Liverpool rumours 66928


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29 May 2024 23:55:57
Supposedly we still have interest in Colwill, with Chelsea having some difficulty with PSR.

I can't see it happening with the deal he signed but I still think he'd be quality.

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30 May 2024 07:47:41
There are better less expensive options out there than him. He always looks like he has a mistake in him as he has a tendency to switch off at vital moments, he only gets good PR because he’s English and apparently the “heir to John Terry”, according to some sections of the press, besides, why help Chelsea with their PSR issues. Let them get what’s coming to them.

30 May 2024 08:47:54
Sepp i feel will definitely be giving a chance this season after the step up he made on loan, people forget the lads still only 22 and are loans not designed to give players the experience to gain confidence and grow as players before returning to their club statistically he was one of the better defenders in the budesliga last season, it would be madness to let him go for 20 million then buy Colwil who I don’t rate are at all, he had a good loan and under 21 tournament but for me hasn’t pushed on from then, or sombody like branthwaite for 30 million or more, look how far quansah and Bradley have come on this season.

30 May 2024 09:25:16
I reckon we might see Grujic given a chance this summer as well after all he's probably completed the most loans out of any LFC player in history.

30 May 2024 10:24:23
Ye your probably right but let’s see how slot and data-influenced Edward’s and Hughes view it, had he not already been on Liverpool’s books I’d assume he’s exactly the right type of player they would be looking at.

30 May 2024 10:29:47
Grujic was sold to Porto 3 years ago.

30 May 2024 10:47:47
PSR? What’s that?

{Ed001's Note - profit & sustainability regulations - the replacement for FFP.}

30 May 2024 11:07:39
Jaydee, Branthwaite will go for a lot more than £30m. Everton want north of £80m and they won’t sell to us in any case so I’d forget any notion that he’ll ever play for us. Personally I’d rather we went for Inacio.

30 May 2024 11:29:19
Colwill looked poor in nearly every game I watched him play in once he was dropped from the team Chelsea improved. He is obviously young and has a lot to learn, not a patch on Quansah who is light years ahead in terms of development.

30 May 2024 17:15:00
NicolBecker, he wasn’t dropped, he was injured.

31 May 2024 08:15:58
Luckily for Chelsea hey Fuser! Dropped injured either way Chelsea improved with him out the side. Is your name anything to do with Diego Fuser once of Roma? Just reminded me of him.



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