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21 May 2024 20:15:18
Surprised there is no talk on here today about Mo's comments that he wants to stay and win trophies next year.
My guess is Slot would want him to stay.

Agree7 Disagree0

21 May 2024 20:33:35
Nice video of him hugging Klopp in the tunnel before they went out onto the pitch after the wolves game. Really glad they made up. If he stays we need someone in the other forward positions to help him score the goals we need to win the title. I’m not into this it’s a transition year. We also need to get him to sign an extra year so we don’t lose him on a free.

21 May 2024 20:39:55
His comment definitely implied that didn’t it. Mo is a proud man. He might not feel ready to call time on his career as an elite footballer. He sure as hell doesn’t need money. If he stays it doesn’t make great financial sense for us as a club, but as fans we would surely be delighted to have a player like him for one more year. He guarantees 20 goals and 10 assists minimum.

21 May 2024 20:45:43
Wish he’d just go now tbh and get us some money to reinvest. He’s not been great last couple of years but absolutely awful this season - particularly after his injury. He can’t even control the ball, let alone pass it and has defs lost a yard. No time for sentiment, time to move on and get rid.

21 May 2024 20:53:19
Reports that Slot wants to build around van Dijk, Alexander-Arnold, Salah and Nunez today too. That'll trigger a few people, I'm sure.

Although I think they originate from the Torygraph. idk what their sport coverage is like.

21 May 2024 21:39:03
Do we think Salah will sign a new contact or stay next year and see his current one out before leaving on a free.

{Ed025's Note - tough call that JK, i have a feeling he will stay and go on a free next year, the problem is it seems that he may be on the wane mate and it would be a shame if his legacy was ruined in any way, the crowd can be very unforgiving at times and if he does not produce the goods my fear is that they might turn on him, i hope not but supporters can be very fickle..

21 May 2024 21:53:22
Thanks for the memories mo, though it's time to go.

21 May 2024 21:07:51
If mo stays next season I'd play him up top in the 4231 ( which I presume slot will play) . Gakpo, szobo+ diaz compete/ rotate for left of the 3, elliott, szobo+ diaz for right side and mac, elliott + gakpo for middle of 3. Jota, mo + danns for front man. Sell nunez if got good offer.

21 May 2024 21:08:59
Man has earned the right to do what he wants Brummy, averaged 30 a season for 7 years. in a perfect world if he stays he signs another 1 year extension but even if he goes on a free how can we begrudge him that, he will have honoured his contract.

21 May 2024 22:08:53
It would be a financial disaster to let Salah go on a free. If he stays he must sign an extension.

21 May 2024 22:17:38
I’d rather have Mo here for another final season - his last hurrah - and let him leave for free at the end of the season than destabilise the squad unnecessarily and in the hope that we can find a replacement (presumably the equal, if not better than, Mo at his world class best.

We know that if he stays fit he will contribute over 20 goals and get near to the same mark with assists. He might not be quite what he was at his peak but I still don’t see any replacement for him as things stand.

He has earned the right to leave on his terms.

{Ed025's Note - i dont think he has WDW, hes a transient employee on one hell of a lot of money mate so Liverpool owe him nothing, do you really think 20 +20 is a realistic target for someone who seems to maybe be on the decline?, if you do your a better man than me Gunga Din.. :)

21 May 2024 22:22:36
I love Mo and am grateful he was a red. But now for the sake of the team, it's time to cash in and reinvest the fee.

21 May 2024 22:41:43
I respect all that he has done but I think it's time for mo to go. If he stays, use him centrally.

21 May 2024 22:43:10
Mark wiping his wages off the bill is by no means a financial disaster.

21 May 2024 23:03:46
I’d rather we accepted the truth that he’s in decline and we gently moved him on. He’s an absolute legend, no doubt there. But his legs have gone and the pace isn’t there any more, it was sad watching him getting out paced by Skipp against Spurs. It would be better economically and logically if we went our separate ways on a high than have a final season like Arsenal did with Ozil. Sentimentality gets us nowhere.

{Ed025's Note - im with you VV, let him leave as a legend and get some good money to reinvest in a top replacement, win win imo mate..

21 May 2024 23:55:38
If there's a decent sum of money on the table I'd be inclined to let him leave, but I wouldn't want to force him out of the club. Regardless of father time claiming his pace, he is still very strong on the ball, he touch and build up play is still very good and while it did seem to evaporate at the end of the season (with everyone else's) his finishing shouldn't go anywhere so if Slot thinks he can make him work then I'd be more than happy to give him another season.

Ed001, what are your thoughts mate if you have the time?

{Ed001's Note - I would keep Mo but look to bring in a long term replacement. Then there is someone to rotate with him and keep him fresh.}

22 May 2024 01:12:28
Mo has **17** abs and we only supposed to have 12.mind you I can only find 3 myself but that's not my point here he will give us another 20 plus goals with slot I am sure of it and the assists could be vital next season
I can understand both opinions on Mo but I vote no to selling mo not that it's a vote but if it comes to a vote I want my vote recorded.

22 May 2024 01:20:20
Keep Mo and try to bring in his long-term replacement this summer. However, he must sign a year-long contract extension. If he doesn’t want to, we need to move him on. Salah is still an amazing player (used correctly) and would be very useful for any team he signs for - we could recoup a lot for him.

22 May 2024 03:36:58
It all depends on what fee we could get for him. If a Saudi club wants to throw 100m in for Mo i would shout him an uber to the airport. If the offers are more like 20-30m we would be best off keeping him. Either way i think his time as the first name on the team sheet has come to an end and he may find he gets subbed off more regularly from now on.

22 May 2024 03:03:57
It’s about opinions Ed025, and sadly in this case your’s is wrong ???.

{Ed025's Note - nobody is perfect WDW, but i have to tell you that im as close as it gets mate.. :)

22 May 2024 05:32:35
Ed1, do you have anyone in your mind to replace Salah for long term? Perhaps both unrealistic and realistic one for the club.

{Ed001's Note - to fit Slot's system, I mean it is possible Szobo is the replacement, but unrealistic would be players like Wirtz and Musiala. Not sure about realistic off the top of my head.}

22 May 2024 06:52:14
Thing is if there's no contract signed yet and we try force a sale on him I can see this angering him and him deciding to play the season out and go on a free anyway. Club have to be careful how they approach it but like someone said above, he shouldn't be forced out of the club. We as fans expect a certain amount of loyalty from players, for legends like Mo we have to show the same.

22 May 2024 07:12:43
Ed0025 i'll be honest mate i can't really remember a time when the crowd (talking majority over minority because you'll always get a minority in every aspect of life) have turned on one of our own.

I'm not really sure what Mo is worth to another club or the Saudi's but i would imagine that FSG wouldn't want to lost him on a free especially with the info on here the other day that Real are trying to persuade Trents agent for him to run his contract down.

We've lost quite a few players on frees over the last few years Bobby, Milner, Thiago, Kieta, Matip and Ox which could have brought in say 30 mill in fees.

But to lose Trent, Salah and VVD to frees we are talking 150-200 mill of potential transfer fees there.

I just can't see shrewd business men letting any of these 3 let alone all 3 run their contracts down.

{Ed025's Note - its a tough one JK, on one hand we have a brilliant player who when on his game is as good as anyone on the planet, but it seems he is maybe on the way down now and not the formidable force he once was, i think he can still do a job dont get me wrong but all good things come to an end and maybe this is the best time for him to move on, money will always be a factor and in this financial climate i dont think you can just let him walk for free next season, its just good business to cash in now if you can get a great fee for him from the Saudi,s, loyalty is great but it doesn,t put food on the table mate..

22 May 2024 07:39:23
Will Mo be happy with a seat on the bench though given we’ve seen how he reacts to being subbed and being a sub and it’s a disaster. Not sure he will deal with it for the good of the team. If we could have got £150m for him last year and £70m now then the club is definitely losing out financially letting him run his contract down isn’t it? Not sure his performances are worth that anymore.

{Ed025's Note - im with you WM..

22 May 2024 07:56:17
Don’t think people understand that Minis on 350 grand a week. For that he should be scoring 20 goals a season and doing a lot more. For someone who misses the chances he does and breaks down the play so often he does not justify that wage. Legend or not it’s time for him to move on. Also remove Pens from his stats last couple years and they don’t look so great - he’s also not that great at those either btw!

22 May 2024 08:22:15
I don’t see that we can realistically afford to keep Mo and bring in his replacement at the same time, given that we also need to work on other areas of the starting 11 too. Unfortunately we aren’t Man City and we don’t have 115 different ways of creative accounting and we do work on a hand to mouth basis. So getting a transfer fee and removing the salary from the books will allow us to get a very good long term replacement rather than a cheap gamble. Notwithstanding that this is probably the last point at which we can objectively get a good fee for him as there is really no point handing him another long term deal at over £350k a week. I’d also add that I think this season is probably the last one where he’s going to get 20 odd goals and we’re due to see the drop off imminently. It’s all about timing and to me it feels like the time is right to part ways.

{Ed025's Note - i agree VV but its not an open and shut case, his contract is still viable for another year mate and if he wants to stay that could be the end of the story..

22 May 2024 08:32:25
But JK those shrewd businessmen won't have a choice whether the 3 players mentioned go on a free or not. If they decide to see out their contracts the likes of Edwards/ Hughes can do absolutely nothing about it.

22 May 2024 08:33:06
Every player has a price so the market will decide Mo’s future. If the money is right, he will go.
His agent will want a slice of that transfer fee, don’t worry about that.

50 million seems like a good fee in my opinion. Everyone can see he’s easily outpaced now by average PL defenders. His pace was his superpower, his strength on the ball is his other great ability but that will be on the decline too.

I feel it’s the right time for Slot to make the change. New coach, new tactics, it’s not ideal for older players in my opinion. Next season the realistic expectation is top 4. Anything else is a bonus.

22 May 2024 09:08:30
June get that mate but I’d imagine they would listen to offers for them in Summer and winter windows if they don’t show inclination to signing new contracts.

After all 20-50% of what their worth is more than 100% of nothing.

22 May 2024 09:15:32
Can’t remember the last time a Liverpool crowd turned on a player ?. Plenty on this forum for sure but not at the games.

22 May 2024 09:30:54
He’s like ozil or alexis Sanchez, he’s going downhill rapid and he needs moving on logically, what a player he was in his day tho true legend.

22 May 2024 10:22:12
Your reply made me laugh out loud Ed25, but I’m pretty sure if you are talking about perfection I’d have to enter into the conversation :)

Given the general consensus how much would people expect the club would want for Mo and how much do we think we might be offered?



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