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06 May 2024 18:51:27
@West Derby Red - I actually manage a sales team so funny you should say that.

Top performers are top performers because they can maintain a consistent high level regardless of how they feel. It's their mentality that makes them elite.

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07 May 2024 04:40:02
Wow, I didn’t see that reply coming.

I’ve worked in the IT industry for 40 years and have worked in Insurance, Banking, Aviation, Automotive industry, Technology and for Federal and State government departments in Europe, America and Australia and along the way I’ve managed teams ranging from 4 to 100+people - some of the teams being global and incorporating people with different cultural outlooks.

I think you are correct about top performers being top performers - really insightful stuff by the way - but the question is how do top performers become top performers (so that, err, they perform toply) and how do they maintain the focus to maintain the levels that they are capable of achieving? What are the motivations that enable them to reach their full potential? Are you saying that every top performer behaves in the same way and has the same psychological profile?

07 May 2024 07:24:37
I have worked in finance for about 20 years, and from my experience, there are a few different things that trigger the top performers.

1. Money
2. Work ethic
3. Self-esteem
4. Competitive and goal-oriented

Those who perform the best and have worked the longest are the ones who want to be absolutely the best. Money is definitely a motivator but not decisive.

07 May 2024 14:29:20
@COffan, I’d also add that natural talent or aptitude for a role also helps too.



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