25 Nov 2023 20:23:47
Some serious overreactions from some of the "fans" on this site today. Even the chat was toxic, AGAIN.
25 Nov 2023 22:32:32
I was only on the last 10 mins of the chat and the discussion after but I didn't see your 'toxicity', maybe it happened before but it was all good form from what I saw.
25 Nov 2023 23:19:28
No toxicity, just a couple of trolls who just seem to constantly spout laughable inflammatory rubbish and the usual emotional, in the heat of the moment, over reaction by some of the more regular chat posters (including myself probably) I love the chat.
26 Nov 2023 07:22:37
I'm always there, and it takes some getting used to, but it's fine. You get the whole spectrum of type of "football fans". And it can actually become super funny. Some posters are unanimously ignored and yet they keep posting on there throughout the game. As I've said before, it's the refuge of the "unappreciated" for some (on the main pages) and I guess being in the live chat is the "venting release" many are looking for.
26 Nov 2023 08:34:07
“Refugee of unappreciated” ?????. You get more fans and less pundits on live chat.
26 Nov 2023 09:58:07
Harry, you also get very radical views there, but very subdued and "politically correct" views here. From the same people. Hint, hint ?.
26 Nov 2023 10:15:51
Couldn’t understand what Harry was getting at with “refugee of unappreciated “ thought he was going all political on us, until I read ArAy post. That extra E Harry, makes all the difference ?.
26 Nov 2023 10:58:01
Awk it's the same few trolls coming on a lot now, 2 at the start and one at the end and one that somehow comments to himself the whole way through it - its kinda sad but we all laugh at it now, what's the point of cracking up, that just gives the trolls what they want
The live chat usually good craic though, everybody has their own opinions and they're all welcome to share those opinions- same posters every match, kinda like meeting your mates in the pub type craic lol.
26 Nov 2023 12:15:19
Exactly, Bill. It can be, and is, a lot of fun, expecially with the regulars. What I like is some real meaningful football commentary and info is exchanged during the game and it's a lot less "stiff". And then you learn a whole lot of patience and restraint when the trolls get pathetically personal.