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Iron man's banter posts with other poster's replies to Iron man's banter posts
04 Jun 2024 17:05:34
Wow City have taken legal action against the whole entire world for being prejudice, talk about class being permanent. Obviously this is going to drag any charges against them out.
1.) ——-Take it to the Manchester City page——-
2.) 04 Jun 2024 17:50:16
Cheers, Ed. I don't fancy typing it up again. I am sure people will read the reports.
{Ed002's Note - You can simply copy it from your previous posts.}
3.) 04 Jun 2024 18:52:38
Maybe the other 18 clubs not owned by nation states should vote to kick them out. They can be sponsored by whoever they like then.
4.) 04 Jun 2024 18:11:30
Is that a feature of the site I don't know about?
{Ed014's Note - if you click on your user name it will bring up your last 5 banter and rumour posts and last 5 banter replies.
You should then find it there.
5.) 04 Jun 2024 20:32:50
FPF, I’ve heard that Lance Armstrong is considering suing the Tour de France for banning performance enhancing drugs as it prevents him from having a competitive advantage .
6.) 04 Jun 2024 21:13:53
Could any of the eds or fellow posters explain to me what is going on with city, their FFP charges and now this?
Have to say I don't understand it at all, the longer it drags on the more disillusioned with football I'm becoming.
7.) 04 Jun 2024 21:53:03
For please post it on the city page I want to read it lol.
{Ed033's Note - FPF Post now on the Man City rumours page
8.) 04 Jun 2024 23:11:26
It’s a State backed Middle Eastern mafia with the face of a premier league club. Not a real football club.
9.) 05 Jun 2024 01:54:26
I don’t think this one is a ‘take it to the City page’. It’s about football in general and has a direct impact on all clubs including Liverpool. Just saying.
10.) 05 Jun 2024 03:15:16
Agree WDW.
11.) 05 Jun 2024 12:43:00
Don't worry guys, I didn't say anything profound in my post. It was just a summary for the Times article.
05 May 2024 16:11:44
Just seen the news about Bernard Hill terribly sad our Yosser gone but not forgotten fly high mate will always remember High Park street and the afraid you'll be terrified in a minute line stuck with me cause it resonated tears in me eyes we lost another good man today.
1.) 05 May 2024 20:16:14
He was alright for a Manc!
Boys from the Blackstuff is a classic and one of the best things ever shown on TV. He was brilliant as Yosser. There was a lot of sadness and despair in it but Yosser's story is the one that most people remember.
It's funny how so many people associate Scousers with Yosser when he played the part mostly in his own Manc accent.
RIP Bernard.
2.) 05 May 2024 20:51:02
Sad news. when he was sat next to Souness saying “you look like me” RIP yosser lad.
3.) 05 May 2024 23:08:00
“I’m desperate, Father”
“Call me Dan”
“I’m desperate, Dan”
Brilliant drama series that hit the nail on the head in horrible times.
RIP Yosser and thank you for the memories Bernard.
4.) 06 May 2024 10:06:22
Will always be Theoden to me. RIP sir.
03 Mar 2024 09:53:48
In the pre match, Forest reps said that any 'Poverty chanting' would be dealt with promptly and unapologetically. Did anybody see any of the 2,000 Forest fans being accosted because try as I might I couldn't, but I could hear the snide little troglodytes glorying in a song they learnt from our friends up the East Lanes.
Maybe that's why the travelling Kop, sucked Nunez's header into the back of the net, which I call that poetic justice! As for Forest whingeing about a drop ball that went against them, blow it out your backside, and get yourself ready for Championship football again.
1.) 03 Mar 2024 10:18:42
I see none of them are mentioning anything about the penalty we should of had due to the rugby tackle on Danns just as the ball was being crossed in. Or the fact that Tierney was giving them free kicks everytime one of their players was blown over by the wind. Tough justice.
{Ed025's Note - its a bark TIB, maybe they should just have awarded Liverpool the points before the game started mate...or did they?..
2.) 03 Mar 2024 10:20:22
Iron Man, same goes for the Meicester fans last season. So happy they got relegated and Im afraid, the same goes for these lot from the Forest fan base.
Those Forest fans to be specific, got exactly what their disgusting behaviour deserved. Hats off to them for helping their team lose. Long may it continue should they keep up this despicable behaviour. All the way to the Championship, if need be. Hey if the shoe fits, wear it and wear it with pride and chest.
{Ed025's Note - every club have their unsavoury elements Oli, and that goes for Liverpool as well mate..
3.) 03 Mar 2024 10:38:27
Forest are just trying to deflect away from that they just needed to boot the ball away and the whistle would’ve been blown and the game over. Yet they made a huge error trying to dribble it out which cost them the game.
Let’s not forget var checked for a possible forrest pen in that incident and not the kick on Konate face.
4.) 03 Mar 2024 10:32:43
With all things considered Ed, I thought we won fair and square. And against a team that was a tough opponent and who played really well (minus the time wasting, feigning injury, and getting plenty of favour from the ref) .
{Ed025's Note - i suppose that would depend on what colour glasses you are wearing at the time TIB, some times you get the rub of the green and sometimes you dont mate...but you do seem to get more rubs than Aladdin.. :)
5.) 03 Mar 2024 11:01:58
We didn't get any rub of the green. It was consistent with what Forest got. I was annoyed when Yates went down with a head injury and we had the ball and the drop was given to them. They didn't give it back.
The rugby challenge on Danns was a pen. And the extra few seconds was because they were time wasting.
You can see why they are annoyed but that game decisions were wrong but equal.
As always a LiVARpool narrative is created without context!
I'm just hoping you are creating banter Ed and not serious!
{Ed025's Note - thats for you to decide denzil mate.. :)
6.) 03 Mar 2024 11:05:26
"Those Forest fans to be specific, got exactly what their disgusting behaviour deserved. "
Ed25, clearly I was referring to these Forest fans specifically who did this. Also it's not alway about LFC so try to put that to the side preferrably during conversations, always.
{Ed025's Note - its a case of "people who live in glass houses" Oli, Man Utd fans singing about Hillsborough, Liverpool fans singing about Munich and the rest being no better with their nasty elements mate, we all have them im afraid..
7.) 03 Mar 2024 11:27:00
And all people watched the whole game!
8.) 03 Mar 2024 11:28:28
Sorry read your post wrong Ed ?.
{Ed025's Note - no problem mate..
9.) 03 Mar 2024 12:48:04
Everton could done with their points being awarded before the game??.
10.) 03 Mar 2024 13:10:19
Ed025 I thought the ref was awful all game most are but I do think he is right up there with the worst.
There time wasting was awful the player that could not walk without help until he gets of the pitch then he was all right. Then the goalkeeper was down for about 4 minutes then was hobbling to take the goal kick and then just suddenly runs ok. The ref made a mistake but it’s at the other end in the pitch and just under 2 minutes before the goal. I would guess if you go that far back I bet loads of goals could be disallowed. But I thought we got very lucky yesterday because we were just not at it but with the injuries and 4 games in 11 days is going to catch up with us.
{Ed025's Note - but if you dont get 2 penaltes, 10 free kicks and 2 of their players sent off grino you all think the ref is either biased or a cheat mate..its just the Liverpool way im afraid, you have always been noted for your sense of entitlement for as long as i can remember...nothing new to see here..
11.) 03 Mar 2024 13:11:45
Ed25,and where did I say it is okay for anyone in the LFC fan base to do so? Oh, and miss me with the whole glass house narrative cos you criticize other fans from other clubs who do this despite smashing your own fans who do it. It is normal for one to entertain multiple thoughts on a topic at the same time.
IMO, we are all free to talk about other fans engaging (within others' and our fan bases) in such nonsense even tho we have enuff self awareness to know that some in our fan bases do, a shameless act that I personally will NEVER condone on this earth.
Because certain LFC fans do it does not mean other LFC fans can't speak on it when a section of other fan bases do it. That's not how any of this works IMO, mate. NOBODY should be singing such rubbish regardless of club affiliation and we are all free to speak on it, IMO.
{Ed025's Note - i dont have a problem with talking about it Oli, in fact its our duty to speak about these things so they will hopefully in the future be eradicated from the game, just dont give me this holier than thou attitude mate when Liverpool fans can be as bad as anyone at times...and Everton fans as it happens..
12.) 03 Mar 2024 16:34:32
Tbh Ed25, at this point of the season, I don't really care how we play. We can play as bad as we can as long as we win. You would say the same for Everton, only that one play for the title and one play for survival. As for the refereeing controversy, we got screw before and even your club got screw before. Its the referee that is the problems, not the clubs.
{Ed025's Note - I agree mfahmee. It’s ok to win ugly mate..
13.) 03 Mar 2024 18:25:50
You’re talking rubbish Editor, Konate got a full on boot to the head so this nonsense they should have had the ball is redundant. They also received two yellows for time wasting hence the additional time. What’s the problem?
{Ed025's Note - the problem seems to be your memory FK, i never mentioned the Konate incident mate..
14.) 03 Mar 2024 19:08:23
What instead of taken away before the game ?.
15.) 03 Mar 2024 21:22:17
Spent part of my childhood living in the area. The fact that the Liverpool tropes from the 80s have lived on there sum up the timewarp they exist in. Ironic given the economic decline in the East Midlands has been greater than the North West over the last 30 years.
16.) 04 Mar 2024 07:11:21
Morning Ed25
Trust you're well.
My 2 cents, Mike Dean has confirmed why LFC fans are the way that they are.
Of all the incorrect calls this season, from VAR and to the officials, this is the one that he CHOSE to declare as "a monumental error". now come on but there were so many more "monumental errors" made above this one.
The pure bias against LFC is what causes us to defend ourselves (LFC in general) the way that we do.
{Ed025's Note - hi JLC im good thanks, the biggest travesty for me was the Spurs v Liverpool game in October mate, pure incompetence on every level and i can see why some of you claim you are scapegoated with that one, truth is we all get shafted at times and some more than others, Wolves have been treated worse than any other team though and have received numerous apologies which mean sod all, i dont think there is any bias toward liverpool but you do seem to moan more than others thats for sure..
17.) 04 Mar 2024 09:55:34
The ref got it wrong but it is no more serious than giving a throw in the wrong way (something that happens to all teams dozens of times a match) . Our keeper got the ball and it was over 2 minutes later that we scored. Forest even had possession in that time so I can't believe that it is even being talked about as directly leading to a Liverpool goal.
How many incorrectly awarded corners, free kicks and penalties have been scored from? These are far more influential decisions but they are considered part of the game. You have a whinge and then you move on.
18.) 04 Mar 2024 10:44:10
Good to hear you're well ED25
I guess because these pages are seemingly more active than the other pages, it gives the perception that we moan a lot more than others.
Maybe if I spent more time on the other pages, I'd be proven wrong, but I just don't see this type of activity on the other pages, barring Utd perhaps.
I don't really look at other teams and games the same way I do with LFC, and maybe that is why I see things only from a LFC perspective, but that's what makes me a fan. I'm not too bothered about the other teams.
The way the press is going on about this not giving the ball back is just so, over the top it's unbelievable. especially when you compare it to other decisions.
If this type of attention was given to ALL incorrectly made refereeing/ VAR decisions, then I wouldn't use terms such as bias against LFC. but I just can't seem to see if any differently right now.
{Ed025's Note - the drop ball is not even an issue for me JLC that was just a mistake...and that happens (i can see why forest are unhappy though), its the corrupt ones i have a problem with mate..
19.) 04 Mar 2024 12:40:30
Corrupt ones Ed25.
You're opening a can of worms there mate. ????.
{Ed025's Note - how else can you explain it JLC?, you have to be very naive to think that in any billion dollar industry there is no corruption mate, there is match betting worth millions every week and some of the decisions are strange to say the least, it reeks to me and i am very seldom wrong.. :)
20.) 04 Mar 2024 17:39:44
I'm with you Ed25
I fully agree that there is corruption in the game.100%
I've called it a number of times this season.
The mere fact officials are not called to account for their decisions is indicative of the whole corruption claim.
It's not just officials, but clubs, players, staff as well.
It's deeply rooted into football I'm afraid, and at all possible levels - even grass roots level.
{Ed002's Note - Who is paying all of these people and what are they doing as a result of it?}
21.) 05 Mar 2024 12:49:49
Ed25 I get where you're coming from - so many clubs have been royally shafted officiating wise this season and for all the onus to be on this call just seems kinda ridiculous to me
I mean, yes Liverpool have had some howlers this season - the Odegaard handball, the Spurs game, not just the farce that was the Diaz goal and others too. Wolves have possibly had it even worse than us and so many of these wrong decisions are not even debated on MOTD or other shows but his one is somehow a real talking point?
As I said in another thread, almost 2 mins passed - not like Kelleher took the drop ball, kicked it straight to Nunez and he scored - ball even went out for a throw. And the same thing happened in the 1st half but went Forest's way so why not mention that? Ass to the added time, maybe look at Forest players constantly throwing themselves to the ground when out of possession? Highlight that 2 were booked for time-wasting perhaps? Nah, cos that would ruin the story.
Swear Ed25 it bugs me, and not just watching Liverpool either, but some of the frankly nothing decisions that pundits etc choose to get wound up about while ignoring the other, actually more serious mistakes made is just frustrating.
And VAR was supposed to fix errors in officiating not compound them - but if you have the same officials that make the mistakes in charge of VAR then how are these mistakes ever going to stop?
{Ed025's Note - the standard of refereeing is very poor Bill and its not helped by the meddling of VAR in a lot of cases mate, refs are using it as a crutch so they dont have to make contentious decisions and carry the can for them, some of the pundits are a joke and cant be taken seriously, they throw grenades in their summaries to make themselves look knowledgeable and controversial, but it just makes them look idiots imo..
09 Oct 2023 08:20:22
Anybody been watching the rugby world cup will see how the game should be run and how it should be witnessed by the paying audience football is a con a rip off and people are being swindled. rugby is super efficient at doing the things var does wrong quite easily correct, it's not rocket science but the people who decide to make the game we love unbearable think they know it all and they are so completely wrong it makes me wonder if I should start following another sport.
1.) 09 Oct 2023 09:41:28
Transparency is the thing rugby gets right. But if the question is their decision making around foul play and how much the damn TMO intervenes, then that’s a whole other argument lol.
2.) 09 Oct 2023 10:37:04
I can't speak for everyone, but personally I don't understand the nuances of rugby enough to know how many good or bad calls are being made so it's difficult to compare.
3.) 09 Oct 2023 16:23:33
Very few “bad” calls are made in rugby because the rule set is so structured and there is much less room for subjectivity. When subjectivity does come in to play such as with dangerous play or endangering an opponent or even control of the ball when scoring a try, for example, there are at least two people we can hear discussing it and how they come to the conclusion.
Take a potential red card challenge in rugby, often the more contentious issue with decisions. The ref and TMO will be looking at various factors, not just the challenge itself. So they will look at the context, whether the fouled player had a sudden change of shape of the body which caused the collision or made it more possible, whether the offender maintained a good form when attempting the tackle such as wrapping the arms for the tackle or dipping to make it sufficiently safe.
These are all factors which would instantly improve decision making in football IMO. Like with curtis’s red. We could hear nothing from anyone talking, the replays showed no context, only one angle and less than half a second preceding the challenge. Once the VAR refers the ref to the screen, the decision has been made unless he has some other significant information that the VAR initially didn’t see. In rugby, unless it is clear cut, it prompts a fresh discussion. The other thing is, to enable the game to move more smoothly a yellow is often issued with a 8 or 10 minute time limit for the TMO to upgrade to red. A yellow means sin bin for 10 minutes so they’re off the field anyway, it’s just whether they stay there.
Rugby and football are worlds apart in respect of respecting the referee and their decisions anyway, so the ref doesn't have to have the same ego in order to have their decisions respected. In football someone always complains so the ref has to start with this armour on the back foot and a chip on their shoulder.
Football could change all that but it would be a lot of work and it seems no one has the appetite.
4.) 10 Oct 2023 00:04:44
Quo - yup the culture difference between Rugby and Football is poles apart. Football is ages away from being able to have refs mic'd up like they are in Rugby. There is no respect on the pitch and unfortunately that kind of behaviour isn't made for TV lol
I sold Rugby a bit short with my earlier reply too. The thing Rugby, Rugby League, NFL and NBA do very well is have clear process for the officials to step through. So whilst I hate how they rule on red cards for high tackles as foul play, it is understandable because there is transparency in the process. And obviously we can hear what they say so you can see them work through the logic to make a decision.
Football is lights years away from that.
5.) 10 Oct 2023 10:45:14
The other thing that rugby does well is warn players not to infringe - so comments like ‘used the ball’ rather than giving yellows straight away for timewasting, or ‘back away’ before giving yellows for complaining to the ref would eliminate stupid unnecessary yellows.
Definitely an improved culture of respect from players would be helpful to getting better outcomes in the game, but that also needs to be balanced with more respectful referees too, rather than refs who seem to be on a hair trigger to give yellows and reds for superficial fouls.
28 May 2023 08:05:34
My instinct is to think that maybe certain players without mentioning names have been a sap on the mentality of the staff at the club, hence the reason why there has been such a radical clear out at the club .so I guess my spin on it is now the decision has been made and bags have been packed and players are moving on from Anfield out of the ashes of such abject disappointment is the nucleus of a new dawn with new faces a new stand and hopefully a new Liverpool but still motivated enough to get results because results win silverware.
1.) 28 May 2023 08:34:45
Do you think there is a spy in the camp? Mention the names!
2.) 28 May 2023 08:44:06
Disappointing to read Milners comments this morning.
Liverpool refused Jurgen Klopp’s request to hand James Milner a contract extension.
“I found out about three weeks ago from the club. Obviously before that, with not hearing anything in my own mind I had probably decided myself it was the time that I would be going.
{Ed001's Note - which bit disappoints you? That Klopp wanted to extend his contract? Or do you mean them only telling him 3 weeks ago? I am not sure why that is a problem. His contract doesn't expire for over a month, so that is 2 months notice. How much do you think he needs? It seems perfectly fair to me, just worrying that Klopp is still trying to hang on to players we should let go when the squad is so bloated.}
3.) 28 May 2023 09:06:17
That’s fair enough Ed but the recruitment needs to be spot on this summer. Milner is just about the biggest driver of the standards at the club. I would rather a few others left before Milner but his time has come.
4.) 28 May 2023 09:17:16
I think next season is going to be a long season again if klopp was trying to keep on milner.
5.) 28 May 2023 09:22:48
Surely part of the problem this season was players like Ox, Naby, Bobby and Milner not being available to play many minutes, so its right to bring in fresh blood.
6.) 28 May 2023 09:02:32
Probably Klopp still trying to hang on to some of this players that past their best Ed1. He did say that he is not too loyal some time ago. don't know how much true is that. that's why what Firmino did is quite something. He knows he already gives everything to the club and decided to leave. Klopp would probably gives him new 4 year contract.
{Ed001's Note - that is the biggest weakness with Klopp, far too loyal.}
7.) 28 May 2023 09:08:41
Ed001 I’d probably say I used the word disappointing loosely in my comment.
It was more along the lines that he’s been told 3 weeks ago. The lad never really speaks out against clubs but clearly he's spoken out a li here.
With how much an important player he’s been maybe he thought he deserved more transparency. From rumours Naby and Ox were told months ago and even the Bobby news broke over 2 months ago.
I do agree though that Klopp tries to hang onto players too long and it is time to go for Millie.
I think with the 4 frees leaving it frees up like 560k a week in wages which over the year will save the club roughly 29million.
{Ed001's Note - he must have known that without a sporting director in place there was no one to make the decision?}
8.) 28 May 2023 10:13:12
We have far too many players who are injured too much, or simply in decline.
For me there are a handful of untouchables in our squad and they are (in order) :
1. Alisson
2. Trent
3. Gakpo
4. Salah
Then another 4 who i think have big futures for us
1. Bajcetic
2. Jones
3. Elliott
4. Doak
If literally anybody else left I would not be remotely stressed about replacing them with equal or higher quality. And Jones only forced his way onto that list in the last 6 weeks. Obviously there are others i like (Robbo, Konate, Diaz, Nunez etc) too but just not ones I'd fight to keep if a good offer came in.
Squad needs a refresh. That's my being brutally honest though. I think a good start would be another 3 or 4 going with Arthur, Milner, Ox, Keita and Bobby. Then sign 4 or 5 younger and fitter replacements. Then we're set to challenge again I think.
9.) 28 May 2023 10:23:36
I wouldn’t have been totally against Milner staying another year, maybe on reduced terms. Still some life in the old dog yet and he’s got experience and a professionalism you cannot buy.
Just to contradict my own argument though, I totally agree Klopps biggest weakness is his loyalty, too many players leave on frees and players are held onto when they need replacing, VVD and Fabinho will be the next ones.
10.) 28 May 2023 10:34:50
Gakpo? And ahead of Salah. I am the complete opposite I think if we are to challenge Nunez will have to be the number 9.
11.) 28 May 2023 11:08:02
I think the jury is still out on Gakpo with regards to him being an untouchable.
Let’s be honest his first 6 months with us he’s been good and brilliant at times. But I’d say Diaz first 6 months over the same time last season was probably better.
I’d like to hope and think Diaz and Gakpo both have big futures for us.
With regards to the youngsters. It’s still very early days and all have shown promise.
The end of the season couldn’t have come at a worst time for Jones though and I thought last week Klopp took Jones off when it should have been Fab or Hendo.
12.) 28 May 2023 11:38:37
It's all opinions lads. Personally i think Gakpo is the perfect Bobby replacement. He may well end up playing wide or just off an orthodox 9 (such as Nunez) but he's such an intelligent footballer and seems to have an impeccable attitude towards the game and his responsibilities. I think he'll be a Liverpool legend. Kuyt/ Bobby kind of cult hero status awaits! I'd be building the team around him and Trent personally.
13.) 28 May 2023 12:16:18
We will need some of the players who reach top level if we are to challenge. If Gakpo becomes a top player and a legend that will be great. Out of the current crop I reckon the most likely will be
Bajcetic and Nunez.
14.) 28 May 2023 13:11:48
Nunez needs to knuckle down and learn English if he wants to succeed. It's hard to communicate tactics and instructions to a player who is making minimal effort to understand. I agree he could also be a cult hero though if he does reach his potential. He already has his name sang on the regular.
15.) 28 May 2023 13:47:44
MK I don't really know why the club doesn't take a more proactive role in getting players on an English language schedule and holding them to account for their learning. With Keita and now Nunez this does not appear to be the case.
16.) 28 May 2023 13:58:41
Nunez’s ceiling is higher than all the other forwards we have, probably including Salah. It will be all upto him and he could get 30 goals next season if he gives everything 100%.
17.) 28 May 2023 15:33:58
I do agree with that Mark as Nunez's raw talent and pace is frightening. I think Gakpo's attitude, durability and temperament will result in him getting absolutely everything out of his ability though. Nunez still hasn't learned the language, picks up the odd niggle, and always has a red card in him which i think will hold him back ever so slightly from hitting his full potential.
Not to say i think Nunez is a bad buy or won't do well for us by the way. I love Nunez and think he's a guaranteed 20-25 goal a season player once he's settled. I just like Gakpo more is all.
Gakpo and Trent are both 23/ 24 years old, they both have great attitudes/ behaviour on and off the pitch, they're never injured, and they have that elite level first touch. For me they're just the biggest players in our next chapter regardless of where they are playing. When Hendo and Virgil leave i wouldn't be surprised if Trent and Gakpo are the new captain and vice captain. I genuinely think that highly of them.
18.) 28 May 2023 16:09:43
Klopp needs to be more like Paisley, be ruthless when a player has had their time. Fergie was brilliant at it generally which is one of reasons he was so successful as much as it pains me.
05 Feb 2025 10:25:36
Sea Bass isn't that the pile of bones with a little bit of fish in.
29 Jan 2025 09:40:37
Sounds a bit dodgy to me son.
20 Dec 2024 20:47:07
Too many pessimists on this site, always taking the pess, I've heard we're signing Dennis Ze Menez.
18 Dec 2024 06:54:31
Call me conspiracy theorist but here goes, Trent and Rashford are buddies Rasher is on how much 350 per week Trent wants 350 per week, Bellingham is I would expect circa 350 per week, can you see a pattern emerging, my final contribution is Rasher now wants a new challenge and Trent is being linked to that newspaper football team in Spain, what's the bets Rasher and Trent front of Marca in July all in white, like a P Diddy promotional, might even throw a tenner on it.
23 Aug 2024 11:33:23
Ayman to that.
25 Jan 2025 10:19:13
Oooooh South Korean food like it.
25 Jan 2025 00:29:41
You scoundrel JK.
19 Jan 2025 00:38:23
Banana skin mate and there's no point in trying to hide, do the best thing hide in plain site, wear a pair of glasses and a Bon Jovi baseball cap, and a pair of Suede boots and a Harrington they'll think your old school and leave you be, an indication of you getting away with it is when they all start laughing at you, if they don't leg it, I'm not doing your confidence any good am I.
16 Jan 2025 02:16:27
Birthday, House and Tea all have this in common, rhythms with Farty.
18 Dec 2024 06:36:19
He's a right back, get over it, he's had his head turned by Agent Jude, I get quite nauseated by these situations but he will be replaced, and in time we'll forget about him, if he goes on a free it'll be annoying but if we bring in Davies on a free what a replacement, and he can defend which in case any of you haven't noticed, Trent is a questionable defender brilliant going forward but a bit of an ale house in defence.