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NicolBecker Glory's rumours posts with other poster's replies to NicolBecker Glory's rumours posts


03 Apr 2024 19:28:57
There are rumours szlob isn’t happy at the club. Obviously probably a load of rubbish but I am glad it is not some of the other players. We would be fine without Szlob I even think Elliot is better imo. Szlob has been non existent for a while now.

NicolBecker Glory

1.) 03 Apr 2024 19:44:07
I heard the rumours last week. Szlob was brilliant when he first signed but he got played every min of every game due to injuries and suspensions of others can’t blame him for being fatigued and getting injured. Next season is the time to judge him ( if he still here) and I don’t agree on the Elliot shout.

2.) 03 Apr 2024 20:00:16
Weren't you saying the same thing about Mac Allister a couple of months ago?

3.) 03 Apr 2024 20:33:01
I’m calling bs on it all . Like when we played real in the champions league always story’s of salah leaving on the weeks prior .

4.) 03 Apr 2024 21:13:22
It was an April fools on twitter.

5.) 03 Apr 2024 21:58:46
What reasons would he have to be unhappy?

6.) 03 Apr 2024 23:36:49
Ridiculous. Szbo hasn't stood out as he did at the start of the season but he is playing well. Full of energy and pressing. I would imagine a new manager may play him as a more creative type but he is doing what he is asked in his role to a really high ability.

Elliot is also a great option to have but why does it have to be one or the other? Both excellent players to have in our squad.

7.) 04 Apr 2024 06:31:20
Spot on Z9 - he plays footy for a living so wouldn’t have any cares in the world.

8.) 04 Apr 2024 07:08:25
Still waiting for a sensible post from the "former scout".

9.) 04 Apr 2024 12:09:31
Klopp is playing him out of position and on a short leash at the moment.
For me the big question is what will happen when Trent returns from injury. He doesn't defend like Bradley and prefers to come into midfield.
Salah, Bradley and Big Mac have a good understanding going down the right hand side, creating triangles and making space, where does Trent play now?
Instead of Domo who runs up and down the pitch all game? I don't think so.
Has Trent become a rotational player for the rest of the season?
Go ahead abuse me :)

10.) 04 Apr 2024 12:33:53
I think Trent has to fight his way back into the team rather than assume he will just play.



15 Oct 2023 09:39:43
Rumours surfacing again of interest in Leroy Sane do we know if he looking to move on from Bayern? Also have we had any interest in Pedro Neto he would be my number one choice if he can have a season without any injury looks like he is ready for a step up. Obviously scratching my head about who could possibly replace Salah.

NicolBecker Glory

1.) 15 Oct 2023 16:21:38
Would rather rumours about a Qatar takeover talked about if I’m honest.

2.) 15 Oct 2023 18:43:42
Really, you’d want a Qatar takeover?

God some of our fans are weird.

3.) 15 Oct 2023 19:38:17
The issue with Sane seems to be attitude - sounds like Mane.

He is going to be 28.

Maybe Klopp thinks an older head is needed to help all of the youngsters? Would make sense.

Let’s see what transpires….

4.) 15 Oct 2023 22:28:12
Sane isn’t an older wiser head, he’s a disruptive influence and given his unsavoury remarks he said to Sadio Mane (which ended up in Sane getting beat down), he’s not a particularly pleasant person. I’m sure there’s multiple better options than him.

5.) 16 Oct 2023 10:52:50
Hi Victor! *waves* long time no moan.

6.) 16 Oct 2023 18:17:16
Don't want Sane or a quatar takeover tbh.

7.) 16 Oct 2023 12:21:20
£250m from the lads with the oil and sign Mbappe.

8.) 16 Oct 2023 13:24:48
@Zed, so you are saying he’s 27 ?. To put it into context, he’s 2 years older than Trent and 5 years younger than VVD.

9.) 16 Oct 2023 19:43:30
This is a really good question. If the sheik’s who pulled out of United came in for an offer to buy LFC would you be for or against a bid? And probably a? For eds2 do you know if they are still looking at buying a premier league club?

{Ed002's Note - There are no offers from Liverpool from Sheik Yerbouti.}

10.) 16 Oct 2023 21:09:03
WDW, you have cunningly seen through my numerical linguistics ?.

11.) 16 Oct 2023 22:45:14
Don’t see why anyone is weird for wanting FSG out the club they’ve taken LFC as far as they can and we are grateful but it’s time serious mo eh was invested in the squad before other teams leave us behind.
God some LFC fans are such dinosaurs.

12.) 17 Oct 2023 02:24:12
Who said it was weird @White? Are you making stuff up to add credence to your desire to spend ‘serious money’?

As it stands we are 3 points off the top of the table and we’re robbed of at the very least one point by the FA’s own admission. Again are you using fiction to support your opinion that we should spend for the sake of it?

13.) 17 Oct 2023 17:12:48
Zed, are you therefore saying that WDW is a cunning-linguist? ?

(I'm amazed you didn't catch it the first time) .

14.) 18 Oct 2023 09:00:13
the issue seems to be attitude - sounds like Mane'


What on earth was wrong with Mane? literally left everything on the pitch, led the press, and became one of our all-time top scorers playing from wide. and performed at the highest level for 6 seasons. I just don't get some people.

Also, a Qatar take over would have me supporting Hull City. I would be done.

15.) 18 Oct 2023 11:41:53
Fingers crossed for a big money take over, this is the football world, not real world, we need that money.

16.) 18 Oct 2023 20:05:25
Problem being eventually the top 6 clubs in the prem will be owned by oil rich billionaires meaning million pound a week wages and 500m transfers and refs on 10m a year. Sounds dodgy? Refs in the oil nation states on mega money. Hmm yeah that won't happen.

17.) 20 Oct 2023 14:28:53
Lol ArAy, 'The Cunning Linguists' used to be a pub quiz name used by myself and friends back in the day (20 odd years ago lol, damn I'm old haha)




NicolBecker Glory's banter posts with other poster's replies to NicolBecker Glory's banter posts


10 Jul 2024 13:15:45
Sepp van den Berg is not Liverpool standard and an easy sell. Also Konate wouldn’t be missed, he's an absolute accident waiting to happen. Neither player is good enough for the mighty pool. How can either player after being so poor demand any extra game time? Plenty of defenders out there are better than both.

NicolBecker Glory

1.) 10 Jul 2024 13:37:30
Have you seen van den Berg play? Ever?

2.) 10 Jul 2024 13:46:58
Statistically Sepp van Der Berg was the second best under 23 defenders in the whole of Europe, and the best in defender under 23 in Germany and top ten across all ages, as verified by whoscored.

He was ahead of Hincapie, Branthwaite, Yoro and Quansah. Not much of a scout are you?

3.) 10 Jul 2024 13:49:16
How many games have you watched SVDB in exactly?

I can honestly say that I haven't seen him play for at least a couple of seasons, BUT ED002 thinks he would make a decent Matip replacement, Mainz really like him (he was on loan there last year) and he qualifies as HG.

Seems a bit of a no brainer to me, if Slot can convince him to stay?

4.) 10 Jul 2024 15:06:04
Glad to see people are back to having a go at players again, it’s been at least a week since someone had a go at Konate.

5.) 10 Jul 2024 15:30:13

6.) 10 Jul 2024 15:52:02
Good question, SR and Zed. I await the "Chief Scout"'s response with baited breathe.

7.) 10 Jul 2024 16:50:29
As you previously said NBG, you’re a scout so know whether a player is any good?.

8.) 10 Jul 2024 16:53:42
So konate has two or three bad games and he’s suddenly expendable and doesn’t deserve game time. Chief scout strikes again.

{Ed025's Note - he wont be striking any longer PB..

9.) 10 Jul 2024 16:40:19
More nonsense from Nicol.

10.) 10 Jul 2024 17:14:19
Bobby, did he mean football scout or boy scout? My money's on the latter.

Dib-dib-dib and all that!

11.) 10 Jul 2024 18:36:04
SR and Zed. What's wrong with you? Since when do we need to watch games or see a player play to pronounce judgement on him? That's like so extreme. Who has the time for all that? ?.

12.) 10 Jul 2024 19:22:15
I highly doubt anyone watches the amount of football required to make a judgement on a player, unless he plays for the team you support and you are solely watching that player. It is all based on opinions and 2nd hand information.

With that in mind, NBG obviously didn't do his research ?. As for being a scout, I think he misspelled what he is, by leaving out the letter R after the letter C haha.

13.) 10 Jul 2024 19:39:14
Couldn’t disagree more, I think he’s finally come of age and that’s what loans are for, I hope he’s given a good chance this season which I believe he will get under slot.

14.) 10 Jul 2024 19:41:47
By all accounts Slot is quite impressed by the lad. Their paths also would have crossed when Slot was starting his coaching career at PEC (was coaching the younger players at the time VDB was coming through their youth set up), giving Quansah a chance paid dividends last season, why shouldn’t the same be true of VBD?

15.) 10 Jul 2024 21:02:36
Which specific accounts would they be @Victor? Serious question who gave the ‘accounts’ that Slot is ‘quite impressed by the lad’?

16.) 10 Jul 2024 22:31:48
It's been, what, 3 or 4 days they are back in training? Do we know if they have even had scrimmages already or are they still working on testing fitness and developing some fitness after their holidays? In other words what has Slot been so impressed by so early so soon? The fact that both he and Van den Berg come from the same Dutch city?

I can understand that it has been reported in the media, but it's just new nonsense they've come up with for our hungry eyeballs.



10 Jul 2024 13:11:44
We do tend to have to wait for players to realise they aren’t wanted by other clubs before they are willing to sign for us. It does feel like we shop at happy shopper sometimes. Another strange thing is how few DM’s and RW’s there are out there and typical they are the positions we need most.

NicolBecker Glory

1.) 10 Jul 2024 13:51:08
Bit like Virg, Alisson, Keita (ended badly for us, but he was very hot property when we bought him, wanted by a lot of top clubs), Szoboslai and others right?

They only came to Liverpool cos we were the only girl left at the party, shyly peering at them over a cocktail sausage, right?

Troll or small child - take your pick.

2.) 10 Jul 2024 14:55:58
Snooze. Just scrolling straight past a lot of these posts now. Well, except right now I’ve stopped to type this reply lol. I swear there are multiple accounts run by the same person. We seem to have days of one user posting random barbs about “x” player. And then there days where it’s another user but the theme of the new posts are similar. lol anyways.

Tend to just scroll through and find a post that has a reply from ed1 or ed2 then I’ll stop to read.

Sorry ed25 I do stop to read you too but I’ll do that mainly to stop for a laugh at your banter ?.

{Ed025's Note - and what better reason can you have Faith?.. :)

3.) 10 Jul 2024 15:36:07
Faith, you typed a few too many letters at the end of your last sentence, you should remove "r banter" and it will read correctly.

Luv u Billy!

{Ed025's Note - well i am a loveable guy Zed.. :)

4.) 10 Jul 2024 15:54:48
You guys are too much, lol (you as well, Ed25, lol) . Maybe the "Chief Scout" should take a break from all these absolute statements he makes and actually post something we can actually debate. Just an honest request.

5.) 10 Jul 2024 16:31:15
I enjoy having Ed025 around. It's kinda reassuring to know that I'm not the dimmest bulb on this page ;)

{Ed025's Note - thanks Drac, looks like i will have postpone my application to MENSA then mate.. :)

6.) 10 Jul 2024 16:41:47
Ed025 i don’t know how you edit this pages everyday honestly mate. I’d be pulling my hair out.

Maybe we can have these constant trolling posts on the “other page”. I wouldn’t call this endless trolling “banter”.

{Ed025's Note - a lot dont know what real banter is Navy...its a dying art mate, im on here mainly to avoid decorating.. :)

7.) 10 Jul 2024 17:12:32
Love it Drac!

So you're making our lives brighter rather than your front room, eh Billy?

Hope the harem forgive you!

{Ed025's Note - only one of them left these days Zed, and she thinks what i do on here is my real job mate...shes still waiting for her wages.. :)

8.) 10 Jul 2024 18:34:47
Ed25 you definitely bring the banter mate. Keep putting off the decorating… at least until the end of the transfer window for all our sanity!

{Ed025's Note - i will have to Navy...i know sod all about football mate.. :)

9.) 10 Jul 2024 18:37:18
ed25, then you shouldn't be surprised when she packs up and leaves. At the point, she would be the "One that got away".

{Ed025's Note - im a massive catch Oli so thats not likely to happen mate.. :)

10.) 10 Jul 2024 18:41:50
Oli, that's wishful thinking. A leopard never loses it's spots.

Ed025 is simply the coolest guy around, with the hardest Teflon skin without a doubt.

{Ed025's Note - i tend not to take things personally ArAy...unless someone has a go at Jordan Pickford mate.. :)

11.) 10 Jul 2024 19:15:22
Ed025. I don't know who this Pickford fella is. But I think you could be referring to the "Reckless Feckless Assassin" is it? ?.

{Ed025's Note - no ArAy, its the mild mannered shrinking violet who plays in goal for the potential European champions mate.. :)

12.) 10 Jul 2024 19:43:26
I have to join this love in and say that I personally love ED025s banter.

{Ed025's Note - cheers mate..



07 Jul 2024 15:53:50
The guy on the right for the Swiss was good. Could he come in as backup to Mo maybe?

NicolBecker Glory

1.) 07 Jul 2024 19:23:03
Shouldn't you know the name of the player you are scouting before you recommend him to do or be anything to in place of Mo?

2.) 07 Jul 2024 20:13:15
Your man with the head was decent as well.

3.) 07 Jul 2024 21:03:37
I’m going to give the OP the benefit of the doubt and say it was an attempt at humour as Shaq was playing on the right after he came on.

If he didn’t, I agree with Oli!



07 Jul 2024 15:53:50
The guy on the right for the Swiss was good could he come in as back up to Mo maybe?

NicolBecker Glory



06 Jul 2024 07:57:36
With Liverpool being the people's champions and the only top club to not try to cheat with their finances. It is a reminder that good does defeat evil every now and then, so maybe this is the season that others get their comeuppance and leave the path clear for the righteous. One can only hope.

NicolBecker Glory

1.) 06 Jul 2024 08:27:02
You’re delusional NicolBecker. City will win the league at a cantor again. Unfortunately unlimited resources will always win out.

2.) 06 Jul 2024 08:32:25
Well said, NBG but you forgot to add that we don't buy refs either.

3.) 06 Jul 2024 08:42:45
So City are going to win the League at a synagogue, Vik?

4.) 06 Jul 2024 09:40:32
At a canter? We took them to the final day twice and Arsenal did it last season. This notion that City walk to the title each year is bizarre.

5.) 06 Jul 2024 09:01:48
When did Arsenal try to cheat with their finances?

{Ed002's Note - They didm't, it is simply trolling.}

6.) 06 Jul 2024 09:48:51
You are delude @Nicol. I can see all the top 5 spending lavishly. Arsenal are about to splash £50 mill on a center back in spite of having 4 already ?.

7.) 06 Jul 2024 10:02:21
I’d imagine the teams outside the big 6 also suspect the rules are bent in our favour. We’re allowed to
Spend more than them because we make more money than them, but we play in the CL most seasons and have bigger worldwide fan base (through success and history) which thus brings more sponsorship etc.

But if the lesser teams aren’t allowed to spend then how can they compete.

Prime example being Villa. Just qualified for CL and had to sell one of their better players to balance the books.

Imaging the big 6 having to do that.

8.) 06 Jul 2024 11:00:14
I think liverpools many fines from the FA for tapping up players would signal we don't follow the rules. I dunno where the people's champion remark comes from every club has 'people' following it. You're also conveniently forgetting the super league stuff and the fact the club were trying to put low paid staff on furlough.

It's important not to view things as good and evil it's extremely rare it's as black and white as that.

9.) 06 Jul 2024 11:05:38
Comparing any other team to City is going to make them seem that much more virtuous lol, the truth is that we're not the best behaved of teams either as far as promises being made to young player we sign, Klopp tapping players up and the like.

What galls me about City is not simply that they break the rules and get away with it, but it's also the fact that they have actually created a near foolproof formula for winning the title ever year, fuelled by their bottomless finances of course, but Guardiola's style of football, premised upon crafting a watertight system for keeping the ball forever with hyper technical players and carefully wearing away at teams without leaving yourself exposed on the counterattack, whether through meticulous rest defense positioning or tactical fouling, is just irritating to watch despite how people go on about how it's the best team in the world.

Okay, they may very well be the best team in the world, and individually they have some truly fabulous players with marvelous skillsets, Rodri is probably pound for pound the most crucial and influential midfielder on the planet, Ake is a superb defender, KDB etc., but what's the point of watching this team that is *supposed* to win every game, because they have a machine that is calibrated in such a way that it eliminates risk, a high-tech, high-end steamroller that, if it simply operates according to instructions on the label, slowly bludgeons every opposition to submission? Statistically City almost never loses the xG battle, a lot of games they lose or draw because of unforeseen individual mistakes or singular lapses of judgment. They might lose the ball for these reasons, not because they make a risky pass in traffic because they back themselves to get out of a sticky situation, which is what separates Pep from Klopp, and which is what makes the game fun to watch, like the Spain and Germany game last night, especially in the opening salvos of the first half. The opposite spectrum of that game, of course, would be similarly risk-allergic styles like that of Deschamps and Southgate, who I would argue begin from the same premise as Pep, which is you put fear of losing the ball first before all else.

This wouldn't be so bad if Guardiola ball wasn't seen as 'the' proper or 'best' way to play football in Europe, the smart way to safeguard results and avoid risk. Thankfully we are starting to see weird deviations from this, such as Xabi Alonso's somewhat more freewheeling style, Thiago Motta's or the somewhat bizarre hyper possession style of the guy who coached Las Palmas and has now gone to Sevilla (I believe? ) .

Sorry for the long rant. I'm hoping Slot makes us refreshing to watch, in an analogous (but far from identical) way as Klopp did. Whatever the case, even if City win, nobody really cares anyway, and they might deny it but the year that we won it will stick in people's minds more vividly than all the years City took it, not simply because they have money, but because in Pep's mind and everybody else's, they are expected to win before a ball is even kicked.

10.) 06 Jul 2024 11:24:13
@NBG, you need the friendship and companionship of people. Don’t be sitting up all night thinking daft 5hings, get out in the sunshine a bit more.

11.) 06 Jul 2024 12:29:07
City have won the league “at a canter” twice in 12 years.

12.) 06 Jul 2024 12:51:30
Agree City don’t always win it at a canter but they’ve still won the league 6 times in the last 7 seasons.

It doesn’t get much more dominating than that whether they win it by 1 point or 30 points.

We won ours at a canter and got the same trophy.

13.) 06 Jul 2024 13:45:18
They have had to earn it. There is some revisionist history that they’ve just walked to all those trophies.

Good teams aren’t good by fluke.

14.) 06 Jul 2024 16:26:27
JK, you mean like Liverpool having to sell Coutinho to buy Alisson and VVD? Clubs have always had to sell players to buy other players, this is nothing new it has a fancy label now.

15.) 06 Jul 2024 17:58:21
I would love to know what “people” we are referring to in “people’s” champions.

Most other fan bases absolutely hate us.

16.) 06 Jul 2024 18:01:28
Thunderbird yes we did mate.

But we didn’t have to sell Coutinho to avoid a points deduction. We sold him because he more or less forced a move through and then we replaced him with 2 world class players.

17.) 06 Jul 2024 20:17:13
Can I just give a shout out to patrik for using the word analogous - in my 10 odd years reading this site (before everyone jumps on me I don’t read every single post) - I’m not sure I’ve seen anyone say that. Well done. Good post too by the way.

18.) 06 Jul 2024 21:28:21
@JK23 Liverpool did the same in the late 70s early 80s and Utd in the 90s early 00s. It happens. It will be interesting to see what happens to City when Pep leaves.




NicolBecker Glory's rumour replies


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10 Jul 2024 08:20:30
Dives, zero strength, no skill.

NicolBecker Glory



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07 Jul 2024 14:46:29
How does Viktor always know the players who will never play for Liverpool? Does he work at the club?

NicolBecker Glory



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03 Jul 2024 13:30:26
Would a replacement be needed when Owen Beck is already better than Kostas and Gomez can also cover?

NicolBecker Glory



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03 Jul 2024 18:08:07
Americans re-claimed the word during the Civil war and now plenty of them refer to themselves as Yanks. It is not derogatory in any way. Now I call Americans septic tanks which is definitely a derogatory term and well deserved as the dumbest country on the planet.

NicolBecker Glory



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14 Jun 2024 21:44:34
With Liverpool fans being the most knowledgeable on the game of football it is quite hard to keep them all happy.

NicolBecker Glory




NicolBecker Glory's banter replies


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09 Jul 2024 22:53:22
I am pretty sure the club wouldn’t employ him again. I would worry that even as a coach he would be out injured and unable to do his job. Sick notes are something the club needs to try and avoid from here on out.

NicolBecker Glory



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09 Jul 2024 07:37:38
Left winger ✅.

NicolBecker Glory



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01 Jul 2024 22:54:26
They’ve already been saved by the Bell.

NicolBecker Glory



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27 Jun 2024 19:53:08
There will never be a player as good as Gerrard for Liverpool FC, unfortunately. But I think like Trent, Connor Bradley can play anywhere he wants to.

NicolBecker Glory



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26 Jun 2024 15:49:22
1- Encourage more shots from outside of the box instead of trying to walk it in.

2- Reduce the amount of backward passing and limit the amount of times both centre backs pass between each other.

3- Encourage the team to not always concede first and not miss guilt edge chances my Nan could score.

NicolBecker Glory



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