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26 Nov 2023 16:29:53
Ed001 any idea what Nunez and Pep was discussing at the end of the game mate yesterday? Nunez seemed wound about something that happened in the game but I don't really know what it was?

{Ed001's Note - just a bit of handbags mate, Nunez had got under Guardiola's skin and he reacted. It was nothing much.}

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27 Nov 2023 07:50:52
How do you rate Nunez ed1 as their has been countless people commenting on him and so much media attention on him

How do you rate him .

I personally think I’ve seen massive improvement in his all round play but his finishing still needs a tad work if that comes jeez watch out everyone . Reason I ask is I saw quotes from Robbie fowler having a little dig at him and I thought it was a tad unfair tbh .

Now that the stupid international break is done with for a good few months I fully expect to see more from him playing regular without the bonkers flights . (Apparently gabby agbonlahor thinks it’s not an excuse and shouldn’t affect a player don’t think he’s made it past his local chippy in 3 years the fool )

{Ed001's Note - I really like Captain Chaos, he causes the opposition so many problems even when it is not going for him. Once he gets that finishing sorted, he will be unstoppable.}

27 Nov 2023 08:40:13
ED1, you think something like composure in front of goal can be train? Its obviously different finishing in training and finishing in real match where the stakes is so different. Or it is something you develop as you grow old and playing more match?

{Ed001's Note - it can be both or neither. It really depends on so much. It is certainly possible to develop it through training, in fact that is one of the main aims of training is to make finishing, passing, control of the ball etc natural. But it can also be something that comes naturally with experience, as you gain perspective on life and what is truly important.}

27 Nov 2023 09:12:32
Nice analysis on Darwin, Ed. For me on the handbags, I think Darwin just told Pep like, "Don't think Im like that Arthur whose going to give you high fives when you score. You run up? You'll get done up, bro. "

27 Nov 2023 09:50:07
I love the memes doing the rounds on social media about that incident Oli - in one it has Nunez asking Guardiola 'what shampoo do you use? ' ???.

27 Nov 2023 11:13:51
Bill, that's wild, man. There was a post match reaction on one of my fav youtube channels and a commenter said Darwin told Pep like, "You're a cheat as a manager, just like you were as a player (pointing to the pitch) . Good luck in the Conference" or something like that. That done me, bro.



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