07 Jan 2025 19:09:22
So it looks as though the Elon Musk rumours might actually have some legs. I will preface this by saying I don’t want the man near the club, he is too unpredictable to be a stable owner.
However, some of the naivety from the fans both on here and on social media is laughable. If somebody could point me to a billionaire capable of buying the club who isn’t a scumbag please do.
Take FSG for example, you have only got to look at some of Liverpools sponsors. Standard chartered and AXA have some very questionable ties if you want to do your own research.
So I’ll say it again, I don’t want Musk near the club, but let’s not be naive and act like our own owners are any better.
07 Jan 2025 19:17:23
What happens if in addition he pumped billions of investment into the City and brought 1000’s of jobs to the area. Would people be in favour then?
07 Jan 2025 19:27:30
Great post JK_RED and no political emotion involved ?.
07 Jan 2025 19:40:22
No. They are better. Not perfect by any means but a lot better.
07 Jan 2025 19:51:39
What if musk has a geniune affinity to city due to his family links and would like to put some of his money into the club and area to help it thrive? Fsg solely in it to make as much profit as possible whenever they sell. Which is worse?
{Ed001's Note - a few months ago he was talking about buying Man Utd...}
07 Jan 2025 19:51:54
Agreed Kemlyncat. FSG are by no means perfect but they have always been sustainable, been the owners through a sustained period of sustained success and competitiveness, openly apologised when they have got things wrong (maybe forced but they still didn't have to but did anyway) and brought us on leaps and bounds commercially. Now I'm not saying Musk couldn't do any of those things either, but at least you don't see Henry spouting what is essentially libel and blatantly intervening/ destabilising a different countries politics just because he can.
07 Jan 2025 19:53:08
Elon Musk is more than a scumbag best friends are Tommy Robinson and Donald Trump. Say no more.
07 Jan 2025 20:11:40
Half of America just voted Trump their president mostly on the assumption it will be better than the soft left.
07 Jan 2025 20:14:20
I don't want Musk anywhere near LFC. It's always been his way or the highway, and I could see him causing untold damage to the settled dressing room. He is not open to any sort of criticism as shown with his spat with Farage. I get the impression that he would want to be involved in team tactics, and even picking the team. He has such a massive ego that he thinks he knows better than the football professionals.
07 Jan 2025 20:23:32
@mark, there’s no left in the usa, there’s the choice between a capitalist party that acts like it’s normal or a capitalist party that acts like a bunch of crazed out maniacs.
07 Jan 2025 20:26:30
He said he was a United fan. Therefore we don’t want him. Simple as that
But fans saying if he took over they would boycott the club and support not Liverpool. I find that very worrying. You’re not proper fans. I’d still support Liverpool if Alex Ferguson bought us banked by Adolf Hitler and Fred West. Why? Because im a red. No matter what scumbag temporarily owns us.
07 Jan 2025 20:26:34
Based on Musk’s politics I wouldn’t want him near our club. I have no idea what he’d be like as a club owner but it raises a lot of questions which isn’t a great thing. However FSG are venture capitalists and are not interested in the long term successes of Liverpool as a club. The Red Sox fans have had enough of them too.
07 Jan 2025 20:37:27
I think he said shortly afterwards ed1 that it was a joke he made as regards to buying man utd. That everybody kept linking him to buying a sports club.
I don't know much about musk, people like him that v successful generally people don't like them as they jealous a lot of time, I was just giving the other side of the argument, maybe his intentions geniune.
{Ed001's Note - Genuine? Not a chance. Not that it matters. Anyone with the money to afford us is going to be the wrong kind of person, as I keep saying. You don't get that much money without being a selfish a hole. It is just the way it is.}
07 Jan 2025 21:02:15
A good laugh over the last day for sure and brought out the trolls who can now be purged!
07 Jan 2025 21:34:46
From his point t of view he won't care what anybody in here thinks and neither will FSG. So bleat away, it will. not matter either way.
07 Jan 2025 21:40:44
Mark, Elon Musk is the REAL President of the United States. Ignore the other guy.
07 Jan 2025 22:31:07
Check the latest article in the Times. FSG are saying they would not sell the club to Musk.
Watch him buy another club and go 5 levels above the CFC owner.
07 Jan 2025 22:37:13
Can’t be worse than Biden or whoever she’s called.
07 Jan 2025 22:43:08
This is not jealousy as I am a happy person. However, you do not become a billionaire without under rewarding employees, underpaying suppliers and/ or over charging customers.
These people are hoarding wealth for themselves when they could be sharing it around with others. Elon could double the salaries of his employees and give them job security and still be a multi - billionaire but chooses not to.
I don't think he reflects the values of the supporters.
07 Jan 2025 22:44:57
markp08, what nonsense are you on about?
Also, if Musk buys the club I would be ashamed.
08 Jan 2025 00:07:35
Guys, relax, there is zero legs to this rumour.
Musk will not buy LFC, in fact he won’t buy any sports teams.
08 Jan 2025 00:14:44
The idea that only evil people can make money is for the birds - and sometimes one sees what happens when rich people look to do good. Bill Gates has done a great deal with malaria across the world. You may laugh but the likes of George Harrison and McCartney have also done great things, without ever seeking applause for it.
FSG - ultimately their money has been made by successfully improving people’s pension pots: it’s the driving force of any investment team. Not exciting work, but it’s hardly destructive.
The problem with Musk is that he has been clever with leveraged buy-outs, but has no motive other than rewarding himself. That is why he has been so happy to destroy Twitter’s value - and is it all a Robert Maxwell style house of cards? Ie a pyramid scheme about to crash? The Johnny Depp trial seemed to suggest he is a gambler, quickly running out of chips.
08 Jan 2025 01:00:58
@Monster I agree, in my opinion Musk isn’t a political creature. His only interest is himself. Acquiring Trump wasn’t political, it was motivated by self-aggrandisement. I don’t think he has an evil plan for world domination, politically speaking, but that doesn’t mean that the plans he might have benefit anybody but himself.
08 Jan 2025 01:32:37
LiverpoolFC8, i find your post the most worrying. Are you really saying you would be ok being a money-making vessel for mass murderers because you're a red?
Ive been a ‘proper fan’ of Liverpool for over 50 years but would switch to another club overnight if Musk bought us because ultimately this is a sports team we support, and having him in charge diminishes any sense of tradition, ethos and values that makes LFC worth supporting.
08 Jan 2025 02:07:17
Also - most importantly, Musk is an absolute bell-end. Imagine him wearing the scarf at a couple of games a season? It’s hard enough explaining to my girls why I need time out from playing with Barbie dolls / talking about Taylor Swift (ok, now it’s Joni Mitchell with my 15 year old) whenever a match is on, but there is no way I am enticing them into the self-destructive madness of supporting LFC if it’s a showpiece for a total twat.
08 Jan 2025 02:11:28
Some deeply worrying posts on here the last few days, fsg might have made their money doing dubious things but at least they’re not on the news every other day spouting odious hateful garbage and funding/ espousing fascism, I’m embarrassed reading some of the smart aleck nihilism on here, how do you think queer or POC fans (or even women, for whom musk has evident disdain) would feel if somebody like musk took over our club? They should just shut it, bugger off to some other team and stop preaching to straight male fans who can’t ever see beyond their own point of view?
08 Jan 2025 02:51:19
IDreamOfGin, I find it shocking that you'd be able to just change and support another club lol come off it. A few people have now said the same and I can't get my head around that. I know for a fact whoever owns us I could never support another team, absolutely no chance.
No matter who is in charge, Liverpool will never change. Most clubs have undesirable owners, it is what it is. Personally I couldn't care less, I wouldn't want the man anywhere near the club of course but it's nothing to do with us, I'm more bothered about what happens on the pitch and that's something I'll never stop supporting.
It's all been looked into far too much anyway, it's not going to happen and if it did so be it, there's more important things in life.
08 Jan 2025 03:25:54
Ridiculous post. And Oli if you think Trump isn't in charge u might have just posted your worst ever comment. And that's saying something.
08 Jan 2025 03:26:59
WDW maybe u need to listen to what Elon has to say. The last thing he cares about is money. Speaks his mind.
08 Jan 2025 04:09:50
@monstersouness, if you think Gates is good guy then I am sorry for you. There were reports and enquiry in India ( areas where poor people there), ford foundation and his foundation had done some research on the people without people knowing what it is. Its happening in many parts of the world.
08 Jan 2025 04:35:07
He does indeed speak his mind, and his mind is that of a raving egomaniacal bigot who would be much better served keeping his mouth shut on matters outside of making piles of cash through dubious means.
08 Jan 2025 06:44:07
IDreamOfGin. Yes, there’s no way I’d “switch clubs” overnight like you mate. I find it staggering fans like yourself would literally swap colours because some rich bloke you’ve never met, sold the club to some other rich bloke you’ve never met ?.
08 Jan 2025 06:55:44
@Red_Flyer where did I say Musk is driven by money? Musk is an egomaniac and the furtherance of his own image. Everything he does serves to enhance his own image of himself and he appears to hav3 very little empathy with anybody or thing.
08 Jan 2025 08:38:48
LiverpoolFC8, it has nothing to do with wealth and everything to do with morality and values. I understand you would still support Liverpool if our coach was Barry Bennell, and Adam Johnson, Dani Alves and Robinho were in the squad but, as much as i love Liverpool FC, I couldn't support a club who would happily employ those types. Right-wing bigots and purveyors of apartheid fall into a similar category.
08 Jan 2025 08:40:43
Oh wow. Here’s Liverpool fans putting the worlds to right from the comfort of their keyboards and Arsenal are having actual real world problems with the fact the ball they used last night caused their loss.
Can we please put things into perspective and all give our thoughts and prays to Arsenal at this difficult time.
Thank god there’s a game tonight ?.
08 Jan 2025 10:50:47
I would like to know which owners certain fans would consider acceptable to buy Liverpool.
If you’re looking for an ethical billionaire, you’re going to be looking for a long time!
I drive a Tesla so would be very 2 faced of me to say I don't support Musk buying the club (hypothetically) while lining his pockets with my money.
Politics and football are not a good mix. And there will be lots of people that dislike his political views and therefore oppose his buying of the club.
Frankly whether he’s right wing or left wing (or plays in the 10 role! ), doesn’t come into it for me. What’s important is whether he has the best intentions for the club and looks after its best interests.
Gone are the days where a local Liverpool businessman can buy and run his local club. I see him as a much better option than a nation state personally.
08 Jan 2025 10:52:41
@LiverpoolFC8 “I find it staggering fans like yourself would literally swap colours because some rich bloke you’ve never met, sold the club to some other rich bloke you’ve never met”
100% agree.