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13 Nov 2024 10:31:46
On the subject of coote Could we get the options of eds1,2 and eds25 please. The reason am asking all 3 is it will be interesting to see options of level headed fans that aren’t necessarily Liverpool fans as well.

{Ed025's Note - i can only speak for myself Longthing but i think Coote has pressed the self destruct button on his career mate, i do get a bit of what he said actually mate because lets be honest Klopp must have been a bit of a nightmare for the officials because he did rant and rave on the touchline, but so do a lot of managers and to make it so personal and racist about his heritage and the great people of Liverpool he definitely shot himself in the foot, it was disgusting what he said and i hope they throw the book at him..but no doubt the PGMOL will make an excuse for him because they are all as thick as thieves..

Agree1 Disagree24

13 Nov 2024 18:16:26
I’ve heard so many Media Outlets backing him. It’s unbelievable!
I genuinely believe if it wasn’t Liverpool he’d be sacked already and the apology would be out.
They hate us so much it’s crazy.

13 Nov 2024 18:32:14
I heard Scouse Liverpool supporters, yesterday, ringing up and defending him, LFC8. Hard to believe, but true.

13 Nov 2024 18:37:31
I think one of the worse things is where they said they hate scousers. Does that mean all or just Liverpool? Does it include Everton, Steve G when at Villa? How far does his feelings go?

Obviously everyone has personal feelings but like you say Ed025 this is it was disgusting what he said, and if he was was prepared to say that on video, then obviously doesn’t have the required common sense to be a referee and has lost the right to ref again at this level.

{Ed025's Note - i cant see any way back for him Squiresy, how can he say he hates Scousers? a scouser and he doesn,t know me!!, its such a generalisation and he is obviously a crank who has a lot of hate in his heart, i dont have 1 bit of sympathy for him mate..

13 Nov 2024 18:40:07
If he remains as a referee I would return to backing the breakaway league personally. I don't actually believe there's an agenda against the club but the line has to be drawn somewhere. Doing nothing after this would show that the relevant authorities really don't give a hoot and bring the whole profession into disrepute. Let's be honest he's never going to refund a game at A field ever again is he, and that's his own fault. He's made himself unemployable at the top level IMO I am afraid and all he needed to do was be quiet.

13 Nov 2024 19:01:57
What we can only do as fans is back up other clubs when this sh*t no doubt happens again. Even if its rival teams. I can take losing as long as its fair.

13 Nov 2024 19:12:49
Anyone seen the sky piece on the 6 decisions he has supposedly given us trying to suggest he isn't bias? 2 are contentious and the rest are clear. They've even included offsides which are black and white. 2 of them can be argued, the Jota one against spurs and the wolves one.

The thing for me is you can't prove bias, however he has allowed it to be a question. Therefore the game he is involved with cannot be deemed fair for either side. The other team would argue he would over compensate.

I still don't understand why he didn't just delete the video when he clearly knows it can't be shared. For his stupidity, he will likely lose his job.

{Ed025's Note - i friggin hope so WYred..

13 Nov 2024 19:15:13
Coote didn't say he hates Scousers, did he?

{Ed025's Note - his mate said "we hate Scousers" referring to the 2 of them Rigsby, and Coote never denied it i think that tells us all we need to know..

13 Nov 2024 19:20:58
Totally agree I’m not a scouser but I was offended by that!

13 Nov 2024 19:37:34
I think this has been blown out of proportion. Klopp wasn't the nicest of people on the touchline.
Maybe the fans need to take into consideration the abuse he's got from all teams fans.
We don't know what happened in his personal life around the time of the video. He could be having a bad day and let rip with his comments.
Let's not forget we have some vile fans and have said and done worse than the ref.
I say let him keep his job just keep him away from our great team games.

{Ed025's Note - there is playing devils advocate...and there is being a knob head Walter...the latter applies to you..

13 Nov 2024 19:40:19
This is the problem with society these days. We see something and take the bits that suit us and make up the rest to suit whatever agenda we are pushing.

Firstly can I say that what Coote said was a disgrace and his career should be finished. The fact he was stupid enough to be filmed saying it just points towards the guy’s stupidity.

But, he never actually said he hates scousers. His mate said at the end of the video ‘and we all hate scousers’.

Basically what we have here is a spineless moron who was trying to make himself look big in front of his mates. We also have have 2 other spineless morons, who turned out to be disloyal spineless morons egging him on and trying to drag as much derogatory language out of him about Klopp and Liverpool as they could for their own amusement and ultimately to destroy his career.

Why have we made that into some kind of racial issue? He probably just called Klopp a German because he is German. It doesn’t necessarily mean he hates all Germans and to suggest it does is just a sad indictment on today’s society and how everyone wants to be overly offended by everything.

I’ve ben called Scouse this and a Scouse that for my whole life. I’ve had people say ‘hide your wallets’ and ‘watch you car wheels your car will be on bricks’ etc etc. Do I really get all offended and start accusing people of hating all people from Liverpool and by extension from Ireland? Of course not because I’m not looking for offence in every word people say.

Now perhaps Coote is a xenophobic racist who hates Germans, Scousers and the Irish but how you can possibly come to that conclusion from that video is beyond me. Unless you are looking for something to be offended by.

He said Liverpool were sh@t and he doesn’t like Klopp because he’s arrogant. That’s enough for him to be sacked and never referee a top level game ever again but it doesn’t make him some kind of right wing Nazi!

{Ed025's Note - you do make some very good points there BP, i dont want it to become a witch hunt but what he said was unacceptable mate and a lot of people were deeply offended by it all, feelings are running high because of the language used want retribution...and personally i dont blame them..

13 Nov 2024 20:01:07
Well a new video tonight has surfaced showing him snorting a “white powder” apparently during the Euros.

He’s toast.

{Ed025's Note - Beckers Pecker and Rome have sid the could see a Barrets sherbet packet on the floor in that video dont jump to conclusions mate.. :)

13 Nov 2024 20:08:29
Good post, Beckers.

13 Nov 2024 20:08:42
Probably just forgot to put sugar in his tea, Wassa.

13 Nov 2024 20:20:38
Ed025, that’s what I read from his silence when his mate said that. It’s evidently his view. I don’t tho n enough is made of his response either. To come out and try to make out it was a fake only to then admit it was real shows how dishonest and what a complete lack of integrity he has. He should be finished and good riddance.

{Ed025's Note - absolutely VV, the beautiful game is not that beautiful when you have pricks like him in it mate..

13 Nov 2024 20:24:11
Good one, Ed025! I've also posted that Cootes is finished, just for Balance!

{Ed025's Note - just trying to lighten things up Rome, its all getting a bit heavy now mate..

13 Nov 2024 20:31:20
He’s apparently been laying into Everton and Andy Robbo too so it’s definitely a scouse problem he has, and obviously a clear bias against Liverpool with his decisions that cost us titles.

13 Nov 2024 20:31:36
Fair play to you, Ed025. Hope you're well, mate.

{Ed025's Note - yeah im good thanks too i hope mate..

13 Nov 2024 21:09:34
I think we missing the most important point on this which is cootes officiating in lfc games and games involving man city when we going toe to toe for titles with them. pickford tackle on vvd going unpunished, rodri handball against Everton, odegaard handball at anfield. These 3 calamitous decisions that even the most anti lfc fan would admit where stone wallers. What he has said has only made himself look a complete and utter twat, not annoy me at all . it's his actions on the field which is the problem.

13 Nov 2024 21:15:25
I’m not saying that what he said was acceptable Ed25 I’ve said time and time again it was totally unacceptable and he should be sacked.

I just hate the way that in today’s society too many people want to jump on every syllable and claim it’s some kind of discrimination. Perhaps it is and I’m being naive but I just don’t see the world that way.

Some people will be deeply offended by what he said because in my opinion they want to be. They are actively looking for a reason to be offended.

We are being brainwashed constantly in the media, social media especially to look for reasons to divide us and when someone says anything that even one person thinks is offensive it’s blown up like the person is a racist bigot.

Was it Ricky Gervais that said ‘how arrogant do you have to be to expect to go through your whole life without ever being offended’. Something I totally agree with.

Some people get offended, so what? It was meant to be offensive to Jurgen Klopp and wasn’t directed at anyone else. If someone other than Jurgen Klopp wants to be offended by that then that’s on them.

Sorry if that offends anyone.

{Ed025's Note - as i said BP i think some of your points are very valid, the thing is that it will effect people in different ways mate and who are we to judge how that makes different people respond?, it is a very woke society we live in i grant you but we cant tell people how to feel mate..

13 Nov 2024 21:37:31
But the thing is Ed people are constantly telling me how I should feel because I don’t conform to the woke agenda.

This is a very good example. Apparently I should be outraged because Coote called Klopp a German C&£t so he is quite obviously a xenophobic racist who hates all Germans. His mate said he hates scousers so obviously that means Coote hates anyone from Liverpool and because the word Scouse has its roots in Ireland that must mean he hates all Irish people too. If I feel any other way then I must be the same as him and run out of town.

It’s all just complete nonsense and non of it makes any sense to me.

{Ed025's Note - i dont think anyone of sound mind thinks you are the same as Coote BP, you may have different views on the situation mate and for me thats your perogative..

13 Nov 2024 21:41:25
@ed 25 I can see why you and others can be a little upset. I just see it as sticks n stones.
I am not one to hold a grudge and my upbringing and lifestyle would offer forgiveness.
Personally I think it's just easier to forgive and move on.

{Ed025's Note - sometimes things are just right or wrong Walter, this was just wrong mate..

13 Nov 2024 21:47:53
@ Beckers pecker I wish I could articulate as good as you. You basically summed up my feelings on the subject way better than my attempt.

13 Nov 2024 22:29:44
Beckers Pecker no one is asking you to be offended or outraged, but if you don’t think a line has been crossed then you’re deluded. He’s in a high profile position and you can’t say what he said, bottom line. If the term Scouse had been replaced with ethnicity, nation etc there’d be carnage. There’s a passiveness because of the Scouse comment. Furthermore calling Klopp a c**t, couldn’t care less what you think about him, you don’t do that. He needs removing as he’s brought his position into disrepute and there’s evidently a conscious or unconscious bias in his feelings.

13 Nov 2024 22:33:50
Cheers negative, glad I’m not on my own ?.

13 Nov 2024 22:47:44
I’ve never understood the lengths people go to apologise for classless, crass behaviour. Coote is a classless xenophobic moron who has set fire to his refereeing career by being caught being a classless xenophobic moron. If he gets sacked by PGMOL, it’s because they don’t want classless xenophobic morons on the payroll, as a colleague, as a representative of their org or influencing younger refs.

It’s not about being woke. When you run a company you still have to build and maintain culture and core values. It’s just normal leadership.

13 Nov 2024 23:04:10
The bloke saying "we hate Scousers" isn't Coote saying it. He might well do but he doesn't say it and the 'we' doesn't necessarily include Coote.
It's a well known chant and you can buy badges with it on. Liverpool fans used to sing "we all hate Mancs" but it doesn't mean we all do.
The bottom line is Coote doesn't say anything about Scousers. For me, it's all about Klopp, his nationality and Coote's appalling language.

13 Nov 2024 23:16:59
First and foremost, Cootie is a rat and should be sacked. Nothing less and nothing more, let him scurry off to the sewer where he belongs.

Secondly, BP you ain't alone mate. I'm sick to the high teeth of it myself, best not to conform ?. I will say one thing about the Scouse thing. Myself, like a lot of others are proud of where we are from. We are different than most, we band together. So we get up in arms when something like this is plastered all over the place, not necessarily an attack on the individual but more on the collective. doesn't mean we are offended, just have pride in our roots and won't have bell ends saying things like that.

14 Nov 2024 00:36:08
Wow. Pelican and Frode have you not read my posts? Or do you just see what you want to see?

I am not apologising or defending anyone. Coote definitely crossed a line with his comments, he’s a complete moron and a crap referee to boot. Good riddance to him they should’ve sacked him immediately.

My issue is with people trying to turn it into some kind of xenophobic or racist rallying cry.

Your comment Frode ‘if the word Scouse was replaced with ethnicity/ nation etc there’d be carnage’ sums it up perfectly. It wasn’t was it so what’s your point? It wasn’t racist but you want to be offended so you change the word?

If someone calls me an English c@&t am I now supposed to think that they hate all English people and brand them a racist? Come on guys what is the world coming to?

I don’t like Coote and I’ve never met Coote, I have no reason to defend him but I will stand up for what I think is fair and right. He should absolutely be sacked and banned from refereeing any top level football matches ever again. He’s in a very privileged position where impartiality is paramount to him being able to perform his role correctly. This video shows he has negative feelings against a manager, a team and a group of fans so his impartiality will now always be in question.

This video does not show that he’s a xenophobic racist. That part is a witch hunt where people are not satisfied with him losing his career, they want to completely destroy him as a person. That’s not fair and it’s not right and I refuse to be part of it.

14 Nov 2024 06:59:47
BP. What do u make of his decisions in matches involving lfc and it's rivals? That should b question u ask yourself.

14 Nov 2024 07:03:21
Wonder how many times coote has been sniffing sherbert before he officiates a game.

14 Nov 2024 07:31:46
I'm with you, Beckers.

14 Nov 2024 07:38:51
“Who’s that lying on the runway”

Put the persecution complex and hypocrisy to one side, we all live in glass houses and should just put the stones down.

14 Nov 2024 08:37:52
BP - one very simple question for you - if it is not xenophobic, why prefix the diss with “German”?

14 Nov 2024 10:07:52
Digger I do ask myself about the decisions on the pitch and if you just want to take his decisions that have gone against Liverpool in isolation such as the Rodri or Odegaard handballs then it looks like clear bias.

However that has to be balanced by looking at all of his games for all teams over a sustained period and highlighting all of his poor decisions to see if a pattern emerges. If that pattern shows he is leaning towards giving decisions that will hurt Liverpool we can claim bias. We can’t just pick out 3 or 4 decisions made over a 4 year period and say how hard done by we are. He might have made 7 or 8 poor decisions against another team but we don’t know because we haven’t bothered to look.

In my opinion he’s a crap ref and should never have been there in the first place based on ability alone.

FPF, he could have prefixed the derogatory word with German because Klopp is German. To go throwing around words like xenophobe and racist you need more evidence of xenophobia than him simply prefixing a derogatory word with a nationality in a drunken rant where he is being encouraged to criticise a person from that country.

We will never be able to highlight and punish true xenophobia and racism if we jump on every comment that someone makes where they include someone’s nationality and cry xenophobia. Where’s your proof? It’s circumstantial at best. If you can come up with more instances of where he treats all Germans with distain or people of other nationalities then I’m 100% with you. This video alone proves nothing.

This epidemic of people wanting to throw around words like xenophobe and racist is quite frankly scary. They are both absolutely disgusting things to be accused of so if you’re going to do it you should be damn sure that you have enough evidence to do so. Otherwise we will never weed out the true xenophobes and racists because we are too busy accusing everyone else.

Coote is a twat but to label him a xenophobe based on that video is way over the top, unfair and disingenuous in my opinion.

14 Nov 2024 10:48:29
BP, I ask again, why did Coote prefix it with German?

And if you still don't get it, what if he prefixed it with French, Chinese, Indian or African. Is it still the same?

14 Nov 2024 12:12:33
Fly you are once again being disingenuous. You know as well as I do that just because he prefixed a derogatory word with a nationality, regardless of which nationality it was that is not proof of someone being a xenophobe.

I’ll give you a different hypothetical scenario. You have an argument with someone in a pub. Words are exchanged as you are in each others faces.

After the dust settles you are sitting there with your mates and you frivolously say ‘next time I see that guy I’m going kill him’. Now you know you’re not actually going to kill him and all of your mates know that you are not actually going to kill him, you are just a bit drunk and mouthing off to your mates.

Next day the guy turns up dead. Would you, in this scenario say that the police should just bang your door down, arrest you, charge you with murder, find you guilty of murder and give you a life sentence just because you said to your mates ‘next time I see that guy I’m going to kill him’?

In your world it’s an open and shut case surely because every word you utter in drunken banter with your mates points to exactly what you are. In this case a murderer and in Coote’s case a xenophobic racist.

My point is you can’t go labelling someone as a xenophobe with the flimsy proof of his calling Jurgen Klopp a German c£&t as your sole piece of evidence. You have no idea how he treats other Germans or how he feels about other Germans you just don’t like the guy so you want to destroy him. That doesn’t sit well with me.

14 Nov 2024 12:42:15
BP - again you are completely missing the mark. This has nothing to do with the police or a crime. What a weird argument.

Coote explicitly prefixed his diss of Jurgen Klopp with his nationality. That completely changes the diss from c-word to German c-word. Coote used Jurgen's national label in a negative context to amplify the c-word. That is the definition of xenophobia.

You might need to have a little sit down, read and think, mate.

14 Nov 2024 12:48:36
BP, there's an interesting parallel there with Chelsea’s Sam Kerr calling a copper a ‘stupid white person’. I’m not 100% sure if the comparison is all that similar as one refers to race, the other nationality but it's another fine line between a simple adjective and an abusive statement.

14 Nov 2024 13:30:35
My opinion would be BP that he is biased against us and used his position to influence games with us.
Ref games hard job I know but with the help of var they shouldn't be getting the easy 1s wrong.
As regards other teams getting poor decisions, I can't think of 1 crucial decision that went against city when we competing with them, a vital that the difference in 1 pt or 3.if anybody can name 1 I stand corrected.
By the way what u say about the other stuff I tend to agree with u, if he calls me an Irish so and so I couldn't care less, his problem not mine. Mind u he mite get a slap?.

14 Nov 2024 14:24:11
No Fly you are completely missing the point and it sounds like there’s no point arguing with you. I get that he used the word German with negative connotation but that’s not enough to label someone as a xenophobe or racist (which is now a criminal offence btw) . Just as someone saying I’m going to kill him doesn’t make them a murderer. But whatever mate you’ve made up your mind and I’ll leave you to it.

Digger I know what you’re saying but I just think it’s too easy to pick out a few decisions and call it bias without looking at the full picture.

You could say that if he was that biased against Liverpool he would 100% have given a penalty to Villa when Konate clashed with Watkins. That was a prime opportunity for him to hurt Liverpool but he didn’t.

It’s also very difficult to prove bias unless we look at all of his decisions against all teams and recognise a pattern.

I’m really not trying to defend the guy I hope they throw the book at him but we need to be fair and balanced in our criticisms. There’s just to much conjecture and assumption going on trying to make out that this guy is the worst human being on the planet. Maybe he is but I personally need a little bit more evidence before throwing him to the wolves.

14 Nov 2024 15:31:48
You won't win the argument because you are wrong, BP. He made a xenophobic remark on camera by explicitly bringing his nationality into the insult. If the video is real, it is all the proof you need.

btw it is not a crime to be xenophobic. However, if it leads to harassment, discrimination or abuse, it can go legal.

Just offering you a perspective from outside the "what happens in the pub stays in the pub" banter.

14 Nov 2024 16:51:12
I'm with you BP, 100%. You make your point well. Let's just agree to disagree with those of a differing opinion. The one thing we have in common is we are supporters/ fans of LFC. Roll on Southampton.

14 Nov 2024 17:51:15
WDW asking people to put the stones away when you are consistently one of the first people on here to criticise any post not confirming to your precise beliefs is ironic at best and laughable at worst.

14 Nov 2024 18:48:27
Fly I might be wrong in your eyes but I’m not as judgemental as you are and I’m not about to vilify a person based on one thing he said which may or may not have meant what you seem so positive it meant. All this without knowing anything about him, his life, the situation he was in or allowing him to explain himself.

It must be so amazing to have never made a mistake or never said anything that could be construed as offensive to anyone. You’re my hero.

Anyway, Rome thanks for your support and you are exactly right. Let’s get back to football.

14 Nov 2024 18:55:23
Good points well made BP, can't say I agree with them all but u have articulated all v well.

15 Nov 2024 10:59:36
Line not only crossed but snorted.



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