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22 May 2024 01:29:06
I follow and read the site for a long time, haven’t been posting much. Being a Hungarian I took a special interest in Szoboszlai’s first season with the club, of course. As we all know he started off brilliantly and after his injury and Klopp’s announcement of leaving his form dipped considerably. My personal opinion is that Klopp’s decision to leave affected him more than we could think, I think he signed for LFC partly to be able to work with Klopp, I think the news of the boss leaving sort of took the wind out of his sails. Also he is similarly to Mo is a one man show in the national team and I think the Euros became a priority in his mind, maybe he didn’t want to risk being injured again, he was much more cautious towards the end of the season. I’m hoping that he will rediscover his form with Slot and shows his ability in the next season! Up the Reds.

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22 May 2024 07:03:58
Szob has looked quite nervous and low on confidence these last few months but i personally don't think he hasbeen as poor as some have made out.

I think its more his drop off has been bigger. Its more noticeable when a player goes from giving you 9 out of 10 performances to then 7's and 6's s over a player who usually gives a 7 and drops to a 6.

I've also seen it being said he's being over coached, but he came out of a pre season where he would have been getting coached every day twice a day flying but has somehow been overcoached during a part of the season when we are playing 3 games every 7 days so i can't imagine much training on the training ground is even happening.

For me it just looked that the first part of the season he was flying and everything seemed to look easy for him and when he returned from injury he didn't hit the heights and his confidence took a hit and he actually looked like he was then trying too hard.

He would literally chase lost causes which in a sense makes fans happy but in the grand scheme of things its a lost cause so not only does it consume his energy but it drags him and the team out of position.

{Ed025's Note - he started off great JK and looked a world beater in his first 7/8 games but since them he has fallen off a cliff mate, i dont know what it is but we all know there is a better player in there than what he has been showing lately, maybe it a change of culture or homesickness that is causing it and he is struggling to adapt but im just guessing..

22 May 2024 09:29:30
He’s also a one trick pony who can’t make a 5 yard pass, he had a decent shot and runs a lot but not intelligent running like hendo or milner he runs needlessly. Average player for me and same as Trent he needs to improve all the other parts of his game if he is to make it, we should have gone for wirtz instead.

22 May 2024 10:07:18
He’s playing second fiddle to Elliott at the moment. Let him earn his spot back it’s a mystery what happened though he was brilliant at the start of the season.

22 May 2024 10:14:41
You can lay Szoboszlai’s form directly at the feet of Klopp and Lijnders - it is their fault.
Szoboszlai is technically excellent, far better than we are used to, is a reliable creator and also a fairly clinical finisher. The trouble is, he also has an amazing level of speed and stamina, which clearly Klopp clicked onto quickly, so has been turned into a less experienced Jordan Henderson.
It was quite pathetic how Szoboszlai was utilized last season, and I hope Slot sees just what a player he has and uses him accordingly.

22 May 2024 10:17:56
@Simply red, which country were you captain of the national team at 21? “Average player for me”? Wow.

22 May 2024 10:44:11
“ (Szobozslai) is a one trick pony who can’t make a 5 yard pass”

This has got to be a windup from a rival fan.

22 May 2024 10:58:43
I think we overplayed him between August and Christmas. He was rarely rotated and regularly posted the top distance covered and sprint stats. The hamstring injury he got in the Newcastle home game had been coming for a while.

He then had the injury setback in January and struggled to find form after that, much like Curtis, Trent, Salah and Diaz did.

22 May 2024 13:08:14
"like Trent he needs to improve all other parts if he is to make it". Pretty sure playing for one of the best teams in the world, winning multiple trophies and playing for your country is generally classed as having made it as a footballer.

23 May 2024 11:39:05
First season in a new league - exceeded expectations for me.



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