Threads containing Ed001's recent posts.


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26 Jul 2024
26 Jul 2024 08:25:37
I agree with Victor. Klopp announcing his departure should of spurred the players on to give him a leaving present. Instead they capitulated and gifted $ity another title. The league is a two horse race this coming season. Arsenal or $ity, probably city will win it again. We over achieved last season. Yes we got results but at least 20 points came from less than convincing performances. We are way off if we think we're going to challenge this season.

The Incredible Bulk

{Ed001's Note - lots of City's and Arsenal's points came from less than convincing performances as well. How is that relevant?}



26 Jul 2024 06:13:03
Ed1, I know it is still too early and no competitive match being played yet, but do you make of Slot so far? Training wise and interview that he has made so far. Also the new staff that being put in place to replace the old guard, what do you make of them?

{Ed001's Note - I don't have any interest in interviews - they are an absolute waste of time to listen to, they show you nothing other than how well trained in media relations someone is. As for training, it is far too early to judge, it takes time for things to take effect and the only real judge of the training's effectiveness is what happens in matches. The players do look to be enjoying it though, which is obviously a good thing as you want them looking forward to going in to training each day.

As for the staff, I don't know enough about them to make anything of them apart from Heitinga and I am wary of him. His CV is not exactly impressive - even ignoring the fact he played for Everton - and I am not sure working with Moyes is a good grounding for modern football. But that doesn't mean his coaching is not excellent, it just means he has not been in an environment before that is similar enough to Liverpool's to have any idea how he will do.}



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26 Jul 2024
26 Jul 2024 02:13:59
Arne slot’s latest interview about incoming transfer said that liverpool has set high standards on incoming players. But we found difficulties to sell tsimikas, nat phillips, rhys williams. do we really set high standards players? I don't think so.


{Ed001's Note - so you think we just buy any old dross then?}



New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube

25 Jul 2024 20:10:49
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new podcast entitled, New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube



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25 Jul 2024
25 Jul 2024 18:35:36
Most players playing now will all have been born late 90s early 2000s. I reckon most of them spend their free time playing games watching movies/ tv or on social media. It’s probably not healthy all afternoon and evening as you say Ed but I think there’s worse hobbies to have.


{Ed001's Note - most of them will not just sit still playing mate. It is totally different. When watching TV you tend to shift about in your seat etc. When gaming you are engrossed completely and concentrating, so you tend to keep still for hours.}



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25 Jul 2024
25 Jul 2024 15:42:59
Do you think it contributes to his injury record Ed001? Can't be good for him, as fit as modern footballers may be! I love Jota I hope he stays for a long time!


{Ed001's Note - of course it must do. You can't be so sedentary for long hours without it affecting suppleness.}



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25 Jul 2024
25 Jul 2024 15:42:59
Do you think it contributes to his injury record Ed001? Can't be good for him, as fit as modern footballers may be! I love Jota I hope he stays for a long time!


{Ed001's Note - of course it must do. You can't be so sedentary for long hours without it affecting suppleness.}



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25 Jul 2024
25 Jul 2024 13:02:02
Jota playing computer games is hardly a talking point every player in the squad probably does.


{Ed001's Note - not like him. He goes home and games all afternoon and evening.}



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25 Jul 2024
25 Jul 2024 11:01:29
eddielfc1 IS that you, Eds?


{Ed001's Note - what?}



25 Jul 2024 07:04:03
Hi eds, olympics u-23 football game Morocco beat Argentina 2-1, are there any unpolished gems in the moroccan Team that suits Liverpool?

I mean u don't go beating Argentina without special players.

{Ed001's Note - no idea.}

25 Jul 2024 08:00:00
Tell that to Saudi Arabia who beat the eventual world champions leak.

25 Jul 2024 11:18:36
Or the other possibility is that Argentina sent mostly a reserve squad as their best players have just won the Copa America and any of the Olympic squad that did play in the Copa America are probably exhausted after a long season followed by a successful tournament win. That’s the more likely scenario.

Plus you should remember the general rule that you should never sign a player on the basis a great summer tournament as it’s usually not a reflection of the actual player (see Amrabat, Kleberson, Poborski etc), the clamour amongst some on here last summer for Amrabat was daft considering he was a journeyman player who had never really been anything special, something that United have now found out.

25 Jul 2024 11:32:25
There was no clamour over Amrabat on here at all, Viktor. On the contrary, I remember most being wary of him signing and were relieved when he eventually moved to Utd. Don't just make up narratives as you go along to prove your non-existent point.

On your point about not signing a player off a good tournament, that one I do agree with. Otherwise, we would have ended up with Akram Afif leading our lines ;)

25 Jul 2024 12:46:40
Dracred, absolute nonsense mate, there was tons on here going mental for us to sign amrabat absolutely loads.

25 Jul 2024 13:24:55
Dracred there were plenty on these pages calling for us to sign him, definitely enough to describe it as a clamour! I copped loads of grief for calling him a below average journeyman who had four good weeks in an otherwise mediocre career. I also copped grief for saying Mount was a player we should avoid because he was nowhere near good enough. Thankfully United saved us from ourselves on both counts.

25 Jul 2024 16:04:20
Jaydee, I personally don't remember people going mental for us to sign Amrabat but I don't read every page every day so maybe I missed it. I think a few people suggested he'd be a decent squad player but that's about as far as it went.

Bellingham, Caicedo and Lavia are the ones I remember everyone being very upset about us failing to sign. Bellingham was the only one worth the hysteria though as I thought and still think Caicedo and Lavia are ridiculously over rated.

I myself wanted:
DM/ CM/ AM - Mac Allister or Milinkovic-Savic
CM/ AM - Szoboszlai or Valverde
DM/ CM - Neves or Rabiot

Neves and Milinkovic-Savic also showed their true colours by chasing the $$$ so glad we skipped them in the end. Pleased with what we got ultimately. Macca and Dom will prove to be great signings in my opinion and I think Endo has been every bit as good as Rabiot would've been. Though I still like Rabiot, I don't think he's the best option anymore as he's too similar to Endo both in profile and age range. I'd definitely still have Valverde though!

25 Jul 2024 16:08:50
I remember the clamour over Mount but not over Amrabat. From what I recall, most were saying that they didn't want him. Ed002 even said that Fiorentina were looking to get rid of him prior to the world Cup and saw his performance there as an opportunity to jack up the price. That influenced a lot of people on here that he isn't good for us.

25 Jul 2024 16:17:25
Socrates, Trotsky, Che Guevara, Viktor, some of the greatest martyr's throughout history.

25 Jul 2024 17:21:59
Rabiot is a bad hill to die on MK. Hopeless player and no better than anyone already at the club. Right down there with the Mason Mount’s of this world. Hopefully United get on that one as well.

26 Jul 2024 08:29:07
I personally wanted Caicedo and did not want Amrabat in the slightest.



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24 Jul 2024
24 Jul 2024 08:30:36
Does gordon want to play for the club or is he looking for a payrise?

He seems pretty mercenary.


{Ed001's Note - he is a Liverpool fan as a boy and it was always his dream.}



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24 Jul 2024
24 Jul 2024 06:30:49
We were. but then apparently we tapped him up and upset the Sporting FC folk.


{Ed001's Note - why would that upset Sporting when he plays for PSG?}



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24 Jul 2024
24 Jul 2024 03:58:26
As Rushie himself said when he came back ‘It [moving to Italy] was like living abroad’.

West Derby Wanderer3

{Ed001's Note - he never said that. Dalglish said it about him and everyone believed it. It was meant to be a joke.}



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23 Jul 2024
23 Jul 2024 19:28:14
Ed001, I read that report and was surprised by the numbers. However, I don't believe it included international matches either did it? I thought part of the reason for the legal action was that leagues deemed FIFA were 'favouring their own competitions' which I took to mean international tournaments?


{Ed001's Note - but isn't that the point, the clubs are just whining because FIFA cares more about international footie. Of course they favour it, it should be the pinnacle of the game. It should be the best players of each nation representing their nation. Instead it is more of an afterthought because the club game rules.}



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23 Jul 2024
23 Jul 2024 19:28:14
Ed001, I read that report and was surprised by the numbers. However, I don't believe it included international matches either did it? I thought part of the reason for the legal action was that leagues deemed FIFA were 'favouring their own competitions' which I took to mean international tournaments?


{Ed001's Note - but isn't that the point, the clubs are just whining because FIFA cares more about international footie. Of course they favour it, it should be the pinnacle of the game. It should be the best players of each nation representing their nation. Instead it is more of an afterthought because the club game rules.}



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23 Jul 2024
23 Jul 2024 17:50:20
I saw that Ed01 - I have to say the figures were surprising although I guess the FA Cupp had the potential for loads of replays if you went on a Cup run.

West Derby Wanderer3

{Ed001's Note - also European games if you went far, League Cup was 2 legs. Liverpool used to regularly play 60 games a season. The problem is that they are simply not fit in the right way any more. They have not got the stamina they used to have, in favour of being more explosive. It is perfectly possible for them to work on that but that would get in the way of the tactical stuff.}



23 Jul 2024 17:21:25
So the top leagues and FifPro are suing Fifa.

Apparently it's due to the increase in the number of games.

Ironically. this could lead to the Super League again. which could even add more games t the crazy schedule.

{Ed001's Note - according to the CIES Football Observatory, who actually keep track of this, top players are not playing any more games. It just feels like a way to get power off FIFA so the teams can plug in a few more money spinning friendly matches around the world.}

23 Jul 2024 17:50:20
I saw that Ed01 - I have to say the figures were surprising although I guess the FA Cupp had the potential for loads of replays if you went on a Cup run.

{Ed001's Note - also European games if you went far, League Cup was 2 legs. Liverpool used to regularly play 60 games a season. The problem is that they are simply not fit in the right way any more. They have not got the stamina they used to have, in favour of being more explosive. It is perfectly possible for them to work on that but that would get in the way of the tactical stuff.}

23 Jul 2024 18:15:45
Squad rotation and the 5 subs rule also plays a massive part.

Diaz was the 2nd highest player for league minutes last season. The stats will show you that he featured in 37 of 38 games. But for minutes played he only played the equivalent of 29 league games, so everyone except Vvd featured less.

Endo only played 19 league games worth of minutes with Elliot 14 games and Tsimikas 7 games.

{Ed025's Note - if it rains tomorrow JK...can i borrow your anorak mate.. :)

23 Jul 2024 18:26:10
Ed0025 not tomorrow mate as I’m taking pictures of trains ?.

{Ed025's Note - love it JK..

23 Jul 2024 19:09:28
A question for the oldies regarding cup finals being replays, how was that even a thing? For one logistically it must have been a nightmare and did you get a free ticket if you attended the first game? Surely somebody must have suggested extra time at some point? Seems a bizarre concept.

{Ed025's Note - a FREE ticket??, you must be joking Fixer..

23 Jul 2024 19:34:14
Personally I think extra time and penalties need to be scrapped and replaced with running the “wall of death”, team with the most players standing wins.

{Ed025's Note - or a massive brawl on the centre circle with last man standing being the winner?..

23 Jul 2024 19:44:47
Simple solution, next goal wins, last man back and all the rest. Worked in every game I played in as a kid.

23 Jul 2024 20:07:04
I like it Ed25. Final whistle goes. Is that a grenade Wataru?

{Ed025's Note - nice one Davey ?

23 Jul 2024 20:41:00
Replays were always midweek. I remember there were a few sagas where there would be 2 replays before pens.
Feels like Wenger was the first to whinge about it.

23 Jul 2024 19:28:14
Ed001, I read that report and was surprised by the numbers. However, I don't believe it included international matches either did it? I thought part of the reason for the legal action was that leagues deemed FIFA were 'favouring their own competitions' which I took to mean international tournaments?

{Ed001's Note - but isn't that the point, the clubs are just whining because FIFA cares more about international footie. Of course they favour it, it should be the pinnacle of the game. It should be the best players of each nation representing their nation. Instead it is more of an afterthought because the club game rules.}

23 Jul 2024 21:33:29
Exactly, Ed01. International footie was the "be all and end all" of football decades ago. Esp. since back then, if you wanted make it to Europe to play league football, the int'l comps. was your near only channce of getting the exposure to do so. Loved int'l footie back then al whole lot. The actual best of the best played at these comps. as you said and if you wanted to prove your worth (like Maradona vowed he would in 1986 in Mexico), the World Cup was your biggest stage to show it.

Now, int'l comps. are nothing but a pathetic inconvenience for the most part. Now Im not defending FIFA here cos trust me, they have serious probs BUT I deplore how inter'l footie has been pushed to the background as some kind of inconvenience.

24 Jul 2024 03:55:04
There was a time in the early / mid 70’s when Leeds and Arsenal seemed to play each other about 8 or 9 times a year with League Cup and FA Cup replays. ?

Great point about the different type of fitness these days Ed01.

Free tickets for replays made me laugh - the youth of today eh Ed25. At least back in the day it was a lot easier for the common folk like me to get into the match, have a Bovril and a pie at half time and still have change from my sixpence.

24 Jul 2024 08:23:20
Looks like this is all from the club world cup being expanded to 32 teams. and being played when Afcon is meant to this is then forcing Afcon to move during the leagues season so they are arguing that they are favoring there own tournaments when they shouldn't be.

FIFA are a regulator and competition organizer thus bringing up conflicts of interest.

24 Jul 2024 08:45:34
Fixer, we only got a FREE ticket if we met a man called the Fixer, he usually sorted it.

24 Jul 2024 14:10:01
But aren't FIFA the reason international football is so dull these days? Surely the clubs are suing because FIFA are continually expending international competitions, introducing more games and teams and not consulting any of the leagues? I mean, isn't the 2030 WC planned across 6 different countries and 3 Continents?!



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23 Jul 2024
23 Jul 2024 14:46:03
Ed, just out of interest does 'obligation to buy' instigate a reciprocal 'obligation to sell' for the selling team or could they change their mind?


{Ed001's Note - they have entered into a contract to sell him at the price agreed at the time agreed.}



23 Jul 2024 11:32:24
Hi Ed's, Can you explain the loan term "Obligation to buy" Is it binding or after the loan period can the club return the player? Just wondering what the difference is between "option to buy" and "obligation to buy"

{Ed001's Note - obligation to buy means just that - the team is obligated to buy the player at the end of the loan period. Option means they have agreed a deal to buy him at the end of it if they choose to.}

23 Jul 2024 13:31:35
Essentially, "obligation to buy" just nudges paying the transfer fee a year down the line. I'd assume a loan fee is paid for the first year to sweeten the deal for the selling club.

"Option to buy" is what Everton use, as they know they'll never be able to pay it at the end of the loan deal! :D.

23 Jul 2024 14:46:03
Ed, just out of interest does 'obligation to buy' instigate a reciprocal 'obligation to sell' for the selling team or could they change their mind?

{Ed001's Note - they have entered into a contract to sell him at the price agreed at the time agreed.}

23 Jul 2024 18:37:49
'Repeatedly banging head against a wall. '

23 Jul 2024 19:11:57
I always thought it was self explanatory, as Ed02 has confirmed.

24 Jul 2024 07:21:48
What do you mean by ‘self explanatory’ @ Oli?



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20 Jul 2024
20 Jul 2024 09:53:04
I wish I shared your confidence, Ed. His drop in form was startling. Hope you're right.


{Ed001's Note - he was injured and never got back to form that's all.}



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20 Jul 2024
20 Jul 2024 07:46:59
Do you see a situation where he might be able to take over from Salah on the right Ed001? Could be a perfect money saving solution to what happens when Mo leaves.


{Ed001's Note - yes, I think he could be the replacement there.}



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