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25 May 2024 22:10:05
Interesting that the teams that knocked us out of the cups, both won the trophies. Maybe we weren't so rubbish in those games.

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26 May 2024 01:12:08
No we were rubbish in those games the finals results have no bareing on our terrible performances.

26 May 2024 04:41:04
Defensively weak at United in the 4-3 game which we should have wrapped up midway through the second half (Nunez) .
Outplayed by Atalanta all over the pitch, simple!

26 May 2024 05:01:06
I have to agree with Walter here. We could have and should have won both those games but we played terribly. Them going on to be champions makes me wonder if we could have won both trophies if we had just played better in those games. Still feels like two trophies lost to me.

26 May 2024 06:57:52
No; we have to consider that whilst Man Utd looked fairly good team yesterday, a lot was due to Man City being poor and allowing them to be.

When we played UTD they were poor, 3 x times we should have hammered them 3 times we buggered it up.

{Ed025's Note - their name was written all over that cup Karl..

26 May 2024 07:53:30
We have that game to Man U - Nunez gave them their 3rd goal and Elliott gave them their winner.

Individual errors and ManU were good enough to take advantage.

26 May 2024 07:55:39
Your right ed25 that cup was going to utd this season, everything that could've went for them did. In fairness any team that wins a cup always has luck along the way.
No harm to see city beat either, sick of them winning and if they hadve won the double this season playing at only 80% (imo) it would look v ominous for next season for rest of us. Also puts Utd in v awkard position as regards 7hagg p.

{Ed025's Note - they had some amazing luck to get to Wembley Digger, but i suppose thats what the cup is all about mate..

26 May 2024 08:33:05
You're right ED025, but I think just as much because how Man City were poor. I think a lot of teams would have beaten them yesterday.

but for the Haaland hitting the wood work and Alvarez doing a Nunez, it it could have gone the other way.

Still even though it was UTD, I'm glad someone else other than City won it.

{Ed025's Note - me too Karl...cheats should never prosper mate..

26 May 2024 09:00:50
At the end of the day, we didn't do the job and that was due to our inherrent problems that were NEVER addressed all season. The chickens came home to roost and that's it.

As for Utd getting luck, it is what it is. City deserved nothing in the game so what's fair is fair, IMO. Utd deserved to win the Cup at the end of the day and hats off to them.

However, it is also true that they are a wretched team out at sea without a paddle right now. It is what it is.

26 May 2024 14:12:13
We were poor vs United but Atalanta battered us more than any other team since Klopp took over. I’ve never in my life seen a team come to a field and press so well and so organised. First to every ball, quick and strong, good at retaining possession, creating chances and good defensively then they done the same thing to Leverkusen. Top top side.



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