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16 May 2024 18:12:40
We need a new starting CB and DM
May be sell Konate to make space or spend money and have the new CB replace Matip.

VVD, konate/ SVB, new CB and Quansah will be CB options with Gomez as 5th choice.

In Mid Thiago is going, I could see we moving on frok Endo, C Jones or Gravenberch

We have Mac, Soboz, Elliot, baj as midfield along with one of above 2.

Agree0 Disagree0

16 May 2024 20:15:17
I'd sell Gomez,3rd choice rightback and already 4th choice CB before we more than likely strenghten there or give Van Den Berg who's been excellent in Germany a shot. Would bring in decent cash towards actual first 11 starters.

16 May 2024 21:17:10
Aside from the fact that he’s rubbish too - a complete liability as a “jack of all trades”! Definitely sell him ?.

16 May 2024 22:02:40
Shultzy are you a mechanic by any chance?

17 May 2024 02:10:39
Sell Gomez? Are you brain dead? what am I reading here, do you forget how good he was the majority of this season? Short memory you have. My f'n god.

17 May 2024 03:57:15
Sell Konate more to the point, he is injury prone, cannot string more than 4-5 games together, plays well for two games then lacks consistency and I find him clumsy too, just don’t rate him.
Keep Gomez for his versatility.

17 May 2024 05:10:47
At the beginning of the year and all the way until February, we were all singing praises of Gomez, saying tuag he has improved this season and should be pushing for a place on the England squad. Fast forward to after what has been a disastrous April for the entire team and we are now saying that he's a liability and should be sold. The word fickle comes to mind.

{Ed025's Note - i have never changed my stance on him Drac, clumsy player who will always be a liability mate..

17 May 2024 07:59:57
I’d keep konate he covers 2 positions with Trent flying about, is quick and I think Klopp was over cautious and chopped and changed too much.

17 May 2024 08:05:40
Ed025, is spot on in my view. I may catch some stick for this but I don't think Gomez has played well this season at all. I think people have just willed it into their minds that he did, because I've seen him play genuinely well maybe 3 or 4 times all season.

He's been better than the previous few years because he's been playing at full back and getting more regular minutes, but he's still very limited on the ball and weak defensively. The amount of attacks he has wasted blazing a shot over, sliding a simple give and go straight off the back of the pitch for a goal kick or smashing a cross straight out of play is ridiculous. More importantly though, he's still weak in the air, positionally clueless and lazy with tracking runners.

Pre-injury Gomez was still limited as a footballer, but he was so quick and strong he did a decent job alongside prime Virgil. He's never been the same though since that patella tendon injury and it really is time he moved now. I'd lump in Tsimikas with that too.

A team is only as good as its weakest link and when you have players like Tsimikas and Gomez who can't play simple one or two touch football, your whole build up breaks down and quite often you get done on the counterattack. They're the only senior players in our squad who just aren't top level on the ball and it's caused an over reliance on Trent and Robertson for years, which has totally burned them out too. Bradley is the first decent back up full back we've had in years.

I applaud the unconditional support some fans have given Gomez. In fact, I admire your patience to still hope he can get back to what he was. I have to say though that my opinion has never changed in the last 3 or 4 years and I believe he just isn't good enough.

17 May 2024 08:18:33
So that’s Matip, ibou, kostas, Gomez maybe Trent To get sold and then buy a lcb. Next season is going to be interesting.

17 May 2024 06:39:53
There is no doubt konate is a good player but neither his body nor mind seem capable to be our first choice CB thru whole season. so should we keep him as 3rd choice or SVB and Quansah can do a job there.

Gomez is needed as he can slot in multiple Positions and is no mug.

TAA to move to midfield and Bradley as starting RB. TAA and Gomez must be enough for RB cover

Tsimikas may be sold and replaced by a new younger player which has higher ceiling.

Endo is good player but should not be first choice for team with our ambition. we will get a new Defence minded midfielder so baj can be deputy. so no place for endo.

Jones, Gravenberch and Elliot are all to similar players and we should keep only 2 of above. Elliot will be staying however one needs to go.

We also needs to decide what to do with Carvalho

In fwd position Salah the legend seems to be having his last match with us.
Jury still out on Nunez but we should keep him as out of option.

Mac, new DM, TAA, Baj, Elliot and Jones/ Gravenbach and Carvalho as our new MF.

We should replace Salah with Soboz.
And sign a younger understudy.

So Diaz, Gapko, Jota, nunez, soboz and new guy will be fwd line.

17 May 2024 06:41:57
I would keep Gomez, good squad player homegrown and if Slot plays the inverted fb then I think Gomez is well suited to that.

17 May 2024 07:23:02
Not brain dead at all salah and I do realise he's had a good season. He would bring in good money because of that, would you like a new centre half Salah? im assuming you would, so would you let Konate, Quansah or Virg go ahead of a Gomez who has shown he is not good enough at centrehalf? Then would you play him ahead of Trent/ Bradley at RB? And we can't assume Robertson going to have another stop start season like this one and Beck the best LB in scotland is returning to the club. So where in hell is Gomez, someone we could realistically get 30-35m for going to get games. I love Gomez as much as the next fan, there was a time when I thought he was going to be top notch but his career hasn't turned out that way. We can't stockpile players out of loyalty, let's let the players not good enough to be here move on and give the new manager and Edwards/ hughes etc the funds to get some top quality in. We had. This same attitude with nat phillips and look how that's panned out.

17 May 2024 08:50:48
Bit much that, Salah, saying someone's brain dead just because they suggest selling Gomez. I agree he's filled in well, this season, covering various positions. He's very much a jack of all trades ( apart from scoring) but a master of none.

17 May 2024 09:28:17
Scouse John, I wouldn't sell all of them myself, that'd be too much transition. I think next season we should go into it with Robbo, Quansah, Virgil, Konate and Bradley from the current crop as defensive options. Trent I'd move forward as an AM and RW option. Bring Sepp Van den Berg (CB/ RB) back into the fold for sure, then bring Owen Beck (LB/ LM) or Chambers (LB/ CB) into the first team as well depending on who has the better pre-season. I think we only need to sign a new left sided CB such as Pacho who will be comfortable in a fluid backline, given Slot also likes to invert one full back.

I think our main issue defensively this year was tactics and the back ups not being fit enough or good enough. If our starting back 4 first game of next season was Robbo, Virgil, Quansah and Bradley I wouldn't be worried at all. However if I looked at the bench and saw Gomez and Tsimikas as the options to come on because Matip and Konate were injured again, then I would be concerned.

Robbo, Chambers/ Beck, Virgil, Pacho, Quansah, Konate, Van den Berg and Bradley is a decent 8/ 9 options for the defence that would be a huge step up on what we've had this season. That only requires us to move on Matip, Gomez and Tsimikas.

17 May 2024 10:30:54
I think gomez is over rated, you might as well try the youth, he realistically can only be trusted for a patch every season, his form is never consistent, and he is also injury prone.
He's been liable to plenty of goals this second half of the season which over shadows his good patch in my view.

If his wages weren't high i'd consider leaving him in.
Konate is an odd one, as he looked so good. Think you can only really make a decision once Slot has had time to look at our defence.

17 May 2024 10:58:08
I think Gomez issue this season is that he is 5th choice centre half, 3rd choice right back and 2nd or 3rd choice left back.

The good thing for him though is this is in accordance with Klopp who is leaving so the new manager might have big plans for him or he might not.

The same as every other player as its technically going to be a clean slate for the majority.

17 May 2024 11:10:36
I think lots of posters are under estimating Gomez. He's been excellent. If not for the horrific leg injuries he suffered he would currently be out best defender.
If he continues like this season there's no reason he will not fill his potential to become world class for a few seasons.

17 May 2024 11:51:36
Who are we going to replace all these defenders we are letting go / selling with?

17 May 2024 12:42:58
Gomez would have been our best defender were it not for his injuries? That is some statement, Walter.
He's not in the top five, for me.

17 May 2024 13:38:54
Epic statement Rigsby?Better than prime Van Dijk n all. West Derby I would replace Matip and Gomez with a new CB or VDB if he is seen as good enough by the new coach and Tsimikas with Beck or a new leftback. Only Gomez out of the three has played anything near regularly this season.

17 May 2024 14:54:26

Would you leave TAA at RB or move him into midfield? If he does move into the mids we have, given the people you’d see leave, are:

RB - Bradley
CB - VVD, Konate, Quansah and either VDB or a new LCB
LB - Robbo and Beck or a new LB

I don’t think that is enough numbers and certainly not enough proven quality to get us near the top 4 next season.

17 May 2024 20:25:28
I would let him compete for RB with Bradley. Bradleys that good that if Trent wants to play he is going to HAVE to be spot on in his attitude. And the more the both of them push each other to their limits the better for Liverpool.



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