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17 Nov 2024 12:40:16
RIP Ed002.
You have unrivalled and tremendous knowledge, and it is a sad day for rumour readers and learn about your passing.




15 Aug 2023 09:55:30
Who would be the one responsible for bidding for the players? The shame this debacle caused is actually worse than being being thrashed by Real Madrid.

It is inept beyond belief. Whoever is in charge simply needs to be fired.

Suddenly bidding for a player at 110m when everybody and his dog knows since beginning of LAST season that Liverpool needed a new DM? Where is the planning?

Bidding for a player at 60m, when we refused to pay 50m to close the deal?

Oh my, shamefully embarrassing.


1.) 15 Aug 2023 10:13:55
Enough about unsuccessful bids and, while I'm at it, financials.

If you don't want to know how the sausages are made, just wait 'til their cooked and served.

I say this with all respect.

2.) 15 Aug 2023 10:28:21
The problem is the sausages aren't being cooked so we're having to eat casserole instead.

3.) 15 Aug 2023 10:28:49
I don't think there is one person you can blame/ sack here, waynechai.

This is the net product of having an interim sporting director in place during a market that has been distorted by Saudi League and Chelsea.

We knew that Ward was leaving not long after the sale/ investment search was announced late last year. How we ended up with an interim sporting director should be the big question.

4.) 15 Aug 2023 10:32:20
Nah I watched us get thrashed by Real last season and I didn't like it one bit, especially after getting shown up in a champions league final again by them.
Chelsea have signed a good player for a hell of a lot of money, good luck to them. But the moaning is getting a touch out of hand now.

5.) 15 Aug 2023 10:42:24
I don’t like sausages anyway.

6.) 15 Aug 2023 10:42:24
I don’t like sausages anyway.

7.) 15 Aug 2023 11:11:22
Time to ketchup with the other top clubs and sign a banger.

8.) 15 Aug 2023 11:25:16
@Waynechai, nobody is getting sacked so calm down and relax. The only real mistake here is goning back to Lavia after the whole Caicedo thing. That showed desperation, tone deafness and a lack of awareness as to how Lavia and his camp would feel about things when btw, he wanted to play for us and we went to Caicedo instead. What would you if you were him? Just my opinion.

@AARI, get off your high horse, man. None of us liked the fact that we have been losing to Madrid so you are not an outlier here so you ain't special bro. Now, you want to know what's embarrassing, IMO? It's not going for Caicedo who agreed to join us and then lied about it after we booked a medical the day after the deal was announced.

It is people who are embarrassed about the whole Lavia/ Caicedo thingy but strangely, have no qualms/ not embarrassed about going back to a player like Tchouameni, twerking for him over and over again whereas he has told us time and again that he is not interested in us, like a stage 9 clinger who can't take a hint that "He is not that into you and really, he never was".

Now THAT, is what I find embarrassing.

9.) 15 Aug 2023 11:27:02
We had Fabinho at the beginning of last season. I don't remember everyone wanting replaced at the beginning of last season even if we were interested in Tchouameni.

10.) 15 Aug 2023 11:29:09
Right that’s it! I’m done. I can handle the absolute tosh this supposed supporters spew
We need a new midfield last season, don’t let players leave on a free. We sell players, bring in new players. Actively trying to bring more in. The moans and groans and allowance to have a voice I can move past
My time is done here because Thomas 194 doesn’t like Sausages.
Sorry guys but I cannot have a association to people that don’t sausages

Thanks for the memories all
Ed’s. Your wisdom will be missed
Don’t like sausages ?‍♂️.

11.) 15 Aug 2023 11:36:07
@IDreamOfGin, eggcellent ?.

12.) 15 Aug 2023 11:41:55
You need a thicker skin to be on here, Gazza. It's just how thomas rolls. Don't cut all links and see how it pans out, mate.

13.) 15 Aug 2023 11:56:14
Haha you're right Oli 'bro' the transfer window is a bit embarrassing, but the original post demanding heads roll is a bit much.
When was the last good transfer window we had possibly all the way back when Alisson signed.

14.) 15 Aug 2023 12:09:32
Well Rigsby, can't say Thomas was not passionate about his comment. He literally posted it twice.

15.) 15 Aug 2023 12:20:56
What about sausage rolls - are we allowed to like those?

16.) 15 Aug 2023 12:26:40
Yeah sorry mate I was telling porkies again.

17.) 15 Aug 2023 13:55:32
Stop, I've got a stitch.

18.) 15 Aug 2023 10:25:13
Another troll.

Ed025 you’re usually good at spotting these wind up merchant rival fans.

{Ed025's Note - im trying to weedle them out Navy, i dont edit every post though mate but if i think someone is trolling they will be off to the sand box..

19.) 15 Aug 2023 18:11:21
AAR91, you are free to be embarrassed about whatever you feel as I am free to critique your theory. That is what I have done.

Now to your question, transfer windows cannot be compared cos the needs of the team is different depending on the position of the team and where the club is trying to go from season to season. That may be difficult for you to grasp but that is my opinion. Good straw man argument tho. Peace and Love.

20.) 15 Aug 2023 18:38:01
The only thing embarrassing just lately is the behaviour and opinions of our so called fans. Quite a few of you need to have a word with yourselves.

You don't understand about the processes of player exchanges between clubs and most of us really don't understand the finances.

Quit whining.



14 Mar 2023 19:29:20
Maybe it is a biased perception, but it is strong enough that I will put money on the stats that TAA's errors lead to around 50% of our goals conceded.

Any knowledgeable person has the means to check?


1.) 14 Mar 2023 19:51:17

2.) 14 Mar 2023 20:11:03
Absolute rubbish. There is no way to accurately quantify this anyway, but also sometimes you just have to applaud good play from the opposition. Alisson, Gomez, Konate, Matip, Virgil, Robertson, Fabinho, Elliott, Thiago, Bajcetic, Keita and Henderson have all been at fault for goals this season off the top of my head; but also it's completely subjective who is primarily at fault for most goals. So many might disagree with me on what i considered to be mainly an error by Henderson (for example) .

Sounds like you have an agenda to me.

3.) 14 Mar 2023 20:33:41
It’s a team game. To isolate one defender with something as arbitrary and immeasurable as ‘errors leading to goal’ is to misunderstand our problems. The team is more than the sum of its parts, and its parts have been put together all wrong. Trent isn’t Maldini, but he is a very good defender and for years he was protected properly. I often wonder if his defensive lapses are down to the sheer amount of ground he has to cover and other jobs he has to do. Now he has no protection and is either caught upfield on the managers orders or is left 1v1 constantly, which he wasn’t for years.

{Ed025's Note - i agree with the first part of that AW but once i read that trent "is a very good defender" it all fell to pieces mate..

4.) 14 Mar 2023 20:41:15
Does it matter we win and lose as a team I'm sitting wst man City referee is a bottle merchant should have sent off Emerson also should have booked grealish for diving keep in mind guys I'm a referee my ten year old grandson wears bigger shinguards they surely don't offer a reasonable degree of protection options please ?.

5.) 14 Mar 2023 20:42:02
Please bring back the thumbs down button for rubbish like this.

6.) 14 Mar 2023 20:50:22
Sorry a thought it was a banter site it's all about opinions.

7.) 14 Mar 2023 21:13:32
On the flip side to that you could say that the tactics/ poor team form has forced him to stay in a more defensive role that he's not suited to and has eliminated his primary skill set and cost us 10 goals so far this season .

8.) 14 Mar 2023 21:35:32
First post? The only way is up then ?.

9.) 14 Mar 2023 21:55:04
Absolutely no chance op. If you share the blame for goals there would be a large even spread. Klopp would be top of my list.

10.) 14 Mar 2023 22:06:55
Isn’t offering comments on others posts also part of a banter site Rabh?

11.) 14 Mar 2023 22:13:52
You could pick fault in lots of players whenever any goal is scored. After all, in order for anyone to score a goal there has to be a mistake from a defender no mater how big or small. If there wasn’t then every game would be 0-0.

12.) 15 Mar 2023 00:45:27
I would say this is absolutely trash.

13.) 15 Mar 2023 00:58:27
Beckers that’s not necessarily true. If you’re a forward or midfielder defending a set piece and you lose your man which directly leads to a goal. That’s the fault of the attacker not the defender.

14.) 15 Mar 2023 01:52:01
There's a lot of nuance to whom we can blame for each individual goal. Most of the time, it is extremely difficult to pinpoint one exact action or moment of play and say that it is the sole cause why a goal is conceded. If a forward loses a ball during an attack which leads to a goal, does the fault lie with him? And if the midfielders are sliced up time and time again, would the fault lie with them? There's usually a combination of things that happen and to say that this is all down to TAA a majority of the time is unfair to him.

I'm not saying he has been faultless though and there are definitely situations where he could have done better. But personally, I wouldn't swap him for any RB out there currently.

15.) 15 Mar 2023 03:24:06
You know you can think about something and then gradually reach a point where you move into over thinking? What about if you start a conversation without thinking at all but still the conversation reaches the point of over thinking? A: Strong perception … can somebody prove I’m right? A: No and then it kicks off ??? I think we are watching / participating in the birth of a new branch of comedy.

16.) 15 Mar 2023 04:35:16
Well, without going into the merits of the first post, it seems to me that if you're going to follow up on that way of thinking, then the first person to blame for letting in a goal is actually the goalkeeper. His one and only priority is to stop balls from going in the nets. Apologies for my primitive thinking.

17.) 15 Mar 2023 06:33:35
He’s having a go at Trent not being able to defend simple as!
And I agree with him!
His fault for goals some are some aren’t!

18.) 15 Mar 2023 07:24:56
I'm not sure about the figure but if TAA didn't play would our replacement right winger- sorry right back- be at fault for 50% of the goals we concede?

19.) 15 Mar 2023 07:55:38
OP, you say you would put money on the stats YET you do not produce them. How can anyone then, take your opinion seriously without any stats to back it up? Speaking into the wind maybe an opinion to you BUT for others like me willing to challenge it, I just consider it as you speaking into the wind to see what direction the words will blow. Just my opinion.

20.) 15 Mar 2023 08:33:01
And that's where Klopp differs from fans.
Klopp doesn't look to blame players and hang them out to dry.

21.) 15 Mar 2023 09:01:09
Maybe, that's the problem Flash? I have no argument with man management and supporting your players. And it's well known that his relationship with his players is one of his key attributes as a manager. Of course, he doesn't hang out his players to dry, and is super supportive. I'm just wondering if he does too much of it? If you deserve to go to the dog-house, why shouldn't you be sent there? We saw what he did with Sakho (I'm sure there was more behind the scenes that we don't know about), but then why has Keita been spared the treatment when lack of effort, over almost 5 years, is unanimously cited by all observers?

22.) 15 Mar 2023 09:24:21
More like 95%, my son's under 10s have better defensive sense than Trent. Take away his long range passing/ crossing what does he offers? Nothing.

Too big for his boots and needs some tough love if he's to improve the rest of his game, Rafa would have been the perfect coach for him and wouldn't hesitate to drop him. Klopp too pally with the players.

23.) 15 Mar 2023 09:31:46
We have no idea what goes on behind closed doors ArAy. I highly doubt after a poor result that he just says ‘never mind lads’.

Personally, I would prefer a manager who supports his players in public over one who hangs them out to dry.

24.) 15 Mar 2023 09:45:19
I actually fully agree with you, Footyfan. I was not referring to sending players to the dog-house publicly, but internally. I don't recall him publicly saying anything about Sakho, he just went about doing what he wanted to do with him. I'd like him to use the stick more, because it seems, this season at least, certain players are not responding.

I remember Mourinho used to speak publicly about his players, far more than others (both praise and criticism) . My sense is that those he criticized publicly never played well for him again.

25.) 15 Mar 2023 10:02:08
Keita has the 4th points per game in PL history. Shows what you can do with 10 men I guess ?.

26.) 15 Mar 2023 11:56:26
Usually when a team concedes a goal it isn't just one person making a mistake. its several if its a bad pass, weak defending, failing to clear the ball, so to say Trent is at fault for goals look at the build up to these. Our success was built on hard work and team spirit we were the best TEAM for a few years Man city etc could have better individuals but all our players battled together, It seems now that has gone a bit an i guess that's due mainly down to the changes in team and everyone getting a little older. but we need to be the glue that sticks them together so get behind the TEAM and stop picking out individuals no one in life is perfect YNWA.

27.) 15 Mar 2023 12:05:17
Maybe it shows that that stat is skewed because of Keita's lack of appearances, Irish. Sam Allardyce has a 100% record as England boss.
But you do have a point- the other ten may well have carried Keita when he did actually play.
It's no wonder the midfield is now so leggy after years of covering for that lazy sod ?.

28.) 15 Mar 2023 16:09:54
My opinion on OPs opinion and top Gs opinion is it’s utter tosh… since it’s a banter site and everybody is allowed to have opinion no matter how absurd they maybe I think I have a point!

29.) 15 Mar 2023 19:53:53
Alonso perhaps I should have said defending team rather than defender. When the opposition has the ball it doesn’t matter what position you play in possession you are a defender. That’s what I meant anyway.

30.) 16 Mar 2023 11:54:12
Best footballing fullback in the world. The weakest defensive full back I can remember at Liverpool.

{Ed025's Note - "best footballing fullback in the world"??????, decent going forward and plays some quality crosses in Ecogsi, the rest of his game is nothing short of shocking though mate, positionally very weak, poor in the air and cant tackle for toffee, is lazy and has an attitude in the world my arse!!..

31.) 17 Mar 2023 13:20:34
I should have been clearer. I thing he’s the best fullback in the world with the ball at his feet. Absolutely effortless touch, passing, crossing etc. Defensively I. e positionally, in the air, one on one, defending the back stick, in the tackle he’s the worse I can remember.



22 Sep 2020 09:20:32
Had been a fantastic window so far from Football angle. I am almost certain we will go into market for a centre back.
If DC is a too target, I think we will get him.

The window can then only be enhanced with outgoing.
I am keen to see the following gone to balance the book:
1. Wilson
2. Grujic
3. Origi
4. Gini
5. Nat Philip (of Matip if we can get better money and if we get DC)

I do hope we keep Shaq and Brewster.
Shaq has much more quality and Brewster potential.
But I would think a first half season loan for Brewster would be good since we are not having that many games as yet.


1.) 22 Sep 2020 09:42:43
I really don't understand why so many people want rid of Origi.

You'd keep Shaqiri ahead of Origi? each to their own of course mate but I don't quite get that.

2.) 22 Sep 2020 09:56:16
Before the C. V outbreak, Eds said that Sevilla wanted €75m in a single payment for Diego Carlos. I don't think that stance would change much significantly so maybe he wouldn't be attainable this window.

Also I wasn't convinced by him whatsoever in the EL. His partner Kounde looked better and is much younger.

So actually I would love for you to sign DC for that huge amount and then prove to be not as good as Gomez lol.

3.) 22 Sep 2020 10:49:19
I'm not sure if Origi would get many minutes this season. Last season with all his minutes added up he only played around 9 games in the league and with Minamino appearing to be ahead of him and Jota signed i think those minutes would continue to decrease.

4.) 22 Sep 2020 11:28:55
Because Origi is the worst player in our squad. Legend for the goals he has scored the last 2 seasons and cult hero but clearly clearly not good enough for Liverpool.

5.) 22 Sep 2020 11:22:32
Origi has scored big goals in big moments. He was a very important player in our CL win. Especially considering he wasn’t playing regularly, to be able to step up like that is huge!

Honestly, people will miss him when he’s gone. Replacing a player like that, who can perform when needed and be decisive in games despite being on the bench most of the time, is very difficult.

6.) 22 Sep 2020 11:35:20
I would keep Shaq over Origi if I had to pick one, yeah. We've got Jota now as a LF/ CF so Shaq is more useful to cover the right side while Elliot is coming through. Elliot even reminds me of Shaq. In a year's time then we can sell Shaq and Elliot will be more ready. This is also why we don't need Sarr now and I don't believe for a minute we'll sign him this window.

7.) 22 Sep 2020 14:19:17
My thoughts exactly Jurgen Meister, Shaq provides more needed cover on the right and I don't really rate origi on the wings tbh. It's not to say he's not a good footballer, just that we've got better players in his position imo.

8.) 22 Sep 2020 18:58:52
"Because Origi is the worst player in our squad". BigVirg, make up your mind. You say this about Origi (which is utter rubbish, IMO) while at the same time, call him a Legend for scoring big goals in big games. You are aware that you cannot be the worst player in a squad and be a legend at the same time. So which is it? It definitely cannot be both.




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31 Dec 2024 18:08:21
Guys, cool it.
Slag TAA as much as much as you like, and considering all factors, he might probably deserve it.
But do so after it happened, ok?
Now we do want him to stay, don't we? (Although personally, my thought is IF we have done our best and his head is still turned. well.




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05 Dec 2024 13:55:52
Ha, nice discussion opn Trent.
Salah pass to Gakpo? Can't be compared to the pass from Trent. That pass is quite out of the world. To hit it in that direction (not just the space), at that speed and strength. just excellent.
And I can't remember in recent memories who can do such passing.
So he is a talent.

But, nobody is irreplaceable unless you are looking like for like.
You would not get any another VVD, Salah, and did not get a Stevie, a Suarez, an Alonso.
These are almost of of its kind talent

Having said all, I think Trent has improved.
And looking back, I think Kloop while leveraging on his strength, expose his weakness too, with the inverted full back and on.
The system is currently much more balance and he start to perform a better defending role.

So, I wish we can keep him.
I would not hesistate to sell him had he want to leave and there is good money we can fetch for him.
Since he will leave for free, I much rather keep him.




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03 Dec 2024 17:09:00
If Salah takes a 1 year extension, I would just have to salute him.
It is very high risk for him, while he is still performing at this level to settle for a 1 year contract. I mean, there must be no shortage of offer, even for a 2 or even 3 year contract elsewhere. With a 1 year contract, any bad injury, and drop in performance level, he may just limit his future options.

I think a 2 year (maybe plus a 1 year optional extension, activated with Salah achieving certain milestone) will be a good compromise.




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25 Nov 2024 13:30:50
We absolutely need to get additional player to play a 6.
I always rate Endo, but with the team's current style of playing, the team will have to adapt to him when he play. He is too different from Grav.
Any injury to Grav, while we can have (existing) players coming in, w will suffer unless we adjust the way we play too. Just ask City. how not adjusting the playing style but attempting to do a like for like with another lower level player.
Back to Endo, the adjustment is too big to expect of him.
Thus, another player is a big bug must.
Even if we do not really in fact rely on this player and say Grav stays healthy, it will help refresh the team after a hopefully successful year.




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25 Nov 2024 13:23:01
champs20, like the way you think, but the number, less so.
kubo at 40million? I find that cheap in today's market, so let's for argument sake put them up to 100million. Any Salah replacement is going to exceed that. (Saka is closer in level with Salah, and he is probably going to exceed 100m) .

90k a week, who is on that level in the squad? Even if this is the case that we can start with 90k, and assume that the performance level does hit a high level, you can assume this to come up. So for argument sake, 90k/ wk, then 120k/ wk, 150k/ wk and 180k/ wk and 210k/ wk for the 5 years.

That is a 27.8million a year.
Of course, this chap is still has re-sales value.
And assume we didn't sell him, like we didn't sell Salah, this re-sales value is irrelevant.
And then with his salary say on the 6th year onwards appraoching 250k, he is also going to cost around 13million a year, and more as the year passes.

And that is if we did indeed find a bargain as such and and a BIG if that the can come anywhere close to what Salah can do at 32

If Salah can get 400k or more somewhere else, that is probably his market value.
If we want Salah, we need to pay the market.
Beside, being the current "owner", we should be able to negotiate better since after all, any move is a risk, and any higher amount of pay is a risk premium. Ask Mane, ask Firminio, ask Henderson, and even Coutinho.





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06 Jun 2017 04:08:24
Good point.
In an ideal world, I would love to have 2 new full backs.
One in each flank.
It is a pity that Moreno doesn't work out, Clyne not the kinds of full back we need, and Milner has his shortcoming.
And TAA in my opinion is also not quite there yet.
I would probably sell Clyne and Moreno, with Milner and TAA as back up.

P. S. thought Moreno should have been more a chance against the lesser team, ahead of Milner, and see if that's what we need, that is speed, a bit more skill going forward and ability to go to the byline and cutback or crosses. Now we never know.




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03 May 2017 06:23:46
When did ed001 called Clyne a weak link? I missed that, but it echoed my thoughts exactly. Even Milner outshone Clyne as a fullback, and that said a lot.

He see a lot fight balls going forward, but has done precious nothing with it, no taking it to the byline and cross, and in facet the less said about his crossing the better.
Had not seen him being a menace on the ball like a Johnson was.

I have seen many goals (and ed, your footage will help) where crosses come in from the left, or second ball falling into our right, that Clyne is not tracking an incoming attacker.

The one plus point about Clyne is his fitness though, as in he seldom get injured.


{Ed001's Note - he is very quick and strong as well.}



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