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23 Apr 2024 02:39:52
Paulo Fonseca being linked too.

There’s an interesting one. He’s got a good record, likes to attack and develop youth players.

Ron Keague

1.) 23 Apr 2024 06:40:36
We must have reached the bottom of the barrel if we’re at him. Calling him a journeyman is being generous. That or the journalists are now sticking random names in a hat and hoping for the best.

2.) 23 Apr 2024 07:31:01
I’ve read this morning that Amorim is tipped for us, this is the first public hint I’ve viewed anywhere other than on this great site, I read it on Live soccer tv. There’s a little bio on him too.

3.) 23 Apr 2024 07:47:04
Kew, that article read like an AI produced round up of previous rumours, so wasn’t saying anything new. According to the usually reliable David Ornstein, Amorim has spoken to West Ham, he’s unlikely to join us as manager and we’re apparently looking at “other options”.

4.) 23 Apr 2024 07:57:33
Interesting Kew. Ornstein (one of the more reliable journos) has tweeted last night that he’s now “unlikely”.

I think Ed002 mentioned that we couldn’t agree terms/ responsibilities with his agent.

5.) 23 Apr 2024 08:16:18
If we’re not going to land an recognised TOP drawer manager We might as well go for Gerrard. He will, at the very least, win instant respect of the dressing room- manage egos well. Who knows the club DNA better? He will fire up a squad that will feel deflated post Klopp (unless we pull off the miracle of winning the Prem)

{Ed025's Note - him or Lampard would do me Kenco.. :)

6.) 23 Apr 2024 08:42:54
Good god I'd rather have De Zerbi over Gerrard and that's saying something.

7.) 23 Apr 2024 08:45:22
"My rumours are truer than your rumours".

8.) 23 Apr 2024 09:10:35
Kenco, stick to coffee as football isn’t your thing, Gerrard will never be good enough or competent enough a manager. A career in punditry is awaiting him on Match of the Day.

9.) 23 Apr 2024 09:13:32
The idea of Thomas frank is growing on me.

Prem xp, good personality, good football. Pros and cons to everyone who isn't klopp.

{Ed001's Note - good football? Since when? Good shithousery, but never good football. They are horrible to watch, all niggly fouls and time wasting.}

10.) 23 Apr 2024 09:53:27
Clutching straws but bits I've watched outside playing the top teams prem sides when he's had players at his disposal like mbeumo the football looked good.

Obviously I'm far from an expert or really know what I'm looking for to be honest, I like him tho and his personality.

I'm terms of who's being linked and reported who do you feel is the more suited, better option.

{Ed001's Note - I like him as a person, he comes across very well, but he is not a top level manager. He is at his level.

There is no top option out there. The standout is Alonso, the rest are huge gambles. Amorim and Slot are the next best options probably.}

11.) 23 Apr 2024 10:16:36
Good Lord. We've gone from the prospect of getting Alonso to Amorin to now discussing Kovac, Frank and Gerrard?

I think I'm going to puke ?

Ed1, if it's not Amorin or Slot, who else can we go after?

Any wildcard options like Fonseca, Motta, Michel etc? Any of them good in your opinion? I can't say I've seen any of their games.

{Ed001's Note - honestly the rest are all huge gambles. There is no one who has the outstanding qualities or has shown himself to suit the Liverpool way, other than Alonso. Even Amorim and Slot are big gambles.}

12.) 23 Apr 2024 10:35:39
Opinion on Slot Ed1? I haven't watch Dutch League or his Fayenoord team. How is his team plays and what formations did he use? To be honest the idea of a manager from Dutch League as our manager doesn't convince me. We all saw what happen to Ten Hag at UTD. And Ten Hag manage to get his Ajax side to UCL semi final but look out of his depth at UTD.

{Ed001's Note - I haven't really seen enough of Slot's Feyenoord team to really judge him properly. It is more about the record he has, compared to money spent that makes him a standout. I do have the same fear I have to say.}

13.) 23 Apr 2024 10:52:55
Why do people think Frank would be a good appointment? He would be catastrophic, the man has absolutely no track record of success and his teams play horrible football, this is far too big a job for him.

14.) 23 Apr 2024 11:03:53
What about Inter's Simone Inzaghi Ed1? I don't know why his name has not being mentioned as potential Klopp replacement. He seems to be doing great with Inter, last season UCL finalist and blowing out competition in Serie A this season. Inter just lose once this season and conceded only 18 goals. Don't know whether he speaks English or not though.

{Ed001's Note - not for me. Every time I saw his Lazio team play they were so bad to watch and his Inter has been the same. He doesn't seem to have the right personality either. All clubs are unique and require the right personality to be a true success and I don't see signs of him having it.}

15.) 23 Apr 2024 11:45:15
After the German season has finished, Liverpool need to go cap-in-hand to Alonso's agent and have another go at getting him.

{Ed002's Note - He won't be joining Liverpool.}

16.) 23 Apr 2024 11:50:02
2000s Portsmouth Mafia could be running the club! Gary O’Neil latest to be rumoured.

{Ed002's Note - Gary O'Neil (C) If Moyes departs, O'Neil will join the likely candidates for West Ham. I suspect he will stay where he is. Links to Liverpool are likely just to be with the input of Richard Hughes – I really cannot see the club going that way – it would be a shock and I think risky with so little experience.}

17.) 23 Apr 2024 08:37:33
Ed25.I see you haven't lost your sense of humor.

Maybe it's because Everton are basically safe now. unless the FA decide to deduct more points.

Since you're throwing Lamps name around. why not just add Allardyce to that list? Or even Moyes since Amorim is replacing Moyes.

I reckon we are all going to be shocked by the next appointment. can't wait!

{Ed025's Note - all good candidates i would say JLC, we are talking top notch candidates here mate.. :)

18.) 23 Apr 2024 15:57:32
De zerbi's better than people on here think, wouldn't surprise me at all to see him do great things if he went to a top club with a squad to match.

19.) 23 Apr 2024 16:47:35
ED001, if we are way down our list of preferred managers, what do you think of Iraola at Bournemouth? Seems to have turned a relegation threatened team in to one that is more mid table (after the players bought in to his ideas) . Could he step up?

{Ed001's Note - before he went to Bournemouth he was certainly very impressive in Spain. He seems to have turned it around on the south coast as well. Like all the other options, it just seems a bit soon for him to be getting the Liverpool job.}

20.) 23 Apr 2024 18:23:12
I have done a bit of research and Slot might not be that bad of a gamble. He plays attacking, entertaining football which also press high up the pitch. He uses a 433 or 4231 which would fit with the players we currently have.
Feyenoord have the most tackles in the final third over all Dutch teams. He also operates on a smaller budget to those clubs around him, sound familiar?
The more I read the more I like.



30 Mar 2024 07:12:49
Hi ed002:
I know you don’t generally indulge in speculation but I wondered if Xavi might be an option Liverpool would consider to replace Klopp. Thanks.

Ron Keague

{Ed002's Note - Xavi Hernandez (C) Will take a year off and think carefully about his options. Middle East perhaps.}

1.) 30 Mar 2024 08:18:02
Thanks Ed002, greatly appreciated.

{Ed002's Note - You are welcome Ron.}

2.) 30 Mar 2024 10:47:59
I think that he would be a really poor choice…. about Southgate level.

As a totally left field suggestion I would offer Pep Guardiola an escape from Citeh before the proverbial hits the fan and they are removed from the EPL.

3.) 30 Mar 2024 11:49:10
With Klopp and all his backroom staff going i find it hard as to why FSG just accept this. The romantic indulgant option on Alonso is not going to happen and there's never a guarantee of success. All our history says that passing the role on from within has been key to the success, Shankly to Paisley, to Fagan to king kenny. Surely Klopp if he loves Liverpool must get into Ljinders and say come on you can do this these lads will play for you these lads will cross the line for you. I reckon Ljinders should go for it, much better than an unknown and untrusted man for the players. Which is key for keeping our key players. Any thoughts?

4.) 30 Mar 2024 12:30:19
Take Ed002s word very seriously so I guess it’s not going to be Xavi.
I don’t know how I’d feel about it anyway.

But let’s be honest, any manager we get is going to be a step backwards. Who could be as great as Klopp has been?
Any candidate anyone suggests is going to have faults and liable to receive criticism.

It’s going to be an impossible task so better to buckle up and expect trouble ahead.

But whoever we choose they will need time, that’s why we need a young intelligent manager who understands the game but has that hunger to succeed. Maybe someone with something to prove rather than someone at the peak of his powers.

5.) 30 Mar 2024 14:07:46
What exactly can FSG do about it if Klopp's staff decided to bow out with him?
Can't exactly keep them against their will.
And Klopp would probably know better than anyone if any of his staff would be up to it, why would he talk them into doing something that would bring massive stress and cause them to be a target for constant criticism from impatient fans?

6.) 30 Mar 2024 15:11:45
Don’t successful managers usually take their back room staff with them?
At least the majority of their staff?
It makes it easier to start a new project.

7.) 30 Mar 2024 16:18:35
So if Pep Lijnders was offered the Liverpool job he would pick a 1yr holiday or a chance to manage let's say Ajax over Liverpool? The chance is only there once and it could be now. Another possibilty is he's loyal to Klopp and Klopps reasons for leaving doesn't mean Lijinders and the rest of em ain't off to Ibiza while Klopp makes up his mind, more to Klopp leaving than meets the eye if they are that loyal.

8.) 30 Mar 2024 17:51:58
So fbart on your judgement we should have hired Colin pascoe instead of klopp when Rodgers left . I’m ok with the staff leaving when klopp does as the next head coach needs his people around him the people that have got him the Liverpool job in the 1st place . I’d rather that than having some of klopps guys around then the new coach let’s say Amorim for example has the excuse of well I’m not working with my own people etc . It’s sad that klopps going (really sad) but also this is an opportunity for us as a club to push on even further . I’m well aware of the risk of going backwards but their is as equal amount of opportunity to push forwards aswell it just depends on if the glass is half empty or half full . I try to base my life on the the glass overflowing . Let’s send klopp off in style and let’s get even better and bigger

Yes the red men ??.

9.) 30 Mar 2024 18:44:00
Onwards and upwards, just get the impression the players respond well to lijnders and it could be an option. Klopp has propelled us to the top and finding a replacement based on who is available seems like whoever comes in will not have Klopps charisma or credentials. My theory with Lijnders is better the devil you know it offers continuity.

10.) 30 Mar 2024 23:32:09
From what I understand, Ljinders doesn't want the job. Now maybe he's a master poker player, but at face value that should tell us all we need to know.

11.) 31 Mar 2024 11:37:29
Why does anybody think he want the job?

Put aside the fact that he’s stated he doesn’t want the job why do so many people think that just because someone has done one job well that he’d automatically want a different job at the same club?

I’m pretty certain, for a large number of contributors at any rate, that they would love the job and so think everybody else must want it too.



02 Aug 2023 21:52:27
Hi Ed002, are Liverpool still interested in Kalvin Phillips?

I’ve got a bad feeling about this….

Ron Keague

{Ed002's Note - I gave not heard he is no longer an option.}

1.) 02 Aug 2023 22:26:14
Oh ed002, you tease!

2.) 02 Aug 2023 22:31:21
Thanks Ed002.

3.) 03 Aug 2023 09:45:00
Ron. We need a player prepared to sit and shield our defence - whoever that is I’d be happy right now. I actually quite like Tyler Adams who has a £25m release clause apparently.

4.) 03 Aug 2023 10:23:03
I don't think Tyler Adams is good enough and we shouldn't be bothered signing someone at his level. We need better than that.

Quality over quantity, I would rather have a smaller squad of a higher quality than pad the squad with below par players.

5.) 03 Aug 2023 11:07:53
He’s no Bellingham Sean but I’d rather have a squad with a DM than none at all regardless of who we could have got or what we should have paid etc.

6.) 03 Aug 2023 11:20:56
Can Phillips stay fit though?

And by buying him off City aren’t we just creating space in their squad for them to go out and get an even better player.

7.) 03 Aug 2023 11:35:31
Adams would be such a good signing. Kid is a natural born leader with a great head on his shoulders. Any interest ed002? Papers linking him with Chelsea or arsenal, with an offer from villa.

{Ed002's Note - No.}

8.) 03 Aug 2023 17:24:34
Phillips has weight and fitness issues, also isn’t that good, Adams has injury issues as well, both should be avoided at all costs.

9.) 03 Aug 2023 18:36:56
If Adams is £25m, why not get Andre for a little more?



12 Jan 2017 19:05:07
Barca to bid for Lallana?

Anything in this ed002? Is Lallana going to fulfill his destiny and start Cryuff-turning in the camp nou?

Ron Keague

{Ed002's Note - I am not aware of any interest from Barcelona but I am told he is on a list of possibles for Juventus - but lots of folks are.}

1.) 12 Jan 2017 19:34:27
Thanks ed002 😘😍



27 Jun 2016 00:09:22
Looks like Sergi Canos is off to Bristol City.

Good luck Sergi YNWA.

Ron Keague

1.) 27 Jun 2016 03:56:14
Shame as he clearly has potential. The lad could really have shown a bit of patience and maybe left on loan than permanently. Maybe he saw us signing Mane and knew Ojo was ahead of him in the pecking order, so cannot really blame him on the other hand either.
Best of luck Sergi.

2.) 27 Jun 2016 05:43:39
If LFC is not giving these youngsters game time then set them free, there have been too many players futures have been dented or destroyed because of hoarding.

3.) 27 Jun 2016 07:45:22
Apparently it's 2.5 million, with large sell on fee and buy back clause. Way to stick it to the smaller clubs.

4.) 27 Jun 2016 07:51:39
Are you suggesting we just let players that we have invested in go for free Frisky? I wouldn't let you run my business.

5.) 27 Jun 2016 08:12:31
All big clubs like Real, Barcelona and Bayern have these clauses and used them especially buy back clauses on players like Alba, Denis Suarez, Kroos, Alaba, Lahm, Morata and so on. Didn't hear you moan about it then, Frisky.

6.) 27 Jun 2016 08:13:21
I read he was leaving as we wouldn't match his 10k a week wage demands which would make him the highest paid player in the academy? don't know how true that is though.

7.) 27 Jun 2016 08:15:21
No johnnyr1970, I am saying have a good business plan.

8.) 27 Jun 2016 09:55:52
Basically you're right Carra he wanted £10,000 per week.

9.) 27 Jun 2016 10:07:53
I think it's the right move for the player and the club.

10.) 27 Jun 2016 12:11:30
If he was good enough he would have been given a chance, or maybe a bigger club may have took him than Bristol City. Just because he plays for us does not
Make him instant world class.

11.) 27 Jun 2016 12:32:25
Well at least reports suggesting clauses being put in so that's all you can do if you can't give the lad game time. Well done an good luck.




Ron Keague's banter posts with other poster's replies to Ron Keague's banter posts


01 Jul 2024 20:19:06
I think it’s a mistake for elite clubs - wherever they’re based - to underestimate fans.

They have a business model, it relies on TV income. TV games are not the same spectacle with no crowds.
The pandemic highlighted that. If TV audiences go down, advertisers are turned off, suddenly the money goes down.

I don’t think it works. You need fans, you need rival fans, you need banter between fans.

Good luck to them if they desert the fans, they’ll need it.

Ron Keague

1.) 01 Jul 2024 21:03:54
Is this in response to anything in particular I may have missed?

2.) 01 Jul 2024 22:04:52
Ron, I'm not sure if your post is a response to something or not, but my view is that no club is incompetent or stupid enough to discount or disregard the fans. Because whether it involves TV money or commercial sales or whatever else source of revenue there is, it all starts at the grassroot or base level which are the fans in the stadium.

All sources of revenue are part of a chain which are linked together. But the heart of it are the fans in the stadiums. No teams' TV money, all those kit, airlines stadium naming and various commercial sponsorships, would remain the same if the screaming, shouting and singing fans were gone. The image, reputation and commercial attractiveness of any club would be greatly affected.

3.) 02 Jul 2024 00:23:50
Hi guys, I don’t know how I managed to post it here but it was meant to be a reply to the thread in “rumours” on European super league and home grown players.

4.) 02 Jul 2024 13:52:24
Man City doing well with 'no fans' ??.



23 Jun 2024 18:18:13
Alan Hansen discharged from hospital.

What fantastic news. Such a fabulous player for LFC, he will always be a true legend.
Way ahead of his time on the field and as a pundit. A game changer in both fields.

Stay well Alan, YNWA.

Ron Keague

{Ed025's Note - great news that Ron..

1.) 23 Jun 2024 21:04:58
Fantastic news. Stay well Alan.

2.) 24 Jun 2024 01:21:09
Excellent news mate!

3.) 24 Jun 2024 09:05:25
Just saw the news. Great news, as well. Hopefully, the rehab and recovery process will go well.

4.) 24 Jun 2024 12:12:20
Great news!



12 Jun 2024 17:17:23
We should get Teun Koopmeiners. I have a very good feeling about him from what I have seen. I strongly believe that he will be a success at Liverpool if we sign him.

Ron Keague

1.) 12 Jun 2024 18:29:38
Nice one, finally someone said it.

2.) 12 Jun 2024 18:45:42
I can’t believe no-one else has said it.

3.) 12 Jun 2024 19:11:57
We should only get one midfielder bought in which is a top class DM.

4.) 12 Jun 2024 19:26:15
Hasn't MK been banging the drum for Koopmeiners for weeks.

5.) 12 Jun 2024 19:47:40
Surely a top class DM and LCB are the priorities this summer.

6.) 12 Jun 2024 20:15:57
Juve are very interested, cash is the issue, player exchange is their hope, Huijsen, illing, kean.

7.) 12 Jun 2024 20:53:04
Think he’s had to pull out of the euros. Not always the best judge of a player but as someone that doesn’t watch serie a it would have been nice to see him in a few games.

8.) 12 Jun 2024 21:30:05
I'm sitting here wondering how it is possible that no one else said it? Boggles the mind. ?.

9.) 13 Jun 2024 02:17:02
We should get Teun Koopmeiners. I have a very good feeling about him from what I have seen. I strongly believe that he will be a success at Liverpool if we sign him.

10.) 13 Jun 2024 08:19:53
Agreed Salah.

11.) 13 Jun 2024 11:18:11
I still prefer ederson out of the two for us but I like koopmeiners enough to have bought an Atalanta shirt with his name on it, he is strong as an ox, can beat the press and carry the ball, has decent range of passing, can hit the ball very cleanly from distance, has the knack of arriving late in the box and can certainly make tackles, excellent player.



11 May 2024 17:53:25
With the title race officially over, second place almost impossible and 3rd place assured, I hope Klopp takes the opportunity to play the youngsters.
The odd premier league game in their legs can prove crucial.
Baj needs games
Danns needs games
Koumas, Clark.
Get them playing.

Ron Keague

1.) 11 May 2024 18:14:21
Ron get what you’re saying mate but I don’t think it’ll happen.

I think it’ll be more sentimental to him to manage some of the players that have been on his LFC journey throughout.

And he’s going to want to go out with wins. Even though he might say results aren’t important the guy is a winner.

And you can’t just switch that mentality off.

2.) 12 May 2024 00:47:58
@Ron, agree with Baj and to a lesser extent the others should come on off the be h.

@JK, love the idea of his ‘favourite’ team over the 9 years - I reckon it might be


TAA, Joel M, VVD, Robbo

Hendo, Fabs, Millie

Mo, Bobby, Sadio

Only other one I think might get in is Gini, perhaps for Fabs or Millie.

Perhaps as it’s his last match we could use the new 4 - 2 - 3 - 2 set up and sneak Gini on anyway ?.

3.) 12 May 2024 02:20:10
“be h” started out life as the word “bench” in my head ?.

4.) 12 May 2024 02:51:52
Can't argue with that WDW. I do think Wiji would come into the side in place of Millie because Klopp seems to favour Millie coming off the bench to see out games.

5.) 12 May 2024 05:37:19
Prove crucial for what lol.

6.) 12 May 2024 08:49:01
Faith, I am asking the same question as you are.

7.) 12 May 2024 08:53:12
Wdw ?.

Or he might think f##k it and play


Ben Davies Sakho Kobak Klavan

Arthur Kieta Grujic

Carvalho. Caulker Ballotelli.

8.) 12 May 2024 09:22:17
For their development @Faith and Oli

Young players need games against better opponents not coasting in the youth teams all the time.

9.) 12 May 2024 09:39:02
Some crackers there JK ??.

10.) 12 May 2024 11:05:17
Ron, I get what you're saying. I just think them playing in 2 final games of the season is not "crucial" at all for their development.

Now going into preseason, that is where I would watch to see how much time they get in friendlies as that would be crucial to thheir development in real time as that will judge how involved they will be going into the actual start of a season, not the end of it. just my opinion.

11.) 12 May 2024 11:19:32
I though you said preseason games mean nothing Oli?

12.) 12 May 2024 14:55:53
I think the idea is that the scores in preseason friendlies are unimportant @Red-Will. The important thing to take away from them is that youngsters can perform at a higher level and are ready for consideration / inclusion in the squad for the coming season. Like Baj last season and Bradley this season - that sort of thing.

13.) 12 May 2024 17:39:05
Disagree Oli,

Playing competitive games against premier league opponents is more important than non-competitive friendlies.
Friendlies are about fitness and tactics. They don’t replicate the pressure of a competitive game.

I said “can be crucial” not “is crucial” because playing in competitive games can help players make the step up or it can show them as being “not ready”.

Not trying to change your perspective, just different view of matches.

14.) 13 May 2024 02:22:48
hardly going to get any meaningful development playing in games we're giving up on.



21 Apr 2024 14:57:34
Fresh start for me with Nunez.

I’ve been critical
I’ve been called out
So I’ve been reviewing his game and his chances.

I don’t think he’s a left winger, I think he’s target man.
I agree with those who say our tactics don’t suit him.
I think he’s a player who likes the ball in in front of him, to run on to or to go past a defender/ keeper.

His game is absolutely not suited to tight spaces and quick reactions in the box, he likes time and space and that’s when he’s at his best.

So I’m not going to go on about him missing those kind of chances any more. It’s not his game.
New manager, new philosophy. Today is a fresh start for me.

I’m quite hopeful for Arne Slot and I think he might bring the best out of Darwin.
He’s a tactician and a technician. I think Portugal is too easy and therefore I fear Amorim is untested in this aspect.

Anyway - Nunez fresh start.
Kudos to those who called me out ?.

Ron Keague

1.) 21 Apr 2024 15:22:14
Good on you Ron and fair play mate.

Although, manager wise I would have to disagree. In my opinion, the Dutch league is worse than the Portuguese league, as at least in Portugal you have 3 very good teams whereas I think there is only 1 in erediverse at the moment with Ajax in a slump.

Might be unfair, but Arne Slot just gives me Ten Haag vibes.

2.) 21 Apr 2024 15:29:34
All leagues are weak compared to the premier league supposedly.

Despite there not being a single English team left in the CL and Europa. The good old farmers league of Germany are doing ok in both mind.

3.) 21 Apr 2024 15:40:08
Today is a fresh start. Bench ?.

4.) 21 Apr 2024 15:55:15
I don't like him. I hope he's moved on.

5.) 21 Apr 2024 16:56:25
? bench at the beginning, super sub scorer ?.

6.) 21 Apr 2024 17:04:50
Our attack is much better without him as today's proving.

7.) 21 Apr 2024 17:33:48
How is our attack better without him, we have hardly made a chance from open play!

8.) 21 Apr 2024 18:11:53
That's down to the midfield. Gakpo has been constantly hitting the target at least and Jota played well. Nunez comes in misses a sitter and gets caught offside straight away. What's good about him?

9.) 21 Apr 2024 18:48:07
I’m a huge Jota fan but he was probably our poorest player in the first half. Possibly down to not being match fit or match sharp.

Then 2nd half he gets that chance on his weaker foot goes a tight angle and puts it away.

Nunez who I also like comes on and that angle finish he produces is poor.

He’s then caught offside needlessly twice and doesn’t really get involved much more.

I’ve seen it said we need to release Nunez quicker but he’s offside once from Salah who plays the ball first time on the break. You cannot okay it any quicker than first time.

Nunez has played a lot of football recently so if he gets a few games out the starting one up now might work in his favour.

10.) 21 Apr 2024 19:00:02
If the Portuguese league is too easy but you're giving nunez a chance but not the manager. where do you think nunez played his football.

11.) 21 Apr 2024 19:31:25
All I know is that I now want Captain Goals instead of Captain Chaos. Whether Salah stays or goes, someone else has to come up with Salah's 20-30 goals per season, which have been guaranteed for many years, and which don't look so sure anymore. Salah's goals have been crucial in keeping the club at the level it has been at, since Klopp came over.

No idea if Captain Chaos can make the switch to Captain Goals, or if a new player has to be brought in, but a change is needed. (The new manager and staff would know best) .

12.) 21 Apr 2024 20:00:49
The whole "Capt. Chaos" thingy is as much a throw-away comment as the wole idea that Klopp likes "Rock and Roll" football. It was a throw away comment he made when he was comparing the way Arsenal played under Wenger and the way he likes to what football being played as in high energy and intensity rather thn the "classical music" style Weger played.

For me, Im with Ron. Nunez is a very good CF who is a pure handful for ANY defence when on his game. That much is a fact cos we see it. Now he is not being used in the same way he was used at Benfica or how Bielsa is using him with Uruguay where he was/ is allowed freedom to roam across the front line and do damage from wide or thru the mmiddle. He isn't the leading scorer in the Suth American WC qualifiers for nothing now, is he? Or are we now saying the goalposts over there and in Portugal are bigger?

All that being said, he needs to improve his composure and most importantly his ability to strike the ball depending on where he is. Better composure will allow him to recognise that the manner the ball comes to him, dictates who he will finish the chance. For that, you need to keep calm and not press, something a certain Divock Origi was brilliant at. Regardless of the pressure and pandemonium around him, Divvy had North Pole levels of ice in his veins. Now can you coach composure? Not sure of that BUT we're going to have to give it go. Darwin in, all the way!

13.) 21 Apr 2024 20:44:36
I’m honestly starting to think the composure thing is a confidence matter.
Get the ball in front of him, getting him running on to crosses or through balls, then he’ll work on instinct.

14.) 21 Apr 2024 21:17:48
In fact Ron, use him a bit like City do with Haaland as the focal point of attacks. Our current focal points seem to be out wide with Salah and Diaz but they are playing too far from goal at the moment.

15.) 21 Apr 2024 21:33:17
Nunez’s confidence is on the floor atm. Doubt he starts v Everton but just hope he scuffs one in to get him going. Has to massively improve next season or his game time will become limited.

16.) 21 Apr 2024 22:12:44
"I’m honestly starting to think the composure thing is a confidence matter. "

Ron, that is definitely a good a valid conclusion to reach however, that would make total sense if he had shown a decent level of composure in the past. Alas, that has not really been the case even tho in the times he has shown composure this season, he has baged them in. That being said, I agree that his current lack of composure may be partly due to a lack of confidence.

17.) 21 Apr 2024 23:23:18
Not good enough, likeable fella but has cost us match after match. hate slating players but said all season he will cost us and he has. imagine losing the league on goal difference.

18.) 21 Apr 2024 23:45:27
Always knew you had love for Nunez Ron :) - Good post mate.

19.) 21 Apr 2024 23:53:03
Of course it’s a confidence issue. He’s not played top level football very long, he was a bit of a late bloomer.

He then comes to one of the biggest clubs in the world in the biggest league in the world where the pressure and scrutiny is like nothing he’s even experienced before.

We know the ability is there, we seen it with some of the amazing goals he’s scored for us but the problem is that if he misses a chance it’s headline news.

Even today, Mo played the ball too far in front of him and Neville was saying he should’ve slid to get the ball. He couldn’t get there, there was too much pace on the ball but that doesn’t fit the agenda.

So every time he gets a chance he knows he must score or the media will be full of how he missed a chance again so guess what? He tenses up and misses the chance.

That’s why I pushed back when Ron was critical of Nunez. If even his own fans can’t cut him some slack then how is he ever going to get out of this cycle? Just think how much pressure that is when not only the media and rival fans are making memes out of every time you miss a chance but your own fans are making fun of you too?

I really like him, he has everything we just need to stick with him and I think we’ll have a special player on our hands.

20.) 22 Apr 2024 00:22:25
I don’t love him, I just think I’ve been harsh on him. We’re not using him properly.

Our success was built on Mane and Salah banging the goals in whilst Bobby was moving defenders around or playing clever passes in tight spaces. Bobby was never a target man or even the focal point of the attack. Salah was. If Salah was tied up then Mane took over.

Nunez is no Bobby. Completely different player. But we haven’t really adapted our set up to optimise Nunez.
That’s why I want to see what he can do with a new coaching team and a new philosophy.

21.) 22 Apr 2024 00:41:36
Nunez has cost us no more than our porous defence has. Everyone saying our current tactics doesn't suit him, which I agree with, but he's still banged in 18 goals and he will make it 20 before season end. That's good any year.
He's already good, he will get better when we play to his strengths. Blokes got everything, pavez power, heightz good jump, gets stuck in and most importantly he doesn't let his misses stop him trying again. He is good, will get better and in a couple of seasons I'll be laughing at you all saying how vital he is to us when he gets injured just like I do after sticking up for Jota all these years when he was the easy target for 'reasons'.

22.) 22 Apr 2024 07:54:17
Play him as an out and 9 like Torres and he bangs in a lot more goals.

23.) 22 Apr 2024 08:42:33
Spot on, Westwood666. Saying a sigle player cost us the title or Cup or whatever is siomething from the depths of pure hatred and a lack of understanding of the fundame, tals of team sport. People who say that are those I have NO time for cos trust me, I would lose my will to live.

As for your take on Darwin, I have NOTHING more to add. If you thought he would not improve from or that you thought he would never improve (like many of our own fans said) last year then clearly, Nunez has shut you lot up cos the facts speak for themselves.

Man's prolly going to crack 20 goals and prolly 15 assists this season (something his detractors NEVER thought he would do, btw) and these people will still moan and the loudest ones are the ones who did not want him here to begin with and are now shifting the goalposts to give him stick. Im over the Darwin hate agenda. The kid can't catch a break cos according to these lost, he can do absolutely NOTHING right in their eyes even when he does score goals. It's always "Yeah, but. ". Take day off!

24.) 22 Apr 2024 08:47:18
"We know the ability is there, we seen it with some of the amazing goals he’s scored for us but the problem is that if he misses a chance it’s headline news.

Even today, Mo played the ball too far in front of him and Neville was saying he should’ve slid to get the ball. He couldn’t get there, there was too much pace on the ball but that doesn’t fit the agenda. "

Exactly, BP. The kid cannot catch a break. As for Neville, he can give over the LFC agenda cos it's becoming tedious to deal with. Had Hojlund had the output Darwin currently has, you think he would be on him like he is on Darwin? Like you said, the ball Mo played in was not accurate enuff cos he did not bend the ball towards him. Had Darwin went early to reach it, Neville would have slated him for being offside. Had he slid and missed on the stretch, Neville would have slated him for missing. See where Im going with this?

Talking down on Darwin drives headlines as you said. Watkins and Haaland are just as wasteful as Darwin is BUT who gives a hoot about them cos it does not drive clicks and online reactions.

25.) 22 Apr 2024 08:56:04
He has played as a 9 a lot this season.

26.) 22 Apr 2024 09:14:10
Exactly Oli and he’s a 24 year old in a foreign country who doesn’t have a total grasp of the language. It’s no wonder he’s a bit nervous in front of goal, he knows that if he misses it’s feeding the haters even more and it’ll end up as a meme.

He’ll come through it I have no doubt about that but we need to stick with him. If we jump on the bandwagon and start criticising him it makes it much more difficult for him to perform.

27.) 22 Apr 2024 09:26:44
Ron - were you the ones who asked "what are Darwin's strengths"?

I may have responded to that but basically along the lines of what you're saying now. I really believe that any player can excel at a top team if they fall into the right circumstances and have the attitude.

No one can make a credible case against Darwin's attitude. Now it's about the football aspect and playing to his strengths to bring out the best in him. In saying that he's currently 18G/ 12A, hardly a lemon lol.

28.) 22 Apr 2024 09:58:14
Look every lfc fan waants it to happen for Darwin but the argument has to be balanced. Yes he has a lot of good qualities but he is also the No.9 at this great club and at the moment he misses far too many of his opportunities and can't stay onside. Unless he improves on such things he will not succeed here.

29.) 22 Apr 2024 10:15:39
Watkins has 19 goals and 12 assists in the league though so I'd imagine they paper over the cracks of his misses.

And Haaland has 56 league goals in 2 seasons.

Perhaps its because Watkins can speak the language which makes him more composed in front of goal.

Nunez does get lots more hate and criticism from pundits but considering he won't understand what their saying it shouldn't effect him so every cloud and all that.

30.) 22 Apr 2024 13:14:59
I still think his best position is from the left, where he played against us and was so good. I think him on left, Salah right n Jota through the middle we wouldn't go too far wrong. Harsh on Diaz and gakpo maybe but I think coming in from the left or destroying the full back will help his confidence and also take him slightly out of the main focal point firing line.

31.) 22 Apr 2024 16:52:19
Yes Grinch but we have two left wingers in Diaz and gakpo who are both better in said position.

32.) 22 Apr 2024 21:28:05
Faith - I did ask that but it was misinterpreted.

The purpose of the question was to find out what others see in his game which I’m missing - not “he doesn’t have any strengths”.

That’s all.




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25 Jul 2024 19:11:10
I know what you’re saying Dhfc but in my opinion Rooney was a natural. I don’t think he lifted his game through training and fitness the way C Ronaldo did.

I could be wrong but he was a great player as a 17 yr old and I don’t think he really got much better than that.

Maybe he can help Danns, but Danns needs good coaches as well as playing against hardened pros.

Ron Keague



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25 Jul 2024 13:02:26
In all honesty, challenging for honours this season is going to be very difficult, with or without new players.
New coaches, new manager, new to the premier league, new tactics/ formations, new philosophy.

I don’t think a few new players will make it that much easier. It’s going to be tough.

I’m pretty calm about the squad, I think we essentially have a squad of new players and getting cohesion and consistency is going to be tougher for us.

Ron Keague



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24 Jul 2024 12:10:53
Nice one Eddie ?.

Ron Keague



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23 Jul 2024 17:27:21
As long as it’s not Darwin then I’m in the clear ?
I don’t think I’ve ripped on anyone else in the last 6 months.

Ron Keague



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22 Jul 2024 23:58:09
“Assuming we’re all correct” ???.

Ron Keague




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27 Jul 2024 08:21:31
I can’t say anyone but Kenny. Not one of the other names would be favourite over him. Love the man.
I could easily have said any of the other names and more but in terms of “favourite” - I don’t think anyone will ever take that crown.

Ron Keague

{Ed025's Note - a good man and a great player Ron..



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27 Jul 2024 08:15:34
Maybe that’s why Hughes is pursuing Gordon? To play as a central striker?

Ron Keague



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26 Jul 2024 21:40:24
Considering last season was Endo’s first in England I thought he did really well.

Ron Keague

{Ed025's Note - i would say...relatively well Ron..



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24 Jul 2024 19:12:31
Salah is not clinical enough to play as a CF in my opinion.
He’s a great player, he scores great goals, but he’s never been a great finisher. He succeeds on volume of chances.

Ron Keague



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24 Jul 2024 08:39:20
Unless Ed025 IS Richard Hughes.

Ron Keague

{Ed025's Note - i cannot confirm or deny that rumour Ron.. :)



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