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21 Jan 2025 14:34:55
Let's call a spade a spade:

Still no resolution for the 3 key players contracts? Amateur hour, shambolic nonsense. Embarrassing the club is allowing this to rumble on.

Signing nobody of note yet again? Shambolic, pathetic, and could actually be the difference at the business end of the season.

The club is being run well as a business, but shockingly for what it is actually functioning as - a football club. If this continues the suits behind the scenes are going to run the club into mediocrity. I am really annoyed that we are doing so well on the pitch, but being completely and utterly failed off of it. Heads should roll.


1.) 21 Jan 2025 15:01:14
Run so shockingly badly as a football team that we are sitting on top of The Premiership and the ECL.

2.) 21 Jan 2025 15:08:21
Seano yeah I agree we are being run terribly as a football team. Top of the league still in all competitions what are these clowns doing to our club. If we could only spend money hand over fist like loads of other teams win no trophies I would be a much happy fan.

3.) 21 Jan 2025 15:11:51
It does make you wonder how we'll go about replacing VVD, TAA, and Salah (assuming they leave) in addition to Robertson and whoever else leaves in the summer - Jota? Nunez? Diaz? All three?

4.) 21 Jan 2025 15:32:27
Feel sorry for Slot having to field the questions on it, they should wheel out the Lego haired gimp Hughes to do that.

5.) 21 Jan 2025 15:42:25
lol us been top of the league is irrelevant and I'm so fed up of seeing people using that to try and say everything is ok when it's not.

If we sign nobody this month and our three lads leave, in the summer how much work will be needed to be done? Not to mention if Diaz (or when), Nunez or Jota leaves. Tons of business to be done, it's not about this season it's about beyond that.

If we could get the contracts sorted this month, signed a midfielder and a defender this month then I'd believe in the suits a little more but do we really believe that's going to happen? I certainly don't.

This season we'll win things but now we have the concern about after this season. Our team could look very different next season and with Hughes and Ward there I'm not convinced it'll be the right changes for Liverpool. Just look at the summer.

6.) 21 Jan 2025 15:52:26
Salah. A new contract for a player wanting more money whose value will only decrease. He already is noticeably doing less running off the ball. It is the timing of his current contract that is the issue here. Unless he will agree to a two year deal I don’t see this happening. And even then I am not sure we should do this.
VVD. Yeah. This one needs to get over the line.
Trent. Whatever he chooses, good luck to him.

Bottom line is that these posts venting because the club is being run like a business, and not like Leeds circa David O Leary, are simply depressing.

We are top of the league. Top of the CL. We are being called the best team in Europe currently. We play engaging, sensible football, we have managed a potential downturn post Klopp wonderfully, and have a massive stadium. If we can’t enjoy this season then what is the point of any of this?

7.) 21 Jan 2025 16:05:20
Did you miss were I said we’re doing really well on the pitch Grino and Kemlyn? Our excellence on the pitch is in spite of the efforts of those behind the scenes, not because of them.

8.) 21 Jan 2025 17:11:07
It’s not run well as a business. Could do a lot better.

9.) 21 Jan 2025 16:12:30
The plastic fans always quantify the success of a football club based on what happens in the transfer market rather than what happens on the pitch.

10.) 21 Jan 2025 17:14:23
Nobody is implying they should spend hand over fist, just get the players in for the gaping holes in the team. It's obvious where there's a weakness . The dogs on the street can see it. If Hughes can't then he should be sacked. If liverpool get a couple of injuries in key areas and end up losing the league then he should be held responsible.

11.) 21 Jan 2025 17:33:58
@OP, the suits running the club see it as a business. Apparently the club has risen in value from £300m when they bought it to £4bn today. They aren’t running the business down at all. What you actually mean is they aren’t buying the very, very expensive players you want the club associated with.

The squad’s performance, to date, has been exceptional - nobody expected Slot to do thi well or the team to reach the position they have. As the club stands it is in both a strong financial position and in terms of where the first team squad sits and the way it is performing.

Three players are out of contract at the end of season as things currently stand but nobody on this board or outside of the club has the first clue as to what’s going on but there’s no concrete evident that the players will either leave or stay. The issue will resolve itself and the business will look to protect itself with an improved squad next season - not to do so would be detrimental to the business and, to date, they look like they know what they are doing in this respect.

The gossip mongering - shambolic, pathetic etc - is, in the context of where the business stands and the team is performing is absolutely ridiculous and, to be fair, just sounds like a bunch of four year olds stamping their foot and saying they aren’t going to eat their tea.

12.) 21 Jan 2025 17:52:21
I actually agree fully that us doing really well on the pitch is in spite of the FSG and their puppets.

13.) 21 Jan 2025 18:00:36
Or people have a bit of hindsight WDW3 something you clearly don't!

14.) 21 Jan 2025 18:29:41
And those terrible suits did extensive research and saved us from Amorim and embarrassing ourselves with Madrid based Alonso and brought in a chap who makes Klopp look like David Brent. Good times are here and to stay and if Salah goes he goes.

15.) 21 Jan 2025 18:29:47
Call me crazy but maybe, just maybe, the people running the club who are currently top of the league and the champions league know what they're doing more than people who have no knowledge regarding the ins and outs of running a football club.

16.) 21 Jan 2025 18:38:48
Top of the Prem and Europe but we're a badly run business and people need to be sacked like a ritualistic sacrifice.
Completely detached from reality.

{Ed025's Note - an absolute shambles Flash ???

17.) 21 Jan 2025 19:03:15
Oh, and I forgot to mention that not only are we top of the ECL but top with 100% record but clearly 100% is not enough for some people.

18.) 21 Jan 2025 19:01:09
You not heard the sky is falling in at the moment ed025? ?.

{Ed025's Note - it does seem that way Kopite, i cant believe what im reading on here half the time mate..

19.) 21 Jan 2025 19:32:49
Its embarrassing some of the nonsense some of our fans are coming out with. I suspect a lot of them fumed when we never got the players they wanted and are wishing it to all fall apart so they can be proved right. Some just can't hold their hands up an say maybe they were wrong. Oh well, I for one will enjoy the ride.

20.) 21 Jan 2025 19:42:30
I actually don’t think it’s embarrassing as much as stubbornness.

The longer this has rumbled on it feels like a game of cat and mouse but it’s two cats and no mouse!

Usually you’d expect a negotiation and the two parties to meet in the middle.

However none of the players seem to be willing to lower their expectations enough and equally the club are not willing to budge enough on what they are willing to offer.

I have the feeling the club is not willing to sign off on all three new contracts due to the huge outlay in terms of spend to renew all 3.

I think either the players reduce their demands and they sign or one player (at least) moves on which allows the club to re-sign the other two on new deals.

It feels very similar to me at least to the Mane and Salah renewal saga few seasons back. In the end we let one go and resigned the other one on a big new deal.

I just don’t think the club is willing to commit to what they are three players want.

Not because “the owners are tight” or “they’re saving all their money for the baseball team” or because they hate Liverpool.

There will unquestionably be a large cost impact of the three renewals and two of them have reduced resale value due to their age going forward.

Football in the PL has become an accounting business with all this PSR stuff (which I hate as it stifles progression and encourages selling off young talent rather than developing it like it should be! ) .

21.) 21 Jan 2025 20:03:28
Shambolic, embarrassing, pathetic and nonsense of a club.
Get it off your chest, Seano ?.

22.) 21 Jan 2025 20:20:02
I think they're trying to change something to encourage teams to invest in their youngsters rather than using them as ways around PSR. Maybe it will be that selling academy products doesn't go towards their PSR budget. I don't know but I'd much rather teams keep their academy players rather than buying a load of players then having to sell them.

23.) 21 Jan 2025 20:29:12
Y'all seem to forget the person who put us in this position is Jürgen klopp. When those renewals needed doing he was in charge of the club almost entirely from a football perspective.

In addition he knew he was leaving as far back as the previous summer yet still spent plenty of money that summer anyway while not getting those three signed up.

Who's to say that the year that those contracts were winding down those players didn't all feel let down by the club and klopp and that's why they're now holding the club over a barrel.

Fsg have made plenty of mistakes but this mess was not created by them. Klopp left them with three demoralised players whose contracts had been neglected by klopp after a season in which he quit mid season and they had no idea what to expect in future.

24.) 21 Jan 2025 22:02:46
Another shambolic, embarrassing, pathetic and nonsense win tonight. I for one am getting fed up with all this winning without spaffing a load of money. Imagine how much higher in the table we'd be if we bought all the players people are demanding!

25.) 21 Jan 2025 22:09:58
It’s not about getting to the top it’s about staying at the top. I don’t understand how people don’t understand the basics. When at the top you go again then again. You don’t settle you don’t drift otherwise we will drop off.

26.) 21 Jan 2025 22:18:29
I want to be challenging nxt year too. without those 3 and no new players we won't be. So using the current status to close down the argument doesn't wash. Even if the 3 of them sign, this has been shockingly handled. We ended klopps penultimate year losing 5 midfielders in one season, having not signed one for 4 years. It's worked out OK, but it demonstrates a complete lack of continuity planning. I'd say it was lucky that those we signed each worked out, that doesn't usually happen and that luck won't continue.
I'll enjoy this ride, but it's in spite of the transfer strategy, rather than because of it. There is no longevity to that strategy.

27.) 21 Jan 2025 22:23:50
@nevada: poppycock lad. Your kids must look forward to bedtime the stories you concoct.

28.) 21 Jan 2025 23:01:19
The budget will be set at the start of the season. It will be reviewed due to performance &/ or injury, but no doubt using sell to buy or by adjusting future budgets. We are owned by business men, they won't involve themselves with day to day and will expect those that have been put in place to manage that for them, including budgets.

As for the contracts, they have no doubt had an input, but will leave it to those in situ and will have authorised budgets and strategy. They will not care if any of the 3 leave if the strategy/ contingency is stuck to. We have benefitted hugely from their ownership and prudent business practices, but when everything is said and done it is simply an investment opportunity to them. But still, could be worse could be Radcliffe or Musk and good people and club servants will be discarded like they are rubbish. Better the devil you know and a modicum of success.

29.) 21 Jan 2025 23:19:43
I quote Ferris Bueller ‘life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it’.

Roughly translated, live for the moment guys. Stop worrying about things that might or might not happen in future or comparing things to what’s happened in the past. It’s futile and will only make you unhappy.

We are top of the PL and CL, in the SF of the league cup and still in the FA cup with a favourable draw. If you can’t just enjoy that then you’ll never be happy.

Plus can we get a petition together to get Slot a Knighthood? God knows he deserves it getting this team to where it is with all of the blatantly obvious gaping holes in the team.

30.) 21 Jan 2025 23:32:45
I wouldn't say the club is badly run, coz I have no idea what's going on behind. But I'm with most here, it does worry me a lot that even the contracts are not sorted yet.

We might see big changes with the squad next season, and I kinda don't like big changes. It always started rough, and it might takes time to stabilize it.

31.) 21 Jan 2025 23:41:20
I can't understand why are we not giving Salah a contract he deserves. he is super fit, efficient, professional and having his best season ever. If anyone thinks he is going to perform bad in the next 3 Years they shouldn't be working at this club.

32.) 21 Jan 2025 23:44:41
I clearly never said we should “spaff a load of money” on players, I said we haven’t signed any of note despite there being clear holes in the squad. Slot is doing fantastically well, so is the team, but they are not being helped in any way by recruitment and they should be. We bought a GK and sent him on loan, a winger who has only just player his first games for the club (and who you could argue was far from a priority), and a kid who we ripped up our youth academy wage structure for. I get it we’re doing well now, but that doesn’t mean the clubs transfer approach is somehow vindicated. Strong tears should continue to strengthen - we haven’t, why?

The 3 contracts for 3 key personnel are not only detracting from the teams excellent season, but those 3 players have been central to it! Yet the club has allowed the situation to continue without seemingly any resolution. What other club allows its 3 best players to have their contracts run down like this? I know we’re doing well in the league, but this is about more than current form. The club can’t continue to be run like this and succeed, something will give sooner or later.

I want the club to be successful, the club seems to be being run in a way that will make that significantly more difficult. We are lucky Slot is doing so well, that the players we have are playing to such a high standard, but I’m looking at this with the perception greater than a baby, so I’m not just thinking “yeah we’re doing great right now” I’m considering the long term implications and, in my opinion, they are not great. If you disagree that’s fine, but this continual aping of “were top of the league, badly run lol” us not only short-sighted, but fails to address any of the points made.

33.) 21 Jan 2025 23:53:03
@Kurt, thanks for making me laugh. We are talking about where we are now and we won’t have hindsight on where we are now until we move into the future.

34.) 22 Jan 2025 00:23:53
markp08, what if the players you want couldn't keep us at the top?
You can't always be at the top so I suggest you just enjoy it when you are, lad.

35.) 22 Jan 2025 01:55:58
@scousejohn 8 which part of what is said was untrue? It was klopps responsibility to resign players on expiring contracts. It was his responsibility to deal with transfers, it's why ward and Edwards left in the first place.
Klopp wanted full control, got it and then struggled with it, perhaps not realising just how hard it is.

While everyone is crying and moaning about fsg not signing these contracts but Jürgen also didn't sign them up for a whole year or so. Perhaps it's not as simple as it seems and that's why Jürgen couldn't get it done either.

36.) 22 Jan 2025 01:04:42
Ed, both things can be true don't they. Are we on top of the EPL and UCL table and have great chance of winning both? Yes. Are we still in other cup competition? Also yes. So that is all great.

But we are also looking at a situation where we might be losing 3 of our best players on free next season. That is 3 massive hole in the squad that need to be filled on top of needing a new LB, another CB and another DM.

And if reports of us wanting to replace Nunez and possibly Jota is true, then that's another two spots that need to be filled. Suddenly we are looking at close to 10 players that need replacing in short period of time. That doesn't really scream well run club does it?

That is a massive changes and massive changes rarely turn out to be good. Can we trust the person in charge to handle all of this to do well? Looking at the last transfer window, I have my doubts.

Yes its all looking bright and rosy at the moment, but it can suddenly turn grim in six months time. Yes peoples can celebrate the progress that we have made so far this season, but that's doesn't mean others can't be worried about our future.

{Ed025's Note - forget all the cudda wudda shudda malarkey Mfahmee, any players that go will be replaced and the club will move on mate..

37.) 22 Jan 2025 08:10:01
You try to give yourself the best possible chance. I know you never agree Rigsby but when we were dominating European football that’s exactly what we did. Buy 2-3 players every season to try and keep the squad at the top. We did the opposite last time we won the league. This time the squad is easily improved.

38.) 22 Jan 2025 09:09:22
Markp but we also sold 2-3 players a season. keegan went to Hamburg, Souness went to Italy, Jimmy Case and Terry Mac were pushed out of the door, a prime Clemence effectively moved on by an unknown Zimbabwean.

You cannot use the past as a barometer and a bet look the massive losses (or so we thought at the time) .

39.) 22 Jan 2025 09:26:34
Oh well Ed, if only it was that easy to replace good players as you say, every clubs should be able to compete for the top prize won't they. Of course the club will move on. Its whether we moving in right direction in competing for the league and UCL trophy or back to competing for top four.

{Ed025's Note - to quote the great ED002 "all players are just transient employees" Mfahmee, we all asked in the past how players like...Keegan, Rush, Dalglish etc can be replaced?, the fact is they were mate and the club moves on..

40.) 22 Jan 2025 11:06:33
At the end of the day, what really matters is how "they" (Slot, LFC upper management and FSG football management) see things, and how you or I see them does not mean a thing. If nothing is happening then it's either they're choosing not to reveal things (as is their right and privilege) or they're actually choosing to do nothing about it.

But we all know that there is no such thing as "choosing to do nothing about it". Things are happening in the background (good or bad, we'll eventually find out) . You don't run a football club like LFC and "do nothing" because that's the recipe for failure, and a rather speedy one given the nature of the business. What's happening in those offices upstairs always reflects itself on to the field, rather quickly. And I personally see nothing that LFC has done, since being bought by FSG, as being truly horrendous or shambolic. The trajectory has been regularly going up. Some mis-steps for sure, but it's a business, and every business will try out new things to see what the market will bear and what it will not.

But fine. Some of us need to throw some toys out of the pram, from time to time. So be it.

41.) 22 Jan 2025 10:33:46
Fair point Ed. I'm not old enough to watch the players you mentioned, so can't comment on that. Didn't Liverpool fall off quite badly once the like of Daglish and Rush retire or leave the club. The 90s to early 20s were a bad time to be a Liverpool supporters.

{Ed025's Note - when you say bad mate its never actually been that bad, football always has peaks and troughs and the Liverpool fan base has always had high expectations so they think that not finishing near the top is a disaster, you have not finished in the bottom half since Methuselah was a lad..

42.) 22 Jan 2025 17:26:08
Mfahmee2 - when rush retired Fowler took over, when Fowler left Owen was there. When Owen left there was a short gap before Torres joined. When Torres left we had Suarez, when Suarez left we got some dude called mo Salah. When Salah leaves we will find another. Oddly enough striker is the one position we always seem to find a world class replacement, and most of the time they're quite cheap as well.

{Ed025's Note - i know makes me sick.. :)

43.) 22 Jan 2025 21:29:34
we have the deepest squad in the league, maybe the world.

the 90s were bad because we had a sh*t owner who sat on the success of previous decades and then just watched ManU walk past us.

44.) 22 Jan 2025 22:16:16
When we have success on the Pitch that it has absolutely nothing to do with the club and the way it is run is an absolutely bonkers thing to think!

I detest Man U with a passion but they, like us, are rich in heritage and even in their lowly position the resources they have (including the manager) are not bottom half table resources but just look at them in the field of play they typically seem disinterested demotivated by the club. It isn’t the manager that is demotivating them a new guy with a passion and some credibility it is the wider organisation of the club. If our players were as disenchanted with this club there is absolutely no way we would be where we are.

You can read it all on the field of play, it couldn’t be hidden!

45.) 23 Jan 2025 17:52:16
@Seano, you mention that the players are performing really well on the pitch despite what the owners do - quick question - who put the players on the pitch .

General point - in the second half of last season a sizeable proportion of this board was wetting itself because Klopp was leaving. Where will we find a manager anywhere near as good? We need Xabi because he is brilliant (how’s he going this season by the way? ), we need Amorim (ditto) . We’re doomed I tells ya. The club is being run by fools who don’t know what they are doing (despite being the ones who listened to advice and brought Klopp in) . Then of course, they brought Slot in and miraculously the players are performing exceptionally well despite what the club do.

This year we are collectively wetting ourselves about the three lads whose contracts are up at the end of the season. Of course the club are rubbish and can’t do anything right so no doubt the three will leave, most of the rest of the squad will demand transfers in sympathy for their fellow players and Slot will be shown the door despite winning the PL and CL as he couldn’t be ar$ed buying players in the transfer window. Or perhaps we should just wait and see what happens (@Frode close your eyes for this bit), perhaps the people running the business do have a couple of ideas that might just work.

46.) 25 Jan 2025 05:13:17
Thanks Seano at last someone has called a spade a spade ?.



17 Oct 2021 23:15:01
I'm constantly impressed by Declan Rice, and think he will be a top top player. Are Liverpool or any others showing serious interest in him? I know we have Fabinho but I imagine he could play higher up the pitch if necessary.


{Ed002's Note - Manchester United are keen.}

1.) 18 Oct 2021 07:45:02
Why would he take a step down to go to Man U?

2.) 18 Oct 2021 09:29:43
He’ll end up at United or Chelsea, West Ham want £100m for him so he’s not in our price range.

3.) 18 Oct 2021 10:25:20
Who is better Rice or Phillips?

4.) 18 Oct 2021 11:42:36
Phillips better passer. Rice better engine and all round I reckon.

5.) 18 Oct 2021 12:15:53
Really don't get the hype with Rice. £30m player with an inflated fee IMO.

6.) 18 Oct 2021 12:45:31
Not for me. Massively hyped up by the media imo. Not sure what he brings tbh.

7.) 18 Oct 2021 13:10:27
Rice is on a completely different level than Phillips. Phillips is a fine player, but Rice is one of the best talents in England right now.

8.) 18 Oct 2021 14:34:02
Mftonjes can you explain why you think he's one of the best talents? I couldn't disagree more but I respect your opinion 👌.

9.) 18 Oct 2021 15:11:34
I personally think Phillips is too slow and not defensively strong enough, whereas Rice is better defensively, he’s also not particularly quick and is as mobile as the QE2 and I don’t think he’s as clever a defensive player as either Fabinho or Rodri.

Either way he’ll be United’s big summer signing next year and Ole’s final piece of the jigsaw #1426 and counting.

{Ed0666's Note - Are we comparing Nat Philips to Declan Rice? They play completely different positions

10.) 18 Oct 2021 15:14:09
I am impressed with Rice too.
He keeps, carries and distributes the ball excellently.
Better than Gini for sure.
Not the same kind of player as Fab.
Probably more of a Henderson replacement.

The thing is, I have been looking at midfielders in every team and see which can improve Liverpool. Ty
Despite the constant criticism of Liverpool midfield, there aren't that many better I would take.
If you consider KDB, for sure he will improve the team.
Otherwise, I think Rice will do a job (far better than Phillips) .

And we truly miss Gerrard.
If the current team has a Gerrard, we will indisputably the best team in the world.

{Ed0666's Note - Rice is a superb player goes about his work in an efficient and effective manner and would certainly be a worthy successor to Hendo. The midfield player I would take is Ndombele if Bissouma has been a naughty boy. That fella is mercurial. Lord knows what position he plays because he’s everywhere.

11.) 18 Oct 2021 17:10:32
Ndombele or bissouma Ed?

{Ed0666's Note - I think Ndombele would be perfect for us with the personnel we have

12.) 18 Oct 2021 19:25:44
Tielemans without doubt he is different from what we have.

{Ed0666's Note - inconsistent tho no?

13.) 18 Oct 2021 22:11:24
I meant Phillips at Leeds United Ed.

{Ed0666's Note - thanks for cleaning that up mate. I was beginning to think I’d lost all my faculties. For sure Rice over Philips for me. Rice is a Hendo in the making

14.) 18 Oct 2021 22:24:50
Can’t compete with Newcastle. Am sure they’ll want him.

15.) 19 Oct 2021 09:39:59
I agree I think Rice would be a great Hendo successor, it’s a pity he is likely too expensive for us.

16.) 19 Oct 2021 12:28:35
Rice miles better than Gini. I know there are Gini haters on here but get a grip. Rice is slow. Often poorly positioned. Average passer. He’s a slightly better Dier IMO and massively overhyped by the press (for a change) .

17.) 19 Oct 2021 13:07:09
But Ed Ndombele has baggage, too. He seems to have a real attitude problem that's causing issues at Spurs.

18.) 19 Oct 2021 13:11:30
Gandalf, I just love the player. First, he's highly skilled and intelligent. There's something instinctual to the way he plays, especially for a guy who is often in the defensive half. To that point, he's plays difficult positions, ones that often takes a lot of experience to master, and he's doing it really well as a very young player. Also the age is relevant too, because he's playing for a club that isn't well known for development, and he continues to improve each season and likely in a trial by fire situation. I don't watch him regularly, rather a handful of times a season, and every time I've watched him I've thought he's been better than the last time I watched him. There are few players that stand out to me like this.

No player is a perfect player, but it really feels like there is a student of the craft in him and given his base skillset, he has a ton to work with. I see him being one of the best (potentially the best) English midfielders of the next decade. There's a reason why United and supposedly City are both wanting him badly.

{Ed002's Note - I would not hold your breath for Rice.}

19.) 19 Oct 2021 13:24:33
Ed002 - Ha, I agree. I don't believe there is a fit between him and Liverpool at all, I was just telling Gandalf why I like the player. He's already too high priced for Liverpool.

20.) 19 Oct 2021 20:47:03
for me Ndombele looks great in spells then you don't know his on the pitch a lot of the time for spurs. But when he does put a spell in his great on the ball I don't think the prem suits him. A better version of Naby but not a player for a full season in the prem for me. Bissouma if he has not done anything wrong would be a lot better fit. As for Rice being a Henderson replacement I think I would rather Curtis Jones do that.

21.) 20 Oct 2021 20:13:17
Ed0666 agree with you that rice is the closest thing to Hendo. Tielemans only 24 so consistently would improve don’t you think?

{Ed0666's Note - he needs to finesse and hone his game some more in my opinion and add consistency

22.) 21 Oct 2021 07:41:36
Whilst I think Rice is good I think he is overhyped because he is English. In terms of us I do not think we would be a good fit. He is not a Hendo type player as he doesn’t have the fitness or passing range of Hendo. He would do a job in defensive midfield but the lack of direct creativity from our central midfielders overall makes us quite reliant on the passing range of Fabinho which is very understated. He would be overly expensive and not an upgrade on our strongest 11 which should always be the aim.

23.) 23 Oct 2021 01:20:06
Still hating on Gini. SMH

I don't see why we would sign a midfielder. Even if you are looking for someone to replace Henderson in the future, Curtis is that player for me. If there HAS to be a premier league player out of the ones you have listed, I would like Tielemans. And not because he flukes balls into the top corner against United :)

24.) 23 Oct 2021 20:26:09

West ham aren't known for nurturing talent?
West ham have nurtured some of the best talent that's played in the premiership over the past 20 years. lampard, ferdinand, defoe, joe cole are only a few.

Declan rice is a great player though and west ham would do well to keep him. tielemans has stagnated in his career considering he was considered amongst the best up coming talent in the world as a teenager though he's still only 24. bellingham is worth a mention if were talking young english midfielders.
Seen that papers are linking us for a move for sterling again now too.

Fact is we have a decent squad that can compete when the majority stays fit.
Id be much happier with a double pivot fab and hendo and drop firmino into AM and play with an out and out striker.



11 Jan 2018 10:03:38
Heard from a good source that Ceballos is 'nailed on' to join before the window closes. No idea how my source knows but works within football and simply passed it on, make of it what you will.

Personally I would be a bit underwhelmed if the de facto replacement for Coutinho was Ceballos as seems a marked step down in quality but hey ho let's see what materialises.


1.) 11 Jan 2018 10:37:30
Why are people saying he is the replacement of coutinho? What if we are taking advantage of his situation at madrid?

Although I agree that he is not a Coutinho replacement, I think he is a good player and would be a good acquisition for the squad looking forward.

2.) 11 Jan 2018 10:55:19
Yes we ain't going to replace coutihno he is a world class Brazil international, but what we can do is strengthen the areas we are weak in we lack creative spark in midfield an someone who can manipulate the ball he is a gamble but could also turn out too b real quality well worth a punt especially if we can get keita early as well suddenly midfield is lookin healthy freeing up the attack, ox, mane, Salah, firmino, lallana, solanke, sturridge, nice options, still I would like us too buy an attacker like lemar, mahrez, suso, draxler wishful thinking though.

3.) 11 Jan 2018 12:00:02
I wonder if we will hear from wonder dog sparky?

4.) 11 Jan 2018 13:53:12
Hi eds i'm going to need your email addresses, mothers maiden names and the names of your first pets. uh. for science

Seriously though I hope we can do something like this, the buzz the club had post VVD left along with Phil.

5.) 11 Jan 2018 22:02:17
Coutinho was crap in midfield. Addressing the balance there would be an upgrade.

6.) 11 Jan 2018 22:39:08
Faith, he wasn’t really crap in midfield though was he? He played most games in midfield this season and had one of his best (half) seasons.

7.) 12 Jan 2018 19:12:12
our midfield is very weak at the moment, and could be the weakness that City will try and take control over, we really need at least one top player coming in this window, the name I have is the big guy from Roma,




Seano_'s banter posts with other poster's replies to Seano_'s banter posts


07 Jan 2025 00:53:38
I don't know what is happening with Trent, but the media are really trying to stir the pot. The reporting on the BBC is a joke, I hope we stick together as a team, club, fanbase, as it seems those outside of it are doing their utmost to sow the seeds of discontent.


1.) 07 Jan 2025 02:04:39
I'd understand it more if it was about a forward like Kane where they talked about him leaving for god knows how long but a RB? this to me - the amount of reporting done over it shows they are indeed trying to stir the pot. We can pretty much guarantee if it was another RB in the league there would be nowhere near this much coverage on it.

2.) 07 Jan 2025 04:58:25
Liverpool are box office gold right now, top of the league, semi finals in the cup, dominant in Europe and 3 world class players up for grabs, my pants have almost never been wetter. almost.

3.) 07 Jan 2025 07:21:31
They sense and hope for a huge story, one much bigger than three contract renewals. They’re hoping we choke, implode whatever we want to call it and throw away a brilliant chance of the league. If fans are honest that’s what we fear as well. Imagine the coverage the media can get out of that in the next four months. We need to put it to bed, and also sign at least one new player at LB, and silence it all.

4.) 07 Jan 2025 09:13:11
Trent has always been the subject of British press coverage - good and bad. He's a Liverpool lad that has risen to the top of the global stage. Add to that the Real Madrid press tactics, it's not surprising what is playing out. All parties (both clubs and Trent's camp) have signed up to the negotiating games it seems.

5.) 07 Jan 2025 09:52:20
De Bruyne is out of contract at the end of the season as well … very little column inches about this.

6.) 07 Jan 2025 10:07:16
STA, that’s probably because de bruyne doesn’t look anything like the player that he was anymore and all signs suggest that he should probably move to a less demanding league.

7.) 07 Jan 2025 13:39:46
Seano_, trying to stir the pot? This was the point all along wth RM's strategy of making the bid in public. Now, all the ITK's, pundits and SM merchants now rinsing and repeating clickbait articles into the ether just to get attention in the public sphere. I mean just watch the way Carragher has been debasing himself and spearheading the attacks on Salah and Trent non stop till this very day.

Personally, I don't care for this crap and Im over it. Im focusing on the actual games we are playing and how we can keep moving forward cos that Forrest game is going to be massive, IMO. I would propose we focus more on that reality rather than this media circus infested with clickbait articles and accusations based on relentless ignorance on the actual inner-workings of the matter itself.

8.) 07 Jan 2025 16:06:27
Oli you do know we have 2 games prior to Forest.



Football Officialdom - What Happens Next?

16 Nov 2024 07:39:01
{Ed's Note - Seano_ has posted a new article entitled, Football Officialdom - What Happens Next?




16 Nov 2024 02:33:16
I've been reading this site for what seems like forever, and made many a push and article but, for once, I don't really have the words. Ed002 wasn't just an incredible source of knowledge, a world class wind-up merchant, or globe trotting rodeo clown, he was a core part of the community that has been forged on this site. Condolences to his loved ones and all that knew him, I am sure he will be deeply missed by all those who knew him, in both real life and on here. I will certainly miss him.




13 Nov 2024 04:09:17
Hi Ed's,

Sent in a long article a day or two regarding the Coote situation and wider implications, did it not get through? Or was it just felt to not be worth posting? Cheers.


Seano_ has written an article entitled, Football Officialdom - What Happens Next?


{Ed033's Note - Best not to put links in these articles. Thanks for the excellent article.

1.) 15 Nov 2024 09:31:47
Coote was not VAR on Everton v Man City, it was Kavanagh. Tierney was the ref.

2.) 15 Nov 2024 09:48:24
Nice article and pretty much what I was thinking. The only thing that I can see affecting the probable outcome is the fact that both the FA and UEFA are also investigating Coote so it will make it slightly harder for the PGMOL to brush all this off with an insincere apology.

3.) 15 Nov 2024 09:38:56
Oh ok got you, no worries Ed. The link really is to a very interesting and thorough statistical analysis of refereeing decisions but i understand why you’s would be reluctant to post links to things, could go very wrong very quickly. Cheers.

4.) 15 Nov 2024 09:56:45
Good article Seano - was Coote involved in that Everton game though? I thought it was Kavanagh, but may be wrong tbf

I agree with much of what you have said, the officiating is very poor at times and nothing seems to be done to fix it - my two cents (for what its worth lol) :
- Look, officials, like in any other profession, will have poor performing days. This needs to be managed - refresher training given, certainly conversations with those above your grade - basic performance management exercises.
- Then, if the same employee has repeated issues, whereby they are simply making the same errors etc - and the above has happened, such offences then can be classified general misconduct, such as making errors, wrong interpretation of rules, if no improvement is made, despite performance improvement plans utilised, then disciplinary proceedings proceed - happens in every workplace
- For gross misconduct offences, such as videos of you taking drugs, clear bias shown and admitted to, then, again, disciplinary proceedings take place
- For the abuse officials get in games - look, i'm not a big fan of this, but a lot is due to completely baffling officiating decisions made - for others, is there not a rule for yellow cards to be shown?
- And this leads to consistency. So many matches are inconsistent, biggest examples being:
- players booked for kicking the ball away, others not - it's either a yellow card offence or not.
- players booked for simulating a card for a booking, others not - again, either a yellow or not.
- players booked for dissent, others get to scream in the refs face - is it the language used, the size of the player, the club they play for, what's the criteria?

Then we have VAR, swear it seems to overrule the onfield ref every time.
- I agree Seano, should be some group other than existing refs that do VAR - perhaps trainee refs? The know the rules, and are junior enough so the onfield ref still feels in control?
- The time, if it takes 4 mins or so to come to a decision then it is hardly clear or obvious is it? VAR thus should not be involved.
- Again, the consistency - one week one decision, next week, same issue, different decision - who manages the consistency of these calls?
- How in can a VAR official spend 5 mins watching the same replays we all see and still get it wrong? How is this managed?

I think the main issue is the PGMOL themselves, officials will make errors, but instead of managing these mistakes the PGMOL do nothing, in what company in the world would you not be managed for making some of these errors?

The former officials even admit them now:
- Clattenburg - you got to give a few free kicks to get the home support on side - really?
- Dean - the Chelsea VAR was crazy.
- Now Cootes.

Will we see/ hear more from the likes of Kavanagh and Taylor? Who knows but it is the PGMOL at fault for me for not managing issues as they arise and dealing with the multiple issues around VAR.

Great read that Seano.

5.) 15 Nov 2024 10:41:10
Good article Seano and I think echos how a lot of Liverpool fans are thinking.

I think we have to be careful of taking this video as clear evidence of bias in decision making. It’s clear evidence of bias in how Coote feels and it’s not too much of a leap to think that it’s affected his decision making but it doesn’t prove it.

Like you say there are other refs that have treated us much more harshly than Coote ever has. I’m surprised you didn’t mention Simon Hooper and Darren England and that scandalous game at Tottenham. Not just the game itself but the total lack of empathy from the entire footballing community to our calls for fairness after the event.

The injustices of that game were so obvious it’s a game I don’t think I will ever get over and the attitude of ‘everyone gets bad decisions’ and ‘whinging scousers’ was an absolute disgrace.

For me, that showed more of an ingrained bias from the football community as a whole towards Liverpool and was a major factor in Klopp deciding to call it a day in my opinion.

Like you say I think the same will happen here. It’ll all be brushed under the carpet with a couple of meaningless apologies, Coote will leave either on his own volition or will be sacked and things will go back to normal.

The usual PL and PGMOL sound piece of Gary Neville will be telling us all how there is no corruption or biases with referees and we will just carry on as we were before.

We’ll be criticised for whinging about it and told we are ‘always the victims’ by the other club’s fans. They all know that we have every right to be aggrieved but they’ll use this as stick to beat us with. That’s what football has become unfortunately.

{Ed001's Note - excellent reply that Beckers. Not often I get to agree with you!}

6.) 15 Nov 2024 11:00:53
Hard to disagree with anything you’ve said Bill, and I think the issue is the apple is rotten at the core. Until meaningful changes are made regarding the PGMOL then it is wishful thinking to expect anything improvement in officiating and/ or VAR. will this incident be the one to change it? Seems very unlikely, but we can only hope.

7.) 15 Nov 2024 11:52:02
A great read that Seano, well played mate.

8.) 15 Nov 2024 12:03:59
Spot on, Beckers. You can already see all the stuff you mentioned happening now with eole asking us to just move on and stop raising dust over this story with the "Everyone gets bad decisions" or "Well, Klopp had it coming cos of. " crap. No wonder nothing gets fixed in this PL, for heaven's sake.

9.) 15 Nov 2024 13:22:13
For me the big issue for PGMOL will be what did they know and when. There is no concrete evidence behind this and it may be total nonsense so take this with a pinch of salt please everyone, but some people are starting to think that PGMOL knew about the original Coote video around the same time that it was recorded, and not only now that it had been released. The reason for this is that Coote was due to officiate at a Liverpool game a couple of weeks after the video was recorded and was removed from it by PGMOL with no reason given. Even Gary Neville sent a tweet at the time wondering why that was.

Quite possibly just a massive coincidence, but if PGMOL knew about the video back then, and removed Coote from a Liverpool game at the time, but then continued to allow him to be involved in Liverpool games afterwards. that's a much bigger issue in my opinion and they will need to explain in lots of detail how they handled it at the time.

10.) 15 Nov 2024 11:07:48
Think I just saw a pig fly past my window Ed25 ?.

{Ed025's Note - that could have been Coote BP, he was high as a kite when i last saw him mate.. :)

11.) 16 Nov 2024 00:45:58
There could be more to it as RedDawn mentioned.

He didn’t referee a Liverpool game in the PL between 2020 (after the Burnley game) and 2024.

Not a VAR in any competition between 2020 (after the Everton game where VVD tore ACL and disallowed Hendo goal due to Mane offside - this game is after the Burnley game that he ref) and 2023.

In between he did ref a few cup games. Mainly against lower league opposition. (Other than carabao cup in Dec 22 against City which liverpool lost, was also ref in fa cup in Jan 23 against Brighton which we lost again - b2b cup exits! )

So possibly PGMOL knew abt this video long ago and stood him down and is slowly reinserting him back after a few years where the dust would supposedly have settled.



29 Sep 2024 07:45:33
Strange game vs Wolves, we never looked particularly good but we never really gave up any meaningful chances either. Overall a good start to the season - apparently the best by a new manager in our history - but really still feels like we're waiting for the players and the system to really click. A run of games against high level opposition will give us a better indication of where we are at but so far, so good. Will say as well that we've often lost games we've played badly in away from home - we managed to grind that out, a good skill to have but hopefully not one we need to rely on too much.


1.) 29 Sep 2024 07:57:52
I agree it was an awkward watch . After the 15/ 20 minute mark the game was played mostly in wolves half but without really creating lots . The team looked like they were playing within themselves and never looked likely to score from open play but on the flip side wolves never really offered a threat and we looked well in control for large parts . Good 3 points bang average performance.

2.) 29 Sep 2024 08:24:31
Defensively we are looking so much better. We have the best goalkeeper and the two best individual centre-backs in the league - we should be the best defence.
However, our pressing is still inconsistent, MacAllister shirked a load of tackles again yesterday, and our attackers couldn’t work out that Wolves can’t defend crosses and both our goals came from them.
Jota is also an issue. He had an important hand in both goals yet we miss out on a lot of other good opportunities because he can’t draw nor outrun defenders, gives stupid fouls away to release pressure, and can’t press properly.
But, we won while playing poorly on a weekend where Man City dropped points and Arsenal also looked poor.

3.) 29 Sep 2024 09:16:16
When we had Bobby he was the focal point of our attacks and link up play but there was always complaints that he didn’t score enough.

Let’s be honest Jota and Nunez are the opposite of being the focal points or key in our build up.

Salah was extremely sloppy and lacklustre in his passing last night and he is another who blows hot and cold in this area despite consistently getting goals and assists.

If Jota or Nunez aren’t the answer then I’m not really sure personally who the affordable, attainable forward is in world football that ticks the boxes that we are looking for where they are both a scorer and excellent in build up play.

4.) 29 Sep 2024 10:22:56
Lowe have you not seen Saliba play? Konate has been a beast this season but he gave them a goal yesterday and hasn't been consistent enough to start saying he's better than Salìba.

5.) 29 Sep 2024 15:31:44
It’s a good question JK, if his injury record was better I’d probably say Isaak, but he’s always on the cusp of injury and would cost a fortune. I mean that type of player who’s great at linking up play as well as scoring lots of goals - don’t really exist do they? Usually one is sacrificed for the other like if they link up play they’re less clinical and vice versa. I suppose Palmer would be the closest to that at the moment? Havertz playing that role for Arsenal too. There’s not a ton of options out there to be fair.

6.) 29 Sep 2024 17:50:17
Seano, that Run of games is upon us, from Palace to Villa, which will show what we are really made of. Another poor Palace away game like last season, and people might start nay sayin.

7.) 30 Sep 2024 01:02:07
I personally don't think the finances per se are the issue, its finding a striker who is the best fit for what slot needs. i don't think either of our strikers at the moment are the answer, nunez is great for his hard work off the ball etc but too sloppy when finishing and relies more on fast breaks to play to his strengths, and jota also when on form is a fox in the box is too casual with his link up play and injury prone so we need a combination of the 2, someone who can put in the hard yards offensively and defensively but also has the sharpness of mind or coolness to finish the chances that are provided. i just hate seeing people contninually going on about who we can afford when FSG have shown time and again, if the right player is there, they will make the finances available.

8.) 30 Sep 2024 08:00:27
I honestly think that Chiesa needs to be given a chance upfront. It feels like Slot doesn’t fancy Nunez (which disappoints me) but if that is the case then Chiesa may be a better option than Jota in terms of his all round game.

9.) 30 Sep 2024 09:22:20
Johnny respectfully, Nunez would definitely have played yesterday had he not been ill cos Jota was not playing well at all. People need to stop saying Slot does not fancy Nunez cos none of that is actually true. Nunez started the last 2 games before he fell ill vs Wolves so again, none of it is true. No need to fall for the baseless innuendo as it is becoming tiresome, IMO.




Seano_'s rumour replies


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21 Jan 2025 23:44:41
I clearly never said we should “spaff a load of money” on players, I said we haven’t signed any of note despite there being clear holes in the squad. Slot is doing fantastically well, so is the team, but they are not being helped in any way by recruitment and they should be. We bought a GK and sent him on loan, a winger who has only just player his first games for the club (and who you could argue was far from a priority), and a kid who we ripped up our youth academy wage structure for. I get it we’re doing well now, but that doesn’t mean the clubs transfer approach is somehow vindicated. Strong tears should continue to strengthen - we haven’t, why?

The 3 contracts for 3 key personnel are not only detracting from the teams excellent season, but those 3 players have been central to it! Yet the club has allowed the situation to continue without seemingly any resolution. What other club allows its 3 best players to have their contracts run down like this? I know we’re doing well in the league, but this is about more than current form. The club can’t continue to be run like this and succeed, something will give sooner or later.

I want the club to be successful, the club seems to be being run in a way that will make that significantly more difficult. We are lucky Slot is doing so well, that the players we have are playing to such a high standard, but I’m looking at this with the perception greater than a baby, so I’m not just thinking “yeah we’re doing great right now” I’m considering the long term implications and, in my opinion, they are not great. If you disagree that’s fine, but this continual aping of “were top of the league, badly run lol” us not only short-sighted, but fails to address any of the points made.




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21 Jan 2025 16:05:20
Did you miss were I said we’re doing really well on the pitch Grino and Kemlyn? Our excellence on the pitch is in spite of the efforts of those behind the scenes, not because of them.




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14 Jan 2025 02:54:27
lol there’s no chance, if the club do want him sold, that we reject 70mil. I’d be surprised if we got anything above 45mil to be honest.




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08 Dec 2024 10:46:51
The new Liverpool deal has been widely reported as 60mil, and there is nothing to suggest it will be higher. I hope you are right southern, but nothing suggests that’s the case right now.




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07 Dec 2024 19:48:38
I tried researching it a bit, suggestions are United’s deal is the total they can get in best case scenarios (winning trophies/ qualifying for CL/ etc), but even then it still feels like we’ve been lowballed given our recent successes, and our recent commercial strength. I don’t really get it to be honest.





Seano_'s banter replies


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03 Feb 2025 04:23:12
City’s midfield is so poor - De Bruyne is a shadow of the player he was, Silva just isn’t that good in the middle, Kovacevic is ok but barely more than that, Matheus is shocking. They’re missing both a prime De Bruyne, and the injured Rodri, and look miles off without them.




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12 Jan 2025 01:40:47
I think Nunez’s time is coming to an end - the system we play now doesn’t really benefit from his “chaos” that much, and he just doesn’t score enough goals. Extremely hard worker, very passionate player, I really like him, but realistically he can certainly he upgraded. Danns looked good under Klopp, still looks good under Slot, he could be the answer - but he’s not going to play much here he needs loaning out to give him that experience.




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12 Jan 2025 01:37:40
How many attackers can we have though? Of course i’d like us to sign top quality players but we don’t have a limitless budget and there is at least 4 positions that could use strengthening first (LB, CB, Mid, Striker) .




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04 Jan 2025 13:19:01
Guy is a toolbag, left us on a free, joined United. On no planet will he ever be a club legend.




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01 Jan 2025 13:39:58
Can’t believe Chiesa and Phillips are on those sort of wages, awful management from the club (not Slot! ) if true.




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