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08 Jan 2025 09:11:14
Ed1 just a quick note to let you know I won’t be posting on the site anymore.

I’m getting fed up with the underhand tactics to get me to click on your adverts. 80% of the time I don’t get to the end of a post before the text box disappears and I inadvertently click on an advert so then have to start the post all over again.

Very clever from you but extremely frustrating for loyal users of your site. I don’t like being manipulated. If you want me to click on some adverts just ask.

{Ed001's Note - I haven't done that, cheeky get! If you are having a problem with them, as I keep telling people, tell us so we can get it looked at. It is not supposed to do that and we don't manipulate people. We have never done that and I am disgusted that you are such a prick you jumped to that conclusion rather than mentioned we have a problem. It is clearly true that we judge others by our own selves though, so I think it says more about you than me.

Instead of making nasty accusations, you could have mentioned it the moment it started. All it would have taken is one message in the contact form or like this explaining what you are using and when it happens and it can be fixed. Instead you act the big arsehole and throw a tantrum.}

Agree0 Disagree21

08 Jan 2025 09:23:58
Ed001 mines done it a few times recently mate but I honestly thought it was a problem with the I phone over the site itself as it doesn’t do it from my works laptop top.

{Ed001's Note - so that narrows down the issue to only happening on a phone, thank you JK.}

08 Jan 2025 09:35:23
A round of applause for customer service. I’ve mentioned the problem a couple of times but, oddly, the posts never made it onto the threads. Did that the posts were at odds with your opinions.

{Ed001's Note - I have never seen that at all. Nothing about it. If I had I would have told Ed33 there was a problem immediately as I have done now. In future there is a contact form on the site, you can use it to contact Ed33 directly. Adding the mention onto threads is harrdly the way to go about it, especially as so many posts of yours are just snide digs at other posters and get deleted. If it is on the end of something like that, it would have not even got read as the first bit would have put it straight into the bin. Perhaps if you had tried the contact form or a fresh post to mention an issue it would have reached me.

You are always welcome to go elsewhere if you have problems with the service you receive for the sum total of f all that you give.}

08 Jan 2025 09:42:08
Ed001 no worries mate. It doesn’t even happen that much from my phone anyways.

It happens every time I initially load onto a page (rumour, banter, discussion) but the advert comes up after like 30 seconds.

Easiest way round it is to wait for the advert and then close it and start typing a comment or reply as the advert doesn’t appear again unless I change page or refresh.

It’s hardly a deal breaker though. Lfc fans leaving because of new owners is one thing but leaving because there is an advert is a bit extreme ?.

I’ll be honest though I’ve had many a debate with BP on here and I hope he isn’t gone to long as i do enjoy reading his posts and the back and forth.

{Ed001's Note - ah so an ad loads up late and closes the text box then. Thank you for that detail and for giving a workaround out for others while we get it fixed.

I just don't understand why he felt the need to make an accusation like that. If it was all about the money, we would be flooding it with clickbait, not doing stuff like that. The editors don't even have the ads on our edit pages etc, which we could easily do if we were all about money as those edit pages are constantly opening and refreshing all day long. So we don't see issues with them.}

08 Jan 2025 09:54:17
Actually as I travel a bit i notice it is different in each country with the USA being the worst by far, Ireland and UK i find fine and Europe just a little worst.
Though I will say every site I visit in the US is a hardship with ads, most I give up on.
Not sure if that helps but thought I'd add it just in case.

{Ed001's Note - really? On our sites you mean? Or just in general?

08 Jan 2025 09:57:06
That’s bang out of order BP. It’s obvious when you read Ed001’s posts that he’s not that type of guy at all.

The whole feel of this site is different and always has been, I think that’s why so many people stay (and why it’s not for some, thank goodness) .

You can tell how much time and effort Ed001 puts into this site, it sounds like it’s pretty much full stop.

The Ads are needed to make the site viable. Give the guy a break, and appreciate how much he (and the other Eds) put into keeping this amazing site going.

Thanks ED001 (and all the other Eds) most of us on here really appreciate everything you do.

{Ed001's Note - thank you Footy. It is pretty much my life these days editing the sites. We have always tried to keep away from stuff like clickbait and try to just make the sites interesting, entertaining and informative. We don't keep email addresses because people accused us of selling them. We try not to store any info at all, so it can't even be stolen from us. We don't sell anything on. We just try and keep it as simple as possible so that it is easy for anyone to access and free to use. The ads are provided to us by an agency and sometimes there are issues with compatibility as Ed33 built the sites himself, rather than using a template.}

08 Jan 2025 09:57:48
Ed001 on mine the advert overlaps the text box and doesn’t close it so with it being touch screen and typing more often than not you hit it and it opens up fully.

I genuinely still believe it’s the phone though over the site mate.

{Ed001's Note - it could be a bit of both. What phone do you use?}

08 Jan 2025 10:06:30
Yes on as I check this site most days regardless of where I am. As I said perfect in Ireland and UK, pain in the ba kside in US, the video follows you down the page all the time leaving only a couple of posts available to read. I can close it but it starts again, plus the ads (like the big sports company ones) get bigger and bigger nearly taking a full page.
I'm heading back you US today, I'll screenshot some examples and stick them in 'Sightings', obviously don't post them ???.

{Ed001's Note - yeah thanks mate. I never knew that was even possible to have them different depending on where you are. I mean size and number. I thought you would just get different companies and ads when in another country. I will have to sit down and have a proper chat with the agency we use and ask exactly what is happening.}

08 Jan 2025 10:12:02
For what it's worth. I'm in South Africa and use a Samsung phone, and I've never had any issues with any ads.

{Ed001's Note - so it could very well be related to location then? Thanks JLC.}

08 Jan 2025 10:14:58
It's not a problem to me but what's the thing about snide digs?
It's a football banter site and we can have digs at each other and fans of other clubs, can't we? We don't all have to get agree and get on and not doing so keeps the discussions going and encourages new ones.
The Eds themselves have digs, some of which could be seen as snide, and banter and so they should. It's great when Ed025 has the audacity to wind us up and people bite. He's an Everton fan, why shouldn't he?

{Ed001's Note - because there is a line where it is clear it is not meant as banter, and it does nothing but make for a nasty atmosphere as people then reply in kind.}

08 Jan 2025 10:23:12
In my experience it’s definitely linked to the phone you use and it’s worse on smaller screens. I get it occasionally on my IPhone 13 but it’s never an issue on my laptop/ ipad/ android tablet.

{Ed001's Note - ok thanks Johnny.}

08 Jan 2025 10:29:47
Unbelievable some people. This site costs nowt it has good articles and info you don’t get elsewhere and some good opinions and some not so good who really cares. Some people need to get over themselves and enjoy this site for what it is. Brilliantly edited by all the Ed’s with loads of good debate and banter on many subjects. Keep going ed001. I think now we can see what ed002 had to put up with god rest his soul
Up the pool.

{Ed001's Note - thank you mate.}

08 Jan 2025 10:32:49
Isn't calling someone a 'prick', an 'idiot' or a 'moron' making for a nasty atmosphere, Ed001?
I know you have a lot on but refraining from such digs would lead to a less nasty atmosphere, as well.

{Ed001's Note - in this case he deserved it. You make false accusations like that and you get what is coming to you.

In general, I do agree and usually I try and reread and rewrite my replies rather than do that. I used to only post a reply after rewriting it at least 4 times to ensure it was aimed squarely at creating convo. However I simply don't have time any more, which is why I tend to rarely bother to even reply at all. It is normal when talking with mates to refer to them that way, but then you have to remember this is not just a convo with Bazza and he won't just call me a c-unit back and laugh, for example.}

08 Jan 2025 10:40:21
Ed1 - I'm certain it's a device issue, I had problems on an older device but now on the Pixel 9 I don't have many, ads are there and I accidentally click them from time to time but that's a user fault not a site fault. They do get in the way at times but not to a point where it's not possible to post, certainly not for me anyway.

{Ed001's Note - ok thanks Salah. We will have to look at it still, I don't want the sites to exclude people simply because they may not be able to afford the latest phone. The whole point of them being free is so they are open to all.}

08 Jan 2025 10:44:44
Ed001 I phone 15 mate.

{Ed001's Note - thank you JK.}

08 Jan 2025 10:58:58
Ed33 just asked me, which text box is it that is having problems? Is it the create new post one?

08 Jan 2025 11:20:05
Hi Ed,

Just a quick heads up. I did notice this a while ago too but it very much happens more so on my phone than on my work pc. It's not really a problem for me other than the odd time I inadvertently clicked on a couple of ads due to my fat fingers on my phone.

On the plus side however, I do now have an 18 month subscription to Viagra and I'm also marrying a fine Vietnamese lady called Geoff next week so. every cloud.

{Ed001's Note - glad it is working out well for you mate. I hope you and Geoff will be very happy together.}

08 Jan 2025 11:29:46
:-) Tbh I think she's just after my Viagra!

{Ed001's Note - could well be mate. After all you have only got 2 shoes so she can't be after your money.

Btw for those wondering, I have held a few of theseposts for Ed33 to read. Seemed easier than me copyjng and pasting it into our editors widget.}

08 Jan 2025 11:21:04
Ed it’s the ‘reply to above post’ text box.

Rigsby I’m sure a few years ago me and you called each other a prick on here ?.

Amazingly neither of us made a huge deal of it and carried on with our daily lives ?.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks, btw to visitors of this site, we have no actual control over what type of ads that get displayed or when they get displayed.

08 Jan 2025 11:28:08
Mine is "reply to above post" text box only, create a new post seems to be ok. This comment is from my phone and nothing happen, no such issues like the one I said before. Maybe its just a temporary issue.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks for the feedback

08 Jan 2025 11:35:43
I live in the UK, and occasionally have a problem with adverts popping up. I have a Samsung phone. I've never felt the urge to seek legal advice or make scurrilous accusations towards you Ed01, because of it!

I'm with JK, I did enjoy a written spat with Beckers, so hope he may return in the future. Perhaps he's having a bad day?

08 Jan 2025 11:36:53
ED01 (and channeling my inner "Karen", "I would like to speak with your manager, please".

{Ed001's Note - do Karens say please?}

08 Jan 2025 11:39:38
Jesus BP. Completely out of order. Just bring it to the EDs attention like a normal person ?‍♂️.

08 Jan 2025 11:40:24
Brilliant 2Shoes! For the record, I'm Geoff from Vietnam, please go easy with me!

08 Jan 2025 12:08:42
Ha ha. I think you broke Pecker Ed.

It is true though that you should give us all your time and energy for free despite the fact you don't charge us anything. You could eat grass and wild berries with Ed033.
Only venturing out of the woods to find wifi so you can answer our questions on a whim. ?.

{Ed001's Note - that actually sounds very close to how I do live. But that is more down to the missus having issues with her blood sugar levels, which apparently means I have to cut back on sugar too. Even though my levels are fine.}

08 Jan 2025 12:33:47
I just wait, click the "x" on the add, no drama. My life is not that hectic that I need to be freaking out over a pop up add, that wasn't put there as click-bait by the Eds. Peace and love! PS: An add for Tesco popped while writing this :) I'm in Dublin, and on a Xioami 12T hahaha.

{Ed001's Note - your life must be boring if you only get Tesco ads!}

08 Jan 2025 12:38:07
I have a similar issue on an iPhone 14 but I assumed it was my phone/ browser. Basically whilst I am typing, my keyboard will suddenly minimise itself mid-typing and then I accidentally click on the advert that was underneath my touch screen keyboard. Sometimes you get lucky and it opens a new tab so you don't lose everything you've typed, but other times it opens in the same tab and then I lose everything I've typed. Which for those of you who know me well, can sometimes be quite a lot of words!

I have no issues on my laptop because it's not touch screen so I can't accidentally tap and advert as there is no onscreen keyboard. A quick solution may be to have all Adverts open in a new tab on Mobile devices as that way people wouldn't lose anything they'd already typed, and could just jump back to the tab they were typing on.

Beckers, you've missed the mark big time with this post, if this site was about money t wouldn't still be free. You can't even read most online new blogs nowadays without subscribing for a monthly fee. It's more likely a software update on your phone that's causing the issue, and certainly won't be a deliberate ploy by Ed033 to get more Advertisement money. He lives in the Dungeon feeding off of scraps, and Skeleditor001 takes all of the money for himself. The last time Ed033 saw Sunlight was 2001.

{Ed001's Note - he doesn't need sunlight, that would just be spoiling him.}

08 Jan 2025 12:46:12
You were right to, JK ?.
Anything nasty should be just deleted. We can all have a Barney, hive a few digs and wind up each other up without the need for nastiness.
I do realise that we don't see a lot of the nastiness because of the Eds and I also realise that the written word can be taken out of context so I don't envy them for the job they do.
As Oli would say: peace.

08 Jan 2025 12:12:58
I do always have issues with the text box. I simply write whatever I am sending in a normal text to myself and then copy and paste it onto here. can't believe the audacity and rudeness of the OP though.

08 Jan 2025 13:07:23
On a phone (I've had it with a couple of different ones) the little cross to close an ad hides behind the "Create New Post" tab on the right, so you can't close the ad and it takes about half the screen. Example is the 32Red ad. If you spin it sideways into landscape, you can get to the cross though.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks to everyone who gave feedback on the ads.

Btw to OliRed, Ed001's manager is the Creator of this unknown Realm we live in. ;-)

08 Jan 2025 13:37:47
Never had a problem with ad's. I use a Samsung phone.

08 Jan 2025 13:40:10
For me it depends which ads pop up, some seem to affect useability more than others but ultimately its usually a click of an x and they're gone, on the laptop its always sound and it's definitely only a phone thing, but it's also certainly not always just now and then.
I use a samsung and 95% of the time there's no dramas,
Just some feedback that might be helpful.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks.

08 Jan 2025 14:02:16
You're a good guy Tris. You can't run a site like this without taking heat every once and a while. Especially with this community which as I have explained before is slightly challenged. But I like to think you know by now, that vast majority on here really appreciate your knowledge and find you very likeable. Keep trucking on like you are please.

{Ed001's Note - thank you Davey. It does feel like care in the community at times.}

08 Jan 2025 14:36:11
@ Rome1977.I look forward to meeting you and leading you up my garden path. (I think that's what they call it in Vietnam? )

08 Jan 2025 14:55:45
"Ed001's Note - do Karens say please? "

On a bad makeup day? Yes.

08 Jan 2025 15:34:23
I wrote about the loss of civility yesterday, and then I read this today. Let's cool it down, everyone. This is a community, and when we have a problem, we try to resolve it rather than accusing each other and mudslinging!
I believe we should show Ed001 and the other Eds more courtesy and stop these attacks! We don't pay a dime for this awesome community they've put and yet we sometimes come across as being so entitled. If you have a technical issue, point it out. This site belongs to ALL of us, whether we're Eds or not! Please let's show some common decency and self-respect! You don't burn your house down because the you saw a scratch on your wall, or because the paint is fading, or because you lost power. I see ads everyday and I just deal with it.
We lost Ed002 a few weeks ago, and we should be calm about things and a bit more introspective. Let's keep this community sane, please!

08 Jan 2025 15:46:56
They say football is going soft then you see fans spitting dummies out cos an advert got in the way of the screen?. I’m a big hairy arsed builder I imagine all you lot to be the same grown ass men. I don’t mind being called a prick it’s a lighter part of my daily vocabulary. As for adverts I don’t really notice them much it’s a free site on some sites you get hammered.

08 Jan 2025 16:24:04
Lol love it john.

08 Jan 2025 16:37:12
I think people are getting these ads just as they are about to like my posts, too. It needs sorting out.

It's nice to hear about another Xiaomi user, too. Great phones for those of us on a budget.

{Ed025's Note - its being looked at as we speak Rigsby..

08 Jan 2025 16:46:01
Rigsby, my son has a Xiaomi phone, I couldn't tell you which version but they are indeed good phones mate, I had one a few years back and never had an issue with it.

08 Jan 2025 16:45:21
I apologise if I was out of order Ed1 I’d just had enough of typing out replies only for my keyboard to disappear and I click on an advert and lose the lot. Very frustrating and I may have put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5.

Again, I apologise I didn’t expect you to post that I just didn’t know how else to put forward my frustrations so I put it in a post.

Regardless, I’ve been contemplating leaving the site for a while anyway as I just can’t handle the negativity anymore. Life can be hard enough without listening to the infuriating views of some of the most negative people I’ve ever had the misfortune to encounter. It’s hard not to bite.

It’s a shame because I have enjoyed the site for years but it’s just not for me anymore. Take care mate, I wish you and all of the posters all the best for the future.

{Ed001's Note - why does no one tell us when it happens initially? If there are issues, we would like to know about them so we can fix them!

Take care of yourself BP.}

08 Jan 2025 15:40:02
Seeing as it's being spoken about, yes this happens to me as well, but only on phones. It happened on my old iPhone and it still happens on my Google Pixel but never on desktop. Cheers!

08 Jan 2025 17:48:29
Come on Becker lad. Have a week off come back refreshed we all have hissy fits look on the bright side you’ve created a giant thread today posters who probably never interact with you have took time to take the p*ss see it’s not just footy what we here for it is the banter ( and the adverts ?)

08 Jan 2025 17:54:57
BP - you're a sausage you are mate, we know you can't keep away from the site whether you post or not lol. Disrespectful post but fair play to you for apologising.

08 Jan 2025 17:28:00
I get that and I was out of order jumping to that conclusion.

I know we’ve had spats in the past as I have with other posters but there’s no hard feelings my end.

Take it easy reds and let’s go and win this league!

08 Jan 2025 17:28:00
I get that and I was out of order jumping to that conclusion.

I know we’ve had spats in the past as I have with other posters but there’s no hard feelings my end.

Take it easy reds and let’s go and win this league!

08 Jan 2025 19:05:20
It’s happened to me on my iPhone, actually happened with my last post.

No matter, the ads give the site owners a little bit of support to keep this thing going.

Even if it was a deliberate ploy - I’m sure it isn’t - it helps support the site. Big deal- first world problem.

08 Jan 2025 19:08:15
I guess this is subjective, but in my opinion, overall, there has been more positive posts on this site than negative, and I've been on this site for some years now.
Either way, you reserve the right to exercise your freedom of association, which you've clearly exercised. But you've been one of the more frequent poster on this site and should be helping to make it a stronger and tighter community rather than walking away, especially under the current circumstances. Just a thought. YNWA.



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