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24 Nov 2019 02:49:36
Hi Ed02. Are Liverpool considering loaning out Brewster?


{Ed002's Note - They will have to - otherwise he will leave.}

1.) 24 Nov 2019 11:48:26
rumours of Aston Villa or Crystal Palace interested.
I don't mind where he goes as long as he joins a premier league side and gets some game time.

2.) 24 Nov 2019 12:32:13
ed do you think it will only be premier clubs or do you think there might be the option of a loan abroad. not sure from what I have seen in the few games he has played this year he is up to playing week in week out in the prem yet.

{Ed002's Note - Leeds and Swansea are keen. Crystal Palace want to buy a striker in January and will return to Chalov, if not they will look to a loan of Brewster.}

3.) 24 Nov 2019 13:57:31
I think that Villa would be the best option - Wesley's hardly been pulling up trees. Whereas Ayew has been decent at Palace, Zaha's always going to play, even though he's not had the greatest start to the season.

Leeds already have a loanee striker from Arsenal who's struggling for game time. I'm not particular familiar with Swansea's situation, but if a Premier League team is an option, that should be the priority.

Also, it's only November so I wouldn't be surprised if a few other Prem teams throw their names into the hat.

4.) 24 Nov 2019 17:53:07
Get him to Leeds I reckon.
He’d certainly comeback knowing how to press the opposition.

5.) 24 Nov 2019 20:59:02
do you think he's struggled after the injury to get back to his previous form.

{Ed002's Note - He needs playing time.)

6.) 25 Nov 2019 13:24:19
Agreed, AggerDo. My first thought was "oh, I hope Leeds has interest. that's a great fit for him. "

7.) 25 Nov 2019 20:41:40
Ed002 what do you make of this loan deal? I'm not entirely sure he would get plenty of game time at villa, they spent big on Wesley recently and can't imagine they would not play him, so assuming Aston Villa make an offer LFC they would surley put in some type of % of playing matches clause? Championship might be best till end of season for him maybe that way can guarantee more playing time for the lad.

{Ed002's Note - Either he goes on loan to get game time or he will leave like many of the Liverpool youngsters. Liverpool would expect him to be play but if he goes for 6 months no clauses would help.}

8.) 25 Nov 2019 21:47:32
Crystal Palace would be the perfect fit imo.
Its going to be difficult for anybody to break up our front 3, youngster or not.



18 Apr 2017 05:39:52
Eds, any recent interests from other clubs on Lucas?


{Ed001's Note - since January nothing mate, but I am sure there will be offers in the summer.}

1.) 18 Apr 2017 08:06:46
Really appreciate the reply Ed01. Guess that him leaving is inevitable. Hope that it will be a good move for him.

{Ed001's Note - he will go eventually but his heart kept him here last January, so it is not certain he will leave this summer.}

2.) 18 Apr 2017 09:18:34
Would like to see him given a run of games now, I believe he gives us that little bit that's missing when we play the so called lower teams.

3.) 18 Apr 2017 09:19:33
A true professional who deserves a new contract. Hope he stays.

4.) 18 Apr 2017 10:02:42
Not as a starter but i sure hope he stays as he can be valuable squad player next season when we will have European games (be it cl or europa league)

He is also the longest serving player at the moment and from what i hear is a good influence in the dressing room.

5.) 18 Apr 2017 13:20:35
Agreed. And whether he stays or goes, it'd be nice to see him get a testimonial in the summer.

6.) 18 Apr 2017 15:16:53
Lucas should be given a testimonial and a new 2 year contract. He is still one of the best holding midfielders in the game and can also do a decent job at the back.

Also, he seems to have taken over the Gerrard mantle of settling new players into the club and giving good advice to the youngsters. As a dedicated professional he is also well respected in the dressing room.

For someone who came from another continent at a young age and was asked to change his natural position, he overcame dogs abuse at first to become the best in his position in the country. After a serious injury he has fought back to be a valuable player in the squad. For me, he was MOM in the Derby game, overshadowing the much-vaunted Guaye.

On top of all that, he actually really loves the club and there are not many you can say that about these days.

7.) 18 Apr 2017 19:16:12
Those who slated Lucas through out his time here should forever hang their heads in shame for the way they treated a very good player and a True Red.

8.) 19 Apr 2017 04:51:04
It all changed for him when he cut his hair. hahahaha.

9.) 19 Apr 2017 10:43:35
it changed for torres too when he cut his hair redrooboy.

10.) 19 Apr 2017 14:07:08
Hahahahaha. sure did.

11.) 20 Apr 2017 13:43:35
I know this is difficult to comment on but do the Eds know what his focus is? Seems unlikely he'll be a regular starter but likely he'll be in or around the match day squad. Is that going to fit what he wants to do?

{Ed001's Note - his consideration is playing time, he wants to get as much as possible here. If he is not going to even be around the first team squad, then he would be certain to go. While he is in and around the team, playing an active part, then it becomes very difficult for him to leave, even to a club that can offer him guaranteed first team football every week. Despite the boo boys, Lucas has fallen very much in love with Liverpool, both the club and the city, and is finding it very difficult to leave.}




HaizanMSS's banter posts with other poster's replies to HaizanMSS's banter posts


26 Jan 2024 23:42:28
Greatest Liverpool manager ever (since I started supporting Liverpool) . You'll be missed!


1.) 27 Jan 2024 03:07:10
He turned us from doubters to believers ??.



23 Oct 2022 23:45:43
So now I understand the true meaning of YNWA. When the team are down, just call for the manager's and some players' heads to be chopped, eventhough these are the men that brought you trophies (lots of them) after so many years of droughts.

This is the real definition of criticism when the team are down; calling them garbage, stupid and all sorts of names. And yeah, the same group of people who brought in trophies (lots of them) after so many years of droughts.

Hail them when they are doing good, and condemn them when they are not doing good. I understand now.

I have different definitions of YNWA and criticism. Maybe I'm not a true Liverpool supporter.


1.) 24 Oct 2022 05:22:03
Trouble is when you set certain standards. Then play well below them it is not really good enough. that's a professionalism issue. What sport is best at, is allowing supporters to tune out of every day life problems for a couple of hours and engross themselves in the team they love. So when the team doesn't apply themselves, and or play well below the set standards people are entitled to not be happy. Certain name calling etc is never right. But to not be happy and want change is a normal human response.

2.) 24 Oct 2022 06:06:29
I'm a Liverpool fan and each time they step out on the pitch, they'll get my fullest support. But you have to admit that with the way things are going now, change is definitely needed.

I believe that our problems are down to tactics and the way the players are being asked to play. There is no way that suddenly, so many players are just playing badly. Injuries and players not being good enough may have played a part in our bad form but really, these are the same players that we have lauded in the past as being the best. The drop off in form is absolutely insane.

Would new players coming in help? Tbh, I'm not very sure on that.

3.) 24 Oct 2022 06:40:00
You bought a car that served you well for a couple of years but now it can't go above 3rd gear. Do you repair it (get rid of broken parts), buy a new one or stick with it cause it served you well in the past?

4.) 24 Oct 2022 06:59:32
I certainly agree that the criticism can at times be OTT but its also football, change is expected even to the best of players and dare I say managers. It doesn't mean the players/ manager that brought us success aren't respected and certainly will be in the future. It could be argued that keeping these players longer than we should when they are in demise has a negative effect in the fans eyes. Maybe such fans actually care MORE about the club and don't want to see it languishing in mid table?
Chucking out the old YNWA mantra for me, makes you think that you put yourself in the higher echelons of fan support. Off course everyone should be a bit more level headed and think before they post vitriol.

5.) 24 Oct 2022 07:35:30
I'm sorry Rover mate I strongly disagree with you here. There's no excuse for calling managers head when we have our first wobble in 7 yrs ?.

6.) 24 Oct 2022 08:11:33
Of course criticism on here is OTT but then so is some of the pretentious talking down to others opinions.

In the last 7 years only 1 other club in England has had similar (or more in some comps) success than we have. Yes things feel like the end of the world now but imagine being a fan of a club that might only win 5 games a season.

We’re the self proclaimed best fans in the world but we’re also some of the most spoilt with what Klopp and the players have given us.

Not one single opinion on here, be it the most positive or negative has an outcome on the club and it shouldn’t have an outcome on others.

It’s all just an opinion at the end of the day and I’ll be honest some of the more out there ones are the most amusing ones to read.

7.) 24 Oct 2022 08:14:24
It’s obviously not the first wobble. And we have won 2 major trophies in 7 years. Managers at many clubs get sacked if they can’t win the main trophies. Where are the posts calling for Klopp to go? I see loads telling Klopp he must change but not go.

8.) 24 Oct 2022 08:08:06
@COffan, in answer to your facile comparison- if you had the money you might buy a new car. If you don’t have the money you stick with the tried and trusted car.

@TIR, of course it’s right to question what’s best for the club but if you have the answer ready made, what’s the point of asking the question?

9.) 24 Oct 2022 08:08:12
Haizan is absolutely spot on. YNWA as long as the team is winning. Otherwise it's toys out the pram time, like small children having tantrums.

10.) 24 Oct 2022 08:36:36
What’s your answer to fix the issue of looking like we won’t make top 4? Continue as we are and tell the players all is ok? With that approach we have zero chance.

These are mentality monsters after all can’t they take criticism and a kick up the backside? If you are not doing your job properly you have to be told.

11.) 24 Oct 2022 08:44:35
How many clubs have won more Major trophies then us in last 5 yrs Mark? ???.

12.) 24 Oct 2022 09:34:33
Real Madrid.

13.) 24 Oct 2022 09:37:30
And a very poor Madrid side as well Kopfor. Man Ciy, Paris, Bayern,

14.) 24 Oct 2022 09:59:44
JK23, what I really don't like is this new "superfan" and "supermoaner" divisive cr*p that has creeped into the pages the last year or so. We're always going to both win and lose games. It was always the case and it will always be the case. What's the point in trying to create divisions, factions, and compartmentalizing people? We have enough of that everywhere in daily life. Whether you are a positive fan or a negative fan (in terms of comments you make here) really doesn't matter because the moment you declare you're a LFC fan, we all have that one common goal and objective - winning games, trophies and titles. And along with that comes the YNWA part too (which people are bringing up also, more and more on these pages) .

Différence of opinion and debate is encouraged on here (which makes these pages great to read), but drawing a line on the sand and labelling people shouldn't be.

15.) 24 Oct 2022 10:21:50
If everyone posted the same thing and everyone agreed there wouldn’t be a site at all. A very good post ArAy.

16.) 24 Oct 2022 10:50:12
That just says everything mark ?? how many champions league they have won in last 5 years? ?.

17.) 24 Oct 2022 10:58:29
Spot on ArAy mate. I have no problem with "constructive logical criticism" but seems we have got some fans here who literally Wait for things to go wrong so they can pounce here or else why would anyone in he's right mind question Klopp's success in last 5 yrs despite we have competed at the highest level consistently forgetting where we were before Klopp and how far we have come? ??.

18.) 24 Oct 2022 11:08:23
Real Madrid more than us unfortunately ????.

19.) 24 Oct 2022 11:27:39
Spot on Kopforever - The last time one of the posters appeared regularly was at the start of last season to decry the club for not signing Bissouma - a few poor (very poor) games this season and back they come with - for example. - very unconstructive comments about young players not living up to some imaginary, although never really explained, standards of play. Just my opinion, of course, and we all know that everybody is entitled to their opinion.

20.) 24 Oct 2022 11:31:47
For me, it is the name-calling of players that gets me. You can be critical of the team and the manager and their performances. BUT to start calling players all types of wretched, immature and childish names, attacking them personally just to show that you care more about the team/ club than the next guy is what I find in terms of conduct, petty and childish like a new installment of the Mean Girls movie.

IMO Once I hear such things, I literally check out and am no longer interested whatever substance one has to say cos well, why would I engage with someone on the substance when all they post is their out of whack emotions?

21.) 24 Oct 2022 13:48:07
It’s because we got to the top, that we so desperately want to stay there. I think most of us feel when Klopp goes we will struggle even more. I just want to make top 4 and fix the issues next year. But if we carry on this current path this season we will be playing Europa league football again. Then the job starts all over again.

22.) 24 Oct 2022 14:38:37
Aray great points them mate.



23 Aug 2022 03:06:10
Ed01, may I ask for your comment on my thoughts on both Elliott and Carvalho. Not really an assessment or judgment, but these are more of impressions of me on them both.

Elliott - looks more like a playmaker kind of midfielder. Controlling tempo, creating chances and making passes (obviously)

Carvalho - more of a goalscoring midfielder

I'm not suggesting they are doing all of these now, but what I'm trying to say here is, the way each of these two boys play, they seem like the above. Or maybe will be.

Thanks Ed01.


{Ed001's Note - they are both there to break the lines as they say. To break forward with the ball and draw men in to create space for others or to then beat someone to create space for themselves. Both should be creating and scoring goals.}

1.) 23 Aug 2022 06:18:50
Really like the look of both of them so far. Thanks Ed01.

{Ed001's Note - fingers crossed Klopp lets them loose.}

2.) 23 Aug 2022 07:39:53
We will be disappointed if we are reliant on two kids to save our season already. Not entirely convinced about elliot either, but hopeful carvalho will become an excellent player.



07 Aug 2022 01:16:12
I had a long chat with my wife after the game.

Both of us agreed that there seem to be some sort of nervousness in the players, particularly with the long and high passes. Controlled possession yes, but most were not in the opposition half. Both of us also agreed that, there were quite a number of good plays as well. Both us are not expert, so we couldn't really explain to each other in depth or technically.

Despite the nervousness, the team came back twice, which might be an evident that there are still some great drive within them.

Both of us couldn't remember when was the last time Liverpool played at Craven Cottage. Both of us agreed that this might be one of the factor of the nervousness. Plus it was the 1st game, the expectation, and few other factors.

All in all, both of us are not worried. We tried to look at the positives rather than negatives, and given the past records, this team always found ways to pull things back. It was the 1st game, and there are more than 50 games left (cup, champs leagues included)

Besides, one main thing we've learnt supporting Liverpool; Liverpool never make it easy for the fans - nerves, frustration, joy. It always comes with all these. And that's the beauty of it.


1.) 07 Aug 2022 05:05:54
I had a long chat with my wife after the game as well, she doesn't understand when I'm watching footy she shouldn't be hoovering, never mind in around my feet. It might have been the early kick off though so we've agreed that any more early kick offs should be viewed from the high stool down the local.

2.) 07 Aug 2022 07:09:20

3.) 07 Aug 2022 08:20:47
Nice one, RobbosPress.

OP, I fully agree with you and your wife has some good footie knowledge as well. For me, I thought we looked out of sorts from the off and nerves definitely had something to do with it. We were getting battered physically as Fulham made it a physical game to see how much the ref would let them get away with, and we could not match their intensity. Not sure why. Nerves maybe?

Also, there were some bang average to poor individual perfs. that you simply cannot overcome sometimes to get the win and that was disappointing. That said and as indifferent as we played overall, we could have put 6 past Fulham with the guilt edged chances we created (Dias alone could have had a hatrick) and we never panicked and could easily had won it. We move on. Oh, and Darwin was brilliant overall and so was his goal.



26 May 2022 00:28:52
The statements I read from both Salah and Mane, just made me convinced that we will lose one of them, and maybe both, soon.

Yeah I will be sad, because both of them are great players. But I'm started to feel excited as well. It happened many times before. We will be seeing another and new superstar playing for Liverpool. Who? Elliott? Diaz? New players? I have no idea. I'm so excited to find out.


1.) 26 May 2022 01:29:58
I cannot wait to see Carvalho in a red shirt to be honest.

2.) 26 May 2022 01:58:22
Yeah. Carvalho could be the one. Who knows, right?

3.) 26 May 2022 02:30:06
Like you lad's I really can't wait to see who else we get in👍.

4.) 26 May 2022 04:33:47
Listening to Mo's conf w Hendo today I'm not convinced by a stretch that he's made his mind up to leave next summer. I think he wants to stay but he'll leave if the offer doesn't meet his "needs".

{Ed0666's Note - he’s been saying that all along

5.) 26 May 2022 07:24:00
And that situation with Mo is perfectly fine.

If he thinks he’s worth x much over the course of a contract and we don’t. He leaves. With out best wishes. Same with Mane.

I have absolutely no problem with players leaving at the end of their contract providing they have been professional and done their best for the club.

Rule number one - nobody is bigger than the club. As Ed002 would always say players are just transient employees.

6.) 26 May 2022 08:00:59
Replacing Salah is near on impossible. Who else is going to average near 25 LEAGUE goals a season from the wing. Mbappe would be doing well to get them numbers in the Premier League. that's the level of player we would b losing. But i personally think he's staying.

7.) 26 May 2022 08:30:14
As long as we have Klopp, I believe we’ll find the players necessary to replace salah or mane or both if either or both of them do decide to leave.

8.) 26 May 2022 08:33:19
He won't stay jadon mate unless we give him what he wants. Or next summer he's going to pocket hefty amount of lump-sum from whoever he signs. Unless the club tells
him otherwise.

9.) 26 May 2022 09:20:56
Let’s hope he shows his worth in the final. The media were saying the owners want to get both locked down with contracts so naturally they’ll be gone before summers end. Like most, we have klopp and not only do I think he’ll find the players to do the job- I think either player will be far less without his system to play.

10.) 26 May 2022 09:28:29
TBH Any of the front 3 can leave with my blessing, they have their jobs and more for LFC, we will always unearth a new couple of gems and we will always create and be an exciting team, Klopp is the reason i have no worries about players coming or going ( Only Keita is the 1 player i truly hope we sell) but if we could get Nunez in and Bowen, along with Carvalho and a goalscoring/ creative midfielder to drive us forward from deep i would be more than happy with that.

11.) 26 May 2022 10:15:32
I actually think eventually salah will stay but mane will leave. Mane will want to match what salah is being offered and we can’t afford to offer both of them huge contracts, that’s why I think mane will leave for bayern.

12.) 26 May 2022 11:13:56
Jadon, I too have been there, worrying about how we replace Salah.

However, I have more confidence than ever, based on the stats for Jota and Diaz, that it's as much the system as the player.

I know it's glib to say, but we take good players and make them great!

So, if Salah were to leave, I have no doubt that someone like Bowen, for example, if identified by the recruitment team would be able to step up.

I posted a few days ago that Bowens stats are not THAT far behind Salah's in the league (22 goal involvements for Bowen vs 36 for Salah, IIRC) . I am confident that him (or someone like him) could reach similar levels given the quality of the team and the coaching.

The most important signature we got was Klopp for 4 more years.

13.) 26 May 2022 11:14:02
Hang on @Jadon, if you went back 8 - 12 weeks we couldn’t replace Mo’s 30 goals a season, now it’s down ton25. If he sees out next season, at the rate he is going we will only need a striker scoring 10: goals a season to replace him 👍.

14.) 26 May 2022 12:33:51
25 "LEAGUE" goals West! think you'll find its OVER 30 he averages in all comps😉.

15.) 26 May 2022 12:55:21
Salah needs a player capable of 15-20 goals a season and double figures in assists. Is someone like Bowen capable of that? It’s not implausible, he’s got double figures this season both in goals and assists, he’s technically a very good player, good on both feet, has very good awareness of what’s going on around him, works incredibly hard for the team and has almost limitless energy, I’d say bring him in if Mane goes and if he hits the ground running (which I’d be confident of), then Salah going next year isn’t going to be such a problem.




HaizanMSS's rumour replies


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20 Jul 2024 00:41:25
Yeah VV. I agreed when you replied to Thunderbird on the personal insult. The irony is, you called another individual a waster. If that's not considered as an insult, I apologize.




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19 Jul 2024 00:13:26
If he doesn't want to leave, or if he doesn't want to sign the new contract, but wants to honor his current contract, then the club should not play him as much, or even demote him to u23?

All the years he have contributed, some even with trophies, those just go to drain yeah?

Bravo! Yeah that's how we should do!




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17 Jul 2024 15:32:10
I'd prefer Ignacio over Yoro.




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17 Jul 2024 06:10:17
Dracered, exactly my thoughts as well.

I would be really sad if he leaves. He is class. Fans will miss him when he's gone.




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16 Jul 2024 22:28:23
With the amount of sticks that he's getting from his own fans, can you blame him if he leaves?





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21 Jul 2024 09:13:05
I'm with you Faith.

After all the years they have contributed so much, I believe they deserve to choose whatever they want to do, even if leaves on a free.

Hey even none of them contributed anything, it's within their human rights to do whatever they want to do.




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17 Jul 2024 06:11:21
Ed01, do you like Trent as much as I do? You know what I mean haha.


{Ed001's Note - I love Trent, he is probably the best player at the club. I don't understand why anyone would be happy to let him go when he is just approaching what should be his peak.}



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15 Jul 2024 13:00:22
Neymar's ban, I think he deserved it. But this, I don't think any of them should be banned, or maybe at least just a few match bans.

The focus should be more on why the security wasn't present during that time.




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14 Jul 2024 04:00:13
Yeah. Perhaps one angle that we can look at, that it is a positive thing for the coach to properly assessed all the current players first, instead of buying for the sake of buying.

Honestly, I'm just like most of other fans; I always look forward to transfer windows, hoping for new players in. I easily get excited of new signings too. I remembered back then how excited I was when we signed Downing and Borini, and even Yesil.




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09 Jul 2024 00:26:11
Arent those contracts that they signed? Why can't they choose to run down their contracts? If they cant, why there's such a contract in the first place? Maybe they should be employed just like most of us? After 3 months probation, they get the jobs as permanent. And if they want to leave, tender a 3-months notice.

Who is stupid, really?




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