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30 Jan 2024 09:19:44
ed2 - technical question for you. are the rules for clubs approaching another club's manager whist under contract the same as for approaching players?


{Ed002's Note - Yes - you can speak to the agent to gauge interest but you cannot speak directly with the manager without the permission of his club.}

1.) 30 Jan 2024 12:58:35
Are you worried about Klopp tapping up his replacement, Faith? ?.

2.) 30 Jan 2024 19:19:30
Ed002 is that rule not a bit silly considering some agents would push players or managers into making certain decisions?

Are the agents obliged by any rule to inform the club that another club is talking to them about their client or what way does that side work?

{Ed002's Note - Agents will inform clubs if the potential new buyer wants further information. The rules are clear.}



27 Jan 2024 13:22:27
Post-reflective thought - we’re still in the window. Any chance this announcement is a smokescreen for a big signing before the window shuts? Mbappe perhaps?


{Ed002's Note - Almost certainly.}

1.) 27 Jan 2024 14:03:59
Player manager.

2.) 27 Jan 2024 14:49:21
Mbappe isn’t going to leave his position of sporting director at PSG to be player manager here.

3.) 27 Jan 2024 15:00:39
Maybe we should offer hin sporting Director + player manager+ owner?.

4.) 27 Jan 2024 22:26:40
I think if you offer him being rush goalie then he will come!

5.) 28 Jan 2024 20:33:19
The centre back from Crystal Palace, this window, or the summer window, remember this .

6.) 28 Jan 2024 21:28:32
Can’t wait to see Rob Holding sign Kop that.

7.) 29 Jan 2024 15:02:39
kit man maybe.



04 Feb 2022 19:52:25
Ed2 - Klopp's most recent presser he was asked about Fabio Carvalho and whether we'd go back for him. Part of Klopp's response was that obviously we are still interested, we'd be crazy not to. Just a couplee questions to understand - Are klopp's comments breaking some kind of tampering rule? And if so, what is about that comment that is considered a bad thing enough to have a rule against

I like that he talked relatively freely but just wondered what the implications are. Ta.


{Ed002's Note - No, not at all. Whether or not Liverpool will look to low ball Fulham on a pre-agreement of some type would be the concern as Liverpool cannot speak directly with the player - whilst other clubs can speak to him and can sign a binding pre-agreement with the player.}

1.) 04 Feb 2022 22:16:04
Ed002 I don’t know why we don’t just offer the fee we did on Monday Fulham accepted it then I don’t think they would turn it down because he could leave for a lot less abroad. Or do you feel Liverpool feel they don’t need to offer as much now they did have talks with him Monday did they not maybe with it going down to the wire on Monday he has said he still wants to come in the summer.

{Ed002's Note - That is not how Liverpool traditionally do business.}

2.) 05 Feb 2022 07:25:44
ed in theory, can Liverpool and fulham have a pre-agreement but then Fabio agree with a club abroad?

{Ed001's Note - yes.}

3.) 05 Feb 2022 00:45:55
Ed002 regarding this Liverpool can speak to the players agent and make an agreement with them that the agent can agree with the player am I right? So is it not basically the same thing mate? Watched a thing between carra and nev and nev was told to speak with stevie at international duties so realistically if this all happens what is wrong with any other way of doing it?

{Ed002's Note - If it is the same thing then it is of course illegal and tapping up (yet again).}

4.) 05 Feb 2022 13:26:13
Pretty obvious he'll be signing on in the summer! don't be minding all the media clickbait about him and dis and dat club. Lfc are building a really exciting team of the future.

5.) 05 Feb 2022 13:33:18
Don't know what's hard to understand for some LFC fans and keep on repeating same stuff.

It's nothing to do with Fulham now, it's all in Fabio's hand if he wants to come here then he will be here it's simple as that. Signing pre contract with other clubs again it's nothing to do with Fulham it's all in Fabio's hand where he wants to go. LFC can't talk to him directly but can talk to he's agent as much as they want including the financial terms etc.

6.) 05 Feb 2022 16:14:50
carvalho will sign for dortmund.

{Ed077's Note - is that a prediction or a spoiler😁

7.) 05 Feb 2022 18:31:20
Given that he knows Liverpool want him and has previously agreed terms, for him to completely change plans and go to another side would be strange. If he did, it would be for money or may he game time but everything you read about Fabio suggests he isn't that type of person.

8.) 06 Feb 2022 03:01:00
Thanks for that edkopforever. Your knowledge is really helpful.

9.) 06 Feb 2022 10:52:42
Nice one kop. Very well explained brother.

10.) 06 Feb 2022 18:14:34
Every player will be 'tapped' up in this case. I bet most players, even in jest will say 'oh come and join us'.
I expect the clubs would not expect to ask players to do so as then yes that becomes an illegal approach. But I guess most players will know from rumours, media what players are linked.

11.) 08 Feb 2022 00:52:36
Tapping up is not illegal. Can you imagine the cells at Strangeways full of old football managers in orange tracksuits? ‘What you in for Harry? ’ ‘I spoke to Peter Odemwingie on WhatsApp and offered him 2 steak bakes and a vegan sausage roll if he signed for us. When he turned up Greggs was shut so I hid under my desk until the police arrived and arrested me for the most heinous of crimes. Tapping up’.



25 Apr 2021 00:39:50
Hi Ed2 - are you able to explain what Perez means by the ESL saving football. Was there a strategy plan for the ESL to support clubs outside the 12?


{Ed002's Note - What he means, as I have explained repeatedly over many years, is that football needs to decide what sort of restructuring is required. Putting aside any "breakaway" or counter proposal, my fears have always been the vast number of professional clubs there are in England well below the Premier League. I hold a reasonably strong view in terms of the need to restructure football in Europe in any case. Previously I have said that the eventual "breakaway pan-European league" would force the restructuring of many of the national leagues, possibly resulting in a British league with perhaps only a couple of professional tiers and then regionalised amateur leagues below that. Now we have a situation that will change the financial paradigm and may make clubs and authorities look at the situation with lower tier sides regardless.

Financially I do not see that so many professional sides can be sustained within the sport which, like it or not, will see more and more money going in to the highest levels of the game. Governments will ensure that grassroots sport get funding but everything in the middle (Southern, Northern, Conference, Division 2, Scottish Divisions 1-3, League of Wales will not get the funding needed to continue on any sort of professional basis. For me, clubs should already recognise this and put their efforts in to getting their finances in order to see if they can make it to a British professional league that will need to flourish without perhaps six sides that have eventually gone down the pan-European route - and have gone for good (it would be two or perhaps three initially) or even separation from the Premier League and Championship.

Clubs like Accrington Stanley will need to carry on as amateurs or face extinction (yet again) like Bury. Recently Hartlepool has been struggling - again it needs to adapt. The mighty Third Lanark have started their long journey back to the top - it can be done. These are all proud clubs with a history.

The game has changed significantly and will continue to do so whether the supporters of certain clubs like it or not. Football at the highest level is big business and attracts the sponsorship it does because the sponsors wish to tap in to the disposable income of the fans and ride the back of the advertising that flows naturally from the success some clubs achieve. Long gone are the days of the cloth-capped, hobnailed-booted, chimney sweep making his way, rattle in hand, to cheer on his team at Anfield on a Saturday afternoon. I have explained that there will be changes, probably within the next 8 to 10 years, which will force the restructuring of all of the leagues in Europe and likely do away with the likes of UEFA. You will have the opportunity to see the likes of Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, Juventus and the other major European sides play in week-on-week regular competition at The Emirates, St James Park, Stamford Bridge or wherever. Fans of the sides who take the plunge will have the opportunity to visit cities such as Milan, Barcelona, Munich, etc. every couple of weeks to watch their team play. If you want to don your cloth cap, have a pint of wallop with your chums before going off to the local match through the grim, wet and cobbled streets of the Northwest of England where there is smog, dead & dying pit ponies laying on the street and only chips and fried curry to eat., perhaps one of the sides from the suburbs will have survived so the Liverpool and Everton supporters can go and watch them?

This will be a case of getting with the game. I will try to refer to this as the "Post Apocalyptic Zombie Scenario" from now on.}

1.) 25 Apr 2021 09:05:23
Pint of wallop absolutely love that Ed you’d want to trade mark that it’s brilliant my friend!
1/ pint of wallop
2/ RTFP.

2.) 25 Apr 2021 09:28:27
Classic ed002 response so clinical and fascinating to read yet with a hint of comedy to make us chuckle
Up the pool.

3.) 25 Apr 2021 09:48:22
If there is little to no support for such restructuring from fans then can is realistically move forward and be a success? In the UK were already in another economic slide due to C.V. and being compounded further by Brexit, I don’t think the sort of money required to follow ones team with the structure you’re suggesting is there for most. Now if it was 90% sponsors/ affiliates/ etc attending I could well imagine that but it is an incredibly dystopian, ugly face of what football could be. I understand it is a business now but there are still huge swathes of fans who are very attached to their clubs, not to mention political considerations which may come into play (like involvement of national governments) if the uproar is significant enough. I would be surprised if such proposals and restructuring went ahead as, though there are wealthy individuals in favor of such things, there is little of any support from fans - I’m not sure I’ve heard much from anyone in favor, the closest I’ve heard is ‘we should join so we don’t get left behind’ but even those sentiments are rare.

I know your understanding of the game, and the ins and outs behind closed doors, are far superior to mine, but in this instance Ed I truly hope your predictions/ expectations are wrong.

All the best Ed, also thanks for the time and effort you spend giving us your knowledge, there has been a lot of talk and discussion recently and your insights are greatly appreciated.

{Ed002's Note - It is nothing to do with COVID-19 nor BREXIT. These proposals have been around since long before both. Whether the fans like it or not, more clubs will go out of business like Bury if nothing is done.}

4.) 25 Apr 2021 09:51:10
I know you are correct Ed and football must change. But what trophies will the elite sides play for? IMO after a couple of years of watching the same sides play each other the atmosphere will die. I might move more and more corporate but it will become totally boring.

{Ed002's Note - The "elite" group of clubs includes 21 sides so it won't be the same sides every week.}

5.) 25 Apr 2021 10:51:32
I’m inclined to agree with you Ed002 on this, I can see the benefits and disadvantages on both sides .
I don’t necessarily want it to happen but I’d rather Liverpool were in than out if it does.

6.) 25 Apr 2021 11:59:57
I don’t doubt a word of what ed2 says but it is heartbreaking to read. It seems as though the game has to be restructured because of the greed at the very top of the pyramid and I include UEFA and FIFA in that. Perez alluded to the fact that the big clubs are struggling financially but what I don’t understand is why they won’t just face the exact same fate in say another 20years, as surely all that will happen by generating more money is the players, agents, hangers on etc will all just demand more again and the same problems exists just with higher sums involved. That doesn’t seem to answer to the problem to me, just kicking the problem down the line to the detriment of the sport its self?

{Ed002's Note - Football has to naturally evolve, as it did with the Premier Leagues and Champions League.}

7.) 25 Apr 2021 13:29:39
And who exactly can afford milan on a Wednesday with Barcelona away on Saturday week in week out. It won't be long until it only home fans ie NFL.

{Ed002's Note - I suspect you don't understand the plan.}

8.) 25 Apr 2021 14:52:39
Thanks ed, regards your comment -

"I have explained that there will be changes, probably within the next 8 to 10 years, which will force the restructuring of all of the leagues in Europe and likely do away with the likes of UEFA"

You've also. mentioned that the key difference between ESL and the elite 22 clubs is that ESL hasn't worked with UEFA. Can I assume then that if UEFA are at the table with the elite clubs, that they have a sense of inevitability that their time will be coming to an over the next decade? I just wonder what the purpose. of these clubs negotiating ei UEFA is if the end game is breaking them up.

{Ed002's Note - I think that is a reasonably fair description. UEFA coming to the table is with the obejective of being in control, or at the very least maintaining their position as the controlling body. But changes need to be made and this recent attempt falls far short of expectations and has dome more harm than good.}

9.) 25 Apr 2021 14:54:09
Also ed2, reminded myself to tell you this - I posted your detailed post about ESL to a fan page in NZ. One member replied back saying he went to Anfield regularly 40 years ago and never went cloth-capped. Lol I don't know what this means but thought I'd pass it on :p.

{Ed002's Note - It means he probably has loads of illegitimate if he failed to take protection.}

10.) 25 Apr 2021 16:51:47
I’ll be honest Ed. I’ve got no time for a pint of lukewarm wallop or whatever vile brown booze the campaign for real ale prefer for that matter, boring bearded trainspotters that they are. So I’m all for weekend trips to Bavaria, Turin, Milan, Budapest, Bruges, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Prague, Paris, Lyon, Milan, Rome, Madrid, etc when it eventually happens. Just needs to be done better than this last laughable effort.

11.) 25 Apr 2021 20:43:47
Newsflash! Fans will not put up with what Ed002 is talking about. We have just witnessed that. So let’s put that to bed.
I’m sure Eds 02 information is correct however that doesn’t mean it will happen. How can it? If there is some sort of European elite/ super / pan / bull league then fans will be marginalised or grouped into the few that can afford and the few that cannot.

Thanks for your very elitist view of the working class game Ed’s but your comments are out of of touch. The working class has evolved and just because we don’t wear cloth caps and drink a pint of wallop doesn’t mean that we don’t work for the week then walk to the game and have a pint on the way. This happens all over the country at every club week in week out.
The event this week prove your view of the fans the game are way off the mark.
Despite the best efforts of money and greed football remains the people game. Without the people there is no product no game.
So thank you sir but I think you need to re examine your theory.

{Ed002's Note - So what has happened to disprove what I have said?}

12.) 26 Apr 2021 04:08:55
I started going to matches in around 1959. The European Super League has been kicking around the boardroom since the mid-1960s.

In the time I’ve been a fan, society has changed enormously. If you look at what has happened with other social organisations, such as social clubs and hobby clubs and churches they’ve had to adapt or go bust. All organisations have followed similar paths. We no longer tolerate sleepy little organisations that scrape by on charity or luck – everything is properly commercialised. The pattern repeats all over society… to simplify it, if a club needs 100 active members to be viable, two clubs with 80 members will be forced to merge – but the new organisation won’t have 160 members because a significant number won’t follow the new organisation. In essence the choices diminish at the same time as tickets/ membership gets dearer.
The football business model is entirely different, but the outcomes are similar.
When we were forced to go all seater, the days of wandering up every other Saturday and paying three bob to see a match (15p for you youngsters) went for ever. Instead of a damp step, there was a plastic seat and instead of pence it became pounds to use that same space. Last time I went to a game it cost best part of £30 to sit where the boys pen used to be and I used to pay 9d (4.5p) to watch from there.
The football team I went as a lad to see and support became a real force – then it became a brand – then became an International big deal brand; And although my support is unquestionable and always will be – it’s hard to find much “Liverpool” about Liverpool FC
Instead of local Dad and Lads being the main fan base, it’s now the clubs international fan base that the clubs serve. The population churn under Mrs T resulted in people going where the jobs were. So now there are more of us supporters that live outside the city than are in the city.

The international fan base for teams like Liverpool and Man Utd dwarfs the UK based fan numbers and ultimately are more important financially to the clubs.
I’m priced out. I can’t afford to go to games now, but there are so many people to take my place. People who can afford to buy the expensive corporate hospitality deals, Fans have moaned about the day-trippers to Anfield and Old Trafford for decades, but that is a huge income stream – and the “Anfield Experience” fan is probably the future.
If anyone thinks that the movers and shakers of football MUST take notice of fans wishes, you are sadly mistaken. This year’s Training Ground Premiership shows that they can to a bigger degree than you’d think get by without the diehard match going fans.
Football is a business; the Americans consider them franchises and milk them for everything they can. And the thing that not many people have noticed is that the franchise is for a competitor’s place in a League, NOT for a team from a specific town or city. If the owners consider that there is some strategic advantage in moving the franchise to another city – They will. It’s been done several times in the USA and although the financial set-up was different, Wimbledon moved to become MK Dons.

Fan ownership is an attractive option, but how would that happen? And why? Some of us considered this when Hicks and Gillette were the owners. We couldn’t see how it could be done mostly because a lot of people would not be able to afford to buy a share.
Short of some sort of government sponsored compulsory purchase, how are the fans going to get control?
Wimbledon fans did it, reclaimed their club and got it climbing the pyramid. United of Manchester and AFC Liverpool are promising start-ups and probably the only way that fans could control their hometown club – but that will take decades….

13.) 26 Apr 2021 11:36:44
The world categorically said no to a super league through protests, governments and media outlets. Within 48 hours the computation was announced and retracted.

Surely the only feasible conclusion is that this (or anything like it) will not happen as a project.

Football as a whole may need to change and adapt but not like this. The answer will and should never be that the smaller clubs become even more obsolete tim they already are and richer clubs should get richer. That would be just be rubbish. A decision based on greed.
If it is to be shaken up it should be to keep as many clubs involved as possible. A bottom up approach. Because you know what. It means something to communities not 50 years ago. Now. It’s something that gives people an identity a focus. Something to bloody do!

14.) 26 Apr 2021 12:57:28
In my opinion the only reason the super league isn’t going through is because the clubs decided that the immediate consequences were worse than the potential gains they intended to make. Ed talks of a completely different culture to where we are today. He talks of a time when people hop around the continent watching their team week in week out this time is not aimed at us. The owners aren’t interested in the race to the bottom that the current set of fans demand. They will alienate and push and through the passage of time there will be less and less of the previous generation of fan until all that it left are the ones that can afford what they want to sell us. They will break away they will not care about being banned from the premier league they will create something that they want and they have learned the cards that uefa and fifa and the fa and the government hold. They know now that they will fight it and what means they will use to fight it. Once the clubs spoken about join the super league the people that stay will be the ones you can go and support if you want to see the lads with a pint of wallop the team name might be Merseyside reds or tranmere but that’s what will be left for you if you do not stick with what’s on offer from lfc. The owners will not care. The protests won’t matter. Being kicked out the premier league won’t matter. No traditional fans in the stadium won’t matter. It will be a different sport but the old one will be available to you in the form of whatever is left behind and picking a club from that.

15.) 26 Apr 2021 13:46:04
How can any of your post hold any weight when we have just seen a prime minister, managers and players, fans and pundits all reject it. You have clearly learned nothing from the past week. Club owners don’t get to decide the fate of football and there is no appetite for an elite European league. Why? Because most fans cannot afford the money or the time to go trudging around Europe on a weekly basis!
How are you still convinced football will go this way. The question is been emphatically answered with a resounding NO! Up the pint of wallop!

16.) 27 Apr 2021 00:45:25
The point is that there is more than enough money in football for everyone to have a space at the table. The fact that the few don't want to share with the many is a very old story that continues to this day.

Ed.002, everything you say has a good chance of coming true, I don't doubt it. The problem is, the way you present it is as if there is not enough to go around. Suggesting that there is no way way half of the clubs in the UK can survive. They could if we shared more. You are at times brutally honest about us fans, how about that same acerbic withering wit of yours being directed at this. They (those at the top table, boardrooms, Uefa, FIFA, Elite, etc. ) are in it for themselves. Not the development of football.

As I say, I don't doubt what you say. I appreciate the Information. I do think you are coming at this from a certain angle though. Thank you.

17.) 27 Apr 2021 08:27:55
Redman - your lack of vision is a little embarrassing here man. All that happened is that they learned. They've learned that they won't be allowed to partially break away so they need to be prepared with a full new league. They've learned that they need to get major broadcasters signed up before announcing to temper the barrage of criticism. They've learned that they need to have a more polished proposal locked down. Maybe that waiting until uefa piss everyone off first before announcing anything. They will do it again, and again and again if need be until eventually the backlash just isn't there.

18.) 27 Apr 2021 15:17:01
The ESL will come. It is only a matter of when not if. The maths say so. Currently LFC and others can expect about £250m to £300m for winning the EPL and the champions league for TV companies.
We have depending on who you ask somewhere between 100million and 600 million fans worldwide. Similar figures are estimated for Utd Barca, Real Madrid, and most of the other dirty dozen clubs. On that basis LFC v Man U could attract easily 500million tv fans worldwide. At £10 per viewer via pay per view this would bring in £5 billion pounds for one game. This is what will happen in the future and why none of the greedy owners will sell at the moment
I also believe quite frighteningly that if too much pressure is brought to hear to stop it, the owners will just move the club's to places which will accept it. LFC to Boston, Utd to Tampa Bay Arsenal to L. A. for example.

{Ed001's Note - they won't be moved any time soon, that is not going to happen.}

19.) 27 Apr 2021 21:27:03
Hjikle the only lack of vision or grasp of reality was that of Perez and the other snakes. They embarrassed themselves in front of a world audience.
I think what Perez and maybe you possibly Ed’s 02 fail to grasp is that football does in fact have a soul. it belongs to the fans.
Ed2 jokes (I hope ) about the good old days. They still exists in an evolved modern day form. This is the basis on which the game is built and makes money from. The working masses make up the money which is pumped into the game. The owners and broadcasters make the profits but without the blessing and participation of the fans their product has zero value.
If there is anything to learn it’s that a handful old white wealthy men don’t get decide what happens to the game.
Of course there will be variations and evolutions to competitions but not a cull anywhere near the magnitude of what has been proposed. I really hope the opposite happens and other models are looked at to keep as many clubs as possible competitive and secure.
It’s interesting that the German clubs wanted nothing to do with it.

20.) 28 Apr 2021 00:31:56
Redman football does not belong to the fans and it hasn’t for the last 30 years or more. This breakaway will happen as soon as they can get all of their ducks in a row.
There will be a backlash from the working class fans and others but do you know what? They won’t care because it’s those fans they are trying to get rid of.
They don’t want the types that have that pint of ‘wallop’ on the way to the match and a pie at half time. They want the types who can spend hundreds if not thousands on a hospitality ticket and spend fortunes in the club shop.
This isn’t new it’s been happening for years in front of our eyes! We all loved the redevelopment of Anfield but that was done to get more hospitality seating.
Like Ed says it’s big business now and you either move with the times or find another team to support.

{Ed0666's Note - there’s are plenty of working class that can afford the hospitality tickets that will boycott football once this breakaway league happens. I’m not ashamed to admit that lately every time I’ve been to Anfield to watch the game (pre-pandemic) I’ve watched from hospitality because let’s face it it’s a more enjoyable experience but that won’t stop me from walking away from football once the lunatics take over the asylum. And I’ve been a Liverpool fan going on 45 odd years. Have been home and away all over Europe to watch my team. The point I’m making is don’t be too sure football doesent lose major gravitas once the breakaway league transpires because there will be a lot of disillusioned fans who would walk away than see their beloved sport prosituted.

21.) 28 Apr 2021 17:20:13
You explained it better than I did Ed’s football will loose gravitas.
If the product is messed with to much it becomes less valuable. Your right Becker football doesn’t belong to the fans but we are it’s customers. It’s logical that customers need to be kept happy to keep buying.
The large majority of society and football fans are working and lower middle class who don’t have thousands to spend on football. Collectively we make football worth billions hence the reason fan power is stronger than many on here think.
Terms like “move with the times” or football needs to evolve” is just another way of saying make the owners and broadcasters more money. I don’t think we should have it! Football should evolve for the right reasons not those based on greed.



19 Oct 2020 12:13:28
ed2 - when a club loses a player for a number of months and potentially the season, do they have the option to kind of de-register them to free up a roster space?


{Ed002's Note - Unless they have space in their squad, he cannot be replaced until January - they cannot deregister him until January. There are no HG free agents available that would even come close to the likes of Williams and Phillips. It is an unfortunate injury, clubs have to deal with things like this all of the time.}

1.) 19 Oct 2020 12:51:22
If we can’t cope with a player being injured, leading player or not, then we have issues bigger than VVD.

2.) 19 Oct 2020 16:30:22
Glass half full is that Alisson is back in training and should be back soon, having a top class keeper behind Matip and Gomez will make a huge difference. As for Prickford, hopefully karma will even itself out on him.

3.) 19 Oct 2020 23:41:56
Ok so I think we need to be logical about VVDs injury. Last season we won the league by 18 points. Is his absence going to lose us that many points. Probably not. But he’s a massive loss and others have to step up to the plate. I hate to say it, but in united’s hay day that’s what their players did regularly. Klopp will find way.

4.) 20 Oct 2020 02:29:54
Thanks ed was just interested to know as they do have this provision in american sports.

5.) 20 Oct 2020 10:29:05
lakes4 - we didn't start the season with an 18 point head start.

6.) 20 Oct 2020 15:23:02
That's the whole idea behind a squad of 25, isn't it? And to build a squad of 25 (not just 11) that is as cohesive and similar in quality as possible, so that there's no let down when injuries happen. ManC did just fine without De Bruyne one season, and without Laporte the other. And Aguero is not fit half the time. Suck it up and move forward. Let the chips fall where they may.

7.) 21 Oct 2020 05:33:14
ArAy . but theh didn't do just give without Laporte, they lost 8 or 9 games and finishes 18 points adrift of us, . They needed to take fernandinho into the back and thus losing out in his midfield strenghts, I hope we don't suffer from Fabinho possibly being unavailable to play his best role every week.

8.) 21 Oct 2020 09:35:20
Agreed Har_red. But they came in second, and were still a potent force during the season. I suspect you're going to see a title winner with at least 8-9 loses this year. Compressed shorter season, no home-field advantage to speak of, players in and out due to catching c. v., and the usual injuries. I don't see how any team can play consistently in the face of such havoc and disruption.

9.) 23 Oct 2020 06:07:53
That is fairly true, I can't argue with the points you've made there.




Faithinworks's banter posts with other poster's replies to Faithinworks's banter posts


18 Jan 2025 09:42:52
Have I missed something? Everywhere I look fan pages and fans seem like they're about to storm the gates of FSG lol

Has there been an announcement about the 3 lads leaving? Can’t find anything.


1.) 18 Jan 2025 11:34:25
@Faith I think this week it is the news that the club might let Darwin go….



16 Jan 2025 05:34:04
Nice blocking tactics at set piece for Jota to score! Who is our set piece coach? ?.


1.) 16 Jan 2025 09:03:12
Arne, The Dutch Dave Bassett.

2.) 16 Jan 2025 09:03:12
Arne, The Dutch Dave Bassett.

3.) 16 Jan 2025 12:20:51
Yep, saw that. Nice one, Cody.



04 Dec 2024 22:23:59
draw probably fair in the end.

messy game and we made way too many individual errors and had gaps through the spine of the field.

These two games away to newcastle and everton were always going to be big challenge coming straight after Real Madrid and City, especially after we won those two games with such dominance.
It shouldn't but it happens time and time again in sport when it can be difficult to back-up.

I think it's harder as well against a "lesser" opposition because any kind of slip in mentality will impact 10-fold away from home.

Anyways taking the point and moving on. Last derby at Goodison. Hope the lads are up for it!


1.) 04 Dec 2024 22:52:51
Faith, I agree to an extent but after battling that hard against ourselves, the oppo. and in some cases the ref (who suddenly became a homer in the second half for no reason, IMO), we should have seen out the result, end of. Our guys fought hard and showed a lot of grit and determination to never back down, keep fighting/ pushing to win the game.

For me, we did not lose (we could have had Isak not been marginally offside) so Im happy about the mentality and determination we showed. On another day, Kellerher (who has been brilliant overall) doesn't get his hand caught in the cookie jar trying to be too clever by half, we win. We take the point and off to Goodison which will be another cliffhanger of a game.

2.) 04 Dec 2024 22:54:38
I thought Newcastle played well faith with their big players turning up on the day.

Let’s not forget they have Isak, Gordon, Bruno, Joelinton, Tonali who are all top class players on their day.

All of them played well and made it very difficult for us. Added to that, last week was built up so much that there was always going to be a bit of a come down from us which levelled the playing field. Especially on a windy, rainy night, away from home under the lights.

We very nearly got it done.

No point crying about it and saying woulda, coulda, shoulda. We take a point and we move on. YNWA.

3.) 04 Dec 2024 23:07:20
just to clarify my "lesser" opposition comment, I didn't mean that specifically about Newcastle. was just making the point about going from big results against the elite of europe and then having to keep that mentality for the next match.

Oli - I recall back to Klopp's first season and a half when we conceded so many goals from really bad individual errors. It wasn't exactly like that today but always feel like the best laid plans can get thrown out the window when there is an individual error. Kelleher won't make that mistake again. at least he shouldn't do.

4.) 04 Dec 2024 23:31:05
As soon as that free kick was taken I shouted ‘keepers’. He just needed to catch it I can’t understand what he was thinking.

People saying that Ali would’ve done better and perhaps he would be he’s not without errors himself. Look at Arsenal away last season for an example.

It happens, they are human and they make mistakes. He was very unlucky to be punished so severely though as Schar still had a lot to do which he did very well.

In the end, Newcastle will feel they deserved something from the game and they probably did. It’s tough to be philosophical after such a disappointing end to a game but we have to be. We can’t let something like this derail our season and start to put doubts in our minds.

This game is gone, on to Everton.

5.) 04 Dec 2024 23:37:49
Indeed, @Faith. I fully agree. You will never catch me beating Kellerher up for today's game cos as we both know, there is a lot of blame to go around individually and collectively. A mistake can happen and all the work is for nothing. Gianluigi Buffon once said that for a GK, it is very tough esp. mentally cos if you make a mistake, it is a goal and there is nowhere for you to hide, period.

I will not slate Kellerher too much cos as much as we are 7 and 9 points clear over Arsenal and City, we are not where we are without Keller in goal. That is just a fact. The mistake will be focused on BUT I'm not arsed about it that much after calming down. It is what it is.

Also, can I just say how much of a luxury it is to have him here cos I bet you had Arsenal or City had to rely on their no. 2's the way we do with Kellerher for the past 2 months (I have no clue who Arsenal's no. 2 is, btw), they are nowhere near the position we are in. He will learn from this, like you said.

6.) 04 Dec 2024 23:50:03
Oli - agreed about kelleher and further to that point, we have the best depth in the premier league. hopefully we put it all together and keep it going to see this season through.

Interestingly, was looking at last 5 seasons and we're 1.5 points better than average points tally for the leading club after 14 games.

But, only once has City held the lead at this stage of the season and obviously they've gone on to win the last 4. That includes being 1, 3 and 5 points off the top in three of those seasons and going on to win.

All to play for and just need to keep as consistent as possible. there will be dips along the way, and hopefully we don't fall into long stretches of games where we drop points.

7.) 05 Dec 2024 00:03:24
Like most of you I can live with a draw. What I want to see us continue to do is to beat the teams we should beat, have acceptable draws against mid to top tier teams, but not lose against bottom feeders. I think that was part of your Jurgens Achilles heel. Sadly those poor losses for the difference between first and second for handful of years.

8.) 05 Dec 2024 00:24:05
Pete - in the years we lost to City by a point we didn't beat them once. Could argue those matches with our direct title rival were the key difference.

9.) 05 Dec 2024 01:24:54
Arsenal got beat at Newcastle and City managed a point. No shame in the point. I think Slot learned tonight that if he has to play Gomez and Quansah then put them RB and CB respectively. Also I like Macca further up the pitch and Jones deeper. For me got that backwards as well. Nunez I have no words for.

10.) 05 Dec 2024 03:59:35
Faith, I must have been off on the years we lost to the 115. My point though I think or hope was valid. Beat who you should and some draws against good teams is not the end of the world. It seems to me Jurgen had his team up for certain games but jad some poor loses or draws against crappy teams. A draw on the road against Newcastle is not bad as long as we smack everton, fullham, and south hampton. That is what I am hoping will change under Slott.

11.) 05 Dec 2024 04:47:34
Just looked at the highlightst twice.

For all the pressure NUFC put on us, the amount of chances we missed. unbelievable (overl 90 mins, we had better opportunities to score)

Nunez at far post
Salah's shot hitting woodwork
was it Jones heading stright to keeper

Murphy also hit woodwork and missed an open goal but that was very far. not as close as ours.

finally we gave them the match on a platter - Kelleher not doing anyting on that cross. not sure if somebody called out asking him to leave.

very poor error in judgement that lead to draw.

We lost it because of very poor judgement on that goal and Gomez/ Quansah pairing is a disaster. (it was forced due to injuries)

Overall it hurts that we gave it away after coming twice from behind, leading to make it 3-2. We should have just closed shop and managed.

Isak's first goal was terrific. have to say.

12.) 05 Dec 2024 05:43:57
In a sense Newcastle are like we were at the start of Jurgen’s era - always gave the top teams a really good game but prone to slip up against 5h3 ‘lesser’ teams. I have to say I still don’t like Eddie Howe. He’s like a smarmy version of 5he talking waistcoat.

13.) 05 Dec 2024 09:57:36
West Derby Wanderer3, I also don't like the way Howe coaches his team/ players to dive, cheat and flop to the ground anytime a player walks past or breathes on them. I didn't like it when Macca was doing that either.

14.) 05 Dec 2024 10:02:25
"People saying that Ali would’ve done better and perhaps he would be he’s not without errors himself. Look at Arsenal away last season for an example. "

And there is a lot more where that came from if the "Ali would have saved it" brigade would like to be reminded.

{Ed001's Note - but Ali would not have let in all 3. It really is that simple. I am sick of this debate about selling Alisson to replace him with Kelleher. There is no comparison, Alisson is miles ahead of Kelleher, who is absurdly overrated by a lot of Liverpool fans. His kicking is horrendous and should be enough to see him moved on as soon as possible. We would be better off with Jaros, at least he wouldn't just give the opposition the ball every time he kicks it out more than about 10 yards.}

15.) 05 Dec 2024 10:34:49
I didn't like it when Macca was doing that either.

Did you like it when Nunez done it against Southampton and Real in the recent fixtures?

Or do we turn a blind eye to that?



16 Sep 2024 23:29:38
been thinking about the post-match chat since the Forest defeat including some of the narrative about Slot's tactics and his suitability for Liverpool and the Premier League.

People are obviously free to their own opinions etc but I think we have a shared responsibility in not just supporting the club, but in supporting the stability that we have had from top to bottom.

I'm listening to post-match pundits, journos, ex-pros, posters on here and I'm hearing analysis of this team as if Slot has been in the seat for 3 years already.

We should be taking a step back and assessing the team under the context that there will be an adjustment under a new manager. Which means - there will be bumps in the road and there will be games like vs Forest where it looks odd or not according to plan.

When Klopp first started, probably the first one and a half season, you could see the identity taking shape but we were prone to massive defensive errors and lapses in concentration. It took time to build the level in the team but I feel like people don't remember this because many are so focused on the end result not the journey to get there.

So with Slot, he will need time. he will absolutely need to make mistakes and then learn from them. He and the team will need the fans to jump on board the journey and support them on this ride we're on as well.

The idea that Slot has to have the team looking like the best version of itslf after the first 4 games is ludicrous and not conducive to anything that we ultimately want to achieve as a club anyways.

I'd hate for us to get caught in a cycle of trying to find the manager who can magically turn us into the best version of ourselves after one month. We'll fall years behind everyone else if we end up being that kind of club.


1.) 17 Sep 2024 01:47:52
An excellent post that mate. Very well said.

2.) 17 Sep 2024 05:22:07
From “This squad cannot be improved” to “it’s Transition time boys and girls” ?.

3.) 17 Sep 2024 06:15:27
Morning all a was working yesterday so I have only just caught up with this week's ref watch with dermott Gallagher a thought mobbing was a booking so why has that not happened yet look at arsenal v spurs inconsistencies are an issue for us all myself including as I referee amateur football Mr Gallagher is past his sell by date as is Steven warlock and sue Smith are also a joke they said the ref is ruining the game but is the problem not the discipline of the players.

4.) 17 Sep 2024 06:52:08
Well said Faith.

Slot will need time to mould the team into his identity.

It's going to be a bumpy ride, definately, but let's just enjoy it.

5.) 17 Sep 2024 07:02:58
Good points there faith, no doubt your right on a lot there. Slot has done v well so far,1 goal conceded in 4 games is massive improvement on before. i thought before game sat he got team selection wrong and i think he did, should've finished with his strongest team as opposed to starting with it after an international break.
We also have to remember whoever lfc manager is will have to try and compete with rivals who will have much better financial backing in transfer market and that's a massive factor whether we want to admit it r not.

6.) 17 Sep 2024 07:05:02
Good post, Faithinworks. Revisionism is fun, but lest we forget that we were not that great in the first year under Klopp, finishing 8th in the league and losing two cup finals we should really have won; first the league cup final on penalties against a weak Man City team who scraped 4th place on goal difference and were in desperate need of rebuilding and then the Europa league final against a Sevilla side operating on a fraction of our budget. It might've been exciting beating cannon fodder like Norwich 5-4 but it was not pretty. We regularly threw away leads and it took Klopp quite a bit of time to get things right. Even when results picked up in the following seasons we still didn't win a trophy for 4 years. At one point his record in finals was a running joke amongst opposition fans. Look how being patient turned out!

Slot's inherited a much better squad so I expect a significantly shorter transition period (because we don't really need to sign too many players on paper) . But implementing his methods and ingraining his tactics into the existing players until they become second nature, was always going to take time. I think we'll be much stronger in the 2nd half of the season and that we can still be up there with City and Arsenal come May next year. But anybody who was expecting plain sailing was always going to be disappointed. I couldn't even be bothered to comment on here on Saturday/ Sunday when I saw all the dramatic reactions. Hopefully the lads will bounce back tonight against Milan!

7.) 17 Sep 2024 07:12:31
That bumpy ride is going to be a wake up call for many posters.
That's when you find out who the supporters are.

8.) 17 Sep 2024 07:59:58
“We also have to remember whoever lfc manager is will have to try and compete with rivals who will have much better financial backing in transfer market and that's a massive factor whether we want to admit it r not”
If you are referring to City then their only purchases include Savinho after selling Alvarez and Gundagaon for free.

9.) 17 Sep 2024 08:07:34
The reaction to the forest performance by supporters was justified because they’re really not that good a team, and it had echoes of the worst performances from the last few seasons. Whilst nobody really expects us to become world beaters again when we haven’t invested much in the first team, we were hoping after the first three results that the new style of play might bring more consistency in results. Today will tell us more about that as will the weekend. If we get two indifferent results that would be really damaging this early in the season, but a draw tonight and win in the league will settle everything back down.

10.) 17 Sep 2024 08:27:14
“When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide,
Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride,
Til I get to the bottom and I see you again …. ”

Great to see the over thinkers accelerating through the gears.

11.) 17 Sep 2024 08:51:37
Who are you misquoting, Metflix?
I don't think anyone has ever said that.
Slot, Hughes and Co need time to do what they want with the squad. It's basically Klopp's squad and it isn't as good as a lot of people think.
I was surprised we challenged for the title for so long last season.
We need a few players in but we don't have to do that in one or two windows. A new management team bringing in a lot of new faces mightn't go down well with the players we have and Slot could improve us from last season. Diaz and Grav are two that have had good starts under him.

12.) 17 Sep 2024 09:27:22
I am quoting the right people on this thread who were adamant throughout summer that this team doesn’t need any additions and was good to go. They have flipped again from “This squad cannot be improved” to “He needs time” which basically means we need players.
And honestly you can certainly add a few players in one window!

13.) 17 Sep 2024 09:03:26
I see that Harry is back now. No surprise that he chose to do so after our first defeat of the season.

14.) 17 Sep 2024 09:43:34
@Faith, re JK taking a season and half, that’s because we didn’t have Virgil or Alison, yet Slot has best GK about, one of the best CD’s in Virgil at his disposal already.

The Q is, how much time does Slot have as a buffer as he has a pretty good squad, agree there’s area’s of focus etc,

Interesting that Slot says not fatigue, then Ali at similar time discussing the burden of workload on players, of course opinion entitled from both, yet polls apart on view point, not sure what to make of it tbh.

15.) 17 Sep 2024 10:11:54
I was more thinking of arsenal metflix, calafori, merino, sterling added to what already had been heavily strengthened squad.

16.) 17 Sep 2024 11:04:27
Kew it’s purely Slot not wanting to make excuses. If he comes out after the game and says it was because of workloads and international breaks it just gives the wrong message to the players. After international breaks you all have an excuse to not run too much because you’re tired. That’s just a self fulfilling prophecy much like Klopp’s Saturday lunchtime rants. If you keep moaning about it the players will perform exactly as you expect them to.

No doubt the international break was one of the factors for such a flat performance but it is what it is. You can’t change it so you still have to find a way to win even if the players are tired.

Oh and Harry if you didn’t think there was going to be a period of transition between a new manager arriving and a long serving manager leaving then you’ve just confirmed what I thought all along. You’re clueless.

Signing a load of new players would only exacerbate that transition period as they not only need to get to know a new manager but new players as well.

The squad we have is more than good enough. Slot just needs to realise there are no easy games in the PL and you have to be ready for anything.

17.) 17 Sep 2024 11:39:19
@BP, I agree as manager/ head coach he can’t say the players are drained etc, just thought Ali would have been given similar talking points to face the media.

Also as it’s not a new phenomenon after international breaks for us to be mentally? asleep or physically asleep, I wonder if there was a different approach from Slot to the issue and combating the issue.

If I remember correctly (please correct if I’m incorrect), didn’t Shanks make the team all stand up, no sitting on the floor before extra time, to shake the mentality of tiredness and get into the minds of opposition? Is there not a way, better people than I could get into the psyche of the players.

It’s now a few days gone, yet as I read and type, my frustration of the performance is bubbling up, when originally I put it down to same as previous, didn’t deserve anything from the performance etc.

18.) 17 Sep 2024 12:15:43
Arne's problems are all on the right hand side of the Pitch MO and TAA, which omitting the GK means ten outfield players, which is two tenths of the team, that is a high percentage of 20% or one fifth of the team not functioning as it should, if they both have below par performances, and a low 80% overall team efficiency on the day.

Postecoglu had a similar start to his Spurs career winning the first 8 out of ten premier league games last season, then fell away as his method of playing which was the very same as Arne's narrow system was sussed out eventually, one hopes Arne has the football acumen to solve the age old problems of Mass Defence or Park the Bus. 4-2-4 and plenty of width was one of Shanks Successful Solutions.

19.) 17 Sep 2024 12:33:57
Spot on, Faith. As Ed01 said in his match review:

"The big thing was that people were getting carried away, thinking that Slot had come in and fixed all the issues from the previous regime and would sweep all before him".

People have allowed themselves to be sucked into believing the absurd view that Slot had arrived hence, the world is at our feet. Such people must have forgotten how hard the club, Klopp and his players over time had to work to be successful esp. going against a City team with all their structural advantages. Now these people are now going to the other extreme questioning whether Slot is suitable to the PL which is wild cos I did not see these questions coming up 3 games prior.

Moral of the story IMO? Calm down and stop going OTT on either side of the coin good or bad. Remain optimistic and vigilant, trust the manager and the players and allow them to develop, make their mistakes and learn from them at their own pace. Anything over that, is pure stuff that have no basis in reality and your would only be doing your head in at that point and that will be your cross to bear alone. Just my opinion.

20.) 17 Sep 2024 18:44:17
People comparing slot to postecoglou and saying he’s already been found out fml, first of all postecoglou has one way of playing and sticks to it hell or highwater, he’s said so himself. Slot’s style of football with this team isn’t even the same as the one he implemented with feyenoord, which shows that he’s adaptable and that he works with the players he has rather than forcing a purist idea of football upon them. That shows a level of pragmatism and intelligence. Which means that the system we are seeing now may not even be the final evolution of slot’s style at this club.

All the outside noise saying that his style is easily exploited blah blah blah or that he’s just as inflexible as ten hag is just nonsense, can any of the pundits out there actually explain what slot’s football is coherently? They just say it’s more controlled, but in the first three games when we needed to attack at pace on the counter we did, when we needed to be direct we did, we could go wide and go through the middle, we could go wide before cutting into the middle. For the record, klopp’s style of football was easily exploited in its pomp too, it wasn’t rocket science figuring out how to attack it, it’s just that we had Virgil, Joe and our three midfielders covering massive amounts of the space that the opposition believed they could attack. Slot surely knows the deficiencies of his own system and is working to patch them the way Jurgen did his.



15 Sep 2024 00:44:41
Finding the post match chat a bit revisionist.

I recall, many, MANY abject performances like this under Klopp and Mr. Intensity Ljinders

The application wasn’t there today

There was lots of room of improvement after our 3-0 start and no different after today’s performance and result.


1.) 15 Sep 2024 01:39:43
It's put a downer on everything for me mate, I was really chuffed the football was back and then we go and lose like that? it's done my head in because we should be beating them, we're miles better, we all know we are so why are we playing that badly? it makes no sense to me. I hope it's just a one off but I am concerned. Losing any points in this league, especially if you're near the top of the table, every single point is important and we're gifting Forest 3 points purely because the lads out there today couldn't do what they're capable of. I'll put it down to a bad day but it's not good enough. We need to step it up big time, if we don't we're in for a long season ahead.

2.) 15 Sep 2024 03:53:06
We still have no attacking patterns of play. Just reliance on improvised individual quality. Even against Man Utd, all three goals came from loose play in the middle of the park and counter-pressing rather than a coordinated, systematic attacking. Both goals against Brentford were counter-attacks as well.
Whenever we attack, the players don’t fully seem to know what to do, so there is a lot of split-second decision-making, which inevitably leads to poor decisions and scruffy finishing.
We were infuriatingly bad yesterday.

3.) 15 Sep 2024 06:48:22
Too many players were collectively poor. cr#p actually.

Seems they felt they could show up and win or play poorly and the crowd would spur them on.

Now we will see how gritty our manager is and how ruthless. Jota has been poor last 2 games so hopefully there is a switch around upfront. Dom is also not producing enough either.

4.) 15 Sep 2024 06:55:31
I’m putting it down to the international break.
The players looked jaded.
This is a new regime, it takes years to build consistency so when you you have an enforced break, playing different football with different team mates it’s going to throw you a bit. We’ll be better next week.

Plus other managers are watching Slots team and making plans to counter him. It’s going to be a tough season overall.

{Ed025's Note - come on Ron jaded??, its 4 games in mate not 44, bad day at the office i will have or even over confidence but that was poor mate, lets not try and make excuses for lethargy..

5.) 15 Sep 2024 07:33:59
Salah after international breaks plays really poor. Just hope this time he finds form faster then after afcon last year. He struggles to sprint past his guy or find a simple pass. After the start he had a thought he was back to his best.

6.) 15 Sep 2024 07:55:19
The 1 positive I would take from yesterday was that i don't think we can play as badly individually or collectively again, and as dreadful as we where allover forest still didn't create any good chances til v end. Defensively we definitely much better. hard to find a positive buts that's 1 for me!

7.) 15 Sep 2024 08:01:06
Yep, ‘jaded’ isn’t cutting it. A lot of Liverpool fans always look for the tiredness excuse and it’s poor. If the players are jaded after 3 games then they need their contracts voided and to be told to retire because clearly they can’t cope with professional football.
We lost because we have no attacking structure and simply turned up expecting an afternoon stroll.

{Ed025's Note - i agree Lowe..

8.) 15 Sep 2024 08:11:15
We still struggle to create against a low block despite having players with individual skill and we still get bullied by physical teams. Yates slapped all our midfielders about in the first half and there was no fight, no one giving him a bit back. It happened last season when we played Everton and it happened in the first half against Ipswich. This is nothing new. What was strange was Salahs inability to pass the ball to a team mate for 95 minutes. I lost count of times he cut inside and laid it off to one of their players. Dom wasn't great either. Also giving the ball away all the time. The connection was off. Hopefully this was just a freak game from Mo and he'll be back to his best but at least we will have Chiesa in future for if this happens again.

9.) 15 Sep 2024 08:58:50
I find it amazing that we watch sports for many years, follow this club most of our lives and we’re still surprised that our team can turn in a stinker.

Sport, like life, isn’t linear. Bad day at the office, people should expect a few this season given we’re a new team. And especially given we had many many many days like this under Klopp, even after years of being at the club.

10.) 15 Sep 2024 09:11:28
People really need to adjust their mentality. Panicking about one loss is mental. We were never ever going to win every game in the season and we're always going to have a loss or two.

11.) 15 Sep 2024 09:13:32
Everything was a bit off yesterday from the players constantly getting their weight of pass wrong or playing it behind eachother in the final third, to the atmosphere in the ground. It was weird from the start.

I hate this stupid international break just after the season starts. It did seem to have an effect on the feel good factor and initial momentum.

Hopefully, it was a bad day at the office, but I do hope Slot realises most teams in this league will play in a low block on the counter against us and be happy to get even a nil nil draw from the game.

That's what I worry about when I hear he wants players to take more touches and pass teams to death. We need to play quick and incisive to break teams down. I get he wants control but if you see an opportunity, you have to take it because if not there will be 11 men behind the ball within a few seconds. Once we have the lead, we can be a bit more patient and pick them off.

On a brighter note, we've still only conceded 1 goal in 4 games. City seem to be conceding every game like we were last season and that came back to bite us in the latter stages. It's early in the season too, no team will win every game.

12.) 15 Sep 2024 09:21:29
Yep a terrible performance, we have to hope that it was a one off. The crowd doesn’t help either, totally flat.

13.) 15 Sep 2024 09:28:37
Watched everton game yesterday ed25, thought they unlucky in fairness. Dcl had 2 massive chances at 2-2 [I think] and then Duran pops up with a screamer from miles out.

{Ed025's Note - unlucky only goes so far Digger mate, lack of concentration and application is my biggest worry and we have that in spades..

14.) 15 Sep 2024 09:40:42
Switch Jota with who?
Mr. Chaos? The guy is a super flop. I can’t believe we even had a debate between Nunez and Haaland.

Arne Slot himself has come out and said that the international break had no influence.

15.) 15 Sep 2024 09:43:50
Sometimes as crap as you are you just have to say fair play to the opposition.

Forest had a game plan, executed it brilliantly and thoroughly deserved the win. On the day we didn’t have an answer. The end.

Its Slots job to understand why we didn’t have an answer as that’s the difference between him potentially have a good run as Liverpool manager or probably not seeing the season out.

16.) 15 Sep 2024 09:52:36
I agree Lowe. Additionally Ron we praise them when they win and we critique when they’re beat and they were damn poor yesterday. I was at the game, the fans were frustrated, with the result of course but generally with the approach. We were cocky and overconfident and were beaten by a team who looked quicker, more aggressive and just wanted it more. Ironically whilst not his best game I thought Gravenberch (a player I’m sceptical of) tried to do the simple things. But as a whole very poor. Whilst I’ll be shot down for this Strolloszai’s demeanour and decision making generally is woeful. He has an engine yeah, but his “cuteness” in play is a liability. He got bulldozed yesterday. We missed Elliot in his position who is no nonsense. I’d be starting him when he’s fit because Szob ain’t done much to convince me and this is on the back of this season and last.

17.) 15 Sep 2024 10:26:17
I think szoboszlai was not great on the ball but he still was pressing and getting about well. The problem with him I think is he is probably better suited to games against an opposition which presses us and will surrender space for us to attack, against a mid block or a low block I do agree that maybe Elliott is a good option. Szoboszlai does offer different qualities to Elliott, and those are important to how Slot envisions the team, especially from a pressing standpoint imo, it does stun me that people don't see how crucial he was in our first three wins. Nobody is getting on Mac Allister's back? He was the worst and most inconspicuous of our midfield three in the first three games (still played decently of course) and nobody complains about him. I wouldn't complain because I know how much of a baller he is, but that does strike me as a bit odd.

Forest had a game plan, sure, and a lot of that game plan revolved around going down at the slightest bit of contact to frustrate and win cheap fouls from the ref, while we didn't get the rub of the green when our players exaggerated contact to win free kicks. It was smart dirty play from them, but that's the PL for you. Sure Nuno exploited weaknesses in our structure to create the few chances they had, but Slot has shown he is an intelligent enough coach to quickly figure out how to compensate for that. He is new to the PL and I'm sure he will figure it out fast.

18.) 15 Sep 2024 10:28:49
Sometimes, you got to give the oppo. some credit. A lot of it, in this case Forest were very good and so was Nuno. If there is one thing Nuno is great at, is setting up his teams to frustrate the bigger football-playing sides. I cast your minds back to when he was at Wolves where he used to make Pep suffer in some cases where Wolves played City.

Nuno always knew where City wanted to go with the ball so he would just make sure City didn't do that and then literally dictate to them where the ball shoulg go which were blind allies. Oh, and he battered City a few times with Wolves and once with Spurs. That is exactly what he did to us so hats of to him, his staff and his players.

As for us, it was a poor performance from the off till the end. We could have played for 3 days and still wouldn't have scored cos we were playing poorly, slack passing, very poor decision making in the final thrid and frankly the subs made us worse rather than better. Must do better next time around.

19.) 15 Sep 2024 10:31:22
I find it difficult that we can call out individuals so readily after a game like this. It’s can’t be a team game when things go well and then down to individuals when it doesn’t.

Anyways, in games like this you expect your big players to step up and dictate the play. But we became far too reliant on a ball from Trent and we rarely got anything going between the lines and when we did the passes we 1m off left or right.

Really unfortunate. Ironically, I think the way forward would have been better trust in our possession and breaking the opposition down. But we seemed to revert to trying to go direct and get the goal as quick as possible.

Rest and patience will do us well.

20.) 15 Sep 2024 10:42:38
This squad finished 3rd with (in my eyes) the best manager in the world. We didn’t strengthen the team. Therefore, it’s impossible to be better with a lesser manager.

21.) 15 Sep 2024 11:05:06
Not impossible LFC8 but extremely difficult. Especially now Salah and VVD are another year older. I would bite your hand off for top 4 at this point.

22.) 15 Sep 2024 11:26:25
Would it be so bad to finish third?
We're all managers in our own heads but I think some need to manage their expectations a lot better.

23.) 15 Sep 2024 11:44:36
I thought rigsbybefore season started if slot could get 3rd considering how poor a summer we had transfer wise and contract wise he wouldve done extremly well.
Nothing i've seen since has changed my mind on that.

24.) 15 Sep 2024 12:01:21
I'd be delighted with top 4 after seeing that.

25.) 15 Sep 2024 12:24:31
Exactly my point, Rigsby. Would it be so bad if we gave the title a real go under a new manager and finished 3rd? Or even 4th? People thinking that woukd be disappointing need to wake up from their fantasy sessions and take their expectations down a couple of notches.

For me, I will not put such unrealistic burden on Slot in his first season cos I did NO such thing to any other LFC manager in their first season's at LFC since I had became a fan decades ago. If Slot finishes 3rd/ 4th esp. by giving it a right go to try to win the title in his first season then, that's good enuff for me.

26.) 15 Sep 2024 12:54:45
I don't think this side would be title contenders under Klopp and I'm less confident under Slot.
The midfield is still weak, the front three is not the level of the one that won the League and CL and I'd like a regular centre half partnership.
Slots has had a good start and I'm hopeful he can bring us some success but he is not Klopp's level yet and the players inherited not of the standard that Klopp won the big two trophies with.

27.) 15 Sep 2024 13:22:13
Not about attacking systems and inability to play vs a low block when the players can't pass a ball 5 yards and besides 2 or 3 players we have a collective disastrous day! Terrible day on the pitch and in the stands.

28.) 15 Sep 2024 13:36:50
We actually got into good areas a few times at nil nil but the final pass was poor. On another day we go one up, force them to come out and score a couple more. It is what it is and I'm not writing our season off already.

29.) 15 Sep 2024 13:46:04
It’s a reality check. There’s a lack of quality in depth in midfield which is going to cost us massively. City and Madrid would have a field day against us. To win a title you need to be consistent and dig deep to get something out of games like that. We were unable to do that.

30.) 15 Sep 2024 14:28:04
If the forwards can't play simple passes it doesn't matter how good the midfield is victor. All the forwards were guilty of being sloppy.

{Ed077's Note - Has the season already ended with just the "We Beat Man Utd at Old Trafford" Trophy? ?}

31.) 15 Sep 2024 15:06:57
Welcome to Thug ball, Arne. What have you got in your back pocket for that? A dash of Endo?

32.) 15 Sep 2024 19:00:18
I said we “looked jaded”, I didn’t say I thought they were jaded.

“Looking jaded” to me means they lacked intensity, lacked energy, lacked focus and concentration and didn’t take control of the game.

There’s no reason for them to be like that, but that’s how they looked.

33.) 16 Sep 2024 03:21:11
I genuinely thought that after our first three wins we would never, ever lose ever again. Slt’s had his chance and let us all down. Time for a change of coach. We need someone who can guarantee that we will never lose again.

34.) 16 Sep 2024 13:01:26
If we are to be happy with this squad to get us 3rd spot, imagine a summer transfer to push us on to being real challengers.
As for Saturdays game…. well it’s the same old same old. What to do against a low block? Shooting from range might be worth a shot.




Faithinworks's rumour replies


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30 Jan 2025 21:43:47
Do an google search and click images. That will help!




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29 Jan 2025 07:34:00
Did someone say “good luck getting like for like replacement for van dijk and Salah”

Like, yeah, good luck finding one of the greatest wingers in PL history and one of the greatest CBs in PL history lol

Even if we planned this perfectly, we’re not replacing them with a like for like

Some of the stuff written on here man lol





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27 Jan 2025 22:49:24
from memory the 2/ 3 rumour was that it'd be known by the end of this week. if true, it'd be nice to bring the saga to an end.




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27 Jan 2025 22:49:50
we have invested ever season.




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27 Jan 2025 03:24:39
Can we just be honest. We’re all failed footballers lol we aspired to be footballers but a) weren’t good enough and b) weren’t dedicated enough lol

Let’s not pretend that we had the choice of two pathways and we all jumped to do the job we currently do hahahahah.





Faithinworks's banter replies


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07 Feb 2025 08:41:58
conversely, the club are showing tremendous respect by not putting any stories in the media or undue pressure on any of these guys.

all the convos are happening behind the scenes which is how it should be. It's stupid, but perhaps the net effect of this is that fans will assume that the club are doing the players the dirty. when in reality, we don't actually know. and that's how it should be.




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06 Feb 2025 22:50:24
isn't Diaz on something like 70k? he could easily be on 130-150 and I imagine this is all playing into the number crunching.




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06 Feb 2025 21:57:40
so many ifs, find it a bit overwhelming hahaha

but in principle without diving into the ins and outs, the players I'd like to see at the club would be Huijsen, Hato, Isak and another player for the midfield. Although if Endo was happy with it, I would be totally ok with Endo remaining in the squad to play that role. Endo's future would seem to rely more on Slot tho cos Endo seems content to stay and play whatever role he's given.

so whoever that midfielder player is I'm thinking should be an experienced and versatile player. I think between the youth of McConnell and Nyoni and Baj we have the 7-9 midfield positions sorted. Guys who cover cups and step into the first team when needed through a long season. baj may even break through next season, who knows.

In brief, I think we need a body in midfield but that it'll be experience to add to the squad.




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06 Feb 2025 07:59:16
So we’re legislating for players feelings now? lol

This is dumb and impossible to legislate as players don’t own celebrations.




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05 Feb 2025 09:29:39
Fifa fans want kluivert over Szoboslai.




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