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17 May 2024 08:05:29
Trent will stay and wants to stay. he should be moved to midfield and a team built around him. We are not desperate for money and selling your most valuable player just because it would raise funds is completely daft. I have no doubt he will be a midfielder next season with Bradley at RB.

Even though I fully believe this should happen it’s quite tough to decide who else plays in midfield between Mac and Harvey, obviously with a new DM hopefully coming in. Trent should also be appointed captain and Lord of Frodsham.

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17 May 2024 08:46:55
Trent isn't a midfielder and never will be in my opinion. He needs to fight it out with Bradley to nail the right back position. We all wait to see what Slot's take on it is, as it's only his opinion that matters.

17 May 2024 09:29:30
Slot likes inverted FB's so I think Trent is going to play the same role under him. Personally, I do not like this whole inverted stuff for reasons I have explained already and think Trent should either play RB or in midfield and not both in one go BUT, what can I do. Let's see how Slot plays him in the inverted role and then, we can judge cos he may just tweak it a little bit.

17 May 2024 09:42:26
Rome1977, I think Trent has to become a midfielder for us. His attitude to defending has been dreadful. I do think though that he could be superb in a free role behind the forward or out wide on the right side of attack whipping in crosses.

His ability to create from deep is great but it's no longer worth the lack of solidity at the back in my opinion, because he's regressed defensively for some reason. I'm concerned he might push for a move to Real Madrid though. I get that he's a local lad but that didn't stop Mcmanaman or Owen! If we're serious on Rodrygo to replace Salah as well, Madrid might see that as an opportunity to twist our arm.

17 May 2024 10:28:44
I would 100% try him in midfield in preseason, that's the only way to tell if he'd fit a system.

17 May 2024 10:56:08
Seen the quotes that Bellingham has been sending Trent pics of houses for sale in Madrid.

We all know clubs will get players to have a word with their mates etc. So i can't imagine Bellingham is doing this as a joke and Real are very much interested in Trent.

17 May 2024 11:04:46
Might as well put Alison in midfield.
Both would be as about as useful as each other there.
The best thing for Trent and Liverpool would be for Trent to move on to a new club.

17 May 2024 11:17:54
The best thing for Liverpool? Have a word!

17 May 2024 11:50:15
Didn’t Trent play in midfield coming through 5he age groups?

17 May 2024 12:16:55
Lol Walter, I agree Allison could probably do a job anywhere in the team and I could see him and Trent in midfield if injuries got too bad. Totally agree with MK here, Trent is a forward player and can hurt any team in the final third a born playmaker. Behind a striker that can finish this would be deadly.

17 May 2024 12:27:20
Trent did play in midfield when he was coming through the ranks. And I don't get this "attitude towards defending" thing.

I believe that Trent is not being asked to track back but rather, be on standby to receive the ball when our other defenders win it so that he can launch a ball forward. And we all know he has the ability to do that. It sounds nice on paper but in practice, it just overwhelms our other defenders as they are being pulled all over the pitch. When Trent, as he has done occasionally this season, sticks out wide, he would track back and we look solid. This tells me that he is by instruction, nor being told to track back.

17 May 2024 12:37:03
So Trent can't play in midfield because he switches off, can't tackle, can't head, doesn't sprint back all the time etc?
Mac, Szob, Grav, Elliott and Jones don't do the above either but TAA is a better passer of the ball than all of them.

17 May 2024 14:53:57
Finding all these “fans” who are asking Trent (one of our own) to move on very bizarre!

There’s a reason Madrid want him.

There’s a reason he’s been top for most assists in a premier league season.

I am also very against selling local players that understand the culture of the club, to replace them with players who definitely don’t (eg Rodrygo) … who do you think will cut and run when times get tough? And who will stay and fight?

17 May 2024 17:04:12
Navy Keith IMO, these "fans" are looking at the cash we can get for him (they don't even know what he is worth to us) so they can salivate on what new players they have discovered on FIFA we can splurge it on and go brag to their friends on Twitter saying, "We got (insert player here) ".

17 May 2024 21:27:50
Trent’s defensive problems this season aren’t down to switching off or being lazy IMO. He’s got Mo in front of him who rarely tracks back. He’s asked to get up the pitch where he’s at his most dangerous but in previous seasons he had Hendo and Fab filling in whenever he was caught upfield and we’d lost possession. He hasn’t got the same protection this season and you can see there’s hesitation in his play and decision making that wasn’t there before.

17 May 2024 23:16:47
Good points, Scootinio.



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