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04 Jul 2024 11:13:49
Hi Ed002, I see there have been some changes at clubs behind the scenes, with Paul Mitchell joining NUFC as Sporting Director. I always remember you speaking highly of him so will be interesting to see how that goes.
Secondly, it seems the two Academy Directors at Chelsea are leaving somewhat unexpectedly. They seem to have extremely good reputations and since LFC only seems to go for ex Chelsea academy, I wonder if you had heard if there was interest in Bath and Fraser from Liverpool?


{Ed002's Note - Yes Paul will be moving to Newcastle now the Ashford situation has been resolved - he really should have been first pick at Manchester United. Neil Bath and Jim Fraser are not leaving suddenly - they informed Chelsea of their decisions after the season finished on May 11.}

1.) 04 Jul 2024 12:04:48
Ok thanks Ed, the info I read made it their leaving was a 'shock'.

{Ed002's Note - Well the club have made every effort to have them stay. Perhaps a surprise rather than a shock.}

2.) 04 Jul 2024 18:32:49
Huge step up from selling cars and running pubs on Albert Square, Walford.

3.) 04 Jul 2024 18:43:48
It's Mr Mitchell to you, stuie_boy.

4.) 04 Jul 2024 21:23:14
Yes I’ve heard good things about Paul Mitchell.



30 Apr 2023 09:52:36
Morning Ed002, hope the travels are going well. I read this morning that Chelsea may look to bring in Paul Mitchell. With your previous updates suggesting there was a good chance LFC were looking to recruit him for the DoF role, are you aware of any new information?


{Ed002's Note - Chelsea have been talking to him.}

1.) 30 Apr 2023 15:01:02
Speaking of Chelsea ed Klopp said “man or woman” when he said we’re looking to bring in a sporting director is Marina Granovskaia who used to be at Chelsea a candidate at all or is that reading into comments too much.

{Ed002's Note - No she is not an option.}

2.) 30 Apr 2023 19:35:19
Thought they’d only just bought in Vivell?

{Ed002's Note - They will have different jobs.}

3.) 01 May 2023 12:15:46



10 Aug 2022 08:23:56
Sorry Ed, gf distracted me talking about what we need in the shopping and sent early! In short, my question is, is it just the one midfielder we need from next season, or a bit of a mini overhaul, with maybe a more experienced midfield player and some backups if we remove the likes of ox, naby, Thiago etc.


{Ed002's Note - The club need to consider players are aging and that together with how the youngsters do will determine the needs.}

1.) 10 Aug 2022 09:40:10
From next season? Back To The Future style?

2.) 10 Aug 2022 09:53:38
You have to at some point have some forward planning. Would be very surprised if Klopp hasn’t already done this. It could be that Morton comes back from Blackburn having as good an impact as Elliott, and comes straight back in to the squad and hit the ground running, Elliott himself a year older and more game time, same with Jones, with possibly 1 midfielder brought in next year. There are so many kids coming through, loads highly rated, not all will make it, but buying players will only block their pathway, but I am expecting at least 1, if not 2 to come I. To the squad from next season and starting to see more game time at first team level.

3.) 10 Aug 2022 11:07:20
When people say forward planning, what are they looking for? We have Jones, Elliot and Carvalho already here and in the first team. Bajcetic, Morton coming through. Seasoned vets in Hendo, Keita, Fabinho, Thiago, Milner for those kids to learn from. I’d say we are witnessing the forward planning right in front of our eyes.

4.) 10 Aug 2022 11:18:02
Jones has to step up this year. He was top of the pass completion charts in the squad last season i believe, yet holds onto he ball far too long.
Hopefully between Fab, Harvey and Jones, at least one of them steps up and forges a path into regular first team action.

5.) 10 Aug 2022 12:13:02
Whats overly wrong with him holding onto the ball if he thinks that's safer than attempting the pass that's on? Countless times when watching Jones i've been happy he's held onto possession instead of trying to force a pass, i think it shows confidence in his own ability.

6.) 10 Aug 2022 13:41:28
For me i think we need 2 midfielders in 1 of which is hopefully Bellingham but i think we need 1 now and cut our losses and offload Ox and Naby.

7.) 10 Aug 2022 14:14:38
Trent is the only academy player to do well for us in a decade. Bar Kelleher maybe i guess. hard to decide because of so little games but i’d say so. Yet some want the squad filled with the likes of Phillips and Morton

Elliott i think will be very good for us, however if Jones doesn’t seriously step up this season i’d cash in 20/ 25m and put it towards a first team player. Morton the same decent loan spell and hopefully cash in.

8.) 10 Aug 2022 16:32:07
Academy is about to seriously bear fruit, better kids coming through than there's been in a long tine.

9.) 10 Aug 2022 16:55:02
I see Tyler Morton fitting the Fabinho role and at a push Carvalho being a Thiago in a couple of years but I do not see a Henderson unless we get Bellingham. Can we what for Carvalho to fill Thiagos boots.

{Ed001's Note - Morton is not a defensive midfielder and he will not be filling the Fabinho role unless he completely changes his game.}

10.) 10 Aug 2022 18:41:51
I’d have said that Elliott looks more Thiago-like than anyone?
The good thing is that the young players all bring something different to the table, so hopefully a good mix.
Bellingham would be awesome though.

11.) 10 Aug 2022 19:29:15
So now we need to get Thiago out too. Presume Hendo and Fabinho as well as they are 30 plus and had bad games vs Fulham. Posters here are amazing. Insight that not even Klopp and the club have. Yeah we need an overhaul with at least 3 new CMs. Hoping we go for the McFred and Bruno value meal combo.

12.) 10 Aug 2022 19:44:07
There’s room in a 3 midfield system for 1 youngster. Other 2 need to be proven world class players or at least near top of their country for us to win the premier league and or champions league. None of our main midfielders are world or even country class and are on the decline, injured or need a run of games to be ‘agile. ’ Klopp has worked miracles but now needs to buy a world class midfielder.

13.) 10 Aug 2022 20:43:35
Some strange views here. We’ve got a load of kids, and a number of ageing players with no quality at a decent age say 24-26 age bracket, that are already extremely good with room to grow. That’s the sort if midfielder we need. Bellingham clearly an exception.

14.) 10 Aug 2022 21:30:43
Rambo, we don't need to get anyone out, but with the main crop of midfielders all around the same age, it could be said we would need to replace three midfielder in 1 or 2 windows as opposed to a gradual introduction of youngsters and new purchases. My point being, there has been a lot of talk on this site about getting a new midfielder in with the main focus on Bellingham, but looking at our current midfield, it got me thinking that maybe we are being distracted from the fact that we may need more than just one in the next 12 months. All part of initiating a debate, you can join in any time with some constructive conversation as opposed to the usual sarcasm, unless that's your limit?

15.) 10 Aug 2022 21:37:16
I remember reading in here how Klopp couldn’t see that our front 3 needed changing and there was going to be a massive problem going forwards because FSG wouldn’t pay up to replace them with quality. How did they pan out? , chill out guys, trust the gaffer, he knows much more about this game than you ever will.

16.) 11 Aug 2022 14:19:02
Sometimes a new contract for a young player can prelude an incoming.
Nunes is about the best player left in the Portuguese league and is surely a big step up from the Ox and Naby, so it makes sense on many levels.

17.) 12 Aug 2022 08:59:37
Seems it just popular to hate on Jones at the moment. Thiago holds onto the ball sometime but when he does it it’s all game management and controlling the flow of the game. Jones does the same and all he gets is he ‘hold the ball too long’, he needs to step up etc etc. none of us have any idea what Klopp is asking them to do. Jones is a very talented and hard working midfield all rounder who I think will be big for us in the coming years. I’m sticking my neck out and predicting he will be Hendo’s successor in the 8 role when Hendo and Milner are retired.

18.) 12 Aug 2022 13:38:29
Nunes ability to take on players, defend and tackle well, and find good passes even in crowded areas, plus has good finishing ability is something Liverpool doesn’t have with this midfield. They work hard, link play well, but we saw how good this team looked when Oxlaide Chamberlain was in form driving at teams from midfield. This for me is why firmino struggles to find goals with this team. You need a midfielder that can put pressure on a center back so firmino can find gaps and open shooting lanes. Every time firmino touches the ball around the box he’s got one or two guys on him. Nunes has found some goals already but I do think if Liverpool had a guy like this in midfield firmino would be a much bigger threat. He just never gets to touch the ball facing goal with space.

19.) 13 Aug 2022 11:05:10
Klopp said technical players lack the fight and fighting players lack the technical skills. I would say Nunes has both .



12 Jan 2022 12:11:15
With Newcastle reportedly paying Chris Woods' £25m release clause, any chance they're interested in Origi?!


{Ed002's Note - I would not expect Origi to be sold this month.}

1.) 12 Jan 2022 13:11:22
While we might be signing a striker this window to cover the Alcon, we would surely be fools to let 1 of our 4 recognised ones depart. Those calling for Origi to depart this window are deluded.

2.) 12 Jan 2022 14:32:05
Origi is nvr fit plays one misses then he’s hardly reliable!

3.) 12 Jan 2022 15:11:29
Was more tongue in cheek for all you sensible Sally's out there. I was more highlighting the fact that Newcastle are rumoured to pay over £20m for a 30 year old who has scored 3 goals in 17 appearances yet our players are deemed 'over priced'

4.) 12 Jan 2022 15:28:10
£20mil was the buy out clause I’m led to believe.
They had to pay it and I doubt Burnley were too keen on letting him go.

5.) 12 Jan 2022 15:34:21
Burnley getting the better deal there. mmmn a striker that doesn't score goals. Origi is a much better striker in my humble opinion.

6.) 12 Jan 2022 15:50:59
Pot lay, surely be fools to sell him now or lose him for free in the summer?

7.) 12 Jan 2022 19:10:20
He’s worth more to us for the remainder of the season than the pittance we’d get on transfer fee. Who could we realistically buy at this stage to replace Origi on the cheap? Literally no one is the answer.

There’s not one striker out there available at a price we can afford who is better than him right now. If he goes on a fee in the summer, that’s fine. It’s not a lot that we’ve lost.

8.) 12 Jan 2022 20:04:25
He may well of scored some important goals and some fans might wear tinted specs because of this but he’s poor at best. Ask Ed 25 if he’d have him at Everton, I don’t need too I know what his answer will be.

{Ed001's Note - Ed025 thought Digne was the best left back in the world a few weeks ago, so why would anyone ask him about a player playing for Liverpool when he never sees anything good in Liverpool players anyway? What a bizarre way to back up your opinion.}

9.) 12 Jan 2022 22:36:48
Chris Woods : Burnley to Newcastle
Divock Origi : Liverpool go Burnley.

Origi gets game time and can still live in the area he is settled in.

Before the slanging match about Div recommences I would add this pure speculation on my part with no evidence whatsoever, more a case of 2 + 2 = 4 😁😁.

{Ed025's Note - i like it though mate..

10.) 13 Jan 2022 07:53:39
Again the question is Pegleg, for the pittance we’d get for Origi, and then after various disbursements have been paid, who can we afford to bring in to replace him? As we’ll get between £5m and £7m at most given that he’s in the last 6 months of his contract. Which won’t help us in the games that Salah and Mane are away. Fact is that he’s worth more here right now than a few million quid in the transfer coffers.

11.) 12 Jan 2022 22:45:08
Ok, ask ed14 if he’d have him at Arsenal. My point being a lot of red fans over hype him because some of the goals he’s scored. I’ve never hidden the fact I don’t think he’s good enough.

{Ed014's Note - err NO 😂



19 Aug 2021 10:00:35
Morning Ed002, I remember you saying LFC had interest in Hoppe from Schalke and it is now being reported that Everton could sign him for as little as £4m. Have we acted on our interest and would he be considered a player to challenge for a starting spot, I don't know much about him (MK - feel free to report! )?


{Ed002's Note - Matthew Hoppe (S) American youngster has been advised to stay in Germany although Schalke are likely sell him in the summer. However, he has attracted interest from a number of sides including Everton, Barcelona and Spurs and the feeling is in the States that FSG might look to having him recruited for Liverpool as he is one of the up-and-coming American players. Certainly, clubs have been scouting him and recent form has been good. I don't see that he would be a starter for any of the leading clubs and unless paying well over the odds a Work Permit may be an issue in England.}

1.) 19 Aug 2021 10:31:16
I think at £4m it’s worth a punt. Loan him back out to Schalke so he gets regular first team football and go from there.

{Ed002's Note - That is not going to happen.}

2.) 19 Aug 2021 11:19:57
With our transfer budget. It’s No hoppe.

3.) 19 Aug 2021 11:52:33
Not a Hoppe in hell we'd sign him!

4.) 19 Aug 2021 14:34:59
Thanks Ed, interesting take on the FSG feelings towards the signing. Are they pushing LFC as a market in the US? If so, a signing like Hoppe would attract fan interest State side.

{Ed002's Note - The feeling in the US is that they should recruit an American player if they can.}

5.) 19 Aug 2021 14:53:17
Should have bought dest when he was in Holland and moved Trent into midfield if that’s the case. Could probably get him from Barcelona now with all their money troubles.

6.) 19 Aug 2021 15:47:38
Interesting on American players. Big fan of Weston Mckennie from Juve. Would be a nice addition to the midfield. Good Gini replacement and I think Juve are open to offers.

{Ed002's Note - He has only moved this summer.}

7.) 19 Aug 2021 16:10:47
Christian Pulisic would have been our best American option.

8.) 19 Aug 2021 16:48:30
I really like Hoppe. Young and with a good motor. Was the best player on the US squad during the Gold Cup in my opinion.

I tend to agree that staying in Germany may be long term, but it would be fun to see him in England like Sargent.

9.) 19 Aug 2021 19:56:51
The US must be a huge potential talent pool?
Massive population and many awesome athletes, albeit soccer is far from number one sport out there.
But, with the game growing, I can really see the US being a future source of talent.
I’d certainly like to see FSG look at this, if they’re not already doing so.

10.) 19 Aug 2021 20:53:49
If only that Clint Dempsey transfer had come off!

11.) 20 Aug 2021 00:44:21
Juicer, believe it or not it’s the most played sport in the US by a long shot. We did coin the phrase “soccer mom”. I know it had the most registered players over any other sport for year after year. I think the biggest problem is that as kids get older and into high school (14/ 15 years of age) the sport isn’t as attractive for nailing down scholarships etc., sports in general here is a huge business within the under 18’s for both boys and girls. Sadly many of the parents think their kids will get a scholarship for college but in reality few do, and many of the scholarships aren’t even a drop in the bucket. My wife is going to Bard College in NY, she got a full scholarship, definitely not an athletic one. The tuition there is $75k per year…. that’s not a typo. So most kids go into baseball/ softball/ basketball/ football/ golf…golf is a big one too….




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19 Jul 2024 15:05:50
Change of topic, but I read FSG have pulled the plug on the Bordeaux talks citing the risk of ongoing costs in relation to the stadium as well as concerns around the financial viability of french football in general. That last comment is interesting I that they specifically mentioned French football and not just Bordeaux. Ed002, I'd be interested in your thoughts on the situation and what you make of FSGs comments if you have time. I think it's obvious french football isn't flush with money bar PSG and maybe Marseille now, but what's the current outlook for the French leagues?


{Ed002's Note - FSG are looking to expand their presence in football from owning Liverpool to taking stakes in other sides. They have looked at Toulouse (which investors in FSG, RedBird Capital, own 85% of) but settled on the far cheaper and in huge trouble, Bordeaux. and want to purchase a MLS side or to take a minorty share in one. The cost of adding Bordeaux means unpaid taxes, unpaid rent for the stadium and other debts must be cleared. The takeover needs to be complete by the end of July else the club will be relegated to the third tier. I suspect the reality of the state of Bordeaux resulted in FSG stepping away to concentrate on investing in an MLS side whilst they continue their chase for a new MLB Francise in Las Vegas. With one time potential Everton owners 777 Partners having a crumbling empire, clubs are looking at their assets. Vasco da Gama is part of that and has been for sale for a while with BlueCo having had exploratory talks after signing two players from them last summer. FSG could look to them also but there could be some legal hurdles to deal with as a Brazilian Court has removed the owners from being able to run the club. Standard Liege and Union Berlin are also embroiled in this mess. Perhaps FSG's new friends at the Saudi PIF would be interested in some sort of further joint venture?

The French League is suffering from a problem over COVID and now the TV rights issue continues to be a problem. They will be fine.}

1.) 20 Jul 2024 01:06:43
Absolute scenes when FSG buy Everton to be Liverpool’s feeder club.

2.) 19 Jul 2024 16:37:29
Thanks for the detailed reply Ed, interesting and a shame to see clubs with such history in such dire straits. Would you be willing to expand on the FSG PIF situation?

{Ed002's Note - FSG are involved in a joint venture in respect of PGA/LIV golf with LIV golf owners (Saudi PIF) providing funding on an informal basis via FSG. The plan is to formalise the relationship. There has been a delay as any deal with PIF is subject to regulatory approval and is subject to investigation and scrutiny by the Senate due to issues surrounding Human Rights in Saudi Arabia and by the Department of Justice due to antitrust concerns.}

3.) 19 Jul 2024 19:44:50
Eds, I had no idea that FSG were involved with the Oakland A's (unless there is another MLB franchise planned there? ) . Thankfully, now that I live in Sacramento, we're getting all the A's games here next season before they bugger off to vegas.

{Ed002's Note - Sorry it should have said NBA. I have no idea why you mention FSG involvement in the Oakland A's.}

4.) 20 Jul 2024 20:52:54
Closest fsg ever came to the A's was when Henry tried to poach beane from them. That's quite a few steps removed.

5.) 21 Jul 2024 22:35:34
Ed's I mentioned it because the only MLB team moving to Las Vegas is Oakland but you followed up by stating you meant NBA so it's just wires getting crossed.



11 Jun 2024 07:41:20
Regarding the whole 'is Salah going to stay' conversation, it seems to have been overlooked that he's opted for a hair transplant. I'm taking that as a clear stand against Arne Slot, signalling his intention to move to Saudi.


1.) 11 Jun 2024 08:56:55
Guess it is a better look than a combover.

2.) 11 Jun 2024 09:17:40
Can't beat that classic Charlton look Viktor.



09 Jun 2024 19:38:48
Ndombele - being released by Spurs and was on loan in Turkey. Would he be worth a look as a free transfer for the DM role, 27 yo I think?
I'll be honest and say my knowledge of him is very limited, but, I vaguely remember Ed001 saying he had excellent potential when he signed for Spurs (could be getting mixed up, so apologies if so)


1.) 09 Jun 2024 19:58:30
Seemed like a super signing for Spurs, don't know what happened with him.

2.) 09 Jun 2024 20:26:45
Absolutely definitely not, fat, slow, lazy and also he’s not a defensive midfielder. And when I say fat, he’s so fat that when he gets on the scales they don’t give a number, they just say “one at a time please”.

3.) 09 Jun 2024 20:44:20
He did have tremendous potential but he went down the William Bogarde route. Got a huge contract and decided to do the bare minimum.

4.) 09 Jun 2024 20:58:37
As talented as Ndombele is/ was, he simply was not ready for the jump he made. keep in mind that he had been playing in the mamatueur league before he was spotted and signed by Lyon and after one season where he ripped it up asp. in the CL where he bossed City's midfield in the group games, Spurs signed him.

To make it worse, he joined a Spurs team that had lost its way after they lost the CL final to us the season before and with Jose coming him with his dictatorial approach, the boy had NO chance, all things considered. Now I know he did not help himself with some of the things he did BUT at that point in his career, he needed an environment and a manager who would take him under his wing and really help him mature as a man let alone, the footballer.

5.) 10 Jun 2024 05:06:18
To be fair given the right environment and coaching he could have made it to the very top, he could do everything as a midfielder and looked like a more than capable replacement for moussa dembele, now he can’t even admit to the world that he is struggling with his weight.

{Ed001's Note - attitude is his problem. At one point he looked like a world beater ready to break through, then he went to Spurs.....}

6.) 10 Jun 2024 09:52:41
It’s amazing how much this happens. Once these players realised life is so much easier if they get a big contract and just sit on it their attitude declines along with their game.

There’s not too many like CR7 who keep pushing and pushing no matter how much they earn. That’s a special mindset.

That why it’s so difficult to be a premier league manager and why a good manager is worth his weight in gold.

7.) 10 Jun 2024 13:21:49
Say what you want about CR7 but his professionalism is unrivalled - his last full season at United got 18 league goals in his latter thirties in an awful team.

Believe rumour was going to sign for city before - fully think if he did he’d have put up Halaand numbers, not as fit etc as he is now but is far more clinical and all round better player even now.

8.) 10 Jun 2024 15:53:16
That's the thing, Ed01. His move to Spurs esp. at that time, was what killed hi career before it even started. The kid at Lyon was immense, IMO and sometimes timing is everything. Had he stayed one more season, he would never have gone to Spurs cos they would be a shambles and not worth it. Timing's everything, as they say.

{Ed001's Note - his attitude has not been good, it has to be said, but it did seem the wrong move for him.}

9.) 10 Jun 2024 16:46:13
So I take it you're not a fan VV!



07 Jun 2024 11:01:53
Spent the other night having drinks with some Dutch colleagues who are massive Feyenoord fans and they only had good things to say about Slot. They were devastated he is leaving but happy to see him joining LFC.

Mentioned several times what a nice bloke he is but also very tactical and they were convinced he will be a success at LFC. Was a pretty positive rundown! On a side note, the Dutch are a good bunch and a great laugh!


1.) 07 Jun 2024 18:33:08
The ladies in Amsterdam are certainly very friendly.



05 Jun 2024 19:00:07
MK, agree with most of what you have said about Ali and VVD. However, I personally think Salah should have been sold last year and think he should definitely be sold this year. The players you listed were all certainly banging them in, in their 30s, but how many were doing it in the PL?


1.) 05 Jun 2024 19:45:00
I think it’s only classic English arrogance that has us thinking the Prem is so much better than the rest mate. I’ve been guilty of it myself. How’d the English teams get on in Europe this season for example. Arsenal came 2nd here and nearly got put out by the 3rd best team in the Portuguese league which is borderline mocked by some on here. Newcastle and United couldn’t even finish 3rd in their CL groups to limp into the Europa League. We got battered by the 6th best team in Italy. Villa finished 4th but couldn’t even get past Olympiakos.

But to answer your question Zlatan came here in his mid30’s and scored 28 goals in 46 games. Ronaldo came in his mid 30’s and scored 24 in 38 games as well. I wouldn’t mind betting that the others I listed would’ve done the same had they been given the opportunity. Salah will continue to score 20+ next year and I hope it’s here in a Liverpool shirt. We kept Ian Rush until he was 35 and he never let us down. Salah is the best goal scorer we’ve had aside from him. Doubt him at your peril.

2.) 05 Jun 2024 23:49:04
No, Salah is not the second best goalscorer we’ve ever had.
The point remains, he’s very good, but not 2nd overall.

3.) 06 Jun 2024 08:02:33
Ron he is 5th for the total number of goals in our history. Our all time top scorer in Europe. The only player to score 20+ goals in 7 consecutive seasons for us. The only player to be our top scorer 7 seasons in a row. In his first season he broke the 38 game season Premier league record without penalties and playing as a winger. He's just 17 goals away from catching Billy Liddell in 4th place, and only actually 30 away from Gordon Hodgson in 3rd place.

By the end of next season he could very realistically be 3rd on our all time top scorers list and Roger Hunt in 2nd place has his stats significantly padded by 3 seasons in the 2nd division.

So I'll stand by my statement, that he's the 2nd best goal scorer in our history. You can disagree by all means mate, but people won't truly realise how special Salah is until he is gone in my opinion.

4.) 06 Jun 2024 09:22:17
Agree 100% MK.

5.) 06 Jun 2024 09:59:55
I think comparing one off games in Europe is a false representation to be honest. I doubt those strikers would do that in a full season in the PL and the examples given (Ibra and Ronaldo), Ibra was the single focus on the United team and Ronaldo is one of, if the not the, best player ever and has scored goals everywhere, no point comparing salah with him or Messi as he is not that level and never has been.

6.) 06 Jun 2024 19:15:57
I’m only disagreeing on the stats.

On pure stats he’s 5th.

If you want opinion and tweak stats then I’d say Owen was a better finisher and Fowler was almost on a par with Rush.
Torres was a great finisher
Suarez was better than Salah.

All great players, but if you want to add context then I think you need to look at number of chances converted.
Salah is not the most clinical goal scorer, he benefits from the volume of chances.

Don’t get me wrong, he’s been a legend for us, but he’s not the 2nd best goalscorer in our history in any conventional metric.




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22 Jul 2024 10:48:18
Anybody else just here for Viktors assessment?


{Ed025's Note - yeah me Stuie, he is the all seeing eye..the oracle and assessor to the footballing world....oh and every player is crap...i love him.. :)



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04 Jul 2024 12:04:48
Ok thanks Ed, the info I read made it their leaving was a 'shock'.


{Ed002's Note - Well the club have made every effort to have them stay. Perhaps a surprise rather than a shock.}



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25 Jun 2024 11:46:31
I believe Ed2 has mentioned previously that the issue for Barcelona isn't affording transfer fees, it's the wages they are needing to reduce, so if they want Diaz and LFC have a figure in mind, I'm sure it can be done if they can offload various high earners which I think is their plan.




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18 Jun 2024 08:42:20
Navy, I think mft is referring to the absolute massive signing on fee Salah would receive if he ran his contract down. Rather than a transfer fee going to LFC, he'd pocket it all himself and then get the massive wages as well.




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15 Jun 2024 20:40:40
To be fair hyypia has been saying this for a good few weeks and nothing in the media has confirmed TAA signing. Keep it coming Hyypia, this is what the site is all about.





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26 Jul 2024 14:28:59
I think Curtis actually said the previous tactics and way of playing didn't suit him and that Slots way of playing suits him and the other lads in the team better. So he wasn't even talking from an individual point of view which makes you think it could be the general consensus amongst the squad.




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26 Jul 2024 14:25:45
Challenging and winning are two entirely different concepts. He is absolutely right in that this squad can challenge because it did that last season.
There's over a month left in the window and he is hardly going to come out and say "the squads crap, probably looking at top 4 if I'm lucky"




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24 Jul 2024 21:12:27
I read that too Thunderbird. Aren't the games a 00:30 kick off UK time? Not sure the 1 month free membership is enough to tempt into staying up up for them!




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24 Jul 2024 14:10:01
But aren't FIFA the reason international football is so dull these days? Surely the clubs are suing because FIFA are continually expending international competitions, introducing more games and teams and not consulting any of the leagues? I mean, isn't the 2030 WC planned across 6 different countries and 3 Continents?!




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23 Jul 2024 19:28:14
Ed001, I read that report and was surprised by the numbers. However, I don't believe it included international matches either did it? I thought part of the reason for the legal action was that leagues deemed FIFA were 'favouring their own competitions' which I took to mean international tournaments?


{Ed001's Note - but isn't that the point, the clubs are just whining because FIFA cares more about international footie. Of course they favour it, it should be the pinnacle of the game. It should be the best players of each nation representing their nation. Instead it is more of an afterthought because the club game rules.}



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