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10 Nov 2023 10:33:17
Regarding last nights game. Firstly did we deserve a draw, well not in my opinion. So the disallowed goal. I thought that if the ball richochet of the body onto the upper arm it is not handball. Also the length of time between the incident and the goal seems quite lengthy. Did the VAR carry the footage on till the goal to allow the ref to judge the timing. Also I am sure the ref pointed to the centre circle to give the goal before going to the VAR screen.

Agree2 Disagree0

10 Nov 2023 11:11:30
I never understand this comment of 'we didn't deserve a draw anyway. ' pretty sure if you score the same amount of goals as the opposition, you deserve the result.

10 Nov 2023 11:18:21
It’s ruined any excitement or enjoyment in a game I have loved for nearly 30 years.

Drop it for subjective calls and keep it for when the ref wants to use it, his call if he wants to check something. It should be an assistance not making us all wait 5 minutes to find a reason for a goal not to stand.

I thought last night the ball hit his chest then his hand, it certainly isn’t a clear and obvious error and no where near effecting the goal. I think they had a chance to clear in between so why they went so far back is a mystery.

VAR isn’t working and needs to change but it won’t whilst clubs are happy when it’s in their favour but cry when it’s not. Us included. Call it as it is and all football fans need to band together and fix our sport.

10 Nov 2023 11:32:09
So the disallowed goal. I thought that if the ball richochet of the body onto the upper arm it is not handball

Got one against spurs in the CL final.

10 Nov 2023 13:13:27
Seriously Stuie
There are games when you can play poorly and win. Then there are games when you play poorly and lose. Do you really think that performance last night deserves a point. If you do then you have set a very low bar.
Oh and by the way we didn't score the same amount of goals as them. Bear in mind our first goal was an OG and they had 2 further goals disallowed by VAR.
Would you be happy playing like that week in and week out but getting draws. Even Jurgen agreed that we did not deserve anything.

10 Nov 2023 13:19:47
I think in the Spurs game it hit both body and arm at the same time. Also taking the ball towards the goal.

10 Nov 2023 14:02:39
Gaga, we deserved the loss, 100% IMO. >Toulouse played better than we did and the embarrassing thing was that they did not have to do anything extraordinary cos we were playing right into their hands tactically and our attitude and body language stank, IMO. Hats off to them.

On the other hand, it is possible that we could have stole a point cos we know your performance does not equal a win, loss or draw. You can play well and loss ab play terrible and win or draw. The VAR did a doo-doo on Quansah's goal cos based on UEFA's own handball rule, if the ball hits you chest first and then your arm, it is not handball. They changesd the rule after the CL final when we beat Spurs. The goal should have stood even tho, we were terrible.

10 Nov 2023 15:45:20
Agree OliRed
I am sure we have all watched games, Stuie included, when we have either won or drawn and thought we got away with one there. The telling comment you made was "that we could have stolen a point. And this was with what was on paper a decent line up.

10 Nov 2023 16:09:26
Gaga, I agree. the linup on paper wasn't bad overall. the issue was that they did not seem to have any intention applying themselves and match the intensity Toulouse was bringing all game and we got battered esp. in terms of actual play and trus me, 3-2 flattered us cos it coulda/ shoulda been worse.

And one more thing. Hats off to the Toulouse crowd who absolutely brought it. The deserved their win and congrats to them, wholeheartedly.

10 Nov 2023 16:53:09
If our second goal stood, its a draw and by the rules, its deserved as the whole point of football is to score goals. There is no rule on how that should be done.
If the second goal stood, would you protest and refuse the point on the basis that it wasn't deserved?

{Ed025's Note - and if my aunty had balls she would be my uncle stuie.. :)

10 Nov 2023 18:07:53
Ed025 your aunty doesn't even need balls now adays to be your uncle ?.

{Ed025's Note - I never thought of that Sz. Good point mate..

10 Nov 2023 19:38:53
You are missing the point Stuie. When the Quansah goal went in I was off my chair and celebrating. I would happily have taken the point regardless of the poor performance. At no point was my thought nah give Toulouse the 3 points. But sometimes you have to admit that the performance doesn't always match the result. In this case it does because Toulouse deserved the win whether if finished 3-2 or 3-3. Come on Ed025 explain it to Stuie.

10 Nov 2023 19:41:54
By the way in an interview with Joe Gomez after the game he admitted that Liverpool didn't deserve any thing from the game. And he was playing.

10 Nov 2023 23:10:52
Gaga, Macca said the exact same thing after the game.



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