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30 Jan 2024 17:06:03
It’s quite a shame that God and Stevie haven’t really pushed on in their managerial career’s would be great to have either at the helm. Unfortunately they just haven’t really inspired. Any idea why they have struggled?

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30 Jan 2024 18:23:03
The same reason why I have a doctorate in metallurgy and not brain surgery.

30 Jan 2024 17:49:46
Imagine being an excellent actor and taking a lead role n a performance of one of Shakespeare’s plays and at the end of a stellar performance and taking everybody’s praise someone says ‘Can you right the play for next week? ’.

30 Jan 2024 19:01:01
It's an extremely difficult job that's why.

30 Jan 2024 23:30:29
Because being a manager/ coach has very little to do with your footballing ability. Two examples of this are Diego Maradona and Jurgen Klopp.

31 Jan 2024 10:30:07
To me, seeing Stevie as a manager feels a bit dull. Not sure he inspires or drives much hope in his squad with his dour demeanour.

31 Jan 2024 16:23:27
King Kenny was also labelled as dour by some, he didn't too badly as a manager did he?

31 Jan 2024 19:07:36
Most Scots are considered dour tho. that's a national requirement no? I jest.

Stevie was always someone to lead by example not necessarily in words so maybe part of the issue. That, and tactically the football I saw (mainly at Villa) was poor.

31 Jan 2024 19:37:05
Or you could be like Frank Lumplard vastly overrated as both a player and particularly as a manager.

01 Feb 2024 06:27:50
Benrichards - don’t know Scots well enough lol but the ones I do know are a hoot hahaha

I think the secret in Stevie’s propensity to manage is hidden in the detail when Rafa explained wanting to play Stevie at RM because he didn’t have the tactical mind to play CM the way he wanted (or words to that effect) . On reflection, it kinda says it all really.



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