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26 May 2024 14:40:37
@westwood, I have watched every game, including the 3pm kick offs and Joe Gomez has never been better than VVD and never will be better than VVD.

As for Quansah, he is learning his game but I would put him before joe every day of the week. Gomez has been at the club for one reason, Klopp never wanted to let one of his boys leave so Gomez was kept here.

His decision making when he has time is awful. 9 times out of 10 he misses placing his passes. he gets caught out of position or he is ball watching. I am not slagging Gomez off, I am pointing out in my opinion his failures, which he commits on 90% of the games he plays in and he is surplus to LFC and he knows this. that is why he has asked to leave. he knows he does not have klopp at the club to cover his back.

Agree5 Disagree0

26 May 2024 15:14:24
Gomez isn’t a Klopp boy he was bought by Rodgers.

26 May 2024 16:33:15
I think people want him to succeed because he’s a nice guy but if they take off the red tinted specs they will see he can’t effectively play simple 2 touch football, his delivery from wide areas is poor, his incessant need to shoot from 25 yards is infuriating, he is aerially weak hence why he’s not even sent forward for corners, he is positionally inept, and bottles out of 50/ 50’s far too often for such a big bloke.

He’s simply not top level. Any neutral can see it. Yes he still has decent recovery pace and is versatile, but he’s just not good enough. He’s been nowhere near our best defender this season contrary to what I keep reading. He’s been called up to England because Southgate has no fit left backs. Virgil got nominated for POTY, Quansah and Bradley had exceptional breakthrough campaigns even getting picked ahead of Gomez in his two preferred positions, Konate and Matip were both ahead of him when fit, and the only reason Gomez got so much game time at LB is because Robbo struggled with injury all year and Tsimikas is an even worse footballer.

Sentiment aside, Gomez has to go. He’s long over due a move. Being English and not caring whether he plays or not aren’t good enough reasons to keep him. You have to be ruthless and he’s a player we can easily upgrade on. Same goes for Tsimikas who is equally bad but at least takes an okay corner. Matip and Thiago have rightfully not been offered new deals given their injury records. These 4 players have held us back with lack of ability and availability. It’s a squad game nowadays and they are all weak links in the squad.

26 May 2024 16:55:05
Agree to disagree.

26 May 2024 17:11:50
Very harsh on Gomez imo. He was quality in the year we won the league next to VVD and has had some issues since (injuries and mental) . He’s not turned in to a bad player overnight and can get back to where he was with some confidence and a run at CB.

26 May 2024 17:42:46
Brommers that was 5 years ago mate. How long can we cling to that before it gets ridiculous? Maybe buy back Firmino? He was world class 5 years ago.

26 May 2024 18:25:33
Gomez is versatile and I'd keep him for that reason. W Bradley and Gomez as our full backs our back four was far more solid when Trent and Robertson were out injured.

26 May 2024 18:45:47
MKS is correct. Gomez ain't the player he was back then, and that much is pretty clear. however saying Gomez oo-utplayed VVD this season is some crazy stuff cos he doesn't even play CB anymore.

26 May 2024 21:18:08
I know Rogers bought Gomez, but Klopp loved him as was shown in how he kept him in the squad when we could all see he was not the player he was. For all you guys who have said he is a squad player keep him do not think by doing this will hamper talent who need to make the break through like Bradley has saved the club millions .

Let me remind you gents and ladies the
best managers of LFC have moved on far better players than Gomez because they could spot a decline in the player Danny Ings for example.
I have no axe to grind over Gomez I really appreciate how good the lad was before his bad injuries but when your time at the club is up then it time to move on he can still play for lesser team no disrepect ment.

27 May 2024 00:40:22
No-one said that Oli. VVD is still our best CB and no-one was comparing performances by position. But that VVD is our best defender on the back of last season's defensive efforts isn't really saying much is it? They were all awful IMO. If Gomez is rubbish then so are the rest of them because our best defensive efforts came when Gomez came in to cover Injuries. If Gomez should go for not being good enough, then we should replace the whole defence. Seeing as that isn't going to happen, I'm not going to dunk on a player that seems to the popular whipping boy right now on here for some reason, just like Jones, Jota, and others before him. In a week or two it'll be someone else. Boring.

27 May 2024 02:38:20
Gomez worst performances came when he was either played, bizarrely, as a defensive midfielder, or as an inverted fullback. If he’s played as a normal overlapping fullback he has the pace to get up and down, to recover, and does have a good cross on him. He was not utilized properly and it’s probably why it was said he played best at left back: because he wasn’t required to invert and try and be a part of the midfield.

27 May 2024 05:01:26
“Including the 3pm kick-offs” - comedy gold ???.

27 May 2024 08:47:04
Gomez is a great squad player. He may not be first choice in a fully fit squad but he can play right across the back line seems happy enough knowing this. Sorry to keep saying the word “SQUAD ” but that’s what we need players capable of being bit part players. Waiting for chance knowing they could get 10-20-30 games. Not a lot of players out there who we could convince to play that role and be capable of it too.

27 May 2024 10:54:27
That's it Scouse John. No-one here has said Gomez is the answer to our prayers and will be the stalwart in a league winning defence. But a squad needs capable utility players and I don't think you will find one that combines experience, ability, attitude, versatility and HG quota across the backline than the man we already have. So why get rid and need to cover with 2/ 3 others?



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