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17 Nov 2023 19:34:03
Ed025 if Everton get 10 points for all the charges city have they should be relegated to non league. It has been the best season for the 10 points to be taken Ed Burnley sheff utd and Luton are awful but I still think 10 points for you is definitely over the top.
But it is setting a a very high mark.

{Ed025's Note - it really is Grino, it means city should be playing in the Salford amateur league next season against the Dog and Duck mate.. :)

Agree0 Disagree7

17 Nov 2023 20:04:21
City will find someone to pay to get a four point deduction and complain how they were wronged but accept the overly harsh punishment.

18 Nov 2023 10:28:42
City will get a 30 million pound fine and will resign themselves to selling Kalvin Phillips just to cover the cost. Then it will be back to business as usual.

18 Nov 2023 13:35:40
The problem is now city have established themselves at the top table through the wrong doings . The same people that let them and was made up they are. now have to punish them . I remember Arsene wenger bringing up the naming rights up at the time and was perplexed how the league and fa where watching by as city quadrupled the largest deal in English premier league history for the naming rights of a stadium and it so happened to be another company that the city owner owned . That’s just transferring money from 1 account to another . So easily to stop but they let it happen as it was deemed a loophole .
Poor arsene got made out to be jealous and stubborn as he wasn’t spending lots at the time and fans and the football world all craved the big sums on anything football related .

City do need punished and severely but the rules also have to change . I’d like to see a wage cap brought in for players and transfer fees maybe to be in a tiered amounts based on a players contract length and age and stats . There are multiple ways to try and stop these things from happening.

Wage cap is so simple to implement
Any player that signs a 1st pro contract from 2030 can only earn x amount rising to a maximum amount annd that anmount cannot be exceeded and no more .

I don’t think 1 person that would say that they do t want to be a professional player now if their wage is capped it sure will pay more than my job still .

There are many more intelligent people in the industry than me who could come up with even better ways and structures than what I’ve mentioned . But the point I’m trying to make is we need to protect the game from becoming a circus about clubs and money rather than the game itself .

18 Nov 2023 13:44:20
Everton probably become the first team to drop points in international break. first in something eh ed025??.

{Ed025's Note - well we have to be famous for something Liverbird mate.. :)



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