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22 Jul 2023 12:21:27
So got it on very good authority that Thiago will be moving on this summer, and he himself expects it will be soon.
It’s hardly come as a surprise to myself and I’m sure nobody else but I’ll be sad to see him go.


1.) 22 Jul 2023 12:38:13
I'm happy with that TBH. A costly failed experiment for me. I know some fans love it when these so called 'world class' players get signed - it probably works great on FIFA '23 - but the reality isn't always all that.

What we need to do though is make sure the incoming funds for Fab/ Hendo/ Thiago get invested properly e. g. no signing a forward player when we need another CM and a CB.

2.) 22 Jul 2023 13:20:29
Really can't see it but you never know. I spoke with Thiago a few weeks back and he was 100% looking focused playing for us. Was even upbeat about the Europa League. Things can change ofc but I'd be very surprised.

3.) 22 Jul 2023 14:26:13
I wouldn’t say he’s been a failure at all but what I would say is we have had to adapt to involve him in the team and I think the manager and coaching staff where at 1 point looking to transition us in to a different style more in line with city which he is perfect for but we are not city and it’s not worked . I see people call it ljindersball give me klopp heavy metal football every day of the week . Hope whatever happens is best suited to both parties.

4.) 22 Jul 2023 15:55:51
So what you just described there DHFC is a failed experiment then where we tried to build a completely different style of play around a 29 year old player with a poor injury record.

5.) 22 Jul 2023 18:39:26
Costly failed experiment? Came within a whisker of winning an unprecedented quadruple. I’d say that was a decent team fell agonisingly short but should be celebrated as a great team not disregarded as a failure.

6.) 22 Jul 2023 20:51:28
Before Fabinho fell off a cliff him and thiago were part of a great team and partnership. Thiago works when he doesn't have to do everyone else's running. He's a quality player and he has worked well for us imo. Unfortunately he gets constant niggles which disrupt his flow and the team and that's the only thing I can fault him on.

7.) 22 Jul 2023 21:57:07
Without a doubt one of the most technically gifted players we have ever had, just the injury issues and last season the lack of quality around him. I would love for him to be here one more season.

8.) 22 Jul 2023 22:12:33
Great player, just not quite suited to th3 system the team played, and, of course he is quite injury prone.

9.) 22 Jul 2023 22:41:20
Ah look, the near miss quadruple argument comes out again. No prizes for coming second unfortunately. Thiago has played less 2/ 3rds of the PL games available since he joined, he was injured most of last season (18 PL games played) so not sure how the ‘lack of quality around him’ bit applies either as he wouldn’t have been available for bulk of the games anyway.

I think we’ve all been a bit hoodwinked by his technical ability, which is lovely to watch of course, but his lack of physicality/ fitness has really been shown up since he joined and we need to admit that it hasn’t worked and move him on. Great player on his day but a) we didn’t get enough of those days and b) the attempt to alter the style of play to accommodate him didn’t really work and that was exacerbated by him being injured so often that we just looked confused by the new tactics when he wasn’t there.

On reflection, give me the grafting of Wijnaldum - CL and PL winner in red of course - over the silky skills of Thiago.

10.) 22 Jul 2023 23:36:11
Couldn’t agree more johnnyr1970 - I said it all along, Wijnaldum was our midfield dynamo - lost so much when he left.

11.) 23 Jul 2023 01:22:26
Wijnaldum was our midfield dynamo?


12.) 23 Jul 2023 01:57:30
Thiago is honestly the best player I've watched him live words can't describe him but he definitely needs to move on can't keep up with the pace of the league.

13.) 23 Jul 2023 02:04:25
I’m not really sure what ‘dynamo’ means if Gini was an example of it. Don’t get me wrong he could hold the ball up well and wasn’t shy of putting his foot in, but dynamo is a bit far fetched.

{Ed001's Note - isn't Dynamo a magician? In which case I would agree, Gini is a magician to have fooled so many people into thinking we miss him and that he was anything other than the weak link in the team while here. Spent most of the match hiding to avoid receiving a pass and when he did get it he would take way too many touches. He was just like Lallana, but somehow Lallana gets no respect for what he did, while Gini has become some mythical 'great'.}

14.) 23 Jul 2023 06:39:13
For me there's only one Dynamo and that is of course the massive bloke from Running Man who gets electrocuted when the sprinklers go off.

15.) 23 Jul 2023 08:37:34
I think my point about Wijnaldum has been missed somewhat. Is he a better player technically than Thiago - no, were we a better team with Wijnaldum - yes, I think what we won at that time should be enough proof of that.

A good team is all about synergy and even if Gini wasn’t the most gifted player, he fit the way in which we played very well and was actually available in games. This isn’t me pining for him in any way or mythologising him.

16.) 23 Jul 2023 09:03:34
And just to add to that - I'd have loved for Thiago to be a better fit (and less injured) . I can only imagine how good this team would have looked if we'd have been able to fit his undoubted talent into the way we play, a mixture of the more direct 'Heavy Metal' style allied to Thiago style slick passing moves sounds like football nirvana to me.



05 Jul 2023 12:31:54
Ok nice little rumour here.
We may be signing either a Dutch player or someone from the Dutch league soon.
That’s all I can say as it’s from someone at the club high up I met and spoke to.


{Ed002's Note - Someone like Perr Schuurs?}

1.) 05 Jul 2023 12:51:08
Maybe ed. they wouldn’t tell me his name but I know the club have had face to face talks over in Holland the last few days.

{Ed002's Note - Obviously not him then. I am rather surprised someone senior at the club shared that sort of information. That is very unusual unless you know them very well.}

2.) 05 Jul 2023 13:33:35
Nice one, mikey.

3.) 05 Jul 2023 13:52:48
High up must mean they may have office at highest floor right!

4.) 05 Jul 2023 13:54:15
No live it was the window cleaner.

5.) 05 Jul 2023 14:24:30
When you say high up it was one of the builders working on the Annie road wasn’t it.

6.) 05 Jul 2023 15:18:30
What had this person been smoking?

Ed's do you reckon Gvardiol is worth twice as much as the other defensive targets that are allegedly on our list?

{Ed002's Note - Forget the money.}

7.) 05 Jul 2023 16:50:50
So you managed to speak with someone very high up in LFC and didn't know their name? Did you meet them in Stanley park on a bench wearing a large grey anorak and sunglasses?

8.) 05 Jul 2023 17:19:47
Hopefully it's Ruud Guillit. An amazing player. World class who will just bring us back to title contenders again. or Rijkaard. the Dutch Souness!

{Ed025's Note - cant even look at Rijkaard KK, that golly in vollers face was disgusting, as bad as the other sum bag Carragher..

9.) 05 Jul 2023 18:20:44
Wasn't it the other way around ed. maybe not can't remember.

{Ed025's Note - no mate, its forever etched in my memory unfortunately

10.) 05 Jul 2023 18:22:07
Nah sorry Ed I was think of ruud hullit. sure he got spat at too.

11.) 06 Jul 2023 12:13:16
Although I’ve met them before ed002, I definitely wouldn’t say I know them well at all.
And they didn’t give me much at all to go on sadly, it’s not like the old days whenever I’d meet a player, manager or someone from behind the scenes and they all spilled the beans like an excited teenager lol.



21 Nov 2021 10:27:41
Hey ed002 I’ve seen a few articles pop up regarding Liverpool interest in Hwang Hee-chan (on loan to wolves from Leipzig) . Heard anything?


{Ed002's Note - Wolves have an option to buy and intend to invoke it. I am not aware of any approach from Liverpool to RBL for him but his "representative" says there is also interest from elsewhere for the summer..}

1.) 22 Nov 2021 14:57:11
Really like what I’ve seen of him at wolves, think he would be an excellent fit in our squad but seems unlikely.

2.) 22 Nov 2021 19:40:47
I’ve not really seen much of wolves this year to comment.

3.) 22 Nov 2021 23:23:35
Been impressed with him as well and would love to see him sign!

4.) 24 Nov 2021 12:05:16
I think Wolves will get him, I fancied him before he went to RBL, looked a great player against us when we played Salzburg. Minamino was the standout for me though.



19 Apr 2021 18:32:40
Just seen someone post what’s apparently a quote from Klopp from today about the super league.
If it’s true (pinch of salt) then he’s putting his head on the chopping block, I’m not sure the owners have the balls to sack him but if true it’s clear he won’t stick around.


1.) 19 Apr 2021 19:30:44
From the BBC website

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp, speaking to Sky Sports: "My feelings didn't change. My opinion didn't change [from when he has criticised Super League suggestions in the past]. I heard for the first time about it yesterday. I was trying to prepare for a difficult game.

"We got some information, not a lot. Most of the things in the newspapers. It's a tough one. People are not happy with it, I can understand it. I can't say a lot more because we were not involved in the process - not the players, not me - we didn't know about it. We will have to wait how it develops. "

2.) 19 Apr 2021 19:31:03
More from Jurgen Klopp: "I'm 53. Since I've been in professional football, the Champions League has been there. My aim was always to coach a team there. I have no issues with the Champions League.

"I like the competitive aspect of football. I like that West Ham might play in the Champions League. I don't want them to because we want to but I like they have the chance. What can I say? It's not easy.

"What I want to say as well, I've heard a few things but what I really don't like, Liverpool football club is much more than some decisions. The most important part of football are the supporters and the team. We have to make sure nothing gets between that. I've heard there are banners but the players didn't do anything wrong. We have to all stick together. We can show nobody has to walk alone in these moments. There are things to sort but nothing to do with the football or the relationship between the supporters and the team.

"In tough times you have to show you stick together. It doesn't mean you have to agree with everything but again the boys did nothing wrong. I want to make sure everyone knows that.

"I understand it. I am in a different position. I don't have all informations. I don't know exactly why the 12 clubs did it. I know some things will change with football in the future. Some things have to change in football that is for sure.

"Usually you have to prepare these kinds of things, it takes time. "

3.) 19 Apr 2021 19:35:22
Mikey if they dare sack that man there will be riots. He obviously is not happy with this. His interview on MNF shows that. he's wanting to scream it from the top of the Kop I think . This league will not happen, when you have the world governing body of the sport, the European governing body of the sport, the domestic governing body of the sport, the clubs fans, all the other clubs, managers of clubs involved, the government and Prime Minister of Great Britian and the Hier to the throne of Great Britian and all her teritories saying no, this can not happen. No it is wrong, no it must be stopped, then it will be. I totally agree with Gary Nevielle, all the owners of these clubs need to go. This is now obvious.

4.) 19 Apr 2021 19:37:02
It’s fake.

5.) 19 Apr 2021 20:50:04
Thought as much Jay dub red.
His actual interview was about as damming as he could get it without F$G immediately ringing him.
Felt really sorry for him and the players tonight, been well and truly fed to the lions.



17 Jul 2018 17:03:55
So a world record bid for a goal keeper 6 months after a world record bid for a defender.
These asset stripping owners still ruining our club eh?


1.) 17 Jul 2018 18:05:13
Wouldn't get too excited mate, we haven't made a bid and Chelsea are going too lose cortouis they will go all out for him and will have the straight cash too do so and there is strong rumours hazard leaving were as we want too pay on the drip. Also Roma would rather use us as a pawn too get the price up rather than sell another prized asset I put my house on it we won't get him!

2.) 17 Jul 2018 18:22:18
Where do you live hailstones? I'll take that bet regardless (even though I also don't think we'll sign him)

3.) 17 Jul 2018 18:22:52
Just in case hailstones . where do you live?

4.) 17 Jul 2018 18:37:34
Haha broadgreen Liverpool 3 bedrooms nice garden it's officially part of the bet genuinely I will throw me bird in as well, it's definitely not going to happen when we come out saying we haven't bid is practically saying we ain't in for him .

5.) 17 Jul 2018 18:47:39
Or we don't want to go down the road of last year when mouthing off about targets and then pissing the selling team off.

We announce where bidding and they haven't even accepted then it's practically calling Alison ourselves. Keep mouth shut until deal complete.

6.) 17 Jul 2018 19:18:34
“We” haven’t said anything, hailstones.

Enjoy the new house, boys!

7.) 17 Jul 2018 19:29:53
I hope I Am wrong big time we need him, I just can't see it happening I heard he fancied London too Liverpool also Chelsea will prepare better deal as they going to have cash ready up front we want too do it the Benny hill way same as fekir it seems, and yeah the bets there properly can't see it .

8.) 17 Jul 2018 19:33:00
Chelsea will go for oblak.

9.) 17 Jul 2018 19:52:03
A few on here said about ffp but hasn't our net spend been pretty low over the last few years. One year of 'overspending' doesn't seem too dangerous. Or am I missing something?

10.) 17 Jul 2018 21:07:55
We are in absolutely no danger whatsoever with fsg. There has never ever ever been any danger, even with all the scaremongering. They are proper business men. There not playing some stupid game.

11.) 18 Jul 2018 00:07:09
He won’t be going to chelsea, he has plans on a Thursday night!




1985mikey1985's banter posts with other poster's replies to 1985mikey1985's banter posts


26 Jan 2024 18:59:19
Klopp out!


1.) 27 Jan 2024 10:08:08
Well, he is out so the Klopp outers "all 10 of them) got their wish.



24 Sep 2023 19:54:14
Ed001 you messing with that podcast? Over 4 hours long ?
Defo think you should keep them to more bite size chunks like 20 mins or so and just release more of them. I do like listening to them but they are far, far too long. Lol.


{Ed001's Note - I wouldn't worry about it mate, it was not meant to be done as a podcast, just a live stream while the games were on.}

1.) 25 Sep 2023 00:40:59
It was good mate!

2.) 24 Sep 2023 21:44:47
Thought about going full influencer and getting yourself a camera ed001?
Them big articles you write would be great as a YouTube show.

{Ed001's Note - no, never really given it any thought, nor would I have a clue how to turn an article into a YouTube show to be honest.}

3.) 24 Sep 2023 21:52:19
Listen ed001 better then listen Martin Tyler live Match.

{Ed001's Note - not so sure about that!}

4.) 25 Sep 2023 08:37:40
Ed01 trust me, you don't want that.

{Ed001's Note - which bit?}



29 Aug 2023 12:25:03
Tell you what, 7 points from 9 when we’ve played 2 tricky away matches, both times down to 10 men.
I’ll take that.
I think we’ve got a way to go before the team is up to speed and I think we still need to do some business in the transfer window but not a bad start at all, all things considered.


1.) 29 Aug 2023 12:36:23
Positive, thumbs up from me.

2.) 29 Aug 2023 12:40:57
If we stick with a proper 4-3-3, and get a favourable draw in Europa which means we can rotate for most of the group games, I reckon we'll clinch a top 2 position in the league. I'd like to challenge for the league, but nobody seems to try and play against City, so I don't see them dropping lots of points.

I'm fairly confident in saying that the other teams that finished above us haven't made great strides, and Christ knows what will happen with Chelsea and Spurs this season.

3.) 29 Aug 2023 12:54:32
It’s a decent return but, correction, we weren’t down to 10 in both tricky away games.

The ones that are going to be the telling factor are those where (and if) we have an in-going right to bring away 3 points without a desire to earn them.

We lost too many points to the so called bankers last season. I’m not worried about games where we know it’s on paper a hard match or where we are unexpectedly handicapped.

We need the focus teamwork and commitment we have shown particularly in the last 2 games, as we move on to face those teams that “have nothing to lose because they are not expected to beat us”

I personally think we have the personnel and we have it in us!

We’ve bought some additional leaders by example - just look at the reaction and body language of all 3 as we do things well and the camera focussed on them. All 3 show desire and in Szoboszlai have clear out and out quality on field.


4.) 29 Aug 2023 13:15:29
I think the teams don’t play against City is a bit far fetched.

Certainly teams set up to put 11 men behind the ball against them and they did that to us for a few seasons as well.

I think if teams try and go toe to toe with City then they are open for a hammering.

In seasons gone by only us and some European teams have gone for it with City but even Real had it handed to them last season trying to do it.

5.) 29 Aug 2023 13:19:46
Results have been better than expectations - performances with ten men have been brilliant, mainly poor with 11 though.

6.) 29 Aug 2023 13:21:09
Potentially the 3rd and 4th hardest away games after City and Arsenal isn’t too bad at all.

7.) 29 Aug 2023 13:59:36
It's a good start but we were not down to ten men against Chelsea. No clean sheets but we have definitely have goals in us.

8.) 29 Aug 2023 15:20:09
Spot on, Mikey. I'll take the points, thank you very much. Not arsed how they came about esp. in our situation. We focus on ourselves, not on City nor any other club right now, IMO. One game at a time and we keep it moving.

9.) 29 Aug 2023 17:24:39
JK23, fair point, but I didn't mean teams should go toe to toe with city, but when you plan to defend and try to play for a draw from the outset, city will bury you. Quick counter attacking is the way to get to them if you can avoid getting tactically fouled by them in the build up.

{Ed025's Note - bit harsh that RP, especially after having a man sent off for a cynical foul last week and another who by the letter of the law should have walked after about 5 minutes mate..

10.) 29 Aug 2023 20:16:47
RP I know that mate and please don’t think I was calling you out. I’ve seen it said loads of times that teams let City win (I know you’ve not said that) but as much as they’re our rivals it’s also not hard to acknowledge they’re also a bloody good team.



13 Aug 2023 21:06:45
Ed001, are we going to get a quick match review? Bloody missed the game and wanted some insight on how we played.


{Ed001's Note - yes mate, as soon as I can get it written.}

1.) 14 Aug 2023 06:30:23
Cheers Ed. Maybe a mention on what turned for Chelsea after our disallowed goal? The game swung imo after that.

{Ed001's Note - why don't you write one then? I will write what I saw, not what you saw mate, so that will not be included. If you want to write what you think happened, feel free, only my notes do not see that as changing the game.}



14 Jul 2023 22:15:14
I do wonder if the club had known they were likely going to get decent money for Hendo and Fab this window if they would have perhaps perused Bellingham a bit harder?


1.) 14 Jul 2023 22:20:52
Bellingham only wanted Madrid.

2.) 14 Jul 2023 22:35:36
Redwood have you been under a rock. Liverpool were his first choice by some distance but the owners wouldn’t pay the money.

3.) 14 Jul 2023 22:50:10
@OP, that’s a good question, I agree with @Redwook about what JB wanted this summer. But if he’d stayed at Dortmund for another year and we had completed our midfield rebuild and had started on the overhaul of the defence, which will have us with the second Klopp team (which already looks like it will likely be a force) it would be interesting to see who he might have chosen.

4.) 14 Jul 2023 23:09:01
Maybe they did know and that’s why they spent on szob and mac.

5.) 14 Jul 2023 23:19:44
Who knows scouse John, I do think though one of Mac or sobo wouldn’t have been brought in if Bellingham was being bought as well though.
Just thought I would throw a little hypothetical out there seeing as though we have not spoken about Bellingham much on here. ?.

6.) 14 Jul 2023 23:22:31
@SJ who are “they”?

7.) 14 Jul 2023 23:43:03
@ wdw3 them at the club who say spend.

8.) 15 Jul 2023 00:59:09
Markp08, the eds on here have told us many times that the owners don’t get involved in transfers. If you don’t believe them why are you still reading these pages?

Personally, I think it was more about the wages than the fee.

9.) 15 Jul 2023 01:17:49
Fair enough @SJ, just making sure who you meant. IT’s all if’s and but I guess but with the two we’ve bought and another 2 or 3 more if Hendo Fabs and Thiago leave and we start on the defence in January, the whole profile of the squad will have been changed by the end f next summer’s window. From JB’s perspective he might see a young squad on the rise, rather than as having to carry the team himself.

10.) 15 Jul 2023 02:05:02
What was that song from frozen? Oh yeah LET IT GO! He’s joined Real Madrid.

11.) 15 Jul 2023 04:38:11
So Jude is a liar then. don't need liars at the club. dodged a bullet

12.) 15 Jul 2023 06:01:34
@Pegleg - is Frozen a good film?

13.) 15 Jul 2023 06:58:32
@wdw, it's very good mate. My nieces and nephew love it.

14.) 15 Jul 2023 08:13:12
My granddaughters are big fans too.

15.) 15 Jul 2023 08:22:58
The "How to Train Your Dragon" series is better.

16.) 15 Jul 2023 08:55:15
Lads just let it go.

17.) 15 Jul 2023 08:57:45
My daughter likes it?

18.) 15 Jul 2023 09:01:25
I think someone needs to check Flash’s hard drive ?.

19.) 15 Jul 2023 10:35:41
Markp08 so Bellingham is a liar then? The media touted him going to LFC. Yes we had interest but that ended when madrid made him a concrete offer.

20.) 15 Jul 2023 10:33:28
Patently false, Mark08.

21.) 15 Jul 2023 12:24:41
Do you not know, pegleg?

22.) 16 Jul 2023 06:09:37
There was interest from us and I believe if we’d firmed it up then Bellingham would be a Liverpool player.

We dithered and publicly pulled out of the race. Madrid put in an offer and got the player.

Ignore what players say after they’ve just signed for a new club, what do you expect him to say? ‘I wanted to go to Liverpool but they pulled out so I settled for Madrid?! ’.




1985mikey1985's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 07:46:45
I imagine it would be a big security breach if someone from the club managed to get airside to greet a player.




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21 Jul 2024 12:23:59
I’d be gutted to see him go but I know it’s sooner rather than later now.




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04 Jul 2024 16:45:12
£70m seems a little bit on the pricey side but I can see why they would ask it.
What’s the going rate on Chiesa ed002? He Seems like the better option to me as well, although Gordon’s done it in the prem.


{Ed002's Note - Crysencio Summervilleerhaps £30M but it would make more sense to me to talk to Leeds about Crysencio Summerville who is younger and on an upwards trajectory. Liverpool seem to be flip-floping a bit and need to clarify targets better.}



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12 Jun 2024 13:41:25
As much as I like Joe, he’s a squad player, not a starter so any serious offer needs to be considered by the club and the player himself.
I wouldn’t consider selling him myself unless the fee is too good to turn down and we can replace with better or younger.




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30 May 2024 10:29:05
Nunez has much better players around him, so should have a much better return.
I wouldn’t trade them though, age is the main reason.
I’m hoping Slot can finally unlock Nunez this season.





1985mikey1985's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 14:27:48
Hardly going to come out and say the squads rubbish is he.




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21 Jul 2024 12:35:35
If that’s how he’s setting up then I would expect a 6 to be brought in and have Endo as the back up and Baj as further back up there.
There’s going to be winners and losers with the new set up though, the likes of Jones and Grav are going to have to fit in somewhere or be sold, I can see Jones as the left sided 10 though.




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14 Jul 2024 15:05:03
Do we really need a destroyer over a more creative ball playing type? We tend to be on the attack more than being attacked so a ball playing type seems a bit more obvious to me than a hatchet man?




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13 Jul 2024 20:49:23
Shall we call him Gordinho? Lol.




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13 Jul 2024 15:03:04
I’d say the price was a little bit high but not by much.
I’ve not bothered to look but pretty sure he’s got a few years left on his contract. Plus add in the fact he’s English and home grown. Plus the fact he’s a key player for them. Plus the fact he’s actually quite a good player as well. Plus the fact he’s prem proven.

I’m not sure there’s anyone else who plays left wing who ticks all of them boxes.
I mean sure, there’s a few left wingers about who will be better value but who knows if they will be effective in the prem? Plus do they even want to play for us? One thing about Gordon is that you can guarantee he would crawl over broken glass to play for us.

So I don’t really see it as a risky transfer, I think he will be better than Diaz and do a pretty decent job if he came in, not world class level but certainly a step up from Diaz who wants out anyway.
Plus if you’re rotating him with Gakpo on the left I think they will compliment each other as they both play the position in different ways, plan A and plan B if you like.

I think a lot of us have a negative opinion about him because he played for the blues, he's scored against us and he’s called Gordon. Too many want shiny new toys from Europe and South America or that lad from Naples who I’m not even going to attempt to spell.

Reckon he will be a good signing for us to be honest. Even at £70m.




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