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23 May 2024 11:26:31
Ed - any world in which we would be in for Bruno G from Newcastle? Seems to have a release clause and would be perfect for us in the DM role imo. Would happily spend £100 million on him if we still have the budget from last year.


{Ed002's Note - No but there is interest from elsewhere. I don’t know of any “budget” from last year.}




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27 Jan 2024 07:36:49
Speaking with a mate yesterday who obvs highlighted the obvious in that we only won 1 league under Klopp and Guardiola is a better manager.

Question on here - who would turn back the clock and take a Guardiola for example and another 1/ 2 league titles over Klopp? I certainly wouldn’t trade him for even a bit more success.


1.) 27 Jan 2024 07:52:49
better manager?
better resourced manager would be accurate.

the fact that Klopp won 1 and came super close twice tells u how good he is. without him, City would have walked the league the last 7 years. think of any other team that really challenged them and go toe to toe without a much more modest budget in comparison. there was none.

Yes we did spend big but its not a year on year practice like City. They literally bought GK after GK, LB after LB, each one more expensive than before and could buy players to form 2 teams that would compete in the PL like money wasnt a concern. We had excellent first teamers, good squad players and this season, a bunch of very exciting youngsters.

And apart from what happens on the pitch and at end of the season, Klopp connected with the fans and the city, and whilst football is a results game, the many other parts surrounding it makes it whole. I don't see that in Pep.

2.) 27 Jan 2024 08:01:40
Nah. Am sure we would have done well with Pep too but Klopp just fits the club and city.

The titles argument will always be there but Klopp couldn’t have done anything more to win more than 1.

3.) 27 Jan 2024 08:27:23
I prefer Klopp as a manager for us, but let's not go down this route of Pep buying success. City have had plenty of managers who couldn't sustain success even with the Arab resources. Pep is clearly one of the greatest managers in the history of the game and to think otherwise is lunacy. If he wanted to come to LFC at the end of the year we would bite his hand off.

4.) 27 Jan 2024 09:44:27
That is true Westwood. Previous City managers all had the same resources as he did and none came close to won what he has. But you can't discount that Pep had infinite resources as well. Could he have done the same with City without them? I would think not. So, while he is clearly the best manager City has had in the PL era, I would stop short of calling him the best manager in general.

5.) 27 Jan 2024 09:55:40
Brummy, allow me to dispell something a lot of people say. Yes, Klopp won only 1 title in his 8 seasons so far compared to Klopp. However if you deep it, people forget that it took him 3/ 4 years to build the team until it was ready to challenge and eventually win the title based on the mess Brodgers left him. Pep took over the deppest and most quality squad in the title and still spent 200m in his first season, something Klopp could not do for obv. reasons.

So essentially, Klopp won one title in in 4 years since 2018, challenged Pep in 3 of those 4 years and won once in 4 legitimate tries so 25% conversion rate. Not bad, right considering the opposition? As for going back to see if we could have taken Pep or Klopp, sorry Klopp all day everyday and I wanted him over Ancelloti at the time already. Pep? Great coach who needs everything set up perfectly in order to perform. I'll pass.

6.) 27 Jan 2024 12:01:58
No one denies Pep is a world class coach, but he’s not as good as Klopp, and he knows it himself. Klopp WOULD have achieved everything Pep has had he competed with similar funds, but Pep wouldn’t done the reverse.

7.) 27 Jan 2024 12:58:43
LoweLFC, Pep could not even achieve the dizzy heights Jose got to with that Porto team. The guy won A Treble (League, Cup, EL) in 02/ 03 and then THE Treble in 03/ 04 with majority of players very little people had ever heard of. Pep couldn't have even won the COnference League for Roma the way Jose did 2 years ago.

Pep's a great coach BUT like I said, if you can only succeed when everything is in the perfect situation for you then, how great are you really compared to those like Klopp and Jose who did bits at clubs where things are very much imperfect?

8.) 27 Jan 2024 15:57:11
To the OP, Guardiola couldn’t function under the restrictions Klopp has. Look at the starting 11’s when they started and their transfer budgets.

9.) 27 Jan 2024 15:58:55
Klopp could double his tally by May. Just saying.




Brummyred's rumour replies


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22 Jul 2024 09:51:55
Good player MK, similar to mitoma. Seems more of a creator than a goalscorer though so not an out and out salah replacement.




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22 Jul 2024 09:50:50
It’s from psg.




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21 Jul 2024 12:15:53
MK can the club not do two things at once? Just like last season a bid at a time and waiting until the last minute. If Virg is going get a CB while sorting Trent’s contract and putting offers on a DM. Seriously, imagine only being able to negotiate one transfer at a time. Worst thing is with inacio there is nothing to negotiate, they just need to pay the buyout in full.




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20 Jul 2024 20:58:50
Yeh he’s really not that good. Best season last year but still nothing on Saliba imo.




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12 Jul 2024 09:45:02
Absolutely baffling that we would rather pay 50 million more for Gordon than Chiesa. I would actually prefer we keep Diaz than buy Gordon but appreciate our hand may be forced. Nonetheless there must be better options than Gordon - I’d even prefer Harvey Barnes from Newcastle if he could stay fit.

Poor signing and likely using a significant part of our budget to get it over the line.

We would then also need to replace Gomez and doubt we could get a better squad player than him.





Brummyred's banter replies


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21 Jul 2024 12:17:59
Try wearing an England top if you aren’t white British and going to the pub to watch an England game if they lose. Racism might be me frowned upon now publically but still massively exists.




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18 Jul 2024 13:43:12
Should have got Onana if we could, guy is a beast. Just what we need in the middle of the park.


{Ed025's Note - imo hes not as good as you think Brummy, he struggled to get in a poor Everton side last year mate and came across a bit too laid back to the point of lazy, also a bit rash in the challenge and got booked lots of times, he needs time on the ball and would suit a continental style team more i think, as you can probably not his agent.. :)



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17 Jul 2024 21:49:10
Tbh if he turns out as good as Saliba or better then United have definitely not paid over the odds for him. Could have been a great signing to spend a year or two learning from Virg and then replacing him but time will tell. United have turned into a graveyard for players over the last few years so the kid is brave to go there. We will soon see how good he is.




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17 Jul 2024 16:15:51
Southgateball - so glad he’s gone.




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17 Jul 2024 16:17:00
We 100% need a DM.




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