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30 Apr 2024 23:23:14
Repp, who played in the 1974 and 1978 World Cup finals for Holland (it was a great team, by the way), is quoted on Talk Sport website as saying that Slot can win the Premiership in his first season. I am not saying we will, but what a great endorsement of Slot by a very-good former player.

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01 May 2024 08:51:43
That would be absolutely marvellous if Mr Slot could do this. A few managers if I recall correctly won the league at the 1st attempt.
If he does win the league how many people will put the praise on klopp though?

01 May 2024 09:54:40
Managing at Feyernoord is nothing like Liverpool. He had much less competitive teams, virtually no pressure and no egos to deal with.

I wish him the best, but it's a huge gamble. Although, to be fair, every option was.

01 May 2024 09:59:13
If we win the League next season people can praise whoever they want!
If we don't, I won't blame Johnny Rep.
He was ok in Pirates of the Caribbean and Donnie Brasco but I don't know what his football knowledge is like.

01 May 2024 11:20:16
Come on, GHIATI9. Never heard the guy speak for years if not decades and now, he's talking? He could have given a full endorsement of Slot (like many have done) without speaking such nonsense. Not arsed about such statements cos even Repp himself knows that ain't going to happen.

01 May 2024 15:02:04
Stop all the negativity! We like it or not, a new era is on the way, and we should embrace it with all trepidation but not doom and gloom.

I'm just going to enjoy it, and I advise you do the same! Either way, the team needs a refresh; we've been playing really badly the last couple of games, so let's sow up this season and this era and move to the next.
Say whatever you like but there were very few options available anyway for a manager to replace Klopp, so l3ts stop longing for what's not practical. Ed002 made a good call on Slot and that's good enough for me. For now. Support your team!

01 May 2024 16:01:02
Let’s get behind Slot and give him all the support he deserves.

01 May 2024 18:41:17
This season hasn't finished yet ?⚽️✌.

{Ed025's Note - you may be in the minority there i think Laddie mate.. :)

01 May 2024 23:56:56
It might start again at the weekend if we win and Arsenal and City were to lose. We’d need a good supply of tablets for next week if that were the case ?.



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