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To Salah's last 5 banter replies


Salah's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Salah's rumours posts


06 Jan 2021 20:43:15
Ed2, I can't see us buying anybody this window because we're skint. Where is the money coming from for the summer transfer window? or are we going to have to sell big to buy big?


{Ed002's Note - Clubs need to balance the books - Liverpool spent last summer accumulating debt. They have plenty of players that can be sold to refresh but it is critical that they resolve their squad management issues with HG and Club Developed players.}

1.) 07 Jan 2021 03:31:44
We need to start selling fringe players for realistic prices, and we need to do this fast. Otherwise where is the money for players we actually need going to come from?
Origi, Adrian, Keita, Shaq, Milner, Larouci, karius, Awoniyi, Wilson, Ojo, Woodburn, Millar, Grujic etc.
We have been holding on to these players too long where they are either sat warming the bench eating up huge paychecks or getting fared out on pointless loans with no end in sight.
Very poor squad management imo. No wonder the club's wage bill is through the roof and we don't have money to spare for transfers.
West Ham r about to sell Haller to Ajax. Commonsense dictates we test the waters and offer them Origi for 15 million pounds and see if they bite. We need money for a CB now by hook or crook.

2.) 07 Jan 2021 07:10:07
Bang out of order to include Milner on that list IB. His contract is up this summer so you’ll get your wish.

{Ed001's Note - he is contracted until summer 2022.}

3.) 07 Jan 2021 07:57:07
Milner but no ox? No way Indian.

4.) 07 Jan 2021 09:29:01
Milner is 36, why’s it bang out of order? Yes he’s a great player but he doesn’t play week in week out and will be the same next season if he stays. There’s a time when the club need to look forward. I agree ox should be on that list along with matip and phillips.

5.) 07 Jan 2021 09:55:47
The club is a business now and I’ve no doubt they will sell any player if needed to balance the books and I have no problem with this. Players want to leave all the time and won’t look back. Life moves on am afraid!

6.) 07 Jan 2021 10:57:45
If you can’t see how IB’s message is disrespectful to a great servant like Milner, then I can’t be bothered to even debate with you pegleg.

7.) 07 Jan 2021 12:19:23
'sat warming the bench eating up huge paychecks' Pegleg would you associate this with Milner? Let's give him the respect he deserves.

8.) 07 Jan 2021 13:13:14
So by your logic the club needs 11 players who play week in week out. We don't need back up players or players for rotation?

9.) 07 Jan 2021 13:49:45
I agree with ShaqAttack. Bang out of order to put loyal and decent players on a list of people we should get rid of!

In the words of Bill Shankley: "If you can't support us when we lose or draw, then don't support us when we win"

The message is "stay loyal to the club and the team at all times"

Have faith in the club who won 4 trophies for their supporters in last 12 months.

10.) 07 Jan 2021 14:48:40
I think we should keep Milner until he retires in 2022. When he signed his contract he spoke of his desire to coach at Liverpool when he hangs up his boots. He is the ultimate role model and still a very dependable player in multiple positions.

11.) 07 Jan 2021 14:52:35
the irony of your all defending one player but happy to bash the others on the list.

12.) 07 Jan 2021 15:34:05
Origi - has effectively been replaced already with Jota and Minamino, I love the guy but it's an obvious place for us to raise some funds and for him to get the move and playing time he deserves

Adrian - Has dome well but Kelleher has stepped up well. I doubt we'd get much for him though

Keita - This is the move I'd really like to see. I've always had hopes for Keita but he hasn't settled and injuries have seen him struggle to establish himself. A move could work for best for both him to reset and to raise some real funds for the club

Shaq - Hasn't played much so I'd see if we can raise anything for him and bring back Elliott

Milner - I'd keep him until he won't have us anymore!

Grujic - I'd really like to see him return and establish himself as a replacement for Gini (assuming he leaves), but I suspect he may move on unfortunately.

The rest are fringe/ kids IMO so won't get much for them.

In short, I don't see how we're likely to be a huge pool of funds unless someone like Salah were to move on.

{Ed002's Note - Adrian is out of contract in the summer - he is not going to be sold.}

13.) 07 Jan 2021 15:34:37
In what way am I being disrespectful to Milner? He is past his best, has been getting injured recently and is no longer a first team player. He is on 100k plus a week wages.
If we want to start trimming the squad, these difficult decisions need to be made. Milner has been a great servant to the club but it's time to move on. The senior players at the club like VVD, Fabinho, Alisson etc need to step up and become the leaders of the new look squad LFC will be building in the coming years.

14.) 07 Jan 2021 15:37:32
You can also add Phillips to that list. I'd keep Ox simply for the HG quota and Matip coz I doubt Klopp wants to overhaul the CB department in one go.

15.) 07 Jan 2021 18:22:33
Milner is a role model to the youth can play multiple roles in the squad and also fittest player every pre season he's a example to everyone else.

16.) 08 Jan 2021 14:11:49
Td red, where have I said that? I do t think he meant to put Milner in the bracket I certainly don’t. I think he’s a great player who’s served us well but unfortunately at his age he can be improved on. I’m also happy to see him stay but don’t get half the fans when they’re happy to see the likes of gini leave but cry over the mention of Milner going.

17.) 09 Jan 2021 09:39:20
The way I see it, we got VVD, Gomez to return to join Matip, Nat, Rhys and the kids. I still think we have more then enough cover in the CB position unless we are going to overspend to have 10 players per position.

18.) 09 Jan 2021 21:49:36
1) we don’t when VVD/ Gomez return to full match fitness never mind if.
2) Matip is hugely injury prone. Even if he does make it back for Utd game no doubt he’ll be injured again soon.
3) Philips wouldn’t be here if a buyer coulda been found in the summer. Wasn’t even included in CL squad. Contract up in summer.
4) Vast majority of supporters didn’t know Rhys existed start of the season. Was playing non league football 10mths ago. Not ready to be starting Prem league week in week out.
5) If Philips and Rhys was ready to be regular centrebacks then we wouldn’t need Hendo starting there. And I really don’t want to see Hendo starting there again.



21 May 2019 18:04:43
Firmino back in training today! get in lad! He's going to be so crucial in the final. Speaking of the final, is it me or is time dragging like hell? I just want it to be here already!


1.) 21 May 2019 18:34:13
I agree Salah, two weeks without football is killing me.

2.) 21 May 2019 19:06:40
I’ve resorted to watching highlights of all the games this season.

3.) 21 May 2019 20:20:03
Robbo seems to be okay as well.

Have seen a couple of photos of him there and he looked happy.

4.) 21 May 2019 20:40:23
Seems very long to me. Was there such a gap last year?

5.) 21 May 2019 21:01:09
Dragging like hell. Glad Firmino will be fit to play just hope he plays a lot better than he did in last years final.

6.) 21 May 2019 21:33:34
Welcome back Bobby!
We need those big white teeth on that pitch in Madrid 🔴
Cannot wait for the next Saturday, i need to try and keep calm till then. it's building up though!


7.) 21 May 2019 21:54:22
Doesn't anyone think that origi is a bit of a good omen for us in Europe he could have a big impact, I remember the Dortmund game home an away his form then was great then got injured obviously, but he seems too perform well in cup games for us an when he comes on or slots in, if Bobby ain't on it origi deserves a shot!

8.) 21 May 2019 23:35:57
Sunday was the worst for me, chest infection and no footy to watch : (
I know I was feverish but nearly put the SPL on!

9.) 22 May 2019 08:35:54
I'm glad there's a long gap if it means Firmino and Robbo get fit to play. Same doesn't apply to Kane though!

10.) 22 May 2019 09:26:34
We are always sluggish after long breaks though. Baffles me why the final isn't sooner.

11.) 23 May 2019 11:00:18
Italian and French leagues still have one game to go this weekend. Plus the German and Spanish Cup Finals are on this Saturday. I guess they expected clubs from some of those four leagues to be in the final. They were wrong.



15 Dec 2018 17:33:18
Ejaria to return to Liverpool early, I wonder if he will go elsewhere on loan in January?


1.) 16 Dec 2018 00:37:17
It's concerning that the word going around is that Ejaria left Rangers, and the Scottish league, due to it being too physical.

Hopefully that accusation is nothing more than slander because, if it is true, then that does not bode well for Ejaria's prospects. Every league is physical and you cannot carefully tip toe your way around numerous heavy handed challenges. I doubt many teams will risk bringing him in for fear he might not be willing to win those vital 50/ 50's.

Once again, I hope it is just a rumour because from what I have seen he is a decent player. A technically gifted young man who, at one point, I thought might get a game or two in the first team after a number of positive pre-season performances.

Fingers crossed wherever Ejaria goes he becomes more settled. whether that be Liverpool or somewhere else.

2.) 16 Dec 2018 08:48:02
Its rather telling that Stevie G sent him back, I doubt that will look good on his report card. The lad will need to pull his socks up and sort himself out as that was a bloody good opportunity at a good club with the right manager thrown away.

3.) 17 Dec 2018 00:13:15
Any chance it was a knee jerk reaction to a bad week for rangers? Meh, I’m a hoops fan so whatever.



04 Dec 2018 08:19:56
Hi Ed2, was wondering if there's any chance of you doing a sharkopod anytime soon?


{Ed002's Note - Sure but Ian in the middle of three weeks travel right now so it will newer to the holidays.}

1.) 04 Dec 2018 09:26:51
Fantastic Ed2, thank you, will look forward to that.

{Ed002's Note - No problem}

2.) 04 Dec 2018 10:17:45
Wow nice! Thanks Ed002!

3.) 04 Dec 2018 12:55:43
Ed002 will you be including a trip to the North Pole to see Santa on you travels?

Hope you have some quality down time in your time away.

{Ed002's Note - perhaps I should.}



21 Oct 2018 00:01:33
I see a lot of moaning going on which is fair enough, everybody has the right to speak their minds but I urge you to think about the most important thing and it's we're joint top of the league undefeated.

It's too easy to have a good moan, believe me I get it. We've not being playing the best football, far from it anyway but we're getting the results. Can we continue playing like this? sure we can, it's working somehow. I expected us to absolutely destroy Huddersfield but we didn't and that's that, it was hard to watch because of how poorly we played BUT we got the three points.

I have no idea what's going on in the background, I don't really think anything is going on, I don't think there's any issues I just think for some odd reason we're taking a bit longer than usual to get back into it, we're on what? game 9? it's a matter of time before the lads start to pull it together but even if they don't, there's no complaining from me why? because we're getting the 3 points from the teams last year we'd of drew against.

Onwards and upwards, good things are coming, we've made progress already, trust Klopp, trust the team and believe because that bloody title is finally ours this season, note this comment and quote me at the end of the season, it's happening.

I hope you are all doing very well.


1.) 21 Oct 2018 00:49:52
Good post mate.
Playing bad and anything near the top is amazing. At some point it will all click in to place and we will take some stopping. It’s great that we won’t have to play catch when this happens.

2.) 21 Oct 2018 01:59:14
Good post Salah mate. I knew Huddesfield wasn’t going to be easy.

My concern is how jaded and tired we looked.

{Ed0333's Note - for me the biggest issue is the three up top can’t for whatever reason string a simple through ball or a pass together for love nor money. They are playing as if they are drunk. We know they can be devestating on the counter and as soon as they remember how to pass well be ok. I have no idea why the cohesion isn’t there but one thing for sure is that well get better rather than regress.

3.) 21 Oct 2018 08:19:38
I agree with you salah, i think playing diff style so we don't burn out nesr end of the season, i think after xmas we will push on and see the hard press footy, klopp knows city can go all season playing like they do, so we are pkaying poorly but still joint top i will take that every season till klopp gets his full team he wants. ynwa.

4.) 21 Oct 2018 08:27:23
Suppose we all got spoiled last year with our attacking brilliance, this year we seem too get a goal or 2 then we sit back and rely on our new defensive quality, that midfield is good but doesn't unlock defences with some guile or score enough goals, but as said we joint top we have beat spurs away an got a point at Chelsea which is 4 extra points already.

5.) 21 Oct 2018 09:29:42
We hadn’t won for 4 games so I’ll take a result like that. We need to improve and Klopp knows it 👍.

6.) 21 Oct 2018 13:24:25
I think salah looks like he needs a break. He is turning into players, his touch is off and his finishing is too. I think he is mentally drained, from last season, the injury and the Egypt fa thing. Give him a week off, recoup and come back stronger.

7.) 21 Oct 2018 13:44:19
Are we really that bad guys? I get we can be better but is it really that bad. Remember how well we played when the pressure was of off us and the boys had smiles on their faces. We know they can be better and i for 1 know they will. For now let's keep the faith up like when the Hudds fans cheered the team after they had misplaced a pass that resulted in a throw in. We only just joint 1st place and you can see the effort of the boys. It will come together soon for now let's cheer them like never before e.

8.) 21 Oct 2018 13:11:42
Bang on ed. Nothing sums it up more than when Firmino came on yesterday- we broke and he had Salah right and Shaqiri in a better position to the left. Last season you'd put your house on him finding the right pass but yesterday he just kind of rolled it to the opposition.

I think our attack needs Firmino to play well more than the others and he seems to he struggling lately. But we know his quality and I'm sure he'll play his way in to form.

{Ed0333's Note - as I say mate I’m hopeful they’ll get the telepathic incisive passing back. One things for sure it really can’t get any worse. And when it does well start beating teams comfortably. I think the ball needs to be played quicker/slicker from midfield to the ‘Fab 3’ for some unknown reason we seem to be a bit pedestrian in that department this season and our performances reflect it. Another thing that is certain Adam Lalana is not the answer. Give me all the stick you want but I’m not a fan and he’s not even worthy of a place on the bench. I’d rather have Curtis Jones.

9.) 21 Oct 2018 19:25:03
Completely agree with you on that Ed regarding Lallana. At this level he's just not good enough and that's the harsh truth. I'm not blasting him, at one point he showed a bit of promise but now we're going for the title I really don't believe he's anywhere near good enough for us.

{Ed0333's Note - I’m not sure he’s even good enough for any top side in the Prem. You have to ask yourself would he get into the Spurs, City, United, Chelsea, Arsenal teams? He’s living on past glories and those fleeting moments of magic were absolute eons ago, and if anybody thinks he’s gonna have a Renaissance then imo your sadly mistaken. He should never have been bought in the first place by Brenda as he is what the term ‘luxury player’ was coined for. Anyway more importantly Salah how are you? I haven’t been editing for a while and think I’ve missed a major part your convalescence period. Are you up and about doing stuff outside or still house bound? Wishing you a speedy recovery to full health mate.

10.) 22 Oct 2018 06:41:44
Ed0333, I'd agree with all of that mate, well said.

Ah I'm not bad mate thank you very much for asking, things are looking good, got a few daft dr appointments this week and maybe I'll be cleared for work in a few weeks but won't be able to start until December now anyway as I have a really busy November ahead. It's been a really harsh few months but we're getting there now :) I hope life is treating you well Ed?

{Ed0333's Note - I’m good thanks Salah. I’ve been traveling quite a bit recently so haven’t been editing as much so didn’t know what all you reprobates have been getting up to. Glad things are looking up for you mate and no doctors appointment is daft when it comes to your health fella. I’m sure a few sparkling Liverpool FC performances will perk you up no end?

11.) 23 Oct 2018 10:18:59
Glad to hear you are doing well Ed mate, I had wondered where you had got to! I thought maybe Harry had got you back and captured you ;) .

Yeah you're right mate I'm just fed up of them to be honest, in and out of the Dr's like a bloody yoyo and to be honest half of it is so unnecessary but they do a great job so I shouldn't moan about them.

The worst part at the moment is I have to go and see a psychiatrist to make sure I'm fine mentally, work demanded it and I have only this morning found out I now need to do it weekly until I go back lol it's BS if you ask me mate, I'm not happy about it at all. They're only doing their jobs which I get but my god they make you depressed! I don't like the environment of it at all, mind you, the lady is a bit of alright so that's a bonus. (I hope my wife isn't reading, I'll be dead later if so ;) )

Sorry for the rant mate, I could go on and on because a lot has happened recently but I'll shut up now lol, I hope you have/ have had a great day. Stay safe Ed333, great to see you editing again mate.




Salah's banter posts with other poster's replies to Salah's banter posts


01 Jun 2024 10:24:43
I just saw a video, basically a compilation of Klopps best moment but it focused mostly on his connection with the fans.

I genuinely feel for Slot because filling that spot after Klopp? it's not easy. It'll take a lot for him to get fans on his side. What a man to take a job like this on though, his confidence must be through the roof. As of today he's officially our manager so a huge welcome to Liverpool, Slot.

Let's do what Klopp told us to do, from day one, we welcome this man and support him because god knows - he's going to need our support. I believe we're the best fans in the world, let's make it a little easier for him.

I can't wait for the new season to see how he has things set up. A little bit anxious about it? sure but I think we will be alright. The dreaded fear is we end up like Utd and fall apart but I can't see that happening. This fella isn't daft and we actually have a good team, one which no doubt will be improved this summer.

Hope everyone has a good Saturday! Stay well.


1.) 01 Jun 2024 12:30:58
Salah I’ll be honest mate whilst I don’t agree with the term “we are the best fans in the world”

I do think that Liverpool fans are a pretty good bunch.

All managers that have come in have been given backing by the Anfield crowd and even when things aren’t going well during matches they are behind the team.

Yes you might get the odd social media melt down about the club or manager but you don’t judge a fan base on 0.001% of their fan bases opinion.

2.) 01 Jun 2024 12:53:37
Don't worry Salah, i'm sure he'll 'slot' right in.

I'll get my goat.

3.) 01 Jun 2024 13:18:44
As long as he doesn't try too hard to be as charismatic as Klopp, the fans will treat him well. I suspect the LFC media team will be giving him a fast track in image, tone and fan engagement.

Basically, do the opposite of Roy and Brendan, and don't try to be Jurgen.

4.) 01 Jun 2024 13:32:39
Everyone can appreciate a little Slot in their lives ?.

5.) 01 Jun 2024 13:53:56
Salah, I believe supporting a manager is a two way street especially at the beginning of his tenure. I believe Slot will get the full backing of the fan base (or large majorities of it) cos that is just waht we do. However, he has to do his part by getting the team playing a particular style of play that makes us look like we are getting somewhere even if the results are a bit patchy which is always possible, just like it was for Klopp when he arrived.

Now with every win Slot can at the beginning, the more time and support he will get so even tho we hit a dip (cos that will happen), he already has some credit in the bank that will allow the fans to stay with him and keep you know, actually "trusting the process".

I know, that is a toxic statement in some quarters BUT you get the point. Personally, I'm ready to do my part, just like amany others are at this point.

6.) 01 Jun 2024 14:03:22
I disagree, LFC fans are generally pretty good at giving a manager time and patience. I'm sure he'll get a massive welcome on his first game and regardless of what happens, he'll get a season minimum to settle, I'd think.

7.) 01 Jun 2024 14:24:08
I remember when Klopp started.
He criticised the fans who left the stadium after 78 mins. I can’t remember the game but I remember him going on about 12 mins.

He did 2 brilliant things.
He got the team to play to the death and I always remember a 2-2 draw at home to WBA and Big Div scoring with the last kick.
He took the team to the Kop and they all celebrated in front of the Kop. Klopp got abuse for that, ridiculed for celebrating a 2-2 draw at WBA.

But! From that moment on the fans knew this was going to be a team that played to the death and was never beaten. Norwich, Dortmund, Barcelona examples of lost causes which we won.

Secondly he established the routine of celebrating in front of the Kop at the end of the game. Loads of fans used to wait so they could cheer Klopp’s fist pumps.

In my opinion, Klopp worked hard to establish such a strong relationship with the fans. However, it’s impossible to replicate that for Slot. It’ll take time and patience.

8.) 01 Jun 2024 15:09:50
If we have the best fans in the world, we should be behind him straight away, not dismissing him because of who he's following. 2 different people. Klopp has gone, game over.

9.) 01 Jun 2024 16:48:34
The thing I like about Slot is he didn’t need asking twice, he turned down other offers, he didn’t bother to wait for other opportunities like Bayern or Barca. He didn’t try and play us off against West Ham unlike others I could mention. He’s very highly rated, he’s fluent in English and more than that, he’s not a monotone dullard like ten Hag. Strikes me as the kind of bloke who builds a strong team ethic. We have him in post early to get things going. I think we got the recruitment right here considering some of the names we were linked to.

10.) 01 Jun 2024 19:07:11
@Victor with what you are saying then, I think Slot had been eying the LFC job way before any of this happened cos he like you said, did not think twice before accepting the offer.

Same with Klopp when we went in for him. He must have known that IF any oppo. came around to coach LFC, he would jump at it regardless of circumstance. Klopp said he refused all other offers and even tho he had been on vacay/ sabatical, he jumped at the chance as soon as the call came which means, he had been looking out for it. Same for Slot, IMO.

11.) 01 Jun 2024 22:07:50
I am calling it now. Slot wins more premiership titles than klopp did.

{Ed025's Note - mystic Neg..

12.) 01 Jun 2024 22:27:54
Salah, Jurgen Klopp was a larger than life character. From the very first press conference, he had successfully charmed his way into the media's and fans' hearts. The fans will notice a difference regardless of whoever it was going to be to replace him. Because every coach/ manager is different when it comes to the way they relate and communicate with the fans.

But not all fans are fickle, and they know to judge based on what they see on the field. Like you said, Slot deserves our support.

13.) 02 Jun 2024 01:28:39
If the fans are only giving their backing at the beginning and then reviewing that depending on early results, then those fans are pretty much not backing the manager at all.

I’m prepare to cut Slot some slack here. Thing is, he is going to be battling from the first day every day inside and outside the club trying to create his own relationship on the backdrop of Klopp. Which means if results don’t go as well early on, then he needs even more support because it will just feel like trying to turn the titanic around.

He doesn’t need nor deserve that.

14.) 02 Jun 2024 11:28:46
Faith, let me ammend my statement. Sure, we should give Slot all our support BUT I think it will help even more IF results start coming in early. That does not mean that if they don't we turn on him. No way I'm having that, mate.

And like you, Slot should get even more support whenever he struggles cos we did that with Klopp BUT just saying what I think the reality sould/ could based on how events unfold. That's all, man.



20 May 2024 02:08:30
Welcome to Liverpool Arne Slot. Your time to shine now mate. I know bugger all about this fella but let's get behind him and give him the support we gave Klopp when he first joined. Everybody deserves a chance no matter what. This time next year will be very interesting.
Considering it's his first season, I'd be delighted to get top 4. I'd consider that a successful season.


1.) 20 May 2024 08:04:59
@Salah I know it’s a period of transition but I’d say top 4 is minimum we should expect . This team was 10 points off the title this year I’d expect more signings and another push for a title . If I was vvd I would be rallying the troops for a meeting and getting all the lads on side now go play your tournaments come back fresh from breaks and we go again but with 1 year of experience behind them .

2.) 20 May 2024 10:13:21
Salah, did you see Slot's sen off at Feyenoord last night? Quite emotional as well from a Feyenoord perspective. They are really happy for what he did for them and seem to be be happy for him moving to an institution like LFC to succeed essentially, the greatest manager in our modern era.

3.) 20 May 2024 10:18:12
@Dhfc, let's not jump the gun here. IMO, the push for the title talk is not wise right now cos tht means you are underestimating the type of job Slot will have on his hands. There are WAY too many unknowns to consider, is what Im saying. Klopp himself said that he did not know nor had no clue how the team and the new signings will play/ perform. That statement literally applies to Slot and whatever team he is going to have, which we don't even know cos we don't know who is staying, leaving or coming in. And even if we knew, the unknowns will still be there. .

We can all be excited and so am I about what Slot can do BUT let's not start putting such pressure on him with "pushing for the title" and all that talk, IMO. Everything has its time.



27 Apr 2024 10:09:28
Let's hope for a win today, I can't watch it but hope we can get them three points, we need them! I didn't realise we were away today but fingers crossed we can issue a statement and get back at it. I still believe, was a bit frustrated after the Everton game but anything is possible, we can still do this just have to step it up a notch or 2 :)

Can you imagine if we won the league this season after the last month? it'd be incredible. We're more than capable but I just don't like having to rely on other teams dropping points, that's what concerns me now.

Come on Liverpool. Believe.


1.) 27 Apr 2024 10:56:56
Before we look at results and titles etc. I think the performances have to be upped and the attitude has to be improved.
The players have to play for the boss, and Jurgan has to find the energy not to go out like this.

I don’t want us to go out on a whimper like this in his final few games. Show some fight.

2.) 27 Apr 2024 10:58:48
Salah my friend, turning it a notch or two isn't going to be enough. At least x5 improvement from all the team + Jürgen is needed.
I hope you have a joyous day and hopefully you can catch the highlights later.

3.) 27 Apr 2024 11:08:45
I don't even mind if we lose, so long as they actually pretend that they give a damn, which in itself isn't great but certainly a step up from the last few weeks.

4.) 27 Apr 2024 11:08:46
Normally if I fall asleep we win so hope I’m tired.

5.) 27 Apr 2024 11:11:38
Love your positivity Salah but the teams above us won’t lose 2 games.

6.) 27 Apr 2024 11:20:33
I have a feeling that with the pressure now off (no matter what some might think) this team is going to pummel an opponent before the season ends, and there are two likley victims, the Hammers or Wolves or maybe both.

If not then the team are on the beach.

7.) 27 Apr 2024 12:18:14
Wasn't going to watch the match today . but can't help myself . im now in a bar on holiday waiting for the kick off . hope we win or there might be another kick off around 3 bells ha.

8.) 27 Apr 2024 13:27:43
We can no longer defend and can't score for rubbish. So much for mentality monsters and inspiration. Pathetic is a good word.

9.) 27 Apr 2024 13:44:02
Right now I can only see we're losing, bloody hell come on. I tried being positive but for ****SAKE Liverpool sort it out. It s a must win game, can't be losing this.

10.) 27 Apr 2024 16:12:03
Salah, it was tough for me to get fired up for the game and really, it is becoming really tough to watch us play right now.



25 Apr 2024 10:24:00
So what are we playing at? We've suddenly turned into a shambles, Klopp, coaches, players, everybody has buggered up. We can't just pin the blame on Klopp it's not just him, way I see it is the players have just given up.

It was always going to be one of them games and fair play to Everton but come on we should be beating them, the fact we didn't says a great deal, we are in a right state and it won't be an easy fix I don't think. go back a couple of months and we're hammering that Everton team, now we are this sloppy? It makes no sense to me and is doing my head in. I just want the season to end now, roll on next season.


1.) 25 Apr 2024 10:44:01
Partly tactics but mainly Nunez, if we had firmino last night we score two or three. Cannot even bear to watch the bloke anymore. The stick heskey used to get and he's not a patch on him.

2.) 25 Apr 2024 10:50:09
The recruitment has been bad for a number of years. Not sure who to blame for that.

Midfielders should have been brought in after 2021/ 22, Salah should have been sold last season – late in both instances – and then there's a handful of players, such as Keita, who were simply a waste of money, and others, such as Díaz, who have been decent but not good enough.

3.) 25 Apr 2024 10:59:10
It's a combination of everything you say, Salah. Not just Klopp, for sure, and definitely not just Pep Ljinders, which I'm getting sick of hearing about. Not one player escapes criticism, but some are deserving of it more than others. The suddenness of our decline is what I find most surprising. A month ago we were on for 4 trophies, and now it's all gone down the pan.

It's a shame that our greatest manager in the last 30 years is going out this way, but we can only look forward to next season and the start of, hopefully, a promising new era.

4.) 25 Apr 2024 11:00:15
I was asking myself the same, Salah. Aside from concluding that we have simply had a classic run-in meltdown and collapsed in the way that we've seen teams do so many times down the years (which I wouldn't have expected from this team), I found myself wondering if actually somehow our results and position up to March was actually misleading and not a true representation.

Sounds daft perhaps, and typically I am happy with the principle that the table doesn't lie, but look at the stats on first goal conceded and the number of times we have had to come from behind. Normally a team with such damning stats in that department wouldn't have sustained a title challenge.

And then less qualitatively and more subjective, but the level of performances. There aren't many times this season where I watched us and came away thinking we were on fire. Chelsea at Anfield was one (but we still managed to conceded two goals and we lost the next match at Arsenal) . I know it's ultimately a results business but I always feel that, even if you're grinding out the results, if your performance level is poor, it will catch up with you eventually. We can't honestly say that we've consistently been at the same level as City and Arsenal through the season can we?

5.) 25 Apr 2024 11:03:38
Yet we're still second in the table and above the best team in the world ?.
I don't think we are a shambles but the past few weeks have been difficult watching us. I don't think we've been great for a while but results and being at the top masked that, possibly. And don't forget, we won our two previous games prior to the Derby both away from home.
There's no denying that performances and results have gone downhill and a big worry is they have come at a time when energy levels are on the wain. Can we just roll out sleeves for the last few games?
Saying that, we could have enough points already to hobble into the top four.

6.) 25 Apr 2024 11:05:08
Recruitment has been so poor the last few years. Go back to when Klopp first took over. Wijnaldum, Matip, Mane in his first summer. (Milner Firmino Gomez just before Klopp came in) Robertson Salah van Dijk the following season. Fabinho Alisson the next. We’ve signed decent players the last few years but it’s been nowhere near as good as it used to be.

7.) 25 Apr 2024 11:22:17
Great post, RR.
I think the same way as you do.
When we signed Endo, Mac, Szob and Grav in the summer, I wasn't expecting them to be Rice, de Bruyne, Silva or Odegaard.
Don't get me wrong, results did lead me to start thinking 'what if' but we've had a reality check and in a cruel way. Not only do we feel embarrassed for getting carried away but it also leaves us wide open to stick from other fans ?.
It's now all about salvaging some pride in the last few games.

8.) 25 Apr 2024 11:23:50
I’ve been critical of Nunez recently but I’ve been critical of most of the players (it’s just Nunez criticism seems to trigger our best fans)

Point being we cannot hold him solely accountable for this last month just in the same way we can’t lay all the blame at our assistant managers door.

The saying is you win as a team and lose as a team and looking at the last month we’ve been poor as a team regardless of who is starting.

Sometimes you can get away with a few playing poorly and your superstars carrying you but all the players are seemingly as bad as each other and the management and coaching group seem just as clueless.

Can anyone talk me through those subs last night and the thinking. Were we trying to defend Everton’s 2-0 lead for them.

9.) 25 Apr 2024 11:45:45
Fair point jk and we are awful all around but Nunez was played through at least 5 times last night in a game where an experienced player knows there won't be loads of chances and Nunez fluffs every single touch up even the lay off for Salah was because of the miscontrol.

10.) 25 Apr 2024 11:30:22
Salah, for me it is a loss of focus mate. Klopp and all his staff should never have decided they were leaving mid-season. Have you ever seen anybody working their notice period who doesn't take their foot off the gas or their eye off the ball? I haven't quite simply because it is human nature to look ahead.

I personally believe there is uncertainty through the whole team. We've got several players who don't know if they have a future at the club, players with contracts running down who don't know if they'll be offered renewals etc. Even the captain (Virgil) came out mid season and admitted he doesn't know if he'll stay after Klopp leaves. Salah's agent has clearly been in talks with Saudi for a long time now. You've got Lijnders writing books and hawking himself around for other jobs in Europe, you've got documentary crews all over the training ground, Klopp talking about what he'll do with his wife after he retires, Trent talking about Arsenal and Man City in interviews insteado f ocusing on himself etc.

When your key players and coaching staff aren't 100% focused there is bound to be a knock on effect on the pitch. Lot's of small ripples culminate to become a huge waves, especially at this level of the game where the margins are so fine. We looked better when the kids were playing because they don't think about all this stuff, they're just enthralled to be on the pitch playing for Liverpool and you get that boost from that youthful innocence. It's infectious so you only even need 1 or 2 kids on the pitch at a time running through brick walls, for it to rub off on everyone else. Last night a prime example was Elliott and Quansah coming on. Within minutes you saw Elliott driving at them with the ball trying to make things happen and Quansah snapping them in half in the tackle. Both of them clearly should've started going on form of the last few months.

Klopp's tactical set ups, team selections and substitutions have been nothing short of dreadful lately. It hit a new low last night when he put on Tsimikas and Gomez at a point we needed 3 goals in 15 minutes. Neither player has ever scored for us across 13 years at the club combined and yet we had Danns, Clark and Gravenberch sat on the bench who have 7 goals between them this season alone. Make it make sense.

Klopp's lost his energy by his own admission, Virgil/ Salah seem to have lost their focus going on interviews and body language, and everyone else looks rudderless due to a lack of leadership. In hindsight, maybe stripping the dressing room (Milner, Hendo, Fabinho and Firmino) of several influential characters in a mass culling was a mistake? Milner maybe should have been offered a 1 year deal to help keep a very young squad focused but hindsight's a wonderful thing and even he might have been powerless to stop this even with all his experience and character.

If anybody can watch us lose to the worst Everton team maybe in their history simply because they wanted it more, and come to any other conclusion than we bottled it, then they're lying to themselves to put it bluntly. It's totally unacceptable. In the last 9 games we've won just 4 of them. They were against Sheffield, Fulham and Brighton teams with nothing really left to play for (without looking convincing in any of those games either by the way) and then an Atlanta side who didn't have any interest in winning because all they had to do was protect a 3 goal lead. We've lost to United in the cup having led twice, drawn to them in the league thanks to a late penalty, lost to Palace at Anfield without laying a glove on them, been spanked by Atalanta at Anfield and now been bullied at Goodison in the worst derby performance of my living 30 years. It's a capitulation of epic proportions and I'm sure the usual super fans on here will be outraged at me for calling it as I see it, but Klopp and the lads have let us and themselves down in the last 5-6 weeks. It's been a total lack of passion, application, perspiration and inspiration.

I don't know If I will bother trying to analyse the performances for the rest of this season now because it's clear Klopp and the players aren't bothered so I'm not wasting my energy on it. So consider my rant to be over! I'd rather look to the future and what we can hopefully become under Arne Slot (? ) with a new ethos and a fresh injection of life. Thank you for your time Jurgen Klopp; best manager of my lifetime by a mile and you're leaving the club in a position of strength and in a better place than you found it (which is incredibly rare nowadays) . Time is quite rightly up, but it has been one hell of a ride.

{Ed025's Note - great honest post that MK, kudos mate..

11.) 25 Apr 2024 11:34:24
Investment is paramount. No cheap Charlie.

12.) 25 Apr 2024 11:53:40
Some good points, JK.
This might be too deep for here but I can't help thinking about this quote:

'If you get your ego in your way, you will only look to other people and circumstances to blame'.
Maybe we're not that good and our egos are dented because we thought we were.

13.) 25 Apr 2024 11:58:03
I’ll bite and actually share my view on the situation for once.

Firstly, I find it crazy that the consensus amongst the majority in this side believed that the entire squad was world class not more than around a month ago. Now they are all dross. I am as frustrated as the next guy, but the logic is doing my head in.

To me it just screams of mental fatigue and a playing style that doesn’t fit the players. To shoehorn 10 players in to accommodate one player (Trent) is what has been the issue the entire season. Not the only issue of course but the constant among many variables. The only period where we have played somewhat free flowing during this season was when Trent and salah was out IMO.

The “high” after klopps announcement was bound to be fragile and, to me, it was clear that many of the players were over performing for some time and we rode our luck for an extended period of time. The luck ran out and the players started to be depended on the manager to boost them in terms of energy and mentality. But the manager is gone. You can see it on his face. In hindsight he should probably just have quit when he announced it, but oh well.

We’re all disappointed with the same two things. Not getting the end result that was looking very possible not that long ago and to have a great last farewell with the best manager we’ve had in 30 years. Now it’s just about getting this season over with tbh.
The new manager will be the one assessing the squad and I feel confident that the new changes will make it clear which players actually want to play for Liverpool and which players are actually as good as we’ve claimed them to be.

Lastly I want to point out that I too believe that players like Robbo and Salah should be moved on in the summer. The performance level they have showed in the run in has been way below expectations and the reason why I am singling them out is because they are supposed to be the leaders in this squad. They are supposed to Lead by example and kinda carry the team when times get tough. At least that is how I view it.

14.) 25 Apr 2024 11:58:35
5 times on goal? I only counted one, bro.

As for the team, we were simply NOT up for it and it showed from the off. Not sure anyone was physically or mentally prepared to play that game and it showed.

We can point to players all we want cos that's what people like to do BUT from top to bottom, nobody wanted anything to do with that game from our side and that's the pathetic side of things. Nobody is spared from this train-wreck. Literally nobody.

15.) 25 Apr 2024 12:20:26
The players are just knackered and they don’t have Klopp cracking his whip with quite the same determination and authority any more.

Salah, Nunez, Robbo are probably more knackered than the rest due to their high energy style and Robbo and Salah having been that way for all of Klopp’s time.

They need a break. They’re ready for it.

16.) 25 Apr 2024 12:45:58
This excuse about tiredness. I'm sure Arsenal have tired players as well, but they are managing fine.

As for being ahead of City, it's where you finish after 38 matches that counts, and we will not be ahead of City at that point.

{Ed025's Note - fair points Adam..

17.) 25 Apr 2024 12:46:15
You most have been watching a different game oli he had two passes from Trent and two from McAlister all played at oac into feet and he fluffed them. He was also slower to react than Godfrey for the Salah pass and then went missing second half, didn't see him win one aerial. duel.

18.) 25 Apr 2024 14:40:30
Adam, who is saying that tiredness is an excuse? It might be a reason for our poor form but it isn't an excuse. There might be reasons that we are more tired than Arsenal. Arsenal could just be a better team than us. I think a lot of us already suspect that.
As for City. Salah said we are now a shambles, and not based on where we finish the season. I've no doubt that City will finish above and are a better side than us but if we finish third or fourth would that be shambolic?
I can live with finishing behind City and Arsenal because I expected us to. But most other sides in the PL will have to live with finishing behind us. Again.

19.) 25 Apr 2024 16:05:02
It wouldn't really be shambolic, Rigsby, as it is an improvement on last season. However, that isn't saying much as last season was pretty dreadful. 'Disappointing' is the word I would use for this season. It could have been so much more. Slot has his work cut out.

20.) 25 Apr 2024 20:14:38
Amorin, the projection is stunning. So is it 2 or 5 times that Darwin was put thru on goal cos you have issues making up your mind? You seem to have issues with simple arithmetic or may be it is you who actually watched a different game, probably with your eyes wide shut.

21.) 26 Apr 2024 00:18:23
Some great posts here, it's been a long day, was going to reply earlier but didn't get the time to in the end.

More specifically, MK, excellent post mate as always, many thanks.



11 Apr 2024 23:50:35
Remember when we lost to Barcelona 3-0? look what happened there. I know, wishful thinking and all that but it's a nice thought atleast. We've blown it I'm afraid, we're out of that competition in my opinion. I didn't get to watch much of it, thankfully!


1.) 12 Apr 2024 02:27:23
Oh Salah. Ye of little faith!
Never Give Up.

2.) 12 Apr 2024 03:10:59
Luckily I was only able to watch the first 20 mins. In that time it wasn't looking good. They looked big, sharp, physical, quick and very much up for it. I think we got our team selection wrong again. Needed to go for it w width pace and aggression. That for me was Slob, Robbo, Bradley, Salah. No pace across the front w Elliott and Gakpo. I have to say tho that the last couple of months the team was playing well and Gakpo was well off it. The last 3 games he's been one of our best players but unfortunately the team has not performed. Total flip flop. Nunez was guilty of two glaring misses tonight and when we win he's forgiven. The irony is our bad form has coincided w some players coming back ie salah and Szlobazai etc. Tonight was our best squad for months so i'm a little in shock.

I don't think it's over we are capable of going there and getting a couple of quick goals but long shot for sure. I think now we have to play our strongest 11 in the PL not the EL.

If we win the league all will be forgiven. Let's hope City and Arsenal are able to go through and maybe lose an eye on the PL for a couple of weeks.

3.) 12 Apr 2024 06:49:36
Against Barcelona we played the second leg at home and we could finish in those days. Also we were underdogs from the start whereas we were expected to beat Atalanta on quality.
Different story away from home and no decent finishers in the team.

Sorry, this is a longer shot than that long shot.

4.) 12 Apr 2024 07:21:50
I have to agree with both Salah and Ron here. To overcome a 3 goal deficit in the second leg where we are playing away from home is a huge ask and given how we have been performing lately, seems unlikely. Still hoping that we do though but it looks like we are going out of another competition this season.

{Ed025's Note - im not so sure Drac, get an early goal and things change mate..

5.) 12 Apr 2024 07:46:46
Jota is back. We have a better shot than previously. Klopp needs to get his selection on point and firing the moment the whistle blows.

6.) 12 Apr 2024 08:35:24
Seem to remember we played better when getting beat by Barcelona than whatever that was supposed to be last night.

7.) 12 Apr 2024 08:54:46
As long as we have 6 minutes on the clock, anything is possible for the Reds in Europe.

8.) 12 Apr 2024 08:55:50
I think that's the issue Ed. We have not looked like scoring for a while now, ever since the FA Cup tie with Utd. I know form can change very quickly in football but I can see Atalanta just shutting shop and not allowing us many goalscoring opportunities in the return leg.

9.) 12 Apr 2024 08:59:52
C’mon guys, every chance of bagging three in the return leg. Early goal, they get panicked and who knows. All this dismal talk that the season is over etc etc. We are still joint top of the league and can still win it. God help you all next season when we are in transition, if you think this is failing, enjoy the ride we might not be here again for a while.

10.) 12 Apr 2024 10:23:11
One of the differences between Barcelona (Apart from 2nd leg at home) - We played well at the Nou Camp and didn't deserve to go in to the 2nd left 3-0 down. We played really well in the first left.

Last night, we were lucky not to lose by 4 or 5.




Salah's rumour replies


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16 Jun 2024 02:53:06
Sound mate.




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11 Jun 2024 02:06:12
Yeah, unfortunately the same for me hsf. My god.




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06 Jun 2024 09:52:04
Do we have any younger keepers ready to step up?




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04 Jun 2024 13:18:41
Kemlyncat, same here mate I usually skip when I see his posts, he's one of a few, I won't read. I read his post above purely because of what you said lol, you baited me to read his post damn you! :)




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04 Jun 2024 01:08:04
We're going to be linked with a million people, Sid. It's just that time of the year mate. Only things I believe nowadays is what Ed1 and Ed2 say, you may want to keep off x, it's full of utter nonsense as are the other social media sites.





Salah's banter replies


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27 Jul 2024 03:24:25
Bobby is a great choice.

Fowler for me.




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20 Jul 2024 02:17:47
You are being paranoid. He is going nowhere.




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27 Jun 2024 01:29:24
1. Keep playing the youngsters.

2. I want to see attack, attack and more attack, nevermind passing side to side and backwards all of the time, attack teams every single game.

3. I want to see him fair but firm. The players need to know who the boss is and respect him. You play bad for a few games? give them a break for a week or two, let players play for their spot, nobody is entitled to it they should have to work hard for it. That goes for every single player in the squad.

I am excited about the new season. We're about to see lot's of changes. Enjoy the ride.




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24 Jun 2024 01:21:09
Excellent news mate!




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19 Jun 2024 20:10:39
Sound mate, get in! can't wait to watch that later.




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