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11 May 2024 16:30:02
Ed's do you think if Nunez were to leave we would look at Sesko.

{Ed002's Note - No.}

Agree1 Disagree7

11 May 2024 17:19:51
The potential Salah replacements have been posted a few times but if Nunez were to leave Ed who could come in to replace him.

{Ed002's Note - I am not aware of any plans for him to leave. A couple of the wide players looked at by Liverpool are versatile enough to play as a striker, but the club are not seemingly looking for a striker.}

11 May 2024 18:31:47
If anything changes re:Nunez it's likely to be his position but even that I'm not certain of. It depends on Slot's team planning.

11 May 2024 19:07:19
Why do so called Liverpool supporters/ fans desperately want Nunez to go, every day posters asking about Nunez replacements etc, I must be one of the only ones on here that wants him to stay, I love everything about the man regardless of how he plays.

{Ed014's Note - you need to read that last sentence again Sid.

11 May 2024 21:17:27
I think he has done well. He has out scored / assisted saka who last year was being called for by fans to replace mo if he left.

11 May 2024 23:36:39
Agree with Ed014.

11 May 2024 23:45:45
Scouse John, Nunez has outscored/ assisted Saka? In what season?

12 May 2024 00:41:02
It’s a matter of record on this forum that for about a season and two thirds I wasn’t convinced by Nunez. At the time I don’t think my opinion was shared by many people. I started to see his genuine potential about 3 or 4 months ago and I honestly think he can be a real asset for us. Of course, as soon as I changed my mind so did most other people and now I find myself in the minority again - funny old game football as Mr Greaves used to say.

I think that Nunez is a ‘confidence’ player - as per the recent in-depth debate re (top) performers and I think his own confidence dropped off a cliff when we were knocked out of the FA Cup. I also think his fragile confidence took a battering with the ‘criticism’ he took on social media as evinced by his removing the football content from his account (a move that shouldn’t be required but given the effect on him and, probably, his family was warranted) .

A bit of a break, a new manager, a fresh set up and hopefully the confidence in him from his team mates and he can shine for us.

12 May 2024 03:45:43
You would Ron.

12 May 2024 05:58:31
Ron, you really do hate Nunez don't you.

12 May 2024 07:03:37
Sesko? Don’t know how the supporters would feel about him running round in his thong thong thong thong? Or av I got the wrong one ???.

12 May 2024 09:32:32
I don’t hate Nunez, I like him as a pro. I don’t know anything about him outside of football so that’s how I make my assessment of him.
I don’t think he’s good enough for a team which wants to challenge for the premier league.

If a football fan says “I love everything about the man REGARDLESS OF HOW HE PLAYS”?

That makes them more a Nunez fan than an LFC fan.

12 May 2024 09:47:29
Sid19, it seems Nunez's detractors are trying their utmost best to insert "mind control" on to the LFC heirarchy to control them into getting rid of Darwin. Good luck with that, guys.

12 May 2024 10:14:23
Do all of you Nunez supporters remember why we bought him?
When we played against him he destroyed our defence twice. He played out wide in both games so maybe central isn't his game?

12 May 2024 10:14:41
Nunez certainly isn't on top form, but I think everyone can see that he has massive potential. Now I can't speak for others on here, but I would like to think that LFC is a club that would want to nurture players to reach their potential with us. If that's not the case then yeah we shouldn't be patient with him and get rid. If we are that sort of club then I think Nunez has all the attributes to be a top class number 9 and I believe he will get there, I believe the club will support him to get there and I think he wants to reach that level as well. And you know what even if he doesn't, even if he stays at the exact same level he is right now, he's still scored 18 goals and made 13 assists. That's good enough for me any season and that he can obviously be so much better than that makes keeping and supporting him a no brainer for me.

12 May 2024 11:13:00

12 May 2024 12:58:54
I like Nunez but he has struggled at times this season but then so have the other forwards.

I’ve always been a big defender of Jota on here when he used to get the criticism but Nunez is far more available than Jota and the best ability a player can have is availability.

I’d be happy to see all our forwards still here next season and every one of them having a better season than this one. And that’s not to say they’ve had a bad season. .

12 May 2024 13:59:06
I know it sounds crazy but Nunez will get much better if he learns to speak English. You can’t succeed in any team if you can’t effectively communicate with your team mates and coaches. He can basically only talk to Lijnders, Thiago, Jota, Macca, Diaz and Alisson.

If he can’t or won’t learn English then he needs to move on because he’s impossible to properly coach until he can have a conversation. If his social media blackout is his way of saying he wants to leave then I hope we sign a player coming into their prime with a proven track record in the Premier League, rather than another 23 year old from abroad we will have to wait on to develop or adapt. Watkins, Bowen, Solanke etc.

12 May 2024 15:09:26
Watkins and Bowen are far too expensive for their age and relatively limited time left at the top. Bowen is 28 this year and Watkins 29. They’re not coming into their prime, if anything their prime will be over in a couple of years. Notwithstanding the fact they’d cost way over £100m which simply isn’t worth it. As for Solanke, he’s just having a hot streak at the moment nothing more than that. One good season in the premier league is not proven track record at all. I think going down the “proven premier league player” would be a stupid recruitment policy, as that’s the one that led us to sign Stewart Downing and Joe Cole, as they were apparently proven premier league players in their prime.

12 May 2024 14:45:13
@MK - where has Nunez said he wants to leave? Genuine question. There were a couple of bits of reporting from journalists who are close to the club that Nunez was a Klopp signing (shock, horror a manager wanting to sign a player) which may or may not have been over analysed by social media watchers and interpreted as ‘ the club wanting to get rid of Nunez’, as 2 + 2 = 5.

Nunez himself removed football content from (some of) social media streams quite likely due to the tone and content of the messages from the football loving community. Again our social media watchers may have failed with their additions with the outcome that Nunez wants to leave.

There’s been nothing from the club or the player (or his agent? ) that has him wanting to leave the club.

I’d say the need for one, possibly even 2 CBs, a (D) CM and a potential replacement for Mo would be prioritised over the want / need to sell Nunez (or Diaz) .

12 May 2024 16:11:09
@mk I get what you’re saying MK but let’s be real… speaking better English doesn’t help you bury a sitter.

His finishing needs to improve (technique, composure, shot choice, etc)

12 May 2024 16:39:38
The best availability a player can have or in this instance a striker is put the ball in the net and Darwin can’t do that. Jota can. I’d give Nunez another year personally.

12 May 2024 16:46:51
Don't think aguero spoke much English, didn't seem to hamper him?

12 May 2024 17:33:31
Finishing is coached. It’s a skill but it’s deluded to pretend there’s no coaching involved. Hard to coach players you can’t talk to.

Bowen and Watkins are 27 and 28. Prime years are 27-32 in my opinion. Solanke is 26 and I disagree it’s a purple patch. His all around game has been exceptional for 18 months and players of his ilk not reliant on pace keep getting better into their 30’s as well. We have an academy for developing players. We don’t need to sign players who can give us 6-8 years every time. It’s okay to sign the occasional ready made player. Didn’t hurt City signing Walker, Gundogan or Kovacic did it. Or us when we signed Milner ??‍♂️.

12 May 2024 18:14:07
Not a flippant question but when has a high profile striker come good after being given a couple of years to settle? I do like Nunez he reminds me of an old school player who plays on instinct. But I can't actually think of a player who started knocking them in for fun in his third season.

12 May 2024 18:59:25
Bledd the only one I can think of is Suarez. But his was after a season and a half with us over 2 seasons.

12 May 2024 20:20:22
I like the 4-2-3-1 formation with the two holders covering for the full backs bombing on, the dms should be able to intercept passes, make a tackle and spray 40 yard passes. Do we have those players?

13 May 2024 06:34:41
If I remember rightly, Suarez spent almost an entire season hitting the woodwork. It wasn’t like he didn’t have the technique or composure to score, he was just incredibly unfortunate.

13 May 2024 07:24:35
@SID19. I wholeheartedly agree. Nunez should stay. If anything, he needs to play a more central position as an orthodox centre-forward to get the most out of his physical power and presence.



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