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11 May 2024 12:32:26
I had a very interesting chat with a Feynoord supporter I ended up in a debate with through social media this morning.

Naturally we got onto the way Slot plays with a 4-2-3-1. They clarified that only one full back inverts for Feynoord (normally Geertruida from either RB or LB depending what side he's playing) . So I'd guess not too dissimilar to how Trent does for us from RB. The main difference is that Slot then asks the other full back to sit in to create a back 3 whereas we still have Robbo bombing forward. Sounds like it will suit Trent and Bradley who have the ability to invert, but doesn't sound as good for Robbo or Tsimikas as neither are solid enough defensively for that in my opinion. Looks like we'd need a player at LB who can defend as a priority and will be disciplined in staying back. I thought Slot's arrival might be the end of Gomez, but arguably tucking in from LB to being a 3rd CB could be perfect for him (on paper) to reignite his career.

When Geertruida inverts, one of the double pivot players then pushes on next to the no.10 (sounds ideal for Mac Allister) which creates a dual attacking midfielder set up with the fast wingers then going wider to maintain the width. This creates an attacking 4 behind the striker which stretches right across the pitch. Sounds a lot like how Man City play in possession. Think this will suit Diaz and Gakpo quite well on the left but really highlights the need to sign a fast wide man to replace Salah on the right. Also highlights the need to have a clinical striker. Jota would probably be ideal if he wasn't so injury prone but Nunez is going to have to scrub up in front of goal big time.

Out of possession is where it sounded more similar to a Klopp side. It's an aggressive press but where it differs to how we press more in wide areas, Feynoord press more through the centre. The no.10 pushed up to press with the striker but the 2 wingers drop in to create two defensive banks of 4. So it sounds more pragmatic defensively but perhaps not quite as effective at winning the ball high up the pitch; would like to see it in action though as pressing in 1's and 2's is very hard. Two players in our team who are both relentless in their pressing are Elliott and Szoboszlai so where I previously thought they might do well on the right wing under Slot, I'm now thinking they might be better suited to the 10 role where their work rate from the front will be better utilised out of possession.

I found it really interesting having never watched a full 90 of Feynoord so thought I'd pass on my understanding. Football has become so complicated nowadays. I had a totally different vision in my head when I heard Slot plays 4-2-3-1 with inverted full backs; I was thinking more like Spurs with Porro and Udogie inverting. Slot's 4-2-3-1 seems like it virtually disappears at kick off becoming a 3-2-4-1 in possession and a 4-4-2 out of possession. He's obviously a very regimented manager tactically.

Agree12 Disagree0

11 May 2024 16:57:27
Given the changes to the offside rule from next season, it could see a lot more chances for Nunez, a lot of the offside calls against him would be onside next season. And once he’s away not many are catching him. He just needs to work on that last bit.

11 May 2024 17:09:22
The number of chances Nunez is getting is not his main problem.
Which offside decisions against him this season wouldn't be given next season, Vik?

11 May 2024 17:25:38
Nunez composure and decision making is what sometimes let's him down but that might just improve with more experience and exposure.

Realistically all the players still have something to play for the next two games as Slot will 100% be assessing them.

They can’t wait until pre season to set their marker that comes now.

Let’s send a legend in Klopp out with a high and give the incoming manager some good headaches to have before pre season even gets underway.

11 May 2024 17:40:00
Interesting MK, it does sound distinctly different from our mess of system. I can see how having proper wingers, rather than wide forwards, would make a big difference in maintaining width. Additionally, having a third centre back to play on the left hand side would make a big difference. Not sure it would be enough to convert me but there’s no doubt about it, we are implementing these tactics in the worst way possible.

Good point about the press. You’d imagine that in the premier league you wouldn’t be able to get away with pressing in 1’s and 2’s. Furthermore, if we’re moving away from having goalscoring wide players that cut inside, it raises a lot of questions. It should suit Diaz and Gakpo perfectly, providing we can keep both of them moving forward. Jota would be perfect but he is always injured.

Biggest concerns are Salah and Nunez. Salah would have to be moved centrally for me, I can’t see it working any other way, he doesn’t have the pace to beat a man and get to the byline anymore. Nunez wouldn’t fit in on either wing and isn’t clinical enough to lead the line if more emphasis is placed on the centre forward. Our midfield players should shine and score more goals as well.

Salah I can see being moved on if push comes to shove, I have no idea what the plan is for Nunez though. That does concern me. Convincing Diaz to stay is a must if this is the way we want to play.

11 May 2024 20:30:38
Our mess of a system? What does that say about the seventeen teams below us?

12 May 2024 09:08:11
Very interesting read, MKS. What I would say is that I don't think Slot will play his system from the off as he will have to evaluate the plyers he will be working with and prolly do it via baby steps as Klopp did when he arrived BUT I get your points overall.

"Jota would probably be ideal if he wasn't so injury prone but Nunez is going to have to scrub up in front of goal big time. "

On this point, both players have to step up and improve big time, do better and play better. In regards to Darwin, Slot signed a certain Santiago Gimenez from Cruz Azul (I think) from the Mexican League, someone nobody had ever heard of. Slot is known for improving players way using very interesting methods so one of the ways Slot improved him was to completely change his running style on a fundamental level (don't ask me why/ how) .

Clearly, this had helped Gimenez a lot and he was vital to them winning the title last season with his goals. Now, I believe with the qualities that Darwin possesses, he is ripe for Slot to develop in the areas he thrives BUT also in those he is lacking if he could turn Gimenez into the player he is now. Just my opinion.

12 May 2024 10:08:16
All this latest Slot talk reminds me of the early days of COVID.
Early 2020 no one knew anything about the virus but by April everyone was an expert on it ?.
God bless the interweb!

12 May 2024 11:20:34
@Rigsby, no one is saying they are "experts" about Slot, as far as I know. All we are doing is gathering information from those who know him well (Feyenoord fans) or from podcasts containing guests who also know him well and using said info to give opinions and spark meaningful discussions. That's all we are doing.

12 May 2024 12:02:31
Rigsby what a time to be alive that was. Who knew that having a meal with your pint and following arrows in a supermarket would save your life.

12 May 2024 13:19:44
I was only joking, Oli. I didn't mean to cast nasturtiums upon the meaningful discussions. Just because I'm no good at it doesn't mean that I should make fun of it. I apologise, mate.

Nice one, JK ?. It was certainly made more memorable by our incompetent government. Encouraging people to go out for their tea on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays was so ridiculous that I believed people wouldn't do it. I was wrong, once again.

12 May 2024 15:06:37
@Rigsby, ‘many a truth spoken in jest’, methinks. I’ve been taken to task a number of times on here by people who watch lots and lots and lots and lots of games both around the world or in particular countries. Of course I don’t mean they travel around the world or visit specific countries every week - the furthest they tend to go is to the living room to switch their device on to access the interweb thing but I think you’d be surprised at just how many experts we are fortunate to have on this forum.



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