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The Southern Red's rumours posts with other poster's replies to The Southern Red's rumours posts


13 Jul 2023 12:19:05
Looks like VDB is going to Mainz, glad he’s getting another Bundesliga chance. Still think there’s a player in there!

Hopefully keeps injury free and can get a good run of games and experience!

The Southern Red

1.) 13 Jul 2023 19:24:40
I have seen him play plenty for Preston and it’s tough to judge someone playing out of position but he was pretty good playing as a wing back and wide centre half you would think he will have a good career in his natural position, for his age and position I think there is a chance he has a decent career here or if not at another good club.

2.) 13 Jul 2023 19:33:29
I was kind of hoping he would be given a chance to provide rotation and cover for RB/ CB to be honest. I Think there’s a player there that will eventually be a good squad option.



25 May 2023 11:04:28
Any interest shown in Philips? Hope we don’t price him out of a move again!

The Southern Red

{Ed002's Note - Not that I am aware but he is available. Agent has spoke with Celtic.}



01 Feb 2023 08:24:09
Rumour has it one of the issues we had was we already had our non HG quota so would have to have signed an English player or U21.

The Southern Red

1.) 01 Feb 2023 08:43:09
Could have cancelled Melos loan deal.

{Ed002's Note - It is not as simple as that.}

2.) 01 Feb 2023 08:44:38
Could have just unregistered Adrian. Davies doesn’t need to be registered so he’d be 3rd choice.

3.) 01 Feb 2023 09:52:31
Deregister 1 of 3 GKs to add a 10th CM. Sure mate that's great squad management. Bet you'll be the 1st to abuse Davies if he's needed due to Ali and Kelleher getting injured or suspended.

4.) 01 Feb 2023 10:20:54
It's business. Ultimately you have to weigh a non-key player's disappointment versus the huge opportunity cost (income from Champions League) against each other.

Not sure if squad size was a major factor in not doing anything this time though.

5.) 01 Feb 2023 11:38:03
There's 3 midfield positions up for grabs Rambo with only 1 GK position. GKs don't need the rest outfield players do Many of those 9 midfielders we have can play in other positions like the wing or full-back and a number of them are also injury-prone. Meanwhile our second-choice GK has played a total of 3 appearances all season in token appearances in the domestic cups. To have a third-choice GK take up a non-HG place is ludicrous. So I actually would say it's great squad management.

6.) 01 Feb 2023 17:18:03
GK is a specialised position uncomparable to any others. Outfield players can cover CM in emergencies like Trent or Bobby. You do realise there's a reason clubs have 3rd GKs yeah? Can you guarantee the first 2 don't cut their finger cooking at the same time in the next 4 months?

7.) 01 Feb 2023 17:21:03
I've seen a fair few reasons not to bring in midfielders but what if our first and 2nd choice keeper both get injured and we had to play Davies over Adrian might top it. Having a non home grown 3rd choice is the awful squad planning.

8.) 01 Feb 2023 18:49:03
What on earth are you all going on about? You’re acting like the club never thought of all of the options you’ve mentioned. They will have obviously been through all options and considered the pros and cons of each.
In the end they decided not to bring in a midfielder for whatever reason. Just deal with it there’s just no point in this constant whining and criticising.
Personally I think Bellingham is coming in the summer and Klopp has been prepared to go with what he has this season because he knows it’s happening.
Do you really think that if they weren’t supremely confident of the signing they would sit around and wait for him anyway? It’s like you think we are being run and managed by group of chimps.
The CL is irrelevant to all of this the money is there to buy him and he wants to come but Dortmund won’t let him go until the summer.
If I’m wrong on this I’ll stand naked on the centre spot at Anfield and OneKiss, FlyPelicanFly and MFDOOM (VVVV) can all throw rotten fruit and veg at me whilst shouting I TOLD YOU SO over a loud speaker.

9.) 01 Feb 2023 20:20:59
You are right OK, I read it wrong. My point was Adrian being 3rd GK is irrelevant and the club will not deregister him to sign a CM. Squad planning is exactly what the club is doing. We are stacked with CMs and can't sign more without making space. Space will be made in the summer and 2 CMs will sign as Ox and Naby will leave.



24 Jul 2022 11:21:03
VDB looks like he’s heading to Bournemouth, great chance to step up into the premiership.

Not sure what that means for Phillips.

The Southern Red

1.) 24 Jul 2022 12:30:31
I think Phillips will be sold. Good luck to the lad. Never let us down and always given 100% in a red shirt.

2.) 24 Jul 2022 12:46:12
Good move for vdb if it comes off, be interesting to see how he performs in prem. Presume we get decent loan fee as well.

3.) 24 Jul 2022 12:50:27
Hello 6times, ( is that of a Night?, some going that puts James Bond to shame, 007 used to be able to knock a nail in with it!, not anymore alas) .

Fantastic Reference and Tribute to Nat Phillips, he would run through a brick wall for anyone.

4.) 24 Jul 2022 12:56:22
Where though, think Bournemouth were his Premier League option. Out of the Championship it is probably only last seasons 3 relegated sides who would have the money we would be looking for for him.

5.) 24 Jul 2022 17:56:23
Supposedly Phillips has suitors in Germany also.

6.) 24 Jul 2022 18:34:47
Personally I don’t believe PL clubs should be able to loan to other PL clubs as it gives them an unfair advantage when they can’t play against their parent team however them is the rules so we should do this more often to benefit us - if can’t beat them, join them and then beat them.

7.) 24 Jul 2022 19:30:09
How many teams in Germany bar the rich 3 of Bayern, Dortmund and Liepzig would realistically want to spend the £12-15m we would want to get Nat Phillips in?



04 Jun 2022 11:29:23
Do we still hold interest in Moussa Diaby?

The Southern Red

{Ed002's Note - No.}




The Southern Red's banter posts with other poster's replies to The Southern Red's banter posts


25 Jul 2024 13:19:33
Looks like Dean Huijsen is off to Bournemouth, coup for them! Can stop the rumours on that one.

The Southern Red

1.) 25 Jul 2024 13:53:14
So if lfc were not in for him
Who are they looking at

And what’s the hold up … I always assumed the quicker u sign the longer they have to train

I don’t like the centre back situation or dm with the current squad.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 14:04:16
At least we can all watch the game at the weekend and see what kind of formation/ tactics Arne Slot will use.
Then us fans can know which kind of players we’re going to need.

3.) 25 Jul 2024 16:19:20
What exactly is the CB / CDM situation?

4.) 25 Jul 2024 17:02:27
We’re playing 0-0-10 formation with rush goalies, Faith.



16 Jul 2024 22:38:45
Eds what are your thoughts on Jaros being Third choice, feels like he won’t play and will stunt his growth!

Did very well out on loan and deserves a full season playing regularly.

The Southern Red

{Ed001's Note - hard to say as it depends on injuries as to whether it is good or not. The 3rd choice keeper is a weird position that makes little sense really.}

1.) 17 Jul 2024 08:23:17
Completely agree, it would be very unfortunate for both Allison and Kelleher to get injured, seems like a role for a senior experienced keeper who wants to get into coaching.

2.) 17 Jul 2024 10:33:45
It’s the nature of it. Somebody has to be third choice so why not a young keeper on small wages rather than an experienced keeper who would demand higher wages?

Think of the experience he’s getting learning from the very best in the world every day too. Then one day either Kelleher or Ali will leave and he becomes 2nd choice and starts to get minutes.

If he’s patient and works hard he’ll get his chance and have a good career. You don’t have to play first team football every week to improve, especially for a keeper. It certainly worked for Kelleher.

3.) 17 Jul 2024 12:46:24
We shouldn't be pricing Kelleher out of a move, we did the same with Phillips and missed out on a decent fee, the club is a mess.



31 May 2024 11:32:28
Eds a question outside of the transfers, who are you most excited to see come back for pre season?
Any youth you are excited to see push on and surprise us? (maybe outside of the obvious choices)
And any of the returning loans would you want to see be given a file?

The Southern Red

{Ed002's Note - I tend not to get excited about young men.}

1.) 31 May 2024 12:24:46
Lol love it Ed2, how are you? Are you travelling or having some home time? Hope all is well.

{Ed002's Note - I am back home after some days in London - and heading off sometime early next week again.}

2.) 31 May 2024 12:53:08
Stay well ed2. Sounds good mate :)

{Ed002's Note - And you.}

3.) 31 May 2024 14:52:38
You in Kernow Ed02? Just been back home for a week and weather was typical Cornish weather.

{Ed002's Note - I am indeed. A lot of rain over the past couple of months.}

4.) 31 May 2024 15:27:02
I'm not stalking you, Ed, but do you live on the north or south coast?

{Ed002's Note - Neither - in the middle of the Tamar Valley.}

5.) 31 May 2024 16:29:27
Beautiful neck of the woods, Ed. I'm down Cornwall every year, sometimes twice.

{Ed002's Note - It is very nice but a long way from Heathrow- and everywhere else.}

6.) 31 May 2024 16:33:34
I get that. You can't get where you want to get from Newquay Airport.



13 May 2024 08:19:19
Ed’s anyone of the loanees coming back that you are excited about and think could be a useful player next season for us?

The Southern Red

{Ed001's Note - Beck.}

1.) 13 May 2024 09:14:08
Would you sell tsimikas then Ed

And who else in the current squad do you thing could be sold?

{Ed001's Note - I would yes. I have no idea who could be sold as we have a completely new team in charge, they might have all new ideas.}

2.) 13 May 2024 10:54:56
Any idea how he’s done at Dunndee eds1?

{Ed001's Note - from what I have been told, he is their standout player.}

3.) 13 May 2024 11:25:25
Beck made team of the season in Scotland. Best left back in their league this season by all accounts, so well worth a shout, given the success of Bradley.

4.) 13 May 2024 12:14:27
Surely Nat Phillips is moved on this year.

5.) 13 May 2024 11:38:17
Jaros - having a good half season at Sturm Graz by all acocounts. About to win the league there. Could be a good replaecment for Kellerher as 2nd choice if he leaves.
Davies - dropped out of the Crewe team after failing to impress. Probably time to move him on.
Ramsay - get rid. Barely played again due to injury.
Van den Berg - had a great season at Mainz. I saw him described as one of the top 10 defenders in the Bundesliga on another forum. Could come back to replace Matip as a squad option perhaps.
Williams - not good enough. Let him go to progress his career.
Koumetio - not good enough. Let him go to progress his career.
Phillips - doing well at Preston. Should good a good move in the summer.
Beck - Not seen much of him but he's started over 80% of Dundee's games and according to Ed001 has had a good season. Possible Tsimikas replacement
Chambers - another who will be after Tsimikas's position in the squad. Had a great half season with Wigan playing CB, LB and LM. Decent utility player who might fancy his chances in pre season.
Morton - had a good season with Hull City but I think he'll struggle to get back in our squad with Bajcetic and Clark both just being better and younger players. Time to move on I reckon.
Balagizi - done nothing at either Wigan or Kilmarnock. End of the line for him I suspect. Will have to drop down to League 1 or below.
Corness - done well by all accounts in Switzerland but bit like Morton, I don't see where he fits in with better and younger midfielders in his way.
Carvalho - might get a chance in pre season. He's recently said he wants to come back to Liverpool. Scored some screamers too. Might find a way back under Slot.

{Ed001's Note - I forgot about VDB! He has looked very good out on loan in the Bundesliga. Injuries are the issue with him.}

6.) 13 May 2024 13:31:04
I've read a lot of good things about Sepp VDB recently, my only concern is that he's playing in a pretty poor team so probably easy to standout however didn't we buy Robbo from a relegated team so what do I know? I think we should bring him back as a Matip replacement to see if he can cut it over here, will free up some cash for improvement elsewhere. Same for Beck too, sell Tsimikas.

7.) 13 May 2024 13:36:16
Is there an option for Mainz to by VDB as part of his loan contract? I don't remember where I heard it, may have been when he went out on loan. If so, are we required to accept that bid, or is it just they get first, unrivaled option?

{Ed002's Note - Nat Phillips (CB) Time to move on come the summer.
Sepp van den Berg (CB) He likely won't get a chance as a starter at Liverpool and will probably be sold in the summer to raise funds - could be a mistake by the club. There is no option to buy for Mainz but they will have a a first pick option if he were to be sold. Will need to speak to the club and see what other options he has.}

8.) 13 May 2024 14:31:30
In fairness to VdB Ed, he’s not had any time out for injury this season, statistically he is the best u23 currently plying his trade in Europe according to Whoscored and he’s in good company in that bracket. He’s strong in the air, decent with the ball at his feet (doesn’t treat it like an unpinned hand grenade), he’s brave, likes a tackle and is rapid for a big lad. Only downside is he looks like a member of the Weasley family. No reason why he shouldn’t be given a chance.

{Ed001's Note - I like him, but he has had a couple of big injuries and that is always something to be wary of. I would defo keep him personally. He offers a lot of flexibility in play as well, due to being able to play full-back, right of a back 3 or right of a back four. That would have made him ideal for the tactics we employed this season, with the right-sided centre-back pretty much having to swap between those 3 positions as the game goes on.}

9.) 13 May 2024 16:06:38
Right, who's starting the petition to keep VDB for the 2024/ 25 season ?.

10.) 13 May 2024 15:51:17
Is he able to play well on the left side of CB Ed1? I do think that if he is to play under the current coaching team, his injury record would be something to be worried about. As our injury record and players availability is really bad. But I do read that Fayenoord under Slot has one of the best squad in term of players availability in Europe. Maybe they can improve our squad in term of player's injury and availability.

{Ed001's Note - I have not seen him play on the left that I can remember.}

11.) 13 May 2024 18:53:55
Never thought of that, E01 re: VDB As someone who is comfortable at RB and RCB in a 4 or a 3, he definitely would have been more ideal to play the RCB with Trent inverted or Bradley pushing up as he is used to defending out wide in space in the wide areas. Well, we move on.

12.) 13 May 2024 19:59:23
Johnny I have been excited and following Sepp VDB' performances in Germany as I think he could be a top Premier level defender. As Ed002 says above I think we would be making a massive mistake in moving him on.



29 Apr 2024 11:48:14
With Slot joining and players being given a fresh start do we think the previous view of VDB being sold may change and he will be given a chance?

Has looked like he’s really coming into his own this season, still young and HG if I am not mistaken!

The Southern Red

1.) 29 Apr 2024 13:37:54
Not sure what the obsession with him is, he's almost 23 playing for a team one place above the relegation zone with a terrible defensive record. Wed be lucky to get the £6 million optional future fee Mainz have agreed. Championship standard at best.

2.) 29 Apr 2024 14:07:05
Should at least get a look in preseason Amorin. Based off your comments we shouldn’t have signed a certain Andy Robertson from Hull!

3.) 29 Apr 2024 14:17:21
Basing a players ability from his team is ludicrous.

Southampton were 1 place off above the relegation zone with a terrible defensive record when we signed him btw.

I'd probably watch the player before making such assumptions of him being Championship at best.

4.) 29 Apr 2024 14:37:18
I'd happily put my house on him not being here September 1st. Raise the bar lads, he's never shown anything other than a few decent performances for Preston. If this was ten years ago fair enough but i thought we had grown.

5.) 29 Apr 2024 14:50:48
Amorim, he turned 22 in December he’s not “nearly 23”

He’s been one of their standouts in a team struggling. Have you actually watched him play?

Good on the ball with 88% passing accuracy this season, very quick clocking 4th highest top speed in the league, and has the 2nd best tackle success rate in the league as well.

And there isn’t a €6m already agreed fee with them.

Sure you are expecting some shiny young player for Every position who costs €30m+ when in reality we might already have an in house solution - everyone should deserve a clean slate and his performances this season has shown he deserves a chance.

6.) 29 Apr 2024 14:53:37
I just love to know the basis for your opinion.

I haven't watched anywhere near enough to make my own opinion up but I certainly wouldn't write him off due to his teams ability.

7.) 29 Apr 2024 16:26:52
Might as well sell van dijk and Konate, start the season with koumieto and vdb, would he be playing for Mainz at 22 if he was any good? He'd be in our first team like quansah, oh and he's as slow as a turtle so I'm sure he will fit right into our high line.

8.) 29 Apr 2024 16:38:27
Yeah, Gun10. VDB must be crap cos the team he plays in are crap. If that was the case, Dortmund would NEVE had signed a certain Jurgen Klopp from a crap club like you know, Mainz cos clearly if his team is crap then he must have been a crap manager. Good freaking grief!

9.) 29 Apr 2024 17:33:03
Slow as a turtle, he’s the 4th fastest player in the whole bloody league!

I am glad you aren’t running the club, you live in this fantasy world - look forward to repossessing your home.

10.) 29 Apr 2024 18:07:49
Just been through every stat on the official bundesliga site he's not fourth in anything let alone top 30.

Just make up things to suit your agenda.

11.) 29 Apr 2024 18:23:36
Amorin, stats don't matter to me, personally esp. without context. The thing is based on how dismisively and with the levels of blatant contempt you speak about this kid, tells me you have NEVER never seen him play this season.

WHy? Simple. If you had, you would have said so and used it to support you assessment cos that's what I or anyone else would do. After all if I've watched a player play, why would I not say I did and use it as a valid point in my argument? You didn't use it in your rebuttals hence, safe to conclude that you haven't seen him play at all this season, IMO. Your acts will betray you well before your words, mate.

12.) 30 Apr 2024 06:20:12
@Amorin, you're right in saying that VdB is not the fourth fastest in the Bundesliga. However, he is far from being slow as a turtle. His top speed is 34.78km/ h which is fairly respectable considering the top speed is 36.41km/ h. He's actually faster than Florian Wirtz, the player some on here would like to be Salah's replacement. So, I believe you are the one who is making things up to suit your agenda :)




The Southern Red's rumour replies


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16 Jul 2024 23:23:14
Sounds like we pulled out as we know he only wants Madrid.

The Southern Red



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16 Jul 2024 23:22:26
Just give him coutinho’s number.

The Southern Red



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12 Jul 2024 15:17:50
Ed out of curiosity what would you do with our current CB situation?

The Southern Red

{Ed002's Note - Replace Matip with SVDB and add Pacho to replace Konate, give VvD a two year extension.}



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08 Jul 2024 23:17:18
Chelsea also benefit from being a club based in london - a much larger pool of young players.

The Southern Red



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14 Jun 2024 11:25:45
Surely he will go on a skilled workers visa? I imagine he will be on more than £38.5k a year.

The Southern Red

{Ed002's Note - It is not quite as simple as that.}




The Southern Red's banter replies


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17 Jul 2024 08:23:17
Completely agree, it would be very unfortunate for both Allison and Kelleher to get injured, seems like a role for a senior experienced keeper who wants to get into coaching.

The Southern Red



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28 May 2024 11:51:36
Great read! I think Sepp and Morton are going to surprise everyone next year - Sepp really has grown into his own this year performing way above the team and position in the league.

Morton, he’s also grown a lot even though it was the same league as Blackburn he just looked a class above - I can see him coming back and chasing that missing role in our midfield.

Completely agree very excited with the talent in the team and with a few clever additions we can continue to compete at the top! I just really hope we don’t see any injuries at the euros or players not coming back fully fit!

The Southern Red



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29 Apr 2024 17:33:03
Slow as a turtle, he’s the 4th fastest player in the whole bloody league!

I am glad you aren’t running the club, you live in this fantasy world - look forward to repossessing your home.

The Southern Red



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29 Apr 2024 14:50:48
Amorim, he turned 22 in December he’s not “nearly 23”

He’s been one of their standouts in a team struggling. Have you actually watched him play?

Good on the ball with 88% passing accuracy this season, very quick clocking 4th highest top speed in the league, and has the 2nd best tackle success rate in the league as well.

And there isn’t a €6m already agreed fee with them.

Sure you are expecting some shiny young player for Every position who costs €30m+ when in reality we might already have an in house solution - everyone should deserve a clean slate and his performances this season has shown he deserves a chance.

The Southern Red



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10 Apr 2024 13:05:13
Was konate not injured?

The Southern Red



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