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01 May 2024 11:53:13
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Nevada has written an article entitled, A quick fix to solve Liverpool's long-term problem?

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01 May 2024 15:20:26
Really interesting read that, Nevada. Psychologically, football is such a hard sport. Because you don’t just let yourself down, or even your team mates, but millions of fans globally. It’s so well followed that it makes international headlines if you miss a sitter in a close game in the Premier League.

01 May 2024 18:33:20
Totally agree, the amount of times teams turn up and “expect” to win against either out of form teams or teams lower in the league or go ahead by 2 or three goals and “switch off” has always intrigued me.

01 May 2024 19:36:47
I've been doing this professionally for a few years now since switching from being a radiographer, I'm lucky enough that I've worked in bubdesliga, serie a and b, NHL and with a few track and field athletes.

Sport is littered with highly talented athletes who end up wasting that talent because psychologically they just weren't at the right level

I did get hired by an NFL team for a few months but that was an utter waste of time and I left very quickly. People viewed me like a witch doctor in that sport which is a shame because that is the sport with the worst mental health problems in my opinion. That and tennis.

02 May 2024 05:11:52
I think if you we’re putting a label on the attribute lacking it would be “composure” for both Nunez and Diaz, who seem to really struggle with the key chances they should score, and “awareness/ vision” for Salah, who though gets into good positions often fails to pick out a team mate on an even better one in favor of a shot. Attributes I would argue Mane was better in than all those mentioned. I know he’d lost his spark a little in the last season with us, but Mane’s skill set just hasn’t been replaced yet. The psychological aspect is fascinating though, I do wonder why it’s still not given the level of brevity it so clearly deserves in professional sport.

02 May 2024 15:30:14
"The psychologist in me says that the data suggests our strikers struggle with high pressure chances as they score more goals with low quality chances where they are not expected to score. This coincides with the fact that chances in the box are cramped chances that need to be snatched quickly and our strikers just can't do that at the moment. "

Nevada, this is so critical. Nunez esp., struggles with this and that partly is due to him lacking composure and calmness in front of goal and another one, is due to the type of abuse he gets from people who want him to fail at all costs esp. those in the media who give him NO grace at all when things don't come off for him. Then he, just lashes at things in 1 v 1 situations with so much panic in his approach play and touch cos he thinks if he misses, the sky will fall on him. It's tough.

Now can you coach composure? I don' know if you can cos either you got it or you don't. Look at Divock. IMO, the guy has ice in his veins in high pressure moments. Doesn't panic. Just takes the chance with the coolness of a polar bear's toe nails. Why? Cos his his laid back nature. As for Darwin, we may not be able to coach composure like Divock has. However, we can coach him up on how to take chances by recreating phases of play in training for him to recognise in games and then, finish the chances that way. Just a suggestion.

03 May 2024 00:24:08
If only we had a player that could regularly score 20 goals a season.
We could try to sell him to try and raise some money.
I hope that it wouldn't be another Divock Origi though. When was he ever a good finisher?



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