Liverpool rumours 66568


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29 Nov 2023 02:26:19
Ed 002
Tomori looks like a wasted talent in the current AC Milan team, surely time to move on for him?
Has any prem teams looked at him for the coming winter window or the summer 24 window and have Liverpool checked him out as an alternative to Inacio?

{Ed002's Note - Yes tghere is interest but he is not on the list for Liverpool.}

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29 Nov 2023 09:48:22
That’s odd - a product of the Chelsea Academy and we aren’t interested. Strange days.

29 Nov 2023 11:26:49
Were waiting till 2030 when he hits his peak.

29 Nov 2023 22:04:01
Serious question…. is he any good? Think I have only seen him play (on tv) maybe 3 or 4 times. Similar age to Joe Gomez, how does he compare? I don’t watch much football outside the Premier League.

29 Nov 2023 19:01:26
Interesting, are you able to share any names on the list that haven't been frequently discussed in here? Have there been any new developments?

{Ed002's Note - I have provided a list.}



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