02 Jan 2025 04:58:32
Not been on here for a while. Moved on jobs so not in the know nowadays. But certainly got people who still feed me some scraps
First of all my deepest condolences for ed002 and wishes of a productive new year for the ardent staff and followers of the website. Time flies and hope ed002 is now buggering god with his rodeo adventures.
As for a small update the LFC hierarchy has conveyed that players can get whatever contract they want if Liverpool win the league this season which is very odd but currently seems very possible to win.
Also we want CB by the name of illia zabarnyi from afc bournemouth.
02 Jan 2025 07:50:43
All players on 300k a week then. We'll have everyone clamouring to join us.
02 Jan 2025 07:54:06
Akira, you have done well in the past with info and I love it when you post rumours. Very welcome for me. but there is absolutely no way they said to the players they get any contract they want if they win the league.
Now if you excuse me, I'm off to check illia zabarnyi on YouTube.
02 Jan 2025 09:26:42
For those asking, J David said he is
"Not a big fan of Liverpool"
Saves using Google too.
02 Jan 2025 10:00:35
Have to say RedQ, didn’t know those were his exact words. Can’t believe we’d waste time bothering with Jonathan David after he said that.
02 Jan 2025 10:30:02
To elaborate - All 3 were offered contracts. 2 outright rejected and 1 is open for discussion. Club didn't go back and renegotiate.
As it stands Liverpool stand to loose their captain, vice captain and all time top premier league scorer in one window. Club is aware and I am told a plan is ready if that were the eventual case. They believe fair deals with good wages and outstanding bonuses have been offered and rejected and right now club does not see the value in matching expectations of the players.
right now it seems all focus is on the league whether its the club or the players. The question is with so much outside noise will the focus shift?
02 Jan 2025 11:43:31
I wouldn’t put anything past the club. It’s like dumb and dumber.
02 Jan 2025 13:01:30
Without knowing what the club have offered and what the players aspirations are it’s hard to really judge one way or the other what side is in the wrong really.
If the club are indeed offering a decent package and the players are asking for silly money then the club are within their rights to dig heals in.
02 Jan 2025 13:07:22
I have no info but linking a league win this season to the negotiations seems weird to me. I could believe there are some bonus conditions in the current contracts that the club might not want to carry over to the new deals and that is a source of conflict. If I recall, the bonus conditions being met by us being successful has material impact on a our 2020-22 finances. The club might want to avoid/ reduce that "cost of success" exposure in any negotiation.
02 Jan 2025 13:20:09
Yeah mark, only difference is Lloyd and Harry were hilarious.
02 Jan 2025 13:34:38
A wage structure is just that. Combine that with data on players, including that of targets and a line in the sand has to be drawn, especially considering that it appears as though the premier league is edging closer to implementing FFP.
The club is set up very well, and the team is in rude health. why rock the boat to meet demands of agents/ players, and where does it end if you do? Like Manure?
02 Jan 2025 15:18:50
Vango is spot on, and so are others that have said we are Mo’s best option. I think we’re VVD’s best option as well. We pay all of these guys absolutely unbelievable money, they might get a bit more somewhere else but in terms of the all round deal, current status, history, culture of the club LFC is better than anywhere abroad other than RM, Bayern, and Barca. Arsenal are up there as well I think in terms of a domestic club, have the London factor and play good football, but haven’t won much in recent years, haven’t got the European pedigree and won’t pay much more than us. Where are they going to go, only Trent seems to have an option.
02 Jan 2025 17:31:29
Jesus you'd swear we were this little club, Tristan. And not one of the biggest most successful clubs in the world . If we want to keep the best then n̈.
02 Jan 2025 17:32:32
Its definitely dumb to give whatever contracts based on winning or tying anything to winning. But it seems more a last effort from the club. I think the club has offered the best possible deal they could but obviously its now up to the players.
02 Jan 2025 17:34:33
Yep club is bigger than any player. At some point every player at this club will be spent! (Just like a FOOLISH CLUBS money - which we are not! )
02 Jan 2025 17:36:03
The club maketh the player. Odds are against them being better of (other than financially) elsewhere!
Seen it more times than not, right?!
03 Jan 2025 02:37:45
Might be worth mentioning at this juncture that the club, who seem not to be able to organise as pi$$ up in a brewery were actually the ones who brought the players to the club in the first place. There were people who weren’t in raptures when we bought VVD and Mo . I recall great luminaries telling us that VVD’s attitude was poor and his character was too laid back to be what we needed and Mo was Klopp’s 3rd choice who had been unable to break through at Chelsea so wouldn’t be able to hack it in the PL. Of course we’ve all seen the error of our ways and now recognise that they are the best in the world at what they do, except for the period when VVD struggled to recapture his form for half a season when he came back from his injury and Mo when his form dipped after the AFCON and WC losses and in the 2nd half of last season when he wasn’t setting the world on fire. I guess we live in interesting times eh?
{Ed001's Note - Mo wasn't Klopp's 3rd choice, he wasn't Klopp's choice at all. That is one thing Edwards fully deserves credit for. And if Edwards was still in that role, no one would be worried about what he was doing.}
03 Jan 2025 04:54:59
If you had to pick just one, who would you keep?
For me, VVD. Salah would be a huge loss for sure, but virg is the best CB in the world and captain.
03 Jan 2025 07:24:39
If that’s the case - tied to premier league win - then offer it as a bonus.
03 Jan 2025 07:54:05
Thanks for the pick up Ed.
I was aware that Klopp wasn’t picking the players, I just wasn’t being precise enough in my choice of words. What I was trying to say was that I read (probably clickbait) that Salah wasn’t Klopp’s preference, but more like his third choice when contributing to the discussion that led to Edwards deciding to pursue Salah.
Of course the main point, that Salah wasn’t exactly met with overwhelming approval from the fanbase when he arrived still stands.
{Ed001's Note - again, read what I am saying, Salah was not Klopp's choice at all and he didn't want him. Edwards convinced him to sign Salah. Klopp has publicly admitted that himself that he was wrong about it. He wanted Brandt and some others, but Salah was not in his thinking at all until Edwards sat down with the data and talked him around.}
03 Jan 2025 11:12:20
WDW so now you can go and turn your nastiness on Klopp along with the posters you've been lashing above.
03 Jan 2025 20:22:57
I’d knew that Klopp had said he’d made a mistake but I thought it was within the context of his preferences for the players to fill the podition - apologies for my misunderstanding of 5he situation.
@Mcgoveb, not trying to be nasty at all and apologies if I have offended you. The comments were meant as context. At the moment a lot of people think that we are going to suffer badly if we we lose all three players but, if you look at the recent past, a number of times people on here have been ready to let the players go. We are on an incredible run at the moment and the team, collectively is playing exceptionally well. My impression is that there is still a strong undercurrent that it can’t last (which it can’t) and at that point opinions may turn against players, who knows maybe VVD (too old) and Mo (not as good as he was) .
Again, it was just additional context to the discussion and apologies for any unintentional offence given.