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20 May 2024 19:34:09
I'm having trouble replying to threads. With regards to the debate on Trent moving to midfield on the basis that he'd be better than Mac Allister. Dear oh dear. Not in my opinion. To suggest a world cup winner, who is top quality in an advanced midfield role and not a number 6, can be replaced by someone who has the occasional dabble, is foolhardy. With all due respect.

And, like I've said many times on here, I don't think Elliott will ever be more than a good squad player.

Agree9 Disagree0

20 May 2024 21:27:17
You on an older Samsung by any chance? I was having all sorts of problems replying to posts on my old J6. The text used to lag as I was typing and then jump and add in whole paragraphs. Sometimes it just completely crashed my Chrome tab. Resorted to typing my replies up in another app and then pasting them in. Not having any issues on the new iPhone using Safari though tbf.

20 May 2024 22:04:55
Good squad players got us to a title win. Hendo wasn't more than a good squad player. To imply a squad player is less than a "world class" player I think is a little naive.

21 May 2024 00:39:15
So Eddy, I’ll take it a bit further. Some squad players help keep the dressing room humming as well. Whether it’s an older player, local lad, solid player or a natural leader the most successful teams are able to maintain that over prolonged periods of time.

21 May 2024 11:38:01
In fairness to Elliott Rome, I'd imagine he's a lot further along in his career than McAllister was at that age. Not saying Elliotts as good because Macca is top class but for his age Elliott has already achieved a lot. Odegaard for example at the same age was off on loan at Sociedad not pulling up any trees. Elliotts form this season has been very good for the majority of games.

21 May 2024 14:35:40
That's a good comparison, June, with Odegaard. Listen, I hope you're right about Elliott and he starts every game next season. I love it when our players prove me wrong for the better.

21 May 2024 18:32:21
I wouldn’t say Elliott has been very good for the majority of games but he has had very good moments but you’re correct. He’s still a young lad and I certainly wouldn’t be giving up on him. Just a little more consistency needed.

21 May 2024 19:06:40
Irish Rover, I've always found that playmakers like Elliott will always be based on moments. I'm probably in the minority in thinking that. But a player like Dirk can run himself ragged for a whole game and nobody bats an eyelid but then Stevie blasts one in or plays an inch perfect pass to set up a goal while being largely anonymous all game and that's what everyone remembers. I'm not saying one thing is better than the other but it's the sum of all parts. Elliott for me is a number 10 . The greats in that position, like Baggio, Bergkamp and people of that ilk never played well for 90 mins every game. But when they came alive they where the match winners. Elliott reminds me of Baggio with his touch and control, and Baggio at his best wasn't the quickest even though he was lightening when he first arrived on the scene. Get him in regularly behind a goal scorer and I think he will be the one to unlock the defences we need.

22 May 2024 00:11:00
I like Harvey Elliot, but Baggio was on another level.



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