18 May 2024 00:54:46
“Winning four Premier League titles in succession is incredible. Never been done before. Congratulations to Pep and the team.
“It reminds me of when I won my seven Tour de France victories. The similarities of dominance are endless. ”
- Lance Armstrong on 115radio.
18 May 2024 08:24:35
By hook or by crook ?.
18 May 2024 08:45:59
The only similarities are their cheating behaviors.
Also, nothing guaranteed just yet Lance. Unless you know something that we don't.
18 May 2024 09:21:20
Lance Armstrong a. k. a Doper in Chief or DIC is just calling things as he sees them. Ironically, the Abu Dhabi Group that bought City in 2008 was also named DIC. Ironic, indeed.
18 May 2024 09:50:31
And City could be on for seven in a row had it not been for Jürgen Klopp and his bow and arrow.
18 May 2024 10:35:58
Whenever Pep looks angry, I do always wonder if it’s roid rage.
18 May 2024 11:29:43
JLC, I think it’s gone over your head mate ?.
18 May 2024 12:20:34
There's some talk online of a fine of 350 million, which would get given and spread out amongst the EPL teams. LFC would presumably get around 17-18 million for the incovenience of losing 2 champions titles amongst other things. No mention of point deductions or title relinquishing.
Of course it's only online blabber, but it's a histerical joke anyway. So this is what you get when you cheat consistently for almost a decade.
{Ed002's Note - It is nonsense.}
18 May 2024 12:31:48
I imagined it was, Ed002. Thanks for clarifying.
18 May 2024 13:41:26
Nah, come on ArAy1969. You had to know that was a nothing burger, right? I also read online that there could be an out of court settlement btw both City and the PL. Now that one, took the biscuit for me. What a crock of crap!
At the end of the day, the hearing will happen and City will have their day in court and their chance to provide the evidence they have been telling us all these years that they, that will exonerate them of ALL charges. At that point, it will come down to the evidence and the facts hence, posturing and making boombastic statements in the public sphere will be over.
18 May 2024 15:24:05
The moment I read "nothing burger" Oli, I immediately thought of the old "where's the meat" ads. ?.
18 May 2024 17:54:28
(I meant "where's the beef")
19 May 2024 01:42:58
I'd sooner be humble in defeat rather than shout "cheat".
If it's ever proven that City cheated I'll be happy enough on the moral high ground and have forgotten all about the other two League titles and celebrations we could have had. Promise ?.
They could have had seven in a row and I did celebrate preventing that but out of respect to them I won't mention all my European Cup celebrations.
19 May 2024 10:06:44
Rigsby, I see what you did there in your last statement. That was some nasty stuff. Loved.