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18 May 2024 18:45:54
Tomorrow will be a bizarre day. I have been watching Liverpool for 20 odd years and I don't remember anyone leaving where there seemed such emotion tied to it. Gerrard did to an extent but not too this level. I think that’s because it was on the cards due to performance and age.

Even though it’s been announced for 3-4 months, it still seems such a shock.

His tenure is littered with moments that just the players names can bring back some terrific memories.

Origi (x at least three! )

And the list could go on.

Klopp will be judged by other fans by his record, which maybe is light for the size of the club. But when you consider where we were, the long wait we were experiencing and the team we had. That’s before you put city in the equation which only time will show the impact of their charges.

The journey is one we will reminisce about for decades and hopefully his legacy will be the foundation he has laid for slot and future managers. Again only time will answer that.

But for now, we need to enjoy the last game, give the man the best send off possible and see where out future goes from here.

At the end of the day, we only feel this sadness due to the highs he has taken to and I can confirm I am now 100% a believer.

Agree15 Disagree0

18 May 2024 20:04:22
I’m just grateful that he was our manager. He brought the pride back. But for 115 FC and their unique accounting methods, Klopp would have more titles, but that doesn’t throw shade on what he achieved, but for Klopp, 115 FC would be making it seem even more of a farmers league than it’s becoming.

18 May 2024 21:57:00
People look at trophies as the be all and end all.

We were dormant for years. Then Juergen came. Kaboom!

18 May 2024 22:57:43
I’m quite cool about it, maybe because I’m older.

Probably Kenny leaving was the most shocking and disappointing move for me. No-one wanted him to leave, everyone was upset. Everyone understood his decision.

After that, nothing is quite as emotional.

Of course I’m grateful for Jurgen and will never forget his achievements, but he’s leaving at the right time.

19 May 2024 00:21:57
Totally agree! Yeah if anyone think his achievements are light by comparing his to that golden era decades ago, ok I won't argue a single bit.

For me, I'm comparing his achievements to the era of H&G, so for me, he is a legend!

Good bye and thank you so much, Klopp.

19 May 2024 01:05:01
The time is right because Klopp has said it is. He needs a break and he deserves one but time will tell how it will affect the club. It had to happen one day though.
Tomorrow will be emotional because he is an emotional and likeable bloke. I guarantee that he will get emotional and that affect a lot of us. He's been more than just a manager. He massively bought into this club and it was like we had a fan, no different to the rest of us, managing the club.
If he wasn't so likeable and good at his job tomorrow wouldn't be so difficult.
Anyway, I'll put my big boys pants on, gulp several times and chop some onions for tea just before the end of the game.

19 May 2024 01:51:15
The best thing is that even though City will win the league tomorrow, no one will care because it will all be about Klopp. That will hurt pep’s fragile ego.

19 May 2024 03:28:50
Agreed Ron.

Great post WY.

One of them for me, I'm gutted we're here but it was always going to happen wasn't it? I just hope we can continue doing well. I also hope Klopp can just enjoy life for a while and relax, he's put everything in - good luck to the legend he is. An incredible person and an incredible manager, one which will be talked about long after us lot are gone.

19 May 2024 07:01:46
See I personally don’t get this trophy talk. Sometimes you have to look beyond that, especially when your competition has been the Man City juggernaut.

In 9 years Klopp took Liverpool to three champions league finals and won one.

Ferguson got to four in 27 years and won 2.

Wenger got to one champions league final in 22 years and lost.

Pep has only taken that monster of a City team to 2 finals and won one.

Also, Klopp finished second, twice, on more points than either Man Utd or Arsenal ever achieved under either of their legendary managers.

Yes, he could, potentially should, have won more trophies but he took a team that was nowhere, spent less than all his contemporaries and took that team from nowhere to win the lot.

19 May 2024 07:08:34
Shanks set the tone - he showed the fans the dream and brought it to life. He understood people and he was attuned to the city and the city took him to heart.

Great people followed him with King Kenny perhaps the most shining example. A brilliant footballer but much more a fine human being who did so much for the community, in times of horrendous adversity.

All the best keepers of the dreams have had the quality of understanding people, of empathy with them and an ability to inspire them and not just in a football sense.

Jurgen stands with the best of the ‘dream keepers’, a great footballing mind but far more a great human being too. As @WY said, we are sad because we will miss the joy he has brought us. Anything but the ‘normal one’.

Thank you Jurgen. You will be greatly missed but will always be remembered fondly.

19 May 2024 09:48:50
Guys as someone told me, "Do not be sad that it has ended. Be glad that it happened". From this point, I cannot see my LFC world without Klopp in it. It feels so weird now cos of how he has impacted me as a fan and personally, as a human being. Wometimes when I listen to him speak about footie, his ethos to it and life in general, I feel he is talking to me directly. Some of his quotes will stay with me forever. That's how much he impacted me, personally.

Therefore, I agree with the boys who say it's not all about the trophies even tho, they are great to have. Managers have won more than Klopp YET will NEVER be as impactful to the fan base, the city and the lives of it's people the way Klopp has an all 3 clubs he has managed. Imagine being reverred and loved to the bones at 3 diff. clubs, cities and fan bases as Klopp currently is. Wenger, Pep, Carlo, Jose, etc. will NEVER have this.

Klopp taught us a lot of things. He taught us to believe in ourselves again. To let the past go rather than carry it on our backs like we had been doing for 25 plus years. To dream big, Play big and WIN big. And when we got knocked down, Klopp taught us how to get back on that saddle and kept going and trying till we won again. This is Klopp's legacy, one that transcends football and trophies. This is what Klopp means to me.

But for now we celebrate you Jurgen, and your family esp. Queen Ulla herself, who was gracious enuff to share you with us for all these 9 years.

You will NEVER be forgotten.



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