Liverpool rumours 66899


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21 May 2024 12:14:07
Tsimikas to Brentford for £40 million? Edward's working his magic again.

Agree8 Disagree1

21 May 2024 12:45:55
£40m? Sure that’s not £4m?

{Ed025's Note - or 4 pence.. :)

21 May 2024 12:46:15
You missed the decimal place.

21 May 2024 12:53:59
40 millipedes?

21 May 2024 14:41:04
40 million Iranian Rial?

21 May 2024 14:55:19
I like him. Takes a couple of weeks to get integrated but he has been a good backup to Robbo.

21 May 2024 14:59:41
Wow- hard to believe Source?

{Ed002's Note - It is a troll writing rubbish.}

21 May 2024 16:42:35
We all know that Simply red is Mick Hucknall, who is a Manure fan.

21 May 2024 17:17:53
I'd love to see Beck given a chance as backup, if he excels in the first team the same way Bradley has then the future looks very bright indeed. At the same time though, I'd be sad to see Tsimikas go - he's a more than capable backup to Robertson and seems to be a good guy as well.

{Ed025's Note - good guy...but an awful player RH..

21 May 2024 18:26:54
Think with Beck and Chambers at the club, Tsimi's time at the club is at an end. good guy, and tried his best.

21 May 2024 18:55:27
He’s not awful Ed025, just not the best.

{Ed025's Note - thats a matter of opinion Tom, im sticking by mine mate..

21 May 2024 20:16:10
Can’t just get rid of experienced players for kids. Lack of experience cost us in the run in.

21 May 2024 22:09:27
So when would you start playing youngsters then @Scouse John? Would you hold back Bradley and Elliot and Baj and Quansah for 2 or 3 years? After all they are only 20 / 21? I think that if a player is ready then age doesn’t matter and the preparation the days is a lot more comprehensive than it was in days gone by.

22 May 2024 08:38:01
How old is Cole Palmer? Look what regular football has done for him. 20/ 21 year olds are ready for regular game time, provided they are not overplayed and run into the ground, which could happen with a smaller / Non City like squad.
If we had bought Gvardiol, as myself and others were calling for, Quansah would have had very little game time this season and would probably be moving off to somewhere like Bournmouth for 15m, to go on and become a top-class CB.



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