14 Jan 2025 14:10:44
The athletic have released an article more or less saying Richard Hughes is struggling to sign players “within a financial framework acceptable to the owners”.
I genuinely do not understand how a club as wealthy as Liverpool struggle to spend money. I’m not saying I want £100m signings but we have glaring issues in several areas of the squad that just aren’t being addressed.
I’ve said it for the last few years, FSG have done brilliantly. They came in when the club were in a really bad place and really steadied the ship, but I really do think they’re taken us as far as they can. The purchase of the club cost them about £300m, the club is now worth north of £4bn. I think the best option for all parties is them selling the club and making themselves a nice profit.
14 Jan 2025 15:29:40
All clubs operate within a financial framework. This is not news but the usual rubbish that’s fed to the fanbase every window but the local journos. It’s like Christmas for them.
14 Jan 2025 15:35:02
I understand the necessity for clubs to adhere to a budget framework to ensure compliance with regulations and long-term sustainability. However, the issue arises when this framework doesn’t allow for exceptions in the case of exceptional talent. We've been fortunate that a few key players in our squad have far exceeded the expectations we had when we signed them. Without their contributions, our league position could be significantly lower. Now is the time to invest while we're still at the top and can count on these players, as I fear that, in the near future, our expectations for the squad could diminish. This would only increase the pressure on the club to identify and develop the next generation of superstars.
14 Jan 2025 15:39:06
The money to spend is based on revenue generated and profit, not the value of the club. The club may be worth £4bn, but doesn't mean it generates £4bn a year.
There is clearly money to spend, that doesn't mean it has to be spent if the required personnel are not available.
14 Jan 2025 15:55:42
@stuie_boy, I didn’t say the club had generated £4bn, I said FSG could sell the club for a healthy profit because it’s worth £4bn. If a club the size of Liverpool has to wait for a player to become available before we can attempt to sign them, something is wrong. What other club waits until players are available before they attempt to sign them? If a big club likes a player, whether they’re available or not, they go for it.
14 Jan 2025 16:09:40
That's why we don't talk about money.
{Ed025's Note - as the great "ED002" would say..
14 Jan 2025 16:15:39
Well those loans aren’t paying themselves.
14 Jan 2025 16:58:48
You got it bang on, Kemlyncat. Talking money leads nowhere. Here is the latest proof.
14 Jan 2025 17:09:16
Thing is we are already paying for exceptional talent (in terms of crazy wages), it’s just that we’ve reached that position gradually and organically with Trent, and Mo for example rather than us buying them as superstars and paying those wages from day 1. It’s ultimately about how many elite talents can you afford at any given point in time, and can you sustain it.
That’s the challenge we’ve got in a nutshell if we want to keep them and VVD, and also invest in new players, and also pay other squad members more (as they will think they deserve double digit increases) how do you balance it all off without breaching FSR or whatever it’s latest iteration is called.
If we’ve made errors it’s often been with older players such as Thiago who we never saw the best of, who were also being paid huge wages, and were injured a lot. That’ll partly be why we’re cautious with Mo and VVD, we don’t want to be stuck with huge salaries for ageing or injured stars who are past their best, even if they’re brilliant and injury free now. That’s why also Kimmich is highly risky. Trent’s less risky, he’s an elite talent, but he lacks a few of the things you need in a full back, he’s a very good but luxury type player.
None of that absolves some criticism though, where it’s merited, if our transfer people aren’t getting some things done or they’re making bad decisions.
I personally think they need to offload some fringe players to make it happen. Of course lots of supporters don’t want that either, even though players like Elliott and Doak won’t make it with us. We’d all like to think they will, and keep hold just in case.
14 Jan 2025 17:12:02
How do you know we haven't attempted to sign anyone, JK?
14 Jan 2025 18:42:08
Hmmm I do wonder why the club is valued so highly ?.
14 Jan 2025 18:44:15
The loss of revenue through covid, two stadium expansions, a new training ground and a high wage bill have all impacted club finances in recent years. Our finances will hopefully be better in 5 years time providing we maintain our current status.
{Ed025's Note - that is not what the Microwave supporters want to hear BR..
14 Jan 2025 18:59:31
Microwave supporters, nice one, Ed025 ?.
14 Jan 2025 19:10:16
5 years time FC.
14 Jan 2025 19:47:58
The valuation is relevant as well of course. A strong and increasing value can help release equity and attract investment, or raise debt.
Clubs of any scale and worth leverage it, we have sold equity, and some of the upside that comes can help buy players as well as reinvesting further in club infrastructure and existing players.
We’re probably still in the cycle where the big investment we’ve made in facilities hasn’t yet generated enough upside to help invest hugely in new players, but it’s helped keep existing ones on huge contracts up until now.
14 Jan 2025 23:20:35
What’s wrong with 3, 5 or 10 years @Victor. Plan to succeed seems pretty sensible to me.
15 Jan 2025 16:49:29
There has always historically been a little bit of difficulty in players signing for us vs a London club, London has the allure for players families. Do I agree with it no but we have to get on with it. If Zubi choose Arsenal as his next destination more for him and we move on to someone who actually wants to play for us.
To coin an old phrase no player is bigger than the club.
Hughes etc - well the jury is clearly out but let’s give them the benefit of the doubt right now, see how transfers are managed over the summer as Jan is notoriously difficult to get your preferred choice and even then selling clubs know they have a captured market and bump up prices, then pass judgement, this season was a total transition for the club changes from top to bottom including losing Klopp one of our most inspirational managers (not the most before I get hate mail! ) . So whilst the club may have had oreferrd targets they may not have fitted into Slot’s plans. Had this convo with, funnily enough a gooner and neither of us could see given current climate and potential players available who could make such a difference and improve either squad ( apart from someone who could score goals at Arsenal) . Slots been great so far the squad is pretty healthy and who knows Robbo could push on and be a world beater once again at left back then we could have wasted millions on a replacement, could be just a tactical switch which has him doubting- you just never know. Watching You tube highlights never showcases what an actual player is really like and any non prem player usually takes half a season to a season to get up to speed. When I heard the news that Klopp was leaving I thought we’d pull a Utd post Ferguson so to get Slot, sit top of the prem halfway and have qualified for next stage champs league is a win all round for me so all our players can’t be that bad and need replacing- no one’s perfect everyone makes mistakes, I love Trent and want him to stay but he’s been woeful in some games but he’s human so give him a break. If your feeling down on Liverpool just stick on said you tube and watch that Barcelona game back it’ll put you right back on cloud 9 again. I offer no names and don’t care who signs as long as they will give it their all for the shirt and of course can play decent football which entertains me. That said I wouldn’t mind signing Isaac, used to sign him as a ‘wonder kid’ on championship manager as a 16 year old and he scored a bucket of goals for my Liverpool ?.