02 May 2024 19:03:17
Time for my yearly rant on kit prices.
Youth top - £60
Youth shorts - £32
Socks - £18
£110 for a full kit.
It's bordering on criminal.
I know schools in the north west that have food banks and offer other services to struggling families.
And before anybody starts I know it's the modern game but I just find that level of greed gross frankly. Charge adults what you like but the youth kits should never be that expensive in my humble opinion.
{Ed025's Note - im with you Wassa..
02 May 2024 19:30:25
Don’t buy it ?♂️. It’s not necessary to join the gravy train. Doesn’t make you less of a fan, just one with a conscience. Give some of the cash to that food bank instead and sleep easy knowing you’ve made a difference ?.
{Ed025's Note - good idea that Irish..
02 May 2024 19:43:09
And have an unhappy child who desperately wants the kit and has no understanding of a food bank and later life.
{Ed025's Note - i dont think its buying presents for a child that makes them happy WM, especially if you cant afford it mate..
02 May 2024 19:52:04
Probably all made in sweatshops as well.
02 May 2024 20:15:01
Not arsed myself. You can either buy it or not. That’s the free choice you have as a consumer. Personally I’m happy with my adidas originals 85/ 86 reissue. Timeless classic doesn’t need updating.
02 May 2024 20:25:00
I get dodgy ones from China now for about £10.
I say dodgy, you can’t tell the difference. I took him in it to sports direct and I was comparing them and I couldn’t tell, I almost took it to the till to get a “refund” lol
It means I can get my lad the home and away kits and a few other ones and he can wreck them all he likes playing footie in them. And I’ll be honest, even if I was made of money, I’d still buy them out of principle now because that amount of money for a kids kit is absolutely disgusting and shameful.
02 May 2024 20:42:25
War machine
Your time is the greatest gift you can give your kids. Watching them PLAY football is more important than buying an expensive kit mate.
{Ed025's Note - absolutely Irish..
02 May 2024 20:46:54
To be honest, what self respecting parent would get their kid a full kit, you’re condemning them to being a FKW.
{Ed025's Note - or even worse...a Liverpool supporter.. :)
02 May 2024 21:04:58
Sorry all maybe Im not clear in the point I was trying to make.
Here’s an example:
Since 2016 the Liverpool Foundation has ran the Red Neighbours programme and following a consultation with sixty community leaders in the Anfield, Kirkby and Melwood areas they identified a number of issues on the clubs doorstep. One of those was food poverty.
On the one hand the clubs own charity is assisting with food poverty and then on the other they are charging a ton for a kids football kit.
02 May 2024 20:55:08
Stopped buying them for my kids a few years ago, they'll get much more enjoyment if you buy them t shirts of their favourite cartoon characters etc, depending on age of course and its much cheaper.
Working man's game quickly becoming the rich man's game.
02 May 2024 20:56:52
@Warmachine, for a start kids need to learn they aren’t going to get everything they want in life (and I know, I’ve wanted as Aston Martin fair about 50 years) and secondly we should be teaching kids about what they need rather than what they want.
02 May 2024 21:01:02
Spot on Irish Rover ?.
02 May 2024 21:35:46
Very easy to get good fakes for a quarter of the price.
02 May 2024 22:08:07
It needs to return as a two year kit, better for the pocket, people can be the early adopters or get it the season after for a discounted price. Plus it’s better from a fast fashion point of view.
I’m fully aware that it won’t though as the manufacturers are on a gravy train.
As for buying it for kids, I don’t see the point, they grow out of it within a year. But I appreciate the peer pressure element of keeping up with the jones’.
02 May 2024 22:35:44
Wassa, clubs don’t set the price of the kits. Adidas/ Nike etc pay clubs the 50-60m/ season (or whatever) to produce and sell the kits. They’re the ones who set the price point.
02 May 2024 22:45:30
two good posts there Irish Rover.
02 May 2024 23:25:17
More chance of it being a monthly kit wy, what with the parasites around football these days. At least in the 90s you had mainly local businessmen. Nowadays you have all the worst and most shady companies with links to all sorts from slavery to terrorism running these clubs.
They sure as hell don't care about our pockets and would ramp the ticket prices up tenfold if it not for the fear of fan rebellion.
03 May 2024 00:09:35
Talking of kits, our neighbours are Bluenoses and with today being a good drying day their child's Everton kit was pegged out on the washing line in preparation for next season's relegation battle, presumably.
Anyway, the Mum came round this evening asking whether we'd seen anything as someone had been in their back yard and robbed the pegs off the clothes line.
03 May 2024 01:48:39
I like the black keeper shirt but wouldn't be given the home one.
03 May 2024 08:26:41
It's bad Wassa but what can you do. The cost to run a football club climbing at an alarming rate.
The costs will never stop rising for us fans until player wages, agent fees and maybe even transfer fees are capped. Clubs barely make a profit nowadays so are they greedy, or are they just trying to cover the costs of greed within the sport?
03 May 2024 10:03:53
Just buy your kids copy kits for about £20/ 30 my son has loads. can't tell the difference.
03 May 2024 12:04:32
Wassa, my kids aren't that into football so all good for me there. Personally, I stopped buying kits 15 years ago when it started costing an arm and a leg and judging by the prices they go for today, Ain't buying nothing any time soon.
03 May 2024 12:19:28
DH Gate! Sod buying at full price! Complete rip off. I bought my kids last kit with his name on the back etc and shorts and socks and was £16. Exactly the same.
03 May 2024 15:15:18
Rigsby I hope there weren't any socks attached to them pegs. One of the funniest things I've ever seen at the match was the Derby in a replay in the fa Cup where every time we got a throw in some fella shouted "SOCKS" and about 20 pairs of socks got launched. But then Everton won in the last minute so the novelty wore off very quickly.