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21 May 2024 17:03:03
And there it is. I see in a recent interview with The Redmen that Lijnders himself has taken "credit" for the inverted full-back tactics. Apparently Klopp was hesitant but Lijnders had a strop until Klopp relented.

Honestly I'm glad to see the back of this megalomaniac. I have a lot of emotions about the Klopp era but one of the more negative ones is "what if? " What if Klopp didn't have this clown in his ear, muddying his ideas? Would we have won more? No wonder Buvac left.

Agree17 Disagree0

21 May 2024 17:23:24
He has a point about the midfield being overran we were getting killed on the counter once we lost Bobby and gini, would of just been easier to go 3 at the back like Amorim or xabi as that seems to be the meta tactic in this era.

21 May 2024 17:27:37
Even at the send off I found him annoying. Jumped up. Time will tell, I guess.

21 May 2024 18:16:47
The fella would get up on himself if he could turn quick enough.

21 May 2024 18:28:58
You are children.

You’ve never been to training, never seen the dynamic and never interacted with any of these people and have decided to service an agenda to come out with this utter bilge.

Most top sides now try to invert fullbacks. Until 2 months ago it was an absolute success for us. We won a cup, we had 7 points robbed off us by awful officiating and you’re spouting this inane nonsense.

Lads, don’t breed.

21 May 2024 19:14:17
The thing is Why0why that regardless to what you think about Pep he has come out repeatedly on multiple platforms to make it clear how important he has been to our success. That isn’t an agenda on anybody’s part pointing that out, that’s simply a statement of fact.

If you listen/ watch the recent “reds roundtable” with him, Klopp, Alex inglethorp, Cody and Harvey he does something similar there. He is talking about the relationship between the fans, the team and the manager and he starts says “you where able to” (to Klopp) and quickly changes that to “we where able to” mid sentence. Fella can’t help himself.

I thank him for being part of the success and I wish him well but I’m not sad he’s going. I had more than enough ego with Rodgers at the helm.

21 May 2024 19:40:14
And yet Klopp clearly listened to him. Strange thing for a successful manager to do if Ljinders is "a clown" isn't it?

At the end of the day, if Ljinders' tactics were flawed, doesn't the buck stop with Klopp for going with them instead of saying no or sacking him and getting another assistant?

21 May 2024 20:30:31
And how do you know the changing it to ‘we’ rather than ‘you’ isn’t because Klopp has told them to speak like that as they are a team and it’s not just about Klopp. I can sort of see what people mean with Linders but Klopp made the final decisions. He comes across ok on the video with the 6 coaches on you tube. Plus his English isn’t perfect so all this he said we and not you is just r language not ego. Anyway if the guy took the training and was an integral part of the tactics he deserves some praise not just criticism.

21 May 2024 22:05:01
Some people don’t like Lijnders and take comments or media quotes at face value with little or no attempt at placing the snippet they take to heart within any sort of context and thus an opinion is formed that is then presented as fact.

At the end of the day, who cares? Life goes on - the much praisedJurgen has gone, the much criticised Pep has gone. Whatever the dynamic the most exciting era for the club in 35 years or so is over.

Time to open up the next chapter. Here’s hoping that in 10 years time Arne is seem in the same light as Jurgen and held in the same esteem.

21 May 2024 22:13:19
I'm pretty sure we're allowed an opinion without you screaming at us and telling us not to breed. Get off your high horse.



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