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21 Feb 2024 22:53:05
Apparently Bayern also want alonso at the end of the season. Without any bias, I cannot see any reason for him to choose Bayern over us. He would tarnish his relationship with the Leverkusen fans, Bayern have a reputation for not giving managers time if things are not going well and I genuinely think his relationship with Liverpool will be the biggest reason for him picking us.

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21 Feb 2024 23:25:34
My thoughts exactly JK but I don’t know Alonso and don’t know what’s going through his head.

We’ll see how it goes but there is always a third option of him not wanting to abandon his Leverkusen team 18 months into the job.

21 Feb 2024 23:42:27
JKR, what will be, will be.

21 Feb 2024 23:47:51
In Bayern he will win trophy's though. So the easy way to build his manager career would be Bayern.

22 Feb 2024 00:14:43
He played with Bayern and I think won plenty with them so I would assume he has an affinity with them as well as us.

I hope he chooses us but I wouldn't hold it against him to go to Bayern.

22 Feb 2024 01:55:11
@JK_RED, as a Liverpool fan mate, I’d be surprised and disappointed if you weren’t biased. I don’t think us worrying about it is going to influence Xabi and any decision he might feel he has to make.

22 Feb 2024 04:52:35
To win the title with Leverkusen and then go to the club that’s dominated German football for a decade just to do it all again with more resources seems fairly pointless, I’d actually be disappointed in Alonso if he did that.

22 Feb 2024 07:13:44
Im more worried about the pull that Real have over him.

Even if it’s not next season then it could be the season after or every season after that.

We’ve seen players use clubs as a stepping stone to Real and Barcelona and let’s hope if we get Alonso then it’s for a long haul and not a flying visit on route to Madrid.

22 Feb 2024 09:33:24
If it is Xabi's wish to manage LFC (something he has said repeatedly going back to 2018) then, it is a possibility that he would take the job cos he may think it will never come around to him in the future.

He may also think the job is too big for him right now and stay at Bayer and hope the opportunity comes around again. Like I said, what will be, will be even tho, I want Xabi to be our manager. It's not in our hands, at the end of the day.

22 Feb 2024 10:29:24
Will he have the minerals to take over from klopp or will he take the easy option of Munich?



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