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06 Jan 2025 13:53:26
I am still coming to terms with Liverpool committing the cardinal scene of not winning a game and ask that you respect my privacy and this difficult time.

As TAA spends his life sentence in the Tower of London, he should really have time to reflect about how he made the whole of humanity suffer.

Or in short - get an f ing grip! Not doing too badly for a team with 2 supposedly "needing replacing immediately " full backs (joint 2nd best defence in the league last I checked) .

Quoting the great Ricky Gervais
"We're all going to die one day, so chill out and enjoy the ride"

Agree6 Disagree0

06 Jan 2025 15:15:35
And Bill Hicks before him! Yep we are in a good place. I think the expectation that we were going to trounce United also hit most of us. All is ok don’t panic Mr Mannering!

06 Jan 2025 15:17:13
Why are some people content with losing points to a team we had to beat and mocking those who "over react"? We should of battered them, and needed the winning to continue if we have any chance of winning the prem this season. You absolutely cannot afford to drop any points at all in this league. That's what's so disappointing. Yes we're still doing well, but that's only comforting if we will win every single game till the end of the season, which clearly we will not. Another worrying trend which seems to plague LFC, is we are nearly always guaranteed to drop points at exactly the same time as our closest rivals. Lost count of how many times this has happened now over the last few seasons.

06 Jan 2025 15:31:26
Our issue mate is the fans are spoilt rotten because we're so used to getting it our way so when it doesn't go out way people throw their toys out of the pram.

Silly because we're doing very well, a sh*t game to be forgotten and we move on.

Good post mate.

06 Jan 2025 15:36:11
Inverted_DER, people need to get over this self-entitled, spoiled brat notion/ expectation that we should always batter Utd. I know majority of the fans don't think that and always consider it a tough game BUT it seems it is the minority (esp. of SM) who are the absolute loudest with these stupid OTT comments on SM competing about who can insult the players with the most obnoxious of things.

Anyone who knows anything about the history (recent or deep history) know our rivalry with Utd runs super deep. At no point have any of these games been easy. Even in the 7-0 game, we did not play well enuff to batter them with that score. It all kinda happened as we just took near every chance that came our way. Seriously, they need to grow up. A

As for us, Im over the result already. We are in a good place and frankly, everything is going to be fine. Just got to keep chopping that wood till we are able yell, "Timber"!, as they say in the States.

06 Jan 2025 16:21:01
I’m not sure what’s worse. The overreacting fans who show emotions or the emotionless fans who seem triggered by every opinion that isn’t theirs.

{Ed025's Note - i cant believe that a team who are 6 points clear with a game in hand, top of the CL and still in all the cups can have fans who moan at the slightest blip JK, we are near the bottom playing dire football and have a manager who is a negative plonker mate...and we still dont moan as much as your lot..

06 Jan 2025 16:40:40
I'm not content with yesterday's result. I'm more accepting that they can happen and will continue to happen.
Wwll also play well and batter teams again.

06 Jan 2025 16:43:11
Accurate summary 025.

{Ed025's Note - it beggars belief Flash..

06 Jan 2025 16:47:16
Ed0025 it’s the beauty of the site though mate it brings people back daily to discuss and debate. I’ll be honest I probably have a different opinion to 98% of people on here but I can’t fathom the ‘you’re not a proper fan or fake fan” brigade.

We’re the only club in the world where some self claim to be the best fans in the world and then say how bad some of our fans are.

So are we the best fans in the world or not ?.

I’d probably argue the majority of my mates who all support different clubs are far better fans of their club than me.

06 Jan 2025 17:24:02
Nail on head Ed025?.

{Ed025's Note - its hard to fathom Barry mate..

06 Jan 2025 17:27:17
Mention fans being triggered by others opinions and as quick as a ‘Flash’.

06 Jan 2025 17:36:47
We're all fans (apart from the attention seeking fans of other clubs), JK.
The disagreements between us are more about human nature than commitment to the club. We're all different and handle things differently.
At times, I come on here to have a moan, to criticise the team or the club in general and find myself doing the opposite ?. Maybe it's me being pedantic but when I read about us being disastrous, shambolic, a disgrace or continually being cheated, I can't help but respond.
And of course there is always banter to be had with fellow contributors.
We can wind each other up as we can followers of other teams.
We all want to be successful and we all want to be right but we can't always be both.

06 Jan 2025 18:45:02
"We're spoilt rotten", we have one Premier League title in over 30 Years. How's that split rotten and getting it our way?

06 Jan 2025 18:45:10
I'm similar to you, Rigsby. I often come on here to have a moan, mainly because I'm a moaning ol git. Because I missed out on a ticket yesterday, I spent most of the match on the chat, moaning about Trent and Nunez (even though he wasn't playing) . However, I like to think I am in the main rational. I keep saying I'm cherishing what we have at the moment, because we don't know how long it will last, but I'm certain it won't last forever, because nothing does.

06 Jan 2025 19:20:43
100% agree Rigsby.



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