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16 Dec 2023 21:25:36
Thoughts and prayers with Luton's captain tonight.

May you come back stronger Lockyer.





16 Dec 2023 21:23:45
Quick conspiracy theory question.

Newcastle injury problems have been well documented lately. and given that they have played so many games over a short period of time, is anyone really surprised that Fulham had a player sent off so early in their game today?

This is a Fulham side that is scoring for fun in their last 2 games.

I hate that these conspiracy theories are even being mentioned, but where there's smoke there is fire.


1.) 16 Dec 2023 23:11:10
Probably got sent off for nearly taking the Newcastle players head off to be fair!

2.) 17 Dec 2023 01:03:13
There is no conspiracy theory unless of course someone has paid Jimenez to jump head height and smash into the oppo player with his hip.

3.) 17 Dec 2023 09:05:37
If you hate that conspiracy theories are being mentioned why bring up one of the least likely and most ludicrous of all?

4.) 17 Dec 2023 13:14:02
Yeah, it’s something you apparently believe but just want to add a layer of protection by claiming it’s a CT. If it is back it with all your will and hecklers be dammed! Ask ed 33

(15 year-or-so daily user of this and talk sense forgot my dammed log in info)

5.) 17 Dec 2023 19:07:22
Yeah hip bone on skull bone could be nasty and Jimenez should know better than anyone. If someone did that to you in the street I'm pretty sure it would be considered an assault.




JLC's banter posts with other poster's replies to JLC's banter posts


26 Jul 2024 06:47:18
Whilst we wait for the league to kick off again. based in all the issues from last season wrt officiating, VAR, dark arts tactics, etc. ( basically anything that gave us a reason to moan like little babies) . whatbis the one thing that you would like to see changed this season?

For me. its the dark arts tactics that Arsenal use at set pieces. Where White would deliberately impede the keeper.

I hope the officials have caught on to them and blow them up for it.


1.) 26 Jul 2024 07:51:45
All the clubs apart from wolves voted to keep VAR so no matter what the cock up the ref/ VAR make the clubs can’t complain about it anymore. They had there chance to vote it out and they didn’t! Sorry rant over.
Dark arts have pretty much always been round and I think there should always be a player on the keeper to protect him so am not going to agree on that one JLC. What I would like to see change is if/ when the refs do make a massive mistake and the PGMOL come out and say we are dropping the reffing/ VAR team then they drop them for a month or more not one game. In fact I’d like to see foreign refs introduced into the prem because some of them are miles better than our lot.

2.) 26 Jul 2024 08:23:19
Personally, I’d like to see refereeing initiatives carried throughout the season, rather than only employed for an arbitrary period at the start then tailed off (eg cards for time wasting, players surrounding the refs, etc) either do enforce it for the whole season or not at all.

Oh and the players with holes cut out the backs of the team socks too… just get bigger/ better socks it’s ridiculous!

3.) 26 Jul 2024 08:52:50
I’d like to see the offside rule go back to what it was years ago and as long as part of the attackers body is in line with the defender it’s onside . I think it would make a better watch as fans . Also I’d like var to branch off to an independent team of the same people consisting of say 20 people that cover all the games every week to try bring more consistency to the decisions. Rather than chopping and changing the var team and varied interpretation of the rules . That would be my 2 . 1st one is possible 2nd 1 will never happen.

4.) 26 Jul 2024 09:12:21
I would like to see the assistant ref have the spray can too and when the ball goes out for a throw in, he marks where the ball went out. Also, the player who picks up the ball takes the throw in. Arsenal have a dirty underhanded trick were a player picks up the ball, walks ten yards then drops it or gives to another player to take - very rarely picked up by ref.

5.) 26 Jul 2024 09:39:22
Hey iwillbered

I would prefer to replace throw ins with kick in, the ball from a kick in cannot be air bound any yes the linesman mark the spot to take the kick in from.

6.) 26 Jul 2024 09:53:00
Time wasting is the biggest thing for me and playing for draws.

Imagine how exciting football would be again if they reminded themselves that the sports so popular because of the fans and not because its a business.

No other sport in the world sees teams (cricket but they are just as bad) or competitors set up to get a draw.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone celebrate a draw in any sport like you get in Professional Football.

Even in Grass roots football imagine saying right let's play for a draw today. You'd get laughed out of the changing rooms

One thing we never ever did under Klopp that.

7.) 26 Jul 2024 10:04:13
Stopping the clock when ball is dead would kill time wasting.

8.) 26 Jul 2024 10:22:40
You know that time when a player shields the ball somewhere midway on the pitch near the line. gets a slight touch and goes down and to make sure, hugs the ball cause he knows its a free kick. Stop that OR give the same if a player gets that soft touch at a corner in the box, I've seen players wrestled down with nothing given, yet the slightest touch mid pitch. free kick. Its a joke.

9.) 26 Jul 2024 10:51:41
Kloppice - get what you mean but I’m kinda the opposite there. One of my pet peeves in football are unnecessary fouls. One of them is an attacker fouling a defender shielding the ball well inside their own defensive third. Like, why!? And the other is a defender just running into the back of an attacking player who is running away from goal with no threat at all and then the defender just barrels into them giving away a dangerous free kick lol. Hate that lol.

10.) 26 Jul 2024 11:23:59
Is it just me or has the rhetoric of certain ex pros got too insidious not naming anybody but some of the egg and spoon drivel we get on matches borders on bigotry, and the kids are listening to this and taking it as a reference to how they treat not only each other but how they speak to adults and also the teachers in school just a bit more responsibility would be more becoming and less arguing over what is after all a competitive sport.

11.) 26 Jul 2024 12:49:36
For me some actual consistency would be key as well as a few of the above:
- I hate players that just fall over and get free kick too - Kane always did it, Sterling, Grealish - mostly English and don't get called out cos pundits call it 'clever' - if a Spaniard etc does it and it is cheating then it is cheating if an Englishman does it too!
- Time wasting, I agree with what has been said - stop the clock and just add it on and book people more for it.
- The throw ins annoy me too as, for some teams, they are never taken anywhere near where they should be.
- VAR - seriously like maybe a 60 sec time limit on it? If it takes longer then its hardly bloody clear or obvious and VAR should not get involved then!
- PGMOL - when we see these 'wtf was that' type calls, please do not try to tell us how that was the 'correct' decision!
- Also on the above, maybe actually manage the consistently poor performers? A week off is not a punishment really - especially if they have done this multiple times!
- Again consistency is the key, such as:
1. Players waving an imaginary card - booking. Every. single. time. no matter who the player is or what team they play for!
2. Players surrounding the ref etc - bookings! Think it should just be the captains that have a word
3. The refs to take ownership - too many times it seems like VAR refs the games
4. As above, book for time wasting.

Clearly the biggest issue though is VAR - as an idea it is a great tool but is being completely misused and taking the joy out of the game - waiting 5 mins plus for decisions is just wild and even more annoying when, having seen the same replays we all see, still baffling come to the wrong decision.

The VAR and poor officiating is just sucking the joy out of the game and needs fixing so games can actually flow again - hell, maybe they'll use it right and we'll get correct decisions quickly - who knows lol.

12.) 26 Jul 2024 12:54:26
The time wasting issue is interesting.

Teams run the clock down for various reasons, the obvious one being when they are winning, but teams also waste time to try and break momentum, so stopping the clock, whilst a good idea, won't solve the problem of breaking momentum.

For me, if the play stops for a throw in, corner or goal kick, the team should get 5 seconds max to get the play going again, otherwise the decision goes to the other team.

For example, after 5 seconds.

The opposing team is then awarded the throw in
The goal kick becomes a corner kick
The corner kick becomes a goal kick

Something to that effect!

13.) 26 Jul 2024 14:51:50
Nobody allowed to approach the ref, Nobody, not even the captain. Have it like Rugby and the ref calls captains if he needs to make a point. This would drastically change soccer right down to kids level which would in my opinion be the easiest, fastest and best change to the game.

14.) 26 Jul 2024 21:11:37
I would like to see assistant referees make actual decisions
Not keep their flag down and wait for the ref who is 40yds away to make it - but actually flag one way when it is 2 yards in front of them

Does my swede in.

{Ed025's Note - im with you Paisley..



23 Jul 2024 17:21:25
So the top leagues and FifPro are suing Fifa.

Apparently it's due to the increase in the number of games.

Ironically. this could lead to the Super League again. which could even add more games t the crazy schedule.


{Ed001's Note - according to the CIES Football Observatory, who actually keep track of this, top players are not playing any more games. It just feels like a way to get power off FIFA so the teams can plug in a few more money spinning friendly matches around the world.}

1.) 23 Jul 2024 17:50:20
I saw that Ed01 - I have to say the figures were surprising although I guess the FA Cupp had the potential for loads of replays if you went on a Cup run.

{Ed001's Note - also European games if you went far, League Cup was 2 legs. Liverpool used to regularly play 60 games a season. The problem is that they are simply not fit in the right way any more. They have not got the stamina they used to have, in favour of being more explosive. It is perfectly possible for them to work on that but that would get in the way of the tactical stuff.}

2.) 23 Jul 2024 18:15:45
Squad rotation and the 5 subs rule also plays a massive part.

Diaz was the 2nd highest player for league minutes last season. The stats will show you that he featured in 37 of 38 games. But for minutes played he only played the equivalent of 29 league games, so everyone except Vvd featured less.

Endo only played 19 league games worth of minutes with Elliot 14 games and Tsimikas 7 games.

{Ed025's Note - if it rains tomorrow JK...can i borrow your anorak mate.. :)

3.) 23 Jul 2024 18:26:10
Ed0025 not tomorrow mate as I’m taking pictures of trains ?.

{Ed025's Note - love it JK..

4.) 23 Jul 2024 19:09:28
A question for the oldies regarding cup finals being replays, how was that even a thing? For one logistically it must have been a nightmare and did you get a free ticket if you attended the first game? Surely somebody must have suggested extra time at some point? Seems a bizarre concept.

{Ed025's Note - a FREE ticket??, you must be joking Fixer..

5.) 23 Jul 2024 19:34:14
Personally I think extra time and penalties need to be scrapped and replaced with running the “wall of death”, team with the most players standing wins.

{Ed025's Note - or a massive brawl on the centre circle with last man standing being the winner?..

6.) 23 Jul 2024 19:44:47
Simple solution, next goal wins, last man back and all the rest. Worked in every game I played in as a kid.

7.) 23 Jul 2024 20:07:04
I like it Ed25. Final whistle goes. Is that a grenade Wataru?

{Ed025's Note - nice one Davey ?

8.) 23 Jul 2024 20:41:00
Replays were always midweek. I remember there were a few sagas where there would be 2 replays before pens.
Feels like Wenger was the first to whinge about it.

9.) 23 Jul 2024 19:28:14
Ed001, I read that report and was surprised by the numbers. However, I don't believe it included international matches either did it? I thought part of the reason for the legal action was that leagues deemed FIFA were 'favouring their own competitions' which I took to mean international tournaments?

{Ed001's Note - but isn't that the point, the clubs are just whining because FIFA cares more about international footie. Of course they favour it, it should be the pinnacle of the game. It should be the best players of each nation representing their nation. Instead it is more of an afterthought because the club game rules.}

10.) 23 Jul 2024 21:33:29
Exactly, Ed01. International footie was the "be all and end all" of football decades ago. Esp. since back then, if you wanted make it to Europe to play league football, the int'l comps. was your near only channce of getting the exposure to do so. Loved int'l footie back then al whole lot. The actual best of the best played at these comps. as you said and if you wanted to prove your worth (like Maradona vowed he would in 1986 in Mexico), the World Cup was your biggest stage to show it.

Now, int'l comps. are nothing but a pathetic inconvenience for the most part. Now Im not defending FIFA here cos trust me, they have serious probs BUT I deplore how inter'l footie has been pushed to the background as some kind of inconvenience.

11.) 24 Jul 2024 03:55:04
There was a time in the early / mid 70’s when Leeds and Arsenal seemed to play each other about 8 or 9 times a year with League Cup and FA Cup replays. ?

Great point about the different type of fitness these days Ed01.

Free tickets for replays made me laugh - the youth of today eh Ed25. At least back in the day it was a lot easier for the common folk like me to get into the match, have a Bovril and a pie at half time and still have change from my sixpence.

12.) 24 Jul 2024 08:23:20
Looks like this is all from the club world cup being expanded to 32 teams. and being played when Afcon is meant to this is then forcing Afcon to move during the leagues season so they are arguing that they are favoring there own tournaments when they shouldn't be.

FIFA are a regulator and competition organizer thus bringing up conflicts of interest.

13.) 24 Jul 2024 08:45:34
Fixer, we only got a FREE ticket if we met a man called the Fixer, he usually sorted it.

14.) 24 Jul 2024 14:10:01
But aren't FIFA the reason international football is so dull these days? Surely the clubs are suing because FIFA are continually expending international competitions, introducing more games and teams and not consulting any of the leagues? I mean, isn't the 2030 WC planned across 6 different countries and 3 Continents?!



16 May 2024 17:00:17
To get rid of VAR or not.

For me. just go look at the penalty decisions that Newcastle weren't given last night not the penalty that Brighton weren't given.

Yes the ref missed them. but why didn't VAR send the officials to the monitor

Another 2 scandalous decisions if you ask me. everyone and their dog says it's a penalty, except for VAR

Yes, the problem is those who are using it, but if they are going to get these calls wrong, then VAR must go. there is no point holding onto a system that can be brilliant, but is never used properly.


1.) 16 May 2024 17:1
I think the nail was in the coffin after the Diaz incident, it’s not improving and if anything, it’s getting way worse.

2.) 16 May 2024 21:46:43
We keep going around in circles on this. We know why VAR didn’t intervene and it’s because of the application of a clear and obvious error.

They need to amend that bit to give more rope to the VAR to intervene and for the ref to review their own decisions.

3.) 17 May 2024 09:54:08
JLC, you are making a case as to why VAR does not work in England whereas in other places and other comps., the system works a whole lot better. It's the people that need to get replaced, not the tch. which works.

Take the last AFCON, for ex. The VAR's have the power to call the ref. as soon as he misses something. The game was stopped and the check is happening. If they determine like they need him to come to the screen, they will tell him and he makes the screen/ VAR sign and Majority if not always all the time, the process worked cos everything was transparent.

The one time I saw where the decision was not "clear and obvious" to overrule and went to VAR the decision on the pitch, the on-field decision stood and NOBODY complained. Why? After multiple angles, they could not tell if the player handled the ball or used his chest hence, not enuff evidence to overturn it. Why? Cos there was transparency

That is why VAR was hailed a a huge success at the AFCON cos it was implemented correctly. Now the PL can do this as well, if they wanted BUT instead, they use "clear and obvious" to protect themselves and their feelings. See the difference now? .



03 May 2024 08:01:50
Someone please help me understand why Chelsea's 1st goal was allowed to stand?

Cucrella CLEARLY impedes the Spurs defender, who WOULD have challenged Challobah for the ball. so why doesn't VAR now step in and give the same call it gave us against Chelsea in the Cup Final

I just don't understand it at times. this cannot be called incompetence. it just cannot!


1.) 03 May 2024 08:43:44
Cucrella was not offside when he did this.
Endo was offside when he did this and that is the difference.

2.) 03 May 2024 09:50:30
What does offside have to do with it though?

He impeded the player - fair challenge? No, so why would it matter if you are onside or offside if you foul or impede another player?

Just don't get it.

3.) 03 May 2024 11:04:07
The last couple posts have shown a glaring lack of understanding of the game.

Offside player - can't intervene at all.

Onside player - can intervene within discretion of what a foul is and the refs discretion.

It’s not illegal to block players.

{Ed001's Note - it is if you move to block them, then it is impeding. If you are just stood still and they run into you, then that is fine.}

4.) 03 May 2024 11:14:34
The call against Chelsea was that Endo was offside because his interference made him an active player who was offside when the ball was played, in the same way that a player standing in front of the keeper can be offside. Cucu not being offside means it cannot be given offside. It's as simple as that.

5.) 03 May 2024 13:35:13
Happens in every game several times in any game up and down the Leagues. Of course it’s a foul but refs rarely give them unless you’re pulled to the ground and even then it’s not certain. Back in the day the Italians used to just concentrate on the player and not even care where the ball was ?‍♂️.

6.) 03 May 2024 15:28:49
If the goal has been disallowed for a foul it would have been the softest foul in the history of the game.

7.) 03 May 2024 18:31:37
One was offside the other wasn’t. Pretty simple.

8.) 03 May 2024 18:39:10
Football will become like netball soon and fans will want players using pronouns after their names for interviews.

9.) 03 May 2024 19:12:28
The problem is more and more teams are using blockers and no ones sure when it becomes a foul. Some teams are 'clever' at set piece's were others foul.

10.) 03 May 2024 19:24:59
for sure and the ref can determine that but I’m not sure many refs will interpret that as a player completely stood still. We use blockers like many teams and it comes down to the ref. But to the OP’s dilemma the difference for them is the offside means the offside player basically has to impede no one in any way right cos they’re offside. They basically have to make themselves invisible lol.



25 Apr 2024 07:07:39
I just wanted to congratulate Ed25 on his victory last night.

It's a pleasure to have helped you lot stay in PL. I admit it wouldn't be the same without you

As for us. I'm starting to worry that we might even lose out on top 4 right now.

Klopp looks lost and the players seem to have downed tools. Recipe for disaster

It's going to be a tough and nervy end of the season for us.


{Ed025's Note - you just never turned up JLC, you did have some good chances mind but your confidence looks shot, Liverpool will finish top 3 im sure of that mate but we all know it could and should have been so much better..

1.) 25 Apr 2024 07:27:13
To miss out on top four spurs realistically have to win all their games, they may beat us but they won’t beat both city and Arsenal.

If you look at the season purely as a result, top four and a trophy we’d have bitten your hand off in August. However we had hope of winning the lot and now it’s going to end on a flat note.

Really starting to question if there are any leaders in that dressing room as they should of spurred the team on after losing in the fa cup. Instead we have wilted, it’s like the mentality was 4 or nothing. A real shame to see klopps final season end like this but it’s been one hell of a ride.

And ed025 your boys simply wanted it more last night, you must be on cloud 9 this morning. Now excuse me, I’m off to live under a rock until next season starts.

{Ed025's Note - i was dreading it WYred but we bullied you mate and you ran out of ideas in the end mate, still a good season for the reds i feel ...but it could have been so much more..

2.) 25 Apr 2024 07:29:42
JLC I’ll be honest mate making such a suggestion that LFC players have downed tools for Klopp would usually be blasphemy.

But the truth is if we took off our red tinted glasses and watched last night and last few weeks as a neutral and it was another club with another manager I know my conclusion Would be it looks like they’ve downed tools (lost the dressing room etc) .

Klopp should be going out on his shield but currently he’s going out with a whimper.

Finishing above Spurs and Villa isn’t quite as nailed on as we imagined. Especially as we have both still to play.

{Ed025's Note - the fall out from last night may just be the kick up the arse you needed JK, you will easily make top 4 mate..

3.) 25 Apr 2024 07:40:00
I don't think the players have downed tools. Like Ed said, they are just lacking belief and confidence. I do agree that Klopp and his coaching team looks lost and can't seem to turn this around.

Personally, I feel that we are already out of the title race after last night's results. A bit of a downer after what was expected to be Klopp's farewell. Nonetheless, I would still wish for us to go all out for the last four games and get the maximum number of points still available.

4.) 25 Apr 2024 07:40:41
I cannot see us beting west ham, villa and Spurs. how are you so confident we will get a top 4 place ED025? Villa themselves are aiming for a CL spot and as is Spurs.

{Ed025's Note - because you are a better side mate, they will be more scared of you than you are of them, of course you will have to buck your ideas up but they are too far behind to be a real threat..

5.) 25 Apr 2024 07:40:45
We won't lose top four but I'm struggling to see the leaders in our side, at the minute. VVD and Mac, maybe but after that?
I never thought I'd be saying this but Gomez has to come in at right back against West Ham; at least until Bradley is back.
TAA is good enough to build a team around but not in the system or with the players we have.
I'd also consider playing Salah through the middle but only because of a lack of options and to get him closer to the goal.

{Ed025's Note - i would leave Salah out altogether Rigsby, he looks shot mate and has not been the same since the AFCON, great player of course but contributing very little at the moment im afraid..

6.) 25 Apr 2024 08:08:10
I forgot spurs had City and Arsenal to play to be honest.

Bit that tells a story that we are confident of getting top 4 because Spurs won’t over our capabilities.

Even dropping below Villa now will be seen as failure in my eyes.

And anyone who argues that it’s not I’ll just counter argue that a week ago we were going for the title in a 3 horse race so to then finish 4th can’t be seen as anything else.

7.) 25 Apr 2024 08:08:19
I'd leave him out, too, Ed025 but with Jota injured that only leaves Nunez whose confidence also looks shot. I can't have Gakpo there and I don't know whether Danns is ready to start on the run we are having.
It may be wishful thinking but get Salah through the middle, hope he takes a chance and finds some form.

{Ed025's Note - i would actually play Danns there Rigsby, yes hes still a bit raw but the guy has talent mate, lets be honest he cant do any worse than mo at the moment..

8.) 25 Apr 2024 08:39:25
Congrats Ed 25, reckon you guys will be safe now. Regarding this been the kick up the arse we needed, I was hoping Atalanta and Palace would have been enough of a wake up call. Hope we can put in some good performances before the season is out, at least finish playing some exciting football.

{Ed025's Note - with the announcement of the new manager it will give the team a bit of a boost i think Mic, mind you i thought with Klopp leaving it would have had a similar effect mate..

9.) 25 Apr 2024 08:41:28
Then they will argue "if you told me at the start of the season" lol.

10.) 25 Apr 2024 09:04:11
The way we’re playing we could easily end the season and not win another game and finish behind both Spurs and Villa. Fulham were on the beach already, and we looked like that against Everton last night. Poor performance, no fight, too many mistakes.

11.) 25 Apr 2024 09:44:28
Players very rarely ‘down tools’. Not often do footballers consciously decide they can’t be bothered. Don’t like that phrase being used so liberally.

No, what this looks like is a group of players who have lost all confidence in what the manager is telling them to do. We have powered through this season on enthusiasm and vibes but when that runs out you need a solid way of playing that you can fall back on.

You can’t go back to basics if you don’t know what the basics are. We have routinely conceded first all season long. It is unforgiveable and we have got away with it for ages. When you have a knock in confidence like in the United cup game, you need to have some solidity to depend upon, a base to work from.

We don’t have that. The system is stupid and leaves us vulnerable. We never feel in control. That puts pressure on our forwards who, as we can see, are not good enough to deal with that pressure. So begins the vicious cycle; concede baffling goals at one end, balloon chance after chance at the other, heads drop, we lose/ draw, rinse and repeat. This is a psychologically draining way to approach football matches week after week.

The players are a reflection of the manager and his coaches. Fed up, checked out, mentally exhausted, but most of all lacking faith in what they are doing. The management don’t have any answers or impetus to provide those answers, and the players can feel it.

If people want to refer to it as ‘something behind the scenes’, whatever that means, i think that’s all it is. Nothing sinister, just a manager and coaches who have run their course and can’t take this group any further.

12.) 25 Apr 2024 10:00:53
Didn't Spurs recently get beat 4 nil at Newcastle?

JK, my counter argument to yours is that if top four was the target at the beginning of the season, isn't fourth- or even third- a success?
My argument is based on me never thinking we'd win the League anyway.
City and Arsenal had better squads than we did last season and they added to them whereas we had to rebuild the midfield and brought in Endo, Szob and Grav. None of which would regularly play for either of them.

13.) 25 Apr 2024 10:37:35
Doesn’t every team down tools against City though?

Or is the accusation they roll over for them not as condemning as downing tools.

Either way it’s the same outcome.

14.) 25 Apr 2024 11:06:15
Rigsby absolutely mate the target at the start of the season was finishing top 4.

But targets move and evolve as the season goes on.

A month ago we were in a 3 horse race so to finish 4th would surely be deemed as a failure.

If we finish 3rd then not so much.

If we win our next game and results go our way I doubt you would ne happy if we forfeited the last 3 games as our target that we set 9 months ago had been met.




JLC's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 06:41:07
Another day. Another poster bitching about how rubbish we are at everything. when talking about standards, it's shows your standards with those types of posts ynwacinere.




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24 Jul 2024 18:35:57

The rumors of late have been pure Gold. please don't stop them from being posted Eds.

We've had players who are in-laws, to cousins who install the security systems in the new players houses, to a few more that I can't remember but just WOW.

These old school rumours are the best!

The transfer market might be slow but these rumors make up for it ?.




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24 Jul 2024 06:30:03
Keep it that way TheFields.

I'm sure if you were to ever reveal who the player is, knowing some of the peeps on here, you'll probably end up getting abused as well!




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23 Jul 2024 17:35:52
That was my 1st guess as well Ed25.

Also. why are these players allowed to attend family functions

They're supposed to living, breathing and playing football for LFC 24/ 7.


{Ed025's Note - they are living the dream JLC... i seen Riley the other day mate, he said he was living the life of a Liverpool player.. :)



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23 Jul 2024 17:11:26
@TheFields. does your cousin in law visit this site at all?

Wonder what he thinks of all of us know-it-alls and all of our bitching and moaning.


{Ed025's Note - i think he might have said..."that ED025 knows his onions" JK, and how right he would be.. :) . and i know he wont tell us but my guess is that its Curtis Jones..




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26 Jul 2024 12:54:26
The time wasting issue is interesting.

Teams run the clock down for various reasons, the obvious one being when they are winning, but teams also waste time to try and break momentum, so stopping the clock, whilst a good idea, won't solve the problem of breaking momentum.

For me, if the play stops for a throw in, corner or goal kick, the team should get 5 seconds max to get the play going again, otherwise the decision goes to the other team.

For example, after 5 seconds.

The opposing team is then awarded the throw in
The goal kick becomes a corner kick
The corner kick becomes a goal kick

Something to that effect!




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26 Jul 2024 12:42:43
It's probably him just playing to the media Hailstones and supporting his players in public.

He said himself that he was watching LFC for a while already, even before he was officially announced as head coach.

I have no doubt that he is fully aware that we need to reinforce.




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24 Jul 2024 16:27:39
My bad. I actually didn't realise he moved to PSG.

Thought he was still at Sporting. clearly didn't set the world alight in the French league.




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24 Jul 2024 06:32:22
That's what happens when you watch The Lion King before going to bed.




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24 Jul 2024 06:30:49
We were. but then apparently we tapped him up and upset the Sporting FC folk.


{Ed001's Note - why would that upset Sporting when he plays for PSG?}



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