for the player himself, he is slow and has the mobility of a tanker, every time I’ve seen him he looks lazy, typically doesn’t like chasing back after he loses the ball, as for ability he’s absolutely no better than anyone we have at the club and does not improve the starting 11.

Would absolutely stink of a panic signing at this stage, right up there with Arthur, Kabak and Melo.

If on one hand we’re saying that MZ was the only midfielder out there, that we were only looking at specialist number 6 of that profile (as that was what Hughes briefed the press), why then flip flop to a player who is nowhere near that “profile” and nowhere near a being a remotely decent number 6, but just a painfully mediocre box to box midfielder. Stinks of a recruitment team who have no idea what they’re doing, who have left it too late and have absolutely made a mess of the transfer window. Here’s hoping United sign him to save us from ourselves, as that is the traditional retirement home for 29 year olds looking for a big payday.

24 Aug 2024 15:51:32
MKS, Rabiot is not good enuff IMO. It is what it is.

24 Aug 2024 16:17:05
Rover, his ma is the cherry on top, he’s had multiple disciplinary issues all of his own making.
I’d worry about throwing a bad egg into a squad that’s relatively professional.

24 Aug 2024 16:17:50
Is his mom still his agent Viktor ?.

24 Aug 2024 17:38:06
“Run for it Marty” ?.

24 Aug 2024 21:44:08
Barakdee, you might not be disturbed but as somebody who has been to a funeral of a man (who I lived with for 3 years) who committed suicide, and having had counselling and medicated intervention for 2 years myself when I was in my early 20’s for severe depression, I find it very disturbing that somebody would even say that as a joke about their team signing a certain footballer. I think I need a break from this site to be honest as it’s really affected me. I’m appalled by the comment itself. I’m very disappointed in whichever editor decided to post it. And I’m now probably over reacting to others posting ridiculously overly negative things about Rabiot because that comment is playing on my mind every time. It’s a bloody game.

24 Aug 2024 23:25:24
I never said My grandmother is better than Rabiot, i said Ngolo Kante is freak of nature and that anyone would look a good midfielder playing with him. (Apparently you didn't get the tounge in cheek)

I never said those teams won those trophies in spite of him neither did Lowe or Oli, we said that if you take out Rabiot they are still likely to win those trophies.

I never said those managers are failures, they clearly are good managers especially Ancelotti that have won it all, but they had the best teams, the best budgets and not only that some of them teams and managers had the best refrees in their pockets too. Clearly you misunderstand the point or just twist words to suit your argument which is not okay. No one here would be happy if Zidane or Tuchel or Allegri were to manange us. These are managers who won when they had the absolute best teams, even though in Ancelotti's credit he managed to get Everton into the top 10. Which is impressive!

Every Top player who gets paid millions to train and play football is lucky, lucky they had people who believed in them and pushed them to become great. Rabiot is no exception although he is more lucky imo.

If we sign Rabiot i hope he is the most sucsessful signing ever. And i will cheer on every pass and tackle he makes. But i think he will be found out in the PL and sit on the bench until ultimately leaving on a free to make more money.

25 Aug 2024 01:23:45
Lol just another example of why I keep away for the vast majority of the transfer windows.

So during a transfer window.

It's funny really when I think of it, there's so many newcomers during a transfer window, people we don't see the rest of the year speaking absolute nonsense 9 times out of 10 because they've read some BS from some stupid so called writer on BBC etc.

We then have the vast majority of people throwing their toys out the pram because we didn't sign x player we wanted them to sign. I mean I do get it this time around because we've signed nobody lol but you get what I mean.

The snowflakes who can't handle a harsh comment. To you, I will say one thing. Welcome to the internet.

Good posters who suddenly change their views per transfer window.

I keep away because to be quite honest I find it boring all of the bickering.

Said it a million times and I'll say it again, I don't know how the eds read through all of this dross at times, especially of course during a transfer window. Posts get through, they are all different eds, some allow something others don't it is what it is but it did spark a debate so it kind of did it's job.

As for Rabiot? I hope to Christ we don't sign him, if we do I fear he'll score a winner for Utd against us. Keep well away lad please.

Anyway roll on the end of the window, I look forward to normality on here again.

25 Aug 2024 02:25:29
I've heard Rab's Ma is a bit of a GILF.
Ma Rab and Diaz's Dad would be like having The Sex Pistols in the Players' Lounge according to you lot! ?.

25 Aug 2024 06:59:06
MK I have personal tragedy in my family and life and for you to put your own personal trauma onto someone else over a comment that is clearly a hyperbole reaction as they desperately don’t want a player is outrageous. It was evidently a joke born out of a deep desire to not want the player. My observation of this site is there are too many traditionalists who always take some moral stance about “trusting the club” “give them time” “I want them to sign because of people’s reaction” etc is equally polarising. Do I trust the club? No I don’t, one title in 35 years is unacceptable for me when I feel there were occasions we could have capitalised and strengthened our position in the market and we chose to stay content.

25 Aug 2024 14:27:14
Mk take some you time and come back when you’re ready.



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