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01 May 2024 21:46:41
Greetings Ed001, Trust you are well. A question for you (and sorry if it puts you on the spot a bit) .

Mohammed Salah and Virgil Van Dijk. Sell this summer or extend for a year?

I have mixed feelings about both and actually can't decide.

Is it time to turn the page fully on our incredible trio of Salah, Firmino and Mane? I would say yes, for the sake of the remaining forwards on the team. Do you sell for the money? No, because 60-70 million doesn't guarantee you 20-25 goals per year, the way it used to.

I thought VVD had reached his plateau last year, but it turns out he was shaking off that lost year to injury and captaincy has raised his performances to a much higher playing level. So I would extend for another year. But then is it better to give a new head coach a clean slate to mold his team his way, starting off with the older players? Matip is leaving, and if VVD is sold, then you give Konate and Quansah a new partner on the left for the next foreseable 4-5 years? And let's not forget Gomez.

{Ed001's Note - depends on if we have replacements lined up. If so, sell. If not, then it is not an option. I would certainly expect us to be looking to phase them both out even if they stay.}

Agree0 Disagree3

01 May 2024 23:45:37
Given it’s the last season of Mo’s current contract due you think that might have a bit more of an influence on any decision the club takes in his case?

Weighing up what his market value might be against the possible lack of a direct replacement? For me, I’d sell, but the club has been pretty conservative in letting players go in recent seasons, with the exception of Hendo and Fabs last year.

{Ed001's Note - yes, I expect contract situations will be taken into account in every case when it comes to deciding on players to sell.}

01 May 2024 23:46:15
I would sell Salah and keep VVD.

Virg still wants to be here, it doesn’t appear that Salah does, so let him go.

20-30 goals per season is what he HAS achieved, not necessarily what he WILL achieve next season.

02 May 2024 06:43:30
Sell Salah, keep VVD. VVD has off days, but when he is on it he's still one of the top 3 CB's in the league and wants to be here.
Salah is diminishing, replaceable and will still hold significant value.
Ed001 - lots of talk in the last few days about Salah wanting to stay and SA clubs not wanting to buy etc. do you reckon this is all posturing or do you think Salah will run his contract down?

{Ed001's Note - Salah has never been looking to move, he has always been happy in Liverpool, as is his family, and very settled. The reason why his agent goes round trying to get him ridiculous offers is because it is his job to explore potential offers and it would need to be a ludicrous offer for him to consider a move. This is not Salah chasing a move, it is his agent trying to get him one.

I can't say how he feels at this point in the season, but at the start of the season Salah felt he had plenty more left in the tank and was not interested in moving to a retirement league just yet. That might be being reconsidered though after the way his form died on him mid-season. I don't know though so can't say.}

02 May 2024 07:42:43
If a better player is available, replace the one you have.
Salah is contracted for another season. If we offer him an extension it should benefit both him and the club. He gets the security of another season and we can get a fee if he does go next summer.
I've just got a feeling that Salah wants to play football at the highest level for another season at least.

02 May 2024 08:45:01
I would keep Virgil because his high levels have returned this season, he plays every game, without him we look lost at the back, he's our captain and I feel as though he's got another few seasons in him. I would sell Salah if we get a big offer because it looks as though his powers are diminishing (might be too soon to say this confidently) we could use the money to buy a replacement but also because as we've seen salah is not one to sit on the bench or to accept not being the star and I feel this could cause the new manager some grief. The way he handled that scrap with Klopp makes me fear for the new guy.

02 May 2024 13:18:30
Van dyke has been great this season. Despite having more partners than a sheil rd brass. I doubt this would be a conversation if we managed to stay top of the league.

02 May 2024 15:18:24
Scouse john L8, I agree and having multiple partners has not helped him overall, as we are seeing now.

02 May 2024 21:07:22
VVD has dropped off his level a bit since his was maimed by Pickford. He’s still a very good defender and will be tough to replace.

Salah has lost his pace this season which is understandable given his game is all about strength and pace. You simply can’t sustain it over a certain age.

So if someone asked me to choose who to sell it would be Mo. Mo will command a bigger fee, will free up more wages (I assume) and has had a bigger drop in his game.

I have no idea what type of player and what system Slot will look to play, it may not be the same as Feyenoord. So he may feel there’s more value in keeping an ageing Salah than VVD.

I’m not fussed either way. It’s all a clean slate with me and the new manager needs space to craft a system and a team.



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